Become a Fairy

Chapter 1039 Secret Whereabouts

However, although Lu Xiaotian was extremely alert in his heart, he did not panic at all, and calmly searched over and over again with his divine sense.

Who is so good at concealment? Lu Xiaotian kept looking at the surrounding environment, several sub-primordial spirits were in the sky and underground, and all the places were not leaked. Although he still can't achieve the point of leaking, but within a certain distance, he is a great monk. It is not easy to be seamless.

Maybe it's underground, if Ziye Zhenwu is still sleeping, I can't use Ziye Zhenwu to detect a deeper place underground for the time being.

Lu Xiaotian was secretly feeling a little annoyed, and suddenly he let out a sigh in his heart, and still did not see any other monks, or signs of demon cultivators, but Lu Xiaotian discovered a very strange thing. In the northwest, at a distance of about five or six miles, there seemed to be a redundant small soil bag among the several small raised mounds. The radius of this small soil bag was less than one zhang.

Before that, Lu Xiaotian's assistant spirit had searched in this direction several times, but Lu Xiaotian was a little skeptical at this time. Not entirely sure. But after all, I became a little suspicious, and while I was still vigilant about potential enemies around me, I also secretly paid attention to the location of this mound.

In the case that the enemy has not yet activated, Lu Xiaotian has no idea of ​​using the real phantom ice pupil for the time being. After all, the real phantom ice pupil consumes the mana in the magic orb. After a certain number of times, it will take a certain amount of time to recover. As a last resort, Lu Xiaotian didn't want to waste this incomparably precious magic orb skill, and keeping it for emergencies is still a good backup after all.

And in Lu Xiaotian's subconscious mind, the skills of the magic beads, after all, still come from the magic beads, and are not skills that he can really control. As he advances, this kind of skills will have the opportunity to be used again in the future. In a fundamental sense, the skills of magic beads cannot be completely regarded as their own strength.

If one can use one's own soul and combat experience to make a correct judgment, it is undoubtedly the most reliable.

Lu Xiaotian thought about it, the eight-legged magic bull beast, Luo Qian, and Qiao Lan fought against the old man with the goatee and the middle-aged man with the bald head. The old man and the middle-aged man gradually couldn't hold on. It seemed that they didn't wait for the expected help, and their faces gradually faded. There was a bit of panic. His eyes gradually drifted around.

Lu Xiaotian sneered, and the expressions of the two undoubtedly confirmed his judgment even more. And under his secret attention, he found that the small dirt bag that seemed to be extra had disappeared, and instead, there was a stone a few feet high under a tree that was as thick as several people hugged.

"It's really strange." Lu Xiaotian sneered. By now, the matter is undoubtedly clearer, and he doesn't know whether the other party is a human or a monster, and his ability to hide his whereabouts is so superb.

Lu Xiaotian can find out where the other party is now, but he relies on the strength and carefulness of Yuanshen. It's not really breaking the opponent's method. It can be said that there is a bit of luck in it.

In fact, Lu Xiaotian was extremely shocked in his heart, he had already discovered the other party's whereabouts, but with his strength of primordial spirit, he couldn't even see what the other party's body was.

Could it be that the other party used some treasure to fail?

"Lord Xin, save me!" The old man with goat beard couldn't hold on at first. Under the attack of the eight-legged monster, he was hit hard in the chest with a hammer, and his whole body was smashed to pieces by the huge stone hammer. , The eight-legged magic bull beast rolled its mouth, and rolled the broken body of the goat-bearded old man into its mouth. Faintly, a layer of bloody light appeared on the surface of the eight-legged magic cow beast.

The Nascent Soul of the goat-bearded old man escaped from the broken body in panic, and was not sucked into the mouth by the eight-legged magic cow.

It’s just that Lu Xiaotian noticed this scene early on. For capturing the Yuanshen, together with the Yuanying, Lu Xiaotian believes that there are few monks of the same rank, and the Yuanying of the same rank who can escape from him is also the Yuanshen. It is very few. After preparing for a long time, how could the Nascent Soul of the old man with goat beards be allowed to escape.

A soul arresting net was under the control of Lu Xiaotian Yuanshen, neither faster nor slower, just blocking the way behind the fleeing Nascent Soul of the goat-bearded old man.

"Want to leave, but it's not so easy." Lu Xiaotian let out a long laugh, his figure was like a shadow, and he swept across the ground a few times, blocking the other direction where the old man with goatee beard, Yuan Ying, was escaping. At this time, Lu Xiaotian's body was not far from the extra stone under the tree. And it is against this potential enemy.

Lu Xiaotian didn't seem to notice the vision behind him at all, he just stretched out his finger and cast out another soul arresting net. Capturing Nascent Soul is not easier than killing a monk of the same level, just like the eight-legged magic bull beast, with his strength, it is not a problem to kill one or two early-stage monks of the Nascent Soul, but although the eight-legged magic cow is After killing the goat-bearded old man, even if he had some means in his hands, it was too late to use them against the fleeing Nascent Soul.

At this time, in order to hold this Nascent Soul, Lu Xiaotian could reserve a sufficient number of Human Race Nascent Souls for his Blood Cauldron Demon Refining Formation. At least at this time, Lu Xiaotian seemed to have consumed most of his energy.

And when Lu Xiaotian controlled the soul arresting net to arrest the old man with goat beard, the abrupt rock under the tree not far from Lu Xiaotian behind him suddenly exploded, and a middle-aged woman with a sallow complexion and cold eyes shot out, Several crystal knives that seemed to be wrapped in smoke rushed towards Lu Xiaotian, and the smoke wrapped around them gave people a strange feeling that seemed virtual and real.

The soul-holding net just covers the Nascent Soul of the old man with goat beard in the net. It doesn't take much mana to control the soul-holding net, just use the sub-primordial spirit to control it. While arresting the goat-bearded old man Yuanying just now, Lu Xiaotian deliberately turned his back on the stone.

It is to let the other party take the initiative to attack. Although Lu Xiaotian is aware of the other party's whereabouts, he is still extremely afraid of this extremely mysterious enemy. If he takes the initiative to attack, Lu Xiaotian is not sure that he will succeed in one fell swoop, so he uses the capture of Yuanying to attract others. Take the initiative.

The middle-aged woman thought that she was about to succeed, the sword energy rose vertically and horizontally, and the eight misty flying swords fell down like pillars from the sky, and the middle-aged woman in white who was about to strike suddenly and the short knives that exuded the smog suddenly fell. cover up.

Lu Xiaotian has been accumulating momentum for a long time, and once the sword array is activated, it bursts out with extremely powerful power. The surrounding mana surged, and the sword qi going back and forth criss-crossed at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, and strangled several smoke short knives back and forth. Clang, clang, the sound of swords clashing endlessly.

The middle-aged woman in white yelled inwardly. Before she could fully react, the sword had struck hundreds of times. The silver-haired young man's flying sword was extremely sharp, and he was caught off guard by the opponent's sword array. Several short knives faintly came out An unstoppable crooning sound.

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