"Shi Jian also got the news and came here? Ten minutes? These five old guys are so strong and their attacks are so fierce. Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe can't hold on for so long. We have to think of a way."

Qin Jiuyang frowned slightly, and his mind turned quickly.

It is definitely not possible to rush out and fight hard.

Even Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe, plus the Purple Zombie King, are not their opponents, let alone he is alone. Even if he has mastered many magics and can release them instantly in battle, the huge gap in strength is no longer something that magic can make up for.

Thinking of magic, Qin Jiuyang suddenly had a flash of light and his eyes lit up.

If he can't fight hard, he can just sneak in.

Anyway, just hold these five people back. When Shi Jian brings people here, Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe will be saved?

Although he also dislikes Shi Jian a little, he has to admit that Shi Jian's strength is indeed very strong, especially his Lightning Thunder Fist, which is as powerful as the Thunder God descending to the earth.

If he had not fallen into evil because of his son, the position of Maoshan's headmaster would have been his.

Qin Jiuyang calmly left with the fox demon and came to a slightly empty place in the distance.

""Master, aren't you going to save Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe?" The fox demon asked with a puzzled look on his face.

According to its understanding of Qin Jiuyang, it should not retreat even if it knew that the five black-robed old men were very powerful.

But now, Qin Jiuyang actually led it to retreat.

"You have to use your brain for everything. If the enemy is strong and you are weak, and you still go up to fight hard, isn't that courting death? You won't be able to save the people, but you will get yourself into trouble."

While speaking, Qin Jiuyang took out three sticks of incense, yellow talismans, rootless water, raw glutinous rice, brushes, cinnabar, etc. from his body.

He put them neatly on the ground, and then built a small mound of earth with mud.

Then he lit the three sticks of incense, and then held the incense in his hands, quickly made seals, and chanted a spell:"The sky is clear and the earth is bright, the yin is turbid and the yang is clear. Five or six Yin Lords, go out of the netherworld and enter the underworld. Burn incense and worship, and announce it to the heaven and earth.

Qin Jiuyang, the disciple of Lin Fengjiao, the 36th generation true disciple of Maoshan, waits for the master to open the altar, spread the clouds and law, and command!"

The spell fell.

Qin Jiuyang waved his right hand


Three sticks of incense were instantly inserted into the small earthen mound.

There was no other way, he didn't carry an incense burner with him, so he could only use the small earthen mound instead.

As long as he could successfully open the altar, it didn't matter whether he did it or not. If they wanted to open the altar, Maoshan outer disciples like them who were not registered were not qualified.

Therefore, he needed to use the name of Uncle Jiu.

Maoshan disciples, the disciples accepted outside, were all outer disciples and were not recorded in the books of Maoshan.

For example, the four disciples of Taoist Qianhe, or the disciple of Taoist Simu Jiale, etc., were all like this.

At most, they burned incense and prayed, and told the ancestor.

If they wanted to be recorded in the books, they needed to go back to Maoshan, which was very troublesome for them, and there was no need

""Fox demon, please step back and don't block me. I'm going to start performing magic." Qin Jiuyang said to the fox demon seriously.

The fox demon stepped aside obediently and said with admiration:"Master, you are really too smart. Why didn't I think of using magic to deal with them?"

Performing magic is also called fighting in the air.

This is an extremely clever way to compete in magic.

The more magic you master and the higher the level, the more advantage you can have in fighting.

As for failure in fighting, at best you will suffer backlash and serious injuries, at worst your spirit will be damaged and your soul will be scattered.

In the current situation, performing magic is less dangerous for Qin Jiuyang.

Because he doesn't need to fight hard, he can also play to his advantages of being fast in performing magic and mastering many magic.

Because of this, the fox demon who has fought with Qin Jiuyang and witnessed Qin Jiuyang's ability admires and praises Qin Jiuyang's move.

"That's why I told you to use your brain more in everything."Qin Jiuyang replied to the fox demon.

Then, he drew out the peach wood sword, picked up a yellow talisman with the tip of the sword, stepped on the steps, and muttered something.

Finally, he grabbed a handful of glutinous rice and threw it towards the three incense sticks.


A blaze rose out of nowhere.

"One sword kills demons, one sword opens yin and yang, obeying the order of Maoshan, command!"

Qin Jiuyang thrust out with his sword


The golden light of the yellow talisman on the tip of the sword flashed, and then it spontaneously ignited without fire, turning into a wisp of green smoke that floated in the sky.

""Heaven Burning Curse!"

Seeing this, Qin Jiuyang inserted the peach wood sword straight into the ground, quickly formed seals with both hands, and began to cast spells with the fragrance as the medium.

On the other side, five black-robed old men were still trying to break the formation.

The Xiantian Bagua Golden Light Formation was already shaky.

Even with the joint support of Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe, it looked like it would be forcibly broken by the five black-robed old men in about a minute at most.

But at this moment, a ferocious and roaring fire dragon appeared out of thin air.


The fire dragon roared with a fiery breath and rushed towards the black-robed old man holding the vajra.

This old man was obviously the leader and the strongest among the five. If they could hold him back, Uncle Jiu and Taoist Qianhe would be relieved of a lot of pressure.

But Qin Jiuyang's goal was obviously not to hold him back, but to hold the five people directly.

In addition to the fire dragon, there was no sign in the sky, and four thunderbolts suddenly struck down.

""Oh no! Someone is casting a spell!"

The face of the leading old man darkened. Even though he was powerful, he was still a flesh and blood body and could not bear the attack of the fire dragon.

Immediately, he waved his right hand and a yellow talisman was thrown out, hitting the fire dragon on the spot.


The talisman paper exploded and disappeared into thin air along with the fire dragon.

It was not because his talisman paper was powerful, nor was it because Qin Jiuyang's fire dragon was too weak, but because the leading old man broke Qin Jiuyang's spell.

The other four old men also broke the thunder cast by Qin Jiuyang, showing their powerful strength and superb skills.

"Humph, you want to fight me? You don't know your own limitations!"

The old man in the lead snorted coldly, extremely confident.���Then he looked at the four people and said,"You continue to break the formation, leave this to me." As he spoke, the old man in the lead took out a piece of yellow cloth from his body, cut off a few branches, and used the branches to support the yellow cloth to form a table.

Then he placed the yellow talisman, small incense burner, rootless water, cinnabar, etc. on it.

For a person in the Xuanmen at his level, opening an altar to fight is a piece of cake.

In a few breaths, the old man in the lead had opened the altar.

He wanted to see who dared to ruin his good deeds.


The next moment, a bolt of lightning struck the old man in the lead.

"Humph, it seems that you only know thunder magic, a trick, what can you do to me!"

The old man in the lead was full of disdain, and he lightly threw out a yellow talisman, which immediately neutralized the thunder.

This was not over yet, he stepped on the step, formed seals with his hands, and tried to find the trajectory of the thunder spell and counterattack Qin Jiuyang.

But at this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up, making the old man in the lead unable to open his eyes, and then, fire, thunder and lightning, all came at once.

"Wind, fire, thunder and lightning? It turned out that there were four people from the Xuanmen who were fighting with me. How could the magic be performed so quickly?"

At this point, the old man in the lead looked at one of the black robes and said,"You, come and help me deal with them!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Dark clouds gathered above the old man's head, with lightning and thunder roaring. This momentum and pressure were obviously much more powerful than the thunder that had just struck.

"Damn it, why are so many people targeting us? It doesn't make sense.���His brows were furrowed, and his tone was solemn.

From the fire dragon and four thunderbolts at the beginning, to the wind, fire, thunder and lightning, and the thunderclouds brewing above his head.

In just a few seconds, ten magic skills were used, which meant that there were ten Xuanmen masters who could perform magic and had discussed together to beat them up.

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