Chapter 302 The Curse of Wait-and-See, the Surprise of the Night!!

The huge suction force generated by the entrance of the subway station is huge, and non-magicians who cannot skillfully use the spell power will be swept up if they stand in the open air without the help of the spell master.

Even if he hid in the building and was fortunate not to be involved, why didn’t so many reformers find him?

Before coming here, Worry had dealt with several reformers who were wandering on the periphery and had low combat effectiveness.

Ten thousand steps back, even if he was really lucky enough to avoid the previous two disasters, why would he be so calm, even… Gu San?

On that white Han suit, not to mention stains, even the silk folds can not be seen, where is it like an ordinary person fleeing for his life in a hurry?

Countless questions arose in his worried mind, but the hand that had originally cast the spell was also released.

With the worries of crossing many battlefields, it is natural to perceive danger and killing intent.

He did not feel any hostility in this sudden appearance, and the first impression given to him by the latter could even be described as harmless to humans and animals.

That soft and fresh, long and quiet atmosphere, people can’t help but let down their guard.

“You are…”

“Lin Chuan, as you can see, is a little Um’s survivor teenager who briefly introduced himself.”

Ai Hayasaka on one side was about to continue the question, and the latter had already walked to their side.

“How about a little let?”

As the teenager spoke, he stood by the floor-to-ceiling window like them and cast his eyes to the bottom.

On the battlefield, tall women dressed in black hold long axes and constantly kill living enemies.

The blooming black mandalas have taken countless lives, and around them, there are corpses and blood stains of reformed people.

The black crow hovered around her, shielding her from the sneak attacks of the reformers around her.

“This is what… Spellcasters’ battles…”

Looking at this scene in a daze, Hui Ye asked timidly.

The environment in which they live is more sinister than ordinary people, but the impact of putting life and death on the table so bloodily has completely subverted the common sense that Yemen previously believed.

The unbelievably fast movements dazzled them, and in just one instant, the attack and defense had been carried out at least three times!

The interval between the white-knife battles, mixed with dodges, and the supporting attacks of the hovering crows, can be said to have taken their style to the extreme.

“It’s just a small scene, and in the battlefield that my sister and I have experienced together, it is nothing at all.”

The worry on the side said so, but the slight pride in his eyes revealed his true thoughts.


Lin Chuan seemed to be a little interested in hearing this.

“Then surely you know all the details of your sister’s battle?”

“Of course.”

The worried head lifted slightly.

“I happen to have a little question for you.”

“What’s the problem?”

Worried subconsciously said.

“It’s about battlefield cleaning and the like, and when this flock of crows runs out, will they give the corpses of these things on the ground as rations?”

Lin Chuan pointed to the indescribable mass of blood-colored corpses left behind after the battle.

“You see, aren’t crows scavengers?” So eating those things is definitely no problem, right? This also saved the money for raising crows, and even if it was the best use of this word, a few people in the night were in a mess. ”

This person’s thinking circuit seems to be somewhat different from normal people.

In fact, not only the Hui Ye women, but even the worries were speechless, but the reason was not the same as the previous ones.

Because a long time ago, he did indeed mention a similar idea.

However, since most of the mantras were composed of spell power and did not have a real physical body, they gave up.

At that time, I was worried and complained, this is not an idea that normal people can come up with at all, and now it seems that this guy may accidentally fit in with his sister…

After all, none of them are normal.

“The external cleaning is pretty much done.”

Worry glanced at the number of reformers below and opened his mouth.

“It won’t be long before I can go down to the mouth and my sister will meet.”

Hearing this, Hui Ye was relieved in his heart.

Although this encounter is abrupt, it can also be regarded as a thrill.

At least a few of them could arrive safely and unscathed at the Four Palaces Family Mansion under the protection of the Dark Darkness.

“Not necessarily.”

In the relaxed atmosphere, Lin Chuan shook his head slightly.

“Maybe the big one is still behind and didn’t show up.”

When I am worried, I subconsciously want to refute it.

Sister Hell’s blackbird manipulation is always shared in vision, and you can see everything around the battlefield at a glance.

Under the high altitude vision, is there still…

Thinking of this, Worry originally planned to refute Lin Chuan’s words, and saw Lin Chuan’s eyes slowly widen.

If there is really no omission, then where did this person come from?

Could it be that now in a certain building, there is such a being, hiding in the shadows, observing the activities in the battlefield, ready to suddenly strike at a critical time and inflict heavy blows on the latter?

Thinking of this terrible possibility, Worry no longer had the leisure to chat with Lin Chuan and others, and a bad premonition gradually arose in his heart, and it became stronger and stronger!

His eyes began to scan around constantly.

Most of the crows controlled by the blackbird manipulation have been used for direct combat, and only a few have been used to observe the dynamics of the Go.

Suddenly, worried eyes contracted violently!

In an ordinary apartment not far away, there seems to be a small red dot that has moved slightly.

The red dot seemed to be squirming constantly, and then climbed up to the top, spitting out a bunch of vomit towards the bottom…

“That’s it!!”

Although the distance is very far, but that shape, is the human bone is not wrong!

Is that a curse?!

In other words, is there another special level spell spirit that is preparing to hatch, ready to move?

Inside the apartment building, the spell tire seemed to sense the worried sight and raised its horned tentacles as if to say hello or to shake provocatively.

Worried immediately and decisively kicked the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him and jumped down!

The sound of the glass breaking on the side of the body obviously frightened the three people who had no psychological stop.

“What’s wrong with him?”

Hui Ye couldn’t help but frown.

As the most calm professional in the group, Fang Cai’s worries suddenly lost their minds and landed in the middle of the battlefield in that rough way.

The only reason why he was so nervous was that he was in crisis.

Thinking of this, Hui Ye’s gaze subconsciously looked at Lin Chuan, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Is he telling the truth?!

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