Become a Fairy

Chapter 1037 Wu Ziyuan Falls

However, at this time, his control over the sword array has reached a certain level. When he is impacted by the explosion, the damage of the eight flying swords switches between each other, and the damage is limited. The understanding of the sword array is not enough, after being plotted by the Cave Ape and Ghost King, the sword array cannot be used for a short period of time because of the damage.

At this time, the Piaomiao sword array can still be used, but it is slightly damaged, and it can be refined again after a little sacrificial refining. At this time, Lu Xiaotian is more and more eager to get more Nirvana Sword Youlan, once the remaining few sword beads are sacrificed with Nirvana Sword Youlan, this situation will not be easily encountered again.

It was just now that he had been dormant for so long, and it was another sneak attack, and it was a multi-pronged attack, thunderbolt fire thunder beads, fire luan phantom spirit, and Piaomiao sword array. With the full assistance of Luo Qian and the eight-legged magic bull beast, not to mention being escaped by the flying snow demon clam, he even hurt himself.

While Lu Xiaotian's heart was shaking, he also raised a little bit of vigilance. He originally thought that the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, or the eleventh-level demon cultivator, was not too much of a threat to him, but now it seems that this is not the case. With the help of Qian and the eight-legged magic bull beast, facing such a powerful Feixue Yaoha, I'm afraid it will be a hard fight. Even a sneak attack can't keep the opponent, and using other means may not be able to kill him.

Now that Feixue Yaoha has been seriously injured, if he doesn't take this opportunity to completely kill the opponent, let alone when.

Lu Xiaotian sacrificed the Bat King's Fayi, his body flew forward, and followed the direction where Feixue Yaoha fled.

Little did they know that while Lu Xiaotian was astonished at the strength of the Flying Snow Demon Clam, the Eight-legged Demon Bull Beast was even more astonished, and this shock came from Lu Xiaotian. He originally thought that Lu Xiaotian would be seriously injured in such a powerful explosion just now, but Looking at the situation in front of him, although there was a bloodshot at the corner of Lu Xiaotian's mouth, it didn't look like he was seriously injured at all.

It seems that the ancient silver battle armor on the opponent's body just now is also extraordinary. The eight-legged magic bull beast and Luo Qian looked at each other, and followed closely.

"Grandma, that dead toad still has today. Didn't you enjoy chasing me and Brother Luo just now? Now let him know what it means to have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth!"

It's just that the speed of Feixue Yaoha is really not slow, plus the battle with Lu Xiaotian and others just now, Feixue Yaoha is really afraid of Lu Xiaotian's sword formation, after being attacked by Lu Xiaotian, he is afraid of being trapped in the sword formation, Feixue Only then did Yaoha suddenly make the decision to blew up its body.

After the self-explosion, Feixue Yaoha's speed dropped by half, so it didn't dare to stay longer, it just wanted to escape back to its life-saving lair as soon as possible and recover its vitality as soon as possible. At this time, the Flying Snow Demon Clam has become a frightened bird, how dare it delay for a while, after self-explosion, it activated the secret technique again, and the speed increased again, and only then did Lu Xiaotian and the others move away by a certain distance.

There is a vast expanse of white ice and snow all around, and night has come. Even monk Nascent Soul couldn't see too far.

Lu Xiaotian felt a little helpless about this, he didn't expect Feixue Yaoha to escape so quickly.

"Brother Niu, may you find out where the Flying Snow Clam escaped?" After losing the trace of the Flying Snow Clam, Lu Xiaotian looked at the eight-legged Demonic Cow and asked.

"The breath of this ghost place is too mixed. If it's a different place, it's still a little bit possible. Now I'm powerless." The eight-legged magic cow spread its arms helplessly.

Luo Qian was also silent, and he really couldn't help with this kind of problem.

Lu Xiaotian frowned, patted the spirit animal bag, and a little white dog about a foot long flew out of it. His body shivered in such a freezing environment.

Lu Xiaotian directly popped a few drops of Baihualu, the little white dog barked happily, and swallowed the Baihualu whole, and the little white dog's body suddenly returned to the kind of comfort it used to be.

Lu Xiaotian gave the little white dog the order to search for the Flying Snow Demon Clam. In this environment, the spirit chasing dog Xiaobai consumed Baihualu several times more than before, but Lu Xiaotian was not short of this Baihualu. There are no less than thousands of kinds of spiritual flowers cultivated, and it is completely possible to prepare more superior Baihualu.

As long as the Flying Snow Clam can be traced, this consumption is naturally worthwhile. Lu Xiaotian is not only interested in the Flying Snow Clam's primordial spirit, but also the Snow Clam Orb, which has a miraculous effect on curing cold poison. And after joining Luo Qian and the eight-legged magic bull beast in front of him, his strength has greatly increased, so naturally he doesn't need to be as afraid of the monsters here as before. Under the combination of the three, the ordinary eleventh-order monsters are hard to resist.

By the way, I'm really stupid. Didn't I use the little white dog to find the whereabouts of Wu Ziyuan and Qiao Lan? Why didn't I think of it before. Lu Xiaotian patted his forehead, secretly thinking that he was careless.

After reacting, Lu Xiaotian gave the little white dog new instructions again.

As a spirit chasing dog, the little white dog has no combat power, but when it comes to finding people, Lu Xiaotian and Luo Qian are two nascent soul monks, and the eight-legged magic cow beast, which is a tenth-level monster, can't find it. Let the little white dog find it. It's just that when they found Wu Ziyuan, the faces of the three of them were not very good-looking.

At this time, Wu Ziyuan's body had been hung on a stone wall not more than a few feet above the ground, and there were several clear claw marks on his neck. And the chest was pierced by an ice pick directly from the back to the front chest. At this time, Wu Ziyuan was already dead.

"There are not many traces of fighting techniques nearby. It seems that the demon cultivator who killed Fellow Daoist Wu is quite powerful." Luo Qian said in a deep voice. No matter what, Wu Ziyuan finally helped Lingxiao Palace in the battle between humans and ghosts, and saved many low-level monks in Lingxiao Palace. At this time, Luo Qian died unexpectedly, and Luo Qian's face was naturally not good-looking.

"Find Qiao Lan first, and Feixue Yaoha will let it go temporarily." Lu Xiaotian said in a deep voice. After all, they entered the secret realm together. At this time, Wu Ziyuan fell, and Lu Xiaotian was not in a good mood. Compared to taking off the snow demon toad, saving Qiao Lan is relatively more important.

After receiving Lu Xiaotian's instructions, the little white dog gave up searching for the whereabouts of the Feixue demon toad and started looking for Qiao Lan. The eight-legged demonic cow secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Although he had already known Lu Xiaotian to a certain extent before, but instead of cleaning up the eleventh-order Feixue clam, he chose to go to Qiao Lan first, which would inevitably make him feel embarrassed. Taking a look, it seems that my choice is not wrong at all.

Not long after, led by the little white dog, on a glacier, Qiao Lan, who was wearing a colorful dress, was torn into pieces, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin on his chest and back, and those who besieged him were An old man with a broad face and a goatee, a middle-aged man with a bald head and black clothes. They are both in the early stage of Yuanying, and their strength is still inferior to Qiao Lan. Although the two attacks are taking over from each other, the combat power is not bad, but logically speaking, Qiao Lan should not be so embarrassed. Could there be someone else nearby? Such a thought flashed through Lu Xiaotian's mind, and he sent sound transmissions to Luo Qian and the eight-legged monster, signaling them to be careful.

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