Become a Fairy

Chapter 1030 Goodbye Dikun

In the first level of Cloud Gate, inside and outside the gate, there are two diametrically opposed worlds. From the moment he stepped into the Cloud Gate, Lu Xiaotian felt as if his foot was on the ground, and his body fell sharply, with the sound of whistling wind in his ears. Fine flakes of snow fell from the sky. Looking around, there is a vast expanse of whiteness under your feet.

What surprised Lu Xiaotian even more was that since entering Cloud Gate, Luo Qian, the eight-legged monster, Wu Ziyuan, and Qiao Lan all disappeared.

Could it be that everyone will be teleported to a different place after entering this Cloud Gate? The eight-legged magic cow beast didn't tell me this before.

Lu Xiaotian was a little puzzled, and he didn't know whether the eight-legged magic cow knew about this matter or not.

"Forget it, since it's here, let's be safe." Lu Xiaotian calmed down, only felt that the wind and snow around him were extremely cold, and even with his cultivation base, he felt a burst of coolness going straight into his pores.

After a burst of magic power, the coolness was dispelled.

"The most urgent thing is to find Luo Qian and others first." Lu Xiaotian thought to himself, searching carefully along the way, occasionally encountering a few ice spirit stones, or other spiritual objects, there is no need to take too much risk, Lu Xiaotian will also get it easily Within the enchantment.

In a valley full of cliffs everywhere, in a forest covered by ice crystals, Lu Xiaotian walked alone. Suddenly, a silver-gray figure flashed, and a trace of surprise flashed in Lu Xiaotian's eyes. I couldn't be more familiar with it. With the head of a tiger and the body of a leopard, with three tails behind it, and a cluster of colorful feathers on its forehead, it looks extremely eye-catching, and its crystal red eyes are cold and arrogant.

Flying Silver Corpse Emperor Kun! Or it is more appropriate to call it a dragon and lion. It's just that the aura of the dragon and lion in front of him is already at the tenth level, and it seems that it has been a few years since he entered the tenth level.

Lu Xiaotian looked happy, Di Kun had fought side by side with him for many years, he was very familiar with him, just as the other party appeared, Lu Xiaotian recognized that it was the one he tamed back then. Later, when it came to the Jushi clan, Emperor Kun, as the inherited holy beast of the Jushi clan, was sent to the Holy Land. Get the dragon and lion inheritance. I saw the image of the Jushi clan before, since the Jushi clan entered this place, it is not surprising that Di Kun appeared.

Lu Xiaotian separated from Di Kun at this point. From the scene of Huan Bingfeng, Lu Xiaotian learned that the Jushi clan also entered this secret realm. Di Kun has now broken through to the tenth level, and it is understandable to enter this secret realm together.

It's just that the joy on Lu Xiaotian's face just flashed, seeing Di Kun's angry, indifferent eyes full of murderous intent, he was stunned for a moment, then Lu Xiaotian's expression returned to normal, and he said unhurriedly, "As expected, I got it." Dragon and lion inheritance, it seems that not only your strength has increased, but your memory has also been restored."

"Why, are you disappointed that my memory has recovered?" Di Kun's animal face showed a somewhat humane sneer.

"There is one thing, what do you want?" Lu Xiaotian looked at Di Kun again. When he parted with Di Kun, he still felt a little bit reluctant. After all, we fought together, lived and died together, but I didn't expect to meet again. It turned out to be the current situation.

"I want you to die!" The killing intent on Di Kun's body erupted like a volcano, blowing a gust of wind in the snow-covered valley. Those monsters moving in the ice and snow scattered and fled, fearing that they would not be able to escape them.

The silver-gray figure flickered, and there was still Di Kun's figure in place, and the strong wind had already blown towards his face.

Lu Xiaotian was startled, he didn't expect that after Di Kun's promotion, he would come to such a point, even his Bat King's Wings might be a bit worse than him.

hum! Lu Xiaotian sacrificed the Piaomiao sword array without hesitation, and the eight flying swords ding ding ding shot towards Di Kun. No matter how fast the opponent is, it is still not as fast as his flying sword.

Soon, a scene that shocked Lu Xiaotian even more appeared, eight Piaomiao flying swords slashed at Di Kun one after another. Di Kun's body surface didn't seem to have any abnormalities, and he was unscathed!

To actually use the physical body to forcibly shake his Piaomiao Feijian, even a tenth-level physical cultivation, is nothing more than that! Lu Xiaotian squinted his eyes, and with his keen insight, he could naturally see that Di Kun's body trembled a few times after receiving these sword strikes. It seemed that it was not as easy as he imagined.

That's right. Lu Xiaotian sneered, although he had a lot of expectations before this, but since he made a move, he was the enemy. Lu Xiaotian stretched out his left hand and closed it slightly, the eight flying swords that were divided into eight directions each emitted eerie sword light, hesitating.

The sword light rushed into the night, like eight huge pillars of spiritual light, moving back and forth vertically and horizontally, wrapping Di Kun inside. For a moment, the sword light was like a curtain, cutting towards Di Kun like an overwhelming mountain.

Di Kun's body moved slightly, and the three tails behind him waved like phantoms. Even with the strength of Lu Xiaotian's spiritual sense, he couldn't see it clearly. It can be seen how fast the other party's reaction speed is. The three tails actually held Lu Xiaotian's Piaomiao flying sword directly.

Di Kun's crystal red eyes were full of anger. When he was at the peak of the sixth rank, it was fine to be suppressed by this human race in front of him. Now that he has grown to the tenth rank, he still can't get much advantage.

"Roar!" Di Kun roared, and the extremely thick silver corpse aura gushed out from his body, and Di Kun stood up like a human race. The thick silver corpse gas quickly formed a layer of strange battle armor on the body surface, enveloping his entire body. Some are similar to the Taihao battle armor cultivated by Lu Xiaotian, but the Piao Miao flying sword did not leave any marks on it, which shows that it is much stronger than the Tai Hao battle armor. It is a battle armor formed from corpse aura.

At this time, the Flying Silver Corpse took the shape of a human as a whole, with its front paws stretched out, and the sharp claws on it stretched out long. Swiping the claws towards the void, the turbulent corpse energy rolled, forming a savage soldier, beheading Lu Xiaotian.

At the same time, Di Kun's figure flickered, and he disappeared directly from the spot. Lu Xiaotian was startled. Di Kun's escape method seemed not to have the constraints of Zixiao Fire Escape Technique. It seems that after getting the inheritance of the dragon and lion, Di Kun not only broke through to the tenth level, but also obtained a lot of secret skills.

It's just that the evasion technique that monk Yuanying can use should not be too far apart. His Zixiao fire evasion technique cannot pass through other obstacles, and Di Kun's evasion technique must be the same.

With a thought in Lu Xiaotian's mind, a large amount of Vatican spirit fire gushed out from his body, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​flames within tens of feet. The churning Vatican spirit fire directly wrapped the evil soldiers captured by Di Kun, disappearing them into nothingness.

In the middle of the spiritual fire, there was a surge, as expected, when Di Kun passed through the sea of ​​flames and wanted to attack Lu Xiaotian at close range, he was stopped by Lu Xiaotian with the spiritual fire, the escape method failed, and he showed his original shape. It's just that it only made Di Kun appear, and the speed of Di Kun at this time is still astonishing.

The tumbling Vatican spirit fire did not cause much damage to Di Kun. With a twist of the flying sword in the air, Di Kun was once again shrouded in the sword array.

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