"Oh no, Jiuyang, the Heavenly Master's protective spell can't stop their attacks." Uncle Jiu's face turned pale.

Although Qin Jiuyang's strength has greatly increased, he still has too little practical experience.

Facing the attacks of Shi Jian and Wu Xingyun, how can he use the Heavenly Master's protective spell? Wouldn't he become a living target for beatings?

But at this moment.

Something shocking and incredible happened to everyone.

The golden light on Qin Jiuyang's body emerged layer by layer, and in the blink of an eye, there were dozens of layers.

Dozens of layers of golden light formed a golden light shield, wrapping Qin Jiuyang tightly in it.


""Swish, swish, swish!"

Shi Jian's lightning whip hit the golden shield and bounced off. Wu

Xingyun's black fog was powerful and corroded several layers of the golden shield, but the Heavenly Master's protective spell, which had condensed ninety-nine layers of golden shield, only corroded a few layers, which was completely harmless.


Shi Jian and Wu Xingyun's eyes widened with shock and disbelief.

Not only them, but Uncle Jiu was also shocked.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes,���Do you dare to believe that the Heavenly Master's Bodyguard Spell can be used in so many layers?

With this Heavenly Master's Bodyguard Spell, Qin Jiuyang is directly invincible.

It is harder for them to kill Qin Jiuyang than to ascend to heaven.

Wu Xingyun and Shi Jian's faces instantly became embarrassed, and they turned pale.

Looking at the"fully armed" Qin Jiuyang, they didn't know how to attack for a while.

""My nephew is amazing, so strong!" Mao Shanming shouted excitedly.

With the realm of the initial stage of entering the underworld, he fought against Wu Xingyun and Shi Jian, and was directly invincible, almost creating a legend.

If it were spread out, it would definitely be famous in both the Yin and Yang worlds.

"What should we do now? We obviously can't kill him."Wu Xingyun frowned and looked at Shi Jian.

He never dreamed that Qin Jiuyang would practice the Heavenly Master's Bodyguard Spell to such a monstrous and perverted level.

Shi Jian gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. His eyes were filled with unwillingness. When he thought of his dead son, he wanted to tear Qin Jiuyang into pieces.

After a moment.

He suddenly smiled coldly, as if he had grasped Qin Jiuyang's handle and weakness,"Although his Heavenly Master's Bodyguard Spell is monstrous, it consumes a lot of spiritual energy. As long as we keep attacking him and consume all his spiritual energy, it will be fine." As soon as these words came out, Wu Xingyun's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but agree:"Yes, why didn't I think of it."

The more powerful the spell, the more spiritual energy it consumes.

The Heavenly Master's protective spell like the one Qin Jiuyang cast would consume all the spiritual energy in his body in less than half a minute.

Without spiritual energy, Qin Jiuyang was like fish on the chopping board, waiting for them to slaughter him.

The next second,

Wu Xingyun and Shi Jian bombarded Qin Jiuyang with all kinds of evil spells, thunder and lightning whips, and all of them were directed at Qin Jiuyang.

Qin Jiuyang, like a god bathed in thunder and lightning, walked towards the two people leisurely despite their intensive attacks.

""Bang! Bang!"

The attacks landed on the golden shield, either being deflected or being offset.

Although some of the golden shields were broken, Qin Jiuyang's mind moved and a new golden shield was immediately replenished.

As for the spiritual energy in Qin Jiuyang's body, it was still as full as at the beginning.

On the other hand, Wu Xingyun and Shi Jian had consumed a lot of their evil spirits and spiritual energy.

"Damn it, how come his spiritual energy hasn't been exhausted after enduring so many attacks from us?"Wu Xingyun said with heavy breathing and frowning.

For some reason, he suddenly had an ominous premonition. After attacking Qin Jiuyang so many times, they still couldn't do anything to Qin Jiuyang. He had already begun to think of retreating.

"Impossible, it doesn't make sense, how could this happen?"Shi Jian's face was as cold as frost, his eyes were full of doubts.

Logically speaking, the spiritual energy in Qin Jiuyang's body should have been exhausted by them, but it was still full.

"I've let you attack me so many times, now it's my turn."

Suddenly, Qin Jiuyang stepped on the step, accelerated suddenly, and rushed towards Wu Xingyun like a ghost.

Wu Xingyun was still very strong. Kill him first, and then deal with Shi Jian.

""What a fast speed, what a superb step!" Wu Xingyun's pupils shrank.

Without any time to hesitate, he quickly pulled out a long sword as black as ink from his body. This was an evil weapon that he had spent a huge amount of money to refine.

From the cold light attached to the blade, it can be seen that this sword is highly poisonous.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Wu Xingyun trembled his right hand, and a sword flower stabbed out, showing his superb swordsmanship.

""How dare you show off your skills in front of an expert?"

Qin Jiuyang waved his right hand, and the peach wood sword appeared.

The next moment

, he seized the opportunity and used the sword in his hand to tangle with Wu Xingyun's long sword.

Qin Jiuyang kept spinning, and the peach wood sword made a"swoosh" sound in the air.

Finally, using the powerful inertia, he gently swung it.


Wu Xingyun's sword flew out of his hand and was thrown away in an instant.

With just one move, he not only broke Wu Xingyun's swordsmanship, but also seized Wu Xingyun's weapons.


Uncle Jiu cheered loudly from the bottom of his heart.

This move, seemingly simple, is actually too amazing, and it feels like turning decay into magic.

""Asshole, damn it!" Wu Xingyun was so angry that he cursed.

He was a powerful person in the late stage of the Netherworld, but he was defeated by a young man in the early stage of the Netherworld.

It was as if Qin Jiuyang was in the late stage of the Netherworld and he was in the early stage of the Netherworld. The situation was reversed.


The sword flashed, a cold light appeared, and a splash of blood appeared. Qin Jiuyang slashed Wu Xingyun's neck with a sword.

Fortunately, the latter reacted quickly and retreated in time, only a layer of skin was broken. If it was a little slower, his throat would be cut.

"Shi Jian, if you don’t make a move, if I die, you won’t be able to live either!!" Wu Xingyun screamed at Shi Jian.

In just two rounds, he was disarmed in the first round, injured in the second round, and almost killed. He felt unprecedented pressure.

Qin Jiuyang was right in front of him, so he couldn’t escape. He could only put pressure on Shi Jian and let Shi Jian attack together.

"Qin Jiuyang, I want you to be buried with my son!!"

Shi Jian screamed, his eyes red, holding lightning, and madly attacked Qin Jiuyang.

Qin Jiuyang used his body skills to dodge the attacks calmly, and at the same time used fierce killing moves on Wu Xingyun, each move was fatal.

""Bang, bang, bang!"

The azure blue lightning struck the air and landed on the ground, causing a violent explosion.

The seemingly fierce and powerful lightning became a mere decoration in front of Qin Jiuyang. Not only could it not hit Qin Jiuyang, it couldn't even stop it.

Not only that, it also indirectly cheered Qin Jiuyang up, making Qin Jiuyang bathed in lightning, like the god of thunder descending to the world, with invincible divine power!!


The tricky, sharp, fierce and swift sword skills were like raging waves, one after another, attacking Wu Xingyun continuously.

The latter was in tattered clothes, covered with wounds, and looked extremely embarrassed.

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