Become a Fairy

Chapter 103 Golden Core Patriarch

Within an hour, more than ten disciples came one after another, Lu Xiaotian counted the number, and the number of disciples who entered the Scarlet Forbidden Area in the entire Qinglian Peak area was twenty-nine.

After the number of people arrived, two sword lights, one blue and one red, fell straight down from the top of Qinglian Peak. The black robe fluttered and the eyebrows of the person who came were like swords. It was Wu Chengzu, the number one master in the foundation-building period of Qinglian Peak. . Lu Xiaotian didn't know the other girl in the red skirt, but she must be one of the most important people in Qinglian Peak to stand side by side with Wu Chengfeng.

"Is everyone here?" Wu Chengfeng asked.

"There are still two people left." Ruqun woman said.

"Master Huo and Master Lei are already in the main hall of the main palace. If you haven't come, you don't have to wait. Let's start now and rush to the main hall of the main palace." Wu Chengzu nodded and stood up with his sword, "All disciples, follow me to the main hall of the main palace." !"

Following Wu Chengzu's two foundation-builder monks rising up with their swords, the twenty-nine disciples released their spirit birds, and the main hall of the main palace was not allowed to enter at all under normal circumstances. All the disciples looked excited, and Lu Xiaotian was also somewhat curious about this fairy palace hall. However, when he was riding on the spirit crane, he was more thinking about how to deal with the matter with Qian Xu later. It would be fine to pay back a Qian Xu. The problem is that he offended Luo Qian to death. Once the two join forces, he has no strength to contend. Already possessing two spiritual weapons in his hand, Lu Xiaotian felt a little bit of pride in his heart, thinking that no matter how difficult and dangerous the Scarlet Forbidden Land is, he would have a little bit of self-protection power. After the battle with the hooked-nosed old man, Lu Xiaotian's arrogance was completely destroyed. The world of cultivating immortals is so vast that talented people and strangers emerge in endlessly. Arrogance at any time may kill oneself.

The main hall of Lingxiao Palace is simple and grand, with two huge stone lions squatting on the mountain path. On the winding and rugged mountain road is a huge stone arch with the three characters of Lingxiao Palace on it. Lu Xiaotian just took a second look, and felt an invincible sword intent raging in his mind. Startled, he quickly looked away. Glancing at it, the other monks were also pale, and they seemed to be affected a lot.

Passing through the stone gate, in the wide square of the main palace, there is a huge spaceship floating about fifty or sixty feet long and ten feet wide. On both sides of the spaceship, there is a square movable plank, and there seems to be something blocking it. The two gray-clothed old men at the bow, one tall and one fat, are no different from ordinary people. They can't feel any fluctuations in mana, but no one will really treat the two old men as ordinary people. Afterwards, a row of more than thirty foundation-building monks respectfully Standing in the back, not daring to take a breath,

"Flying Kite Battleship!" Not only Lu Xiaotian and his disciples were surprised, but even Wu Chengfeng's two Foundation Establishment cultivators were surprised from ear to ear.

"Why, Chengzu, who has always been calm in dealing with things, also has this expression?" The red-faced old man at the head said with a smile.

"Uncle Huo, Uncle Lei." Wu Chengfeng came back to his senses, and the two Foundation Establishment cultivators of Qinglian Peak saluted one after another.

"I've met Master Huo and Master Lei." Qian Xu, Peng Dayong and others saluted with trembling voices. They didn't know whether it was excitement or fear. After entering Lingxiao Palace for so long, the Jindan Patriarch has always been rumored. Now Fang has a chance to see.

"This time, the Ancient Sword Sect and the Qingdan Palace dispatched large flying warships. Our Lingxiao Palace is not as powerful as these master cultivators. At least we have to bring some things out to support our appearance. We can't let these sects underestimate us." The fatter Lei Wantian smiled and urged, "Okay, let's get on the boat, and we can start our journey when the Lingtian Peak, which is a little further away, arrives."

"Yes, Uncle Lei." Wu Chengzu responded, and privately transmitted a voice transmission to the disciples of Qinglian Peak, "After boarding the boat, everyone should settle down. No matter who they are, if they dare to make mistakes, they will be severely punished. !"

"I don't even know each other when I'm on the boat, what can I do if I'm restless."

Lu Xiaotian muttered to himself. Wu Chengzu's attitude, as well as Qian Xu and others not daring to show their arrogance, made him feel a little funny. Wu Chengzu's master of the peak, usually for these disciples in the refining period, is already a high mountain. A normal existence, but I didn't expect to meet the Jindan Patriarch in the palace gate, and he was like a good baby. In the strict hierarchy in the world of cultivating immortals, if you want to straighten your waist, the only thing you can rely on is eternal strength.

A while later, the last wave of disciples from Lingtian Peak Region arrived, Lu Xiaotian's heart shuddered, Luo Qian was indeed among the disciples who rushed over. While he was looking at Luo Qian, Luo Qian also swept over with hostility. Qian Xu secretly smiled when he saw the exchange of eyes between the two.

It seems that this trip to the Scarlet Forbidden Land is not destined to be peaceful. Compared with Luo Qian, Lu Xiaotian is actually a little more prepared for the gloomy Qian Xu, but the current situation is already like this, plain worry is useless, while there is still some time, Lu Xiaotian will snatch it from the old woman. He sacrificed his Shadowless Needle in order to increase his strength as much as possible.

The flying kite warship was extremely fast, and the clouds quickly receded under the ship. The mountains under the eyelids are as small as black spots. Usually, even if they ride a spirit bird, Qi Refining cultivators would not dare to fly so high. At first some disciples couldn't help looking down the boat to see the undulating mountains below and the miracle of the Creator. But after two or three days, I lost interest and felt bored on the boat, but there were not only the foundation-builder cultivators on board, but also the Jindan Patriarch.

"Chengzu, I don't see how many good seedlings you have in Qinglian Peak." Lei Wantian saw that most of his disciples were either looking around or bored, but there was Peng Dayong in Qinglian Peak, Lu Xiaotian waited four or five The man sat on one side and meditated, he couldn't help but nodded and said.

"These disciples are really hardworking, but it's a pity that their aptitude is a bit poor, otherwise they are really good talents." Wu Chengfeng frowned and said, looking at Lu Xiaotian and the others.

"You, in fact, cultivation is mysterious and mysterious. Spiritual root and chance are important, but the spiritual root of a person with great achievements is second. What can really last a person's life is his perseverance, that indomitable spirit. Forget about your own talent, and focus on the Tao. If you can understand this point, when the opportunity arrives, you will be able to form an alchemy. If you can't understand it, you may not be able to grasp the opportunity when it arrives." Lei Wantian corrected.

"Chengzu has been taught." Wu Chengzu nodded thoughtfully.

"Let's realize it slowly. In fact, the people above told me this." Lei Wantian waved his hand, signaling Wu Chengzu to back down.

The Flying Kite warship has been flying at high altitude for several days, and it is already tens of thousands of miles away from Lingxiao Palace. All the Qi Refining Stage disciples, and even the Foundation Establishment disciples don't know how long the Flying Kite Battleship will fly. I saw dozens of flying warships parked in the sky in the distance.

Among them, the two largest ones, the one in the middle is about one hundred and tens of feet, with a blue flag fluttering in the wind, and the towers in the center of the flying warship are the first sect in the world of Wangyue Xiuxian, the ancient sword. Zong's warship.

The other one with almost the same shape is the flying warship of Qingdan Palace. There are many monks on it.

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