"Is Miss Qiao here?"

The little girl nodded and held the carp in front of Xu Junming like a treasure.

"I caught this from the river in the morning to replenish Uncle Xu's health."

"Uncle, thank you!"

"You're welcome, I'll get it to Grandpa Han!"

The little girl limped and ran out.

Watching her back go away, Xu Junming sighed. This was the second time he had fallen like this.

Fortunately, he survived this time. But compared to the wild world, where animals with powerful blood and vitality are available to supplement nutrition every day, the simple meals in Qiaojia Village are just a drop in the bucket.

Despite this, he was very grateful that the other party could save his life.

In addition, the most uncomfortable thing for him was that he could clearly feel the rich spiritual energy from the outside world, but he suffered from the fact that his Dantian was sealed and could not be used for cultivation at all.

It's like a very hungry person having a feast in front of you, letting you look at it but not eating it. It's torture to death.

The days passed day by day.

Xu Junming's health is also slowly improving.

A month later, he was able to sit up.

After two months, he could barely get off the ground.

Three months later, I was able to walk like a normal person, but I was still unable to do heavy work.

Xu Junming couldn't help but feel bad about having three months of idle food in this village that resembled ancient China. After he was able to work in the field, he took the initiative to find the clan leader and took over the position of teacher in Qiaojia Village that had been vacant for many years.

"The beginning of man!"

"The beginning of man!"

"Nature is inherently good!"

"Nature is inherently good!"

“Sex is similar, habits are far apart.”…

Xu Junming recited one sentence, and the following twenty or so village children followed him.

He led them to read the "Three Character Classic" once, and looking at the sun setting outside, he put down the textbook he had written himself.

"Okay, that's it for today's class. School is over!"

"Oh, school is over."

The little guys, who had been sitting upright just now, suddenly became hilarious.

Calling friends, they ran outside in a swarm.

Seeing their cheerful looks, Xu Junming couldn't help but think of his own childhood.

The same carefree, the same naughty all the time, the same hate to go to school.

He shook his head and put the textbook away.

I simply tidied up the students' scattered desks, wiped the blackboard, and walked out of the classroom through the side door. This is a yard of two hundred square meters, with some flowers and plants planted in the middle.

Chickens and ducks are raised freely on the compacted loess ground.

Opposite the classroom is a mud house with a thatched roof.

This is where he lives now.

In Qiaojia Village, except for a few wealthy households who can live in brick houses, the rest live in mud houses.

Although he lived in a simple way, Xu Junming didn't care about it.

Walking to the main room, he changed into a navy blue shorts piled with patches, went out, took the double-stranded steel fork erected in the corner next to him, and tied the fish basket to his waist.

Step out of the yard.

"Mr. Xu, go fishing again!"

The speaker was a middle-aged woman wearing a navy blue sarong with a wooden hairpin in her hair.

"Yes! Second sister-in-law, are you going to wash clothes?"

"Well, my little boy is a bastard. His clothes get dirty in just one day. If he doesn't wash them, he won't be able to wear them."

Children from poor families don't have many sets of clothes to change, so it would be nice to have a pair of pants to cover their buttocks.

"...Mr. Xu, how is my child studying recently?"

"Stone is very smart. He can already memorize the Three-Character Sutra. In a few years, reading and deciphering will not be a problem."

"That's good, that's good. When he can read, his father and I will send him to the town to learn a trade."

Although this world also has imperial examinations like ancient China, ordinary farmers cannot afford to pay for a scholar.

He was sent to Xu Junming to study, one was to let him help take care of the children, and the other was also thinking about learning how to read and write in the future, and was sent to the town to learn a trade, which would be considered as a way out of farming.

"Second sister-in-law, don't worry, I will teach him well."

"That's good, that's good! Mr. Xu, I'm going to leave first. If you are short of clothes from now on, you can just get them at home. You're welcome."

"Okay, thank you second sister-in-law."

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

After waving her hand, Mrs. Jiang turned around and left.

Looking at her back, Xu Junming sighed inwardly.

No matter where I go, I always have "poor parents in the world".

Qiaojia Village is adjacent to a large river that is twenty to thirty meters wide. The villagers call it Baiyang River.

The river is surging, and the fish and shrimp in it feed many people in Qiaojia Village.

Come to the river bank and watch the gurgling water.

He fell into this river and survived.

Half a year has passed now. Although his body is far from recovered, his strength is comparable to that of an ordinary strong man. He can fish and hunt by himself to support himself.

His heart moved, and a mirror image appeared in his pupils.

Although his magic power was blocked and his physical body was severely damaged, the bronze mirror that had always been with him could still be used.

The clear river water became transparent in an instant, and the fish and shrimps in the water were clearly visible.

I walked along the river bank and found a place with many fish.

Pulling up his trousers, Xu Junming walked into the river with a harpoon.

The river water reached up to his knees before it stopped.

He held the harpoon and stood still. After a moment, he saw a black grass carp about a foot long swimming over.

Xu Junming held his breath and watched as it entered a foot away from him, then the harpoon in his hand flew out like lightning.

The sharp edge penetrates the fish body.

Picking up the harpoon and looking at the violently shaking grass carp, Xu Junming looked happy.

Pick it off and put it in the fish basket around your waist.

Then he repeated his old tricks and soon caught a basket full.

When I got home, I put the fish down and took two of them.

One was given to the old patriarch at the east end of the village. If he hadn't insisted on keeping him and grabbed a few packs of herbs for him, it's hard to say whether he, Xu Junming, would have survived.

The other one was carried to the west of the village.

Push open the firewood door.

"Is Saburo at home?"

A woman dressed in common clothes and wearing a hairpin came out with a child in her arms and a somewhat philistine look on her face.

Seeing the fish in Xu Junming's hand, a joyful smile appeared on his face.

"It's Mr. Xu, come in quickly."

Step in and pass the fish forward.

"I shot a lot today, so I thought I'd give it to Saburo to try."

"Oh, it's rare that Mr. Xu always cares about our family. Thank you so much."

While talking, the woman quickly took the fish.

"Thanks to Miss Qiao for rescuing me from the river. Later, Sanlang took medicine for me. I won't forget the great kindness of saving my life."

"Mr. Xu is just polite, come in and sit down."

Just as Xu Junming was about to refuse and leave, he heard footsteps from behind.

Qiao Sanlang, wearing an old undershirt, walked in with the lame Qiao daughter.

Judging from the mud and water on their trousers, they obviously went to work in the fields.

"Mr. Xu is here."

After putting down the hoe on his shoulder, Qiao Sanlang hurriedly walked over.

People who are literate are highly respected here.

He smiled and nodded.

"I just caught a fish and brought it over."

He glanced at the grass carp in his wife's hand.

"Mr. Rare, you can catch a fish. Just keep it to eat. There is no need to give it away to me."

"I still have it at home!"

He paused and looked at Miss Qiao who looked tired behind her.

"Sanlang, sister-in-law, can you let daughter Qiao come to school with me? I won't charge you."

When Miss Qiao heard this, her eyes instantly lit up.

"Mr. Xu, I know you have good intentions. Forget about going to school. A daughter's marriage is just water thrown away. It's useless to be literate. Besides, I still expect her to help plant my family's land." The woman said quickly.

"Mr. Xu, Miss Qiao doesn't study anymore." Qiao Sanlang said after hesitating for a moment.

Seeing Nu Qiao's eyes dimming, Xu Junming sighed inwardly.

Although he wanted Mrs. Qiao to learn how to read and write, giving her a way out in the future could be regarded as repaying the great kindness of saving her life. But his parents didn't allow it, and he had no other options.

You can’t rob someone by force!

"Okay then. Saburo has had a hard day and rest early. I will take my leave first."

"Mr. Xu, please sit down again."

"No, it's getting late and I have to go back to cook."


After walking out of Qiao Sanlang's house, he looked at the thin Qiao daughter, shook his head and sighed, and returned to his residence.

I processed three fishes, put them in the pot, put them in together with the herbs that I usually collected to nourish the body, and stewed a pot of fish soup.

After two hours, the bones and meat were stewed until they were crispy.

Xu Junming took the bowl and chopsticks and ate all the skin and bones.

I patted my belly, processed the remaining fish, rubbed it with salt, and hung it under the eaves to dry.

Then he walked to the middle of the yard, put on his posture, and started practicing Baduanjin.

This set of foundation-building skills of Maoshan Nanzong's foundation-building disciples is righteous and peaceful, and is most suitable for Xu Junming, who is now seriously injured, to practice.

He played each move very slowly, but he could clearly feel that as his intestines and stomach digested the fish, his muscles and bones absorbed nutrients and were slowly recovering.

After playing for half an hour, I was sweating profusely, and there was a lot of sticky black stuff in it.

Those are necrotic cells excreted by the body.

Xu Junming, who felt refreshed and physically stronger, sighed with satisfaction.

After taking a shower, I returned to the room and sat down cross-legged on the bed.

After practicing Taoism for many years, he had long lost the habit of sleeping.

Although he is injured now, he is still used to meditating.

However, the magic power of Dantian is blocked and cannot be practiced. But simple breathing techniques can still be practiced.

There are several similar techniques in his memory.

Breathing evenly, Xu Junming's belly swelled with a long inhalation sound.

Like a big toad.


A clear and loud frog croaked from his belly.

Of course, this is not a real frog croaking, but the sound of fascia vibrating.

After a pause of nearly a minute, the frogs stopped crowing, the abdomen contracted, and the long turbid air was discharged.

Breathing in and out, the frogs continue to chirp, over and over again.

It didn't end until Mao.

Opening his eyes, feeling the Qi and blood becoming much stronger again, Xu Junming nodded with satisfaction.

The technique he practices is called 'Toad Fishing Technique'. It was originally the foundation-building technique of the Longmen Sect. It is best at consolidating the foundation and cultivating the body. It is the first-class foundation-building technique in the world of spiritual practice.

He originally got it from the study of Li Xingfang, the leader of the White Lotus Sect.

Originally it was just to enrich my knowledge, but I didn't expect to use it now.

He got up and hung the pheasants from the mountains that he had hung under the eaves two days ago and stewed them with Chinese medicine.

After eating all the bones, we started playing Baduanjin again.

The food in his stomach was quickly digested.

The Baduanjin and Toad Diao Gong are both moving and still.

The active person digests food, and the quiet person collects spiritual energy.

Combining internal and external factors, Xu Junming recovered faster and faster.

"It would be great if I had magic power. Even if it is just a trace, I can open the space in the Taoist robe and take out the elixir inside. It only takes half a month for my physical body to return to its peak."

Regardless of whether it is Dao Pao or Jiufeng Mountain, there is no way to move it without magic power.

After taking a simple shower and changing into clean patchwork clothes, I walked into class.


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