"Then you probably won't see it." Qin Jiuyang smiled.

In the past, he didn't dare to use the Lightning Thunder Fist.

Although the Lightning Thunder Fist was very powerful, it consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

But now, he could fight and recover his spiritual energy at the same time, so he had no pressure to use the Lightning Thunder Fist.

It was no exaggeration to say that he could use it all day.

And the man, facing his fierce attack, obviously couldn't hold on for so long.

""Nine Yin Thousand Poisons Spell!!!"

The two people who fought with Uncle Jiu also used evil magic.

Just like the man before, they took out centipedes and ate them alive.

The centipede scars on their faces may be left by practicing this technique.

This kind of evil magic is not a profound evil magic.

Some profound evil magic is hundreds or thousands of times more terrifying and bloody than this.

However, the real top evil magic is not terrifying and bloody. It depends on the type of evil magic.

Some evil magic requires bloodthirsty souls, some evil magic only needs to absorb Yin Qi, etc., and it cannot be generalized.

"Jiuyang, quickly exit the formation���"Uncle Jiu immediately retreated outside the formation.

He used the Nine Yin Thousand Poisons, which made his whole body poisonous. There was no need to fight them head-on. He could use the power of the formation to trap and kill them.


Qin Jiuyang said, and the lightning attacks from his hands became more fierce.

Not only that, he also began to use magic, smashing towards the man.

The man was stunned and shocked.

He wanted to wait for Qin Jiuyang to use up the spiritual energy in his body, but Qin Jiuyang directly used magic to hit him.

Not only did he not have a trend of running out of spiritual energy, but he became more and more courageous as the battle went on, as if the spiritual energy in his body was endless.

Logically, with this level of attack, let alone a Taoist disciple in the late stage of the Shapeshifting Realm, even if he was in the middle stage of the Yin-piercing Realm, his spiritual energy should have been almost consumed.





""Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!"

The mucus on his body fell to the ground, and the strong poison corroded the ground into holes.

Qin Jiuyang pulled out a large piece of the rotten flesh on his face, and the blood and flesh turned outward, looking extremely hideous.


At this moment, Qin Jiuyang saw the right moment, turned the lightning into a spear, swung it hard, and pierced the man's chest on the spot.

"you you……"

The man looked at Qin Jiuyang in shock and unwillingness. He couldn't believe it until his death. He was killed by a young man in the late stage of the Transformation Realm.


The other two shouted in shock, their eyes full of disbelief.

Their accomplice was actually killed by this unremarkable boy.

"Killing enemies above their level? This is too terrifying!!"Uncle Jiu looked at the man lying on the ground in disbelief.

Then, he looked at Qin Jiuyang again, and couldn't help but look at this disciple again.

Qin Jiuyang's strength was much stronger than he had imagined.

He thought Qin Jiuyang could only delay this man at most, but he didn't expect that he would kill him so quickly.

The most important thing.

He killed an evil cultivator in the middle stage of the Chuan Yin Realm, and the spiritual energy in his body was still so abundant, which was simply too terrifying.

In addition, he condensed lightning into a lightning spear just now. If he guessed correctly, this was an ability that even the eldest brother Shi Jian did not have. The

Lightning Thunder Fist was a profound thunder method that the eldest brother had comprehended when he comprehended the"Shangqing Xiantian Wulei Dunjia Heavenly Book". Even he himself could only perform three levels.

Could this evil disciple of his have cultivated to the fourth level? After all, he had just mastered the Lightning Thunder Fist and mastered the first three levels shockingly.

"Jiuyang, has your Lightning Thunder Fist broken free of its shackles and reached the fourth level? I saw that the Lightning Spear you just used is something that even your master uncle Shi Jian has never used before."Uncle Jiu couldn't help but ask


Qin Jiuyang nodded lightly, admitting that he had broken the shackles of the Lightning Thunder Fist, but he did not tell Uncle Jiu what level he had reached. Uncle Jiu would not believe it even if he told him, and he was too lazy to explain.

Uncle Jiu would believe that he had reached the fourth level, and would never believe that he had reached the hundredth level.

Before, there were only dozens of levels, but now his Lightning Thunder Fist has broken through three digits.

It is reasonable for the Lightning Thunder Fist of the hundredth level to condense lightning into a spear to attack the enemy.

Later, Qin Jiuyang even doubted whether he could create lightning out of thin air without using the Lightning Thunder Fist to summon lightning.

"You...you are such a monster……"

Seeing Qin Jiuyang admit it, Uncle Jiu was shocked and couldn't recover for a long time.

"Damn you little beast, you dare to kill our bloodthirsty disciples, I want you to be buried with me!!"One of the men suddenly rushed towards Qin Jiuyang.

At this time, Uncle Jiu came to his senses and immediately joined Qin Jiuyang to activate the killing array of the Big Dipper Kuixing Tiangang array.

This array combines the trapping array and the killing array.

Just now it was just a trapping array, trapping them in the array.

Now it is a killing array that can take their lives.

In the array, the Big Dipper appeared, and Tiangang was in the middle.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

The Big Dipper shone with dazzling golden light, and the Tiangang fell down like a millstone.

"Chi Chi Chi"



Suddenly, the backyard of the police station became quiet.

The two bloodthirsty disciples were smashed into a puddle of mud by Tiangang on the spot.

Awei and others who came later, as well as Mao Shanming, Dabao and Xiaobao, all swallowed their saliva fiercely, feeling creepy and numb on their backs.

This power is simply too strong.

If the formation is activated at the beginning, they will not have the slightest chance to fight back.

This is the formation that Qin Jiuyang and Uncle Jiu set up together. How can ordinary people imagine its power?

"Well, Second Senior Brother is still the best. The position of the head of Maoshan must belong to Second Senior Brother. Mao Shanming roared and flattered Uncle Jiu.

"Humph, who do you think is the best candidate for the position of the head of Mount Maoshan?" A majestic cold snort sounded.


, Shi Jian, wearing a Yin-Yang Taoist robe, came with his hands behind his back, many fellow disciples, and his son Shi Shaojian.

The moment Qin Jiuyang saw Shi Shaojian, his face changed slightly. There was no need to guess. Shi Jian went astray and practiced evil arts for his son.

It might be that their master, the current ancestor of Mount Maoshan, killed his wife. He would rather become a demon to save his son than take his son back to ask the ancestor for help.

Although Shi Jian used evil arts to unlock his seal on Shi Shaojian's soul, Shi Shaojian was also refined into a corpse demon by Shi Jian.

Corpse demons are both corpses and demons.

Every midnight, they will feel unbearable pain and need to suck the blood of living people to prolong their lives, otherwise their bodies will rot and stink.

"Big...Big Brother……"

Seeing the newcomers, Mao Shanming staggered and sat on the ground.

Dabao and Xiaobao also looked terrified.

Although Shi Jian did not attack them, he felt scared just by looking at them.

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