At night.

The moon was bright in the sky, casting a thousand-foot-high brilliance.

The dead silent charity cemetery should have been silent, but from time to time there were sounds of laughter and playfulness.

It was Qiu Sheng and Wencai. The two guys were playing while playing with the ink line on Old Master Ren's coffin.

The juice in the ink was prepared by Uncle Jiu at Qin Jiuyang's request. It was a mixture of rooster blood, rootless water, talisman ash, etc., and it was combined with seals and spells to possess the most yang and most rigid energy.

As long as demons and evil spirits touched the ink line, they would be burned by the most yang and most rigid energy.

Qin Jiuyang watched quietly from the side. Just as he had guessed before, Qiu Sheng and Wencai played everywhere, but the bottom of the coffin was not played with the ink line.

He did not remind them. If he had reminded them, how could Old Master Ren come out?

"Junior brother, Wencai, I'm going back to my aunt's house first. See you tomorrow."

Qiu Sheng lit a stick of incense and stuck it on his 28-inch bicycle.

""You're going back so late, be careful not to meet a female ghost." Wencai cursed.

As soon as Wencai said this, Qin Jiuyang immediately thought of Dong Xiaoyu, the prostitute ghost with half of her face rotten.

The reason why he thought Dong Xiaoyu was a prostitute ghost was naturally because she seduced the night watchman.

In this day and age, a girl from a decent family would not do such a thing, even if she became a ghost.

If nothing unexpected happens, Qiu Sheng will meet Dong Xiaoyu tonight, and then be intimate with Dong Xiaoyu.

People have their own way, ghosts have their own way, and people and ghosts have different ways. Qiu Sheng and Dong Xiaoyu cannot be together.

Even if Dong Xiaoyu doesn't harm him, he will die because of the ghost energy entering his body and the loss of yang energy.

As Qiu Sheng's junior brother, he absolutely can't watch Qiu Sheng jump into the fire pit, and he took this sin for Qiu Sheng.

It just so happened that he was in need of a maid, and it just so happened that Dong Xiaoyu was also a maid when she was alive, so it was just right.

"Senior Brother Qiu Sheng, do you want to learn soul control? If you leave tonight, I won't teach you."Qin Jiuyang tempted Qiu Sheng.

Qiu Sheng has good talent, but he didn't use it in the right way. His mind is unstable, so Uncle Jiu will not teach him powerful skills, especially soul control.


Qiu Sheng instantly became interested and immediately parked his bicycle in the corner.

"Of course." Qin Jiuyang nodded.

"Junior brother, teach me, teach me, I want to learn too."Wencai said eagerly.

If it was any other technique, the two would definitely not be so enthusiastic, but this is soul control technique, which can control other people's souls, and then... hehe...

Qin Jiuyang did not refuse, and took Qiu Sheng and Wencai back to the house and began to teach them soul control technique.

The first thing is to draw the soul control talisman, followed by hand gestures, spells, steps, etc.

A complete set of soul control technique is extremely tedious and complicated. Qin Jiuyang patiently explained it to the two in detail, just to kill time.


Time came to the second half of the night


In the morgue, a subtle sound reached Qin Jiuyang's ears.

After reaching the Shapeshifting Realm, Qin Jiuyang felt that he had stepped into a brand new world. Not only did his strength increase greatly, but his physical qualities were far superior to those of ordinary people.

Not to mention the noise in the morgue next door, he could even hear the sound of an ant crawling a hundred meters away. The

Shapeshifting Realm is called a Taoist master, and the word"master" is not just a casual name.

"Chi Chi Chi……"

A corrosion sound was heard.

Qin Jiuyang raised his lips slightly, and a disdainful sneer appeared on his resolute, calm, handsome face.

Apparently, Old Master Ren had started to break the coffin and wanted to jump out of it, but he touched the ink line.

""Two brothers, you guys practice here first. I heard some noise in the morgue, so I went to take a look."

Qin Jiuyang didn't hide anything and told them directly.

After getting rid of Old Master Ren, he would take Qiu Sheng with him to subdue the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu.

Dong Xiaoyu would not show up without Qiu Sheng.

"Go, go, with a monster like you here, we are so restrained."Qiu Sheng waved his hand.


Qin Jiuyang came to the morgue.

Perhaps Old Master Ren heard the footsteps and suddenly stopped breaking the coffin.

Qin Jiuyang walked over and saw several deep scratches on the joints between the bottom and the surface of the coffin. He smiled contemptuously.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

He knocked on the coffin, not showing any fear, but with a joking look on his face,"Sleep like hell, get up and have fun!"


"" Bang, bang, bang!"

The coffin began to shake violently.

The ink line on the surface felt the corpse gas coming from inside, and suddenly a golden light appeared, binding the coffin tightly.

But the bottom of the coffin did not bounce, and with a"crash", the solid wood coffin fell apart in an instant.


Old Master Ren, wearing the official uniform of the Qing Dynasty, jumped out with his hands straight and his limbs stiff.

Compared with the daytime, his face is now full of bumps and hard lumps. This is a corpse bag.

People live for a breath, and Buddhas fight for a stick of incense.

Zombies have one more breath, which is resentment.

Resentment gathers and does not disperse. After a person completely turns into a corpse, it will gather on the face and form a corpse bag.

Old Master Ren sniffed and then jumped in the direction to face Qin Jiuyang.

With the help of the moonlight, you can clearly see his hands with sharp nails and fangs emitting dim light.


Old Master Ren opened his mouth slightly, and a mouthful of black corpse gas gushed out.


With a leap, Old Master Ren jumped directly to a height of two or three meters in the air, and pounced on Qin Jiuyang like a vicious dog.

Zombies below the level of flying zombies are not intelligent. When they smell the breath of living things, they will jump on them and bite them regardless of their strength, unless there is a powerful zombie in the level of flying zombies to lead them.

Old Master Ren's strength obviously has not reached the level of flying zombies, even Old Master Ren in the later stage has not.

However, he is not far from the level of flying zombies. After all, he has a trace of intelligence. It's a pity that he died in the hands of Uncle Jiu.

Now it's even worse, he met Qin Jiuyang.

Looking at Old Master Ren, whose face was horrible and without any humanity, Qin Jiuyang stood in place, neither dodging nor avoiding.

When the latter was less than two centimeters away from him, he moved, and with the force of lightning, he formed a seal with one hand, and hit Old Master Ren's forehead heavily with an authentic Maoshan Taoist seal.


Old Master Ren was hit hard by a high-speed truck and flew out, smashing through the wall.

"What's going on!"

Qiu Shengwen was shocked because the wall that was smashed through was the room they were in.



Old Master Ren, in ragged clothes and disheveled hair, jumped out of the ruins and rushed towards Wencai without hesitation.

Although he was hit by Qin Jiuyang, the zombie was invulnerable to swords and guns, so this injury was not fatal.

Having smelled the scent of Qiu Sheng and Wencai, it would naturally not let the two go.

The zombie had no wisdom and only knew bloodlust and killing. Whoever was close to it would be the target of attack.

"Zombies… Zombies… Master and Junior Brother, help me, there are zombies!!!"

Wencai was so frightened that his face turned pale and he was pissing and shitting.

He wanted to run away, but he found that his legs were like lead and he couldn’t even lift them.

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