"It's my turn. Which of the two seniors is going to teach me?" Linghu Chong slowly walked onto the martial arts field with his long sword in hand.

Yue Lingshan smiled and said: "Brother, it's up to you. As long as we win one more game, the Sword Sect will never have any reason to stay in Huashan."

Linghu Chong smiled slightly: "Just watch."

"I'm here to fight you." Cheng Buyou stepped out, but was stopped by Feng Buping's hand.

"No, leave this to me." Feng Buping looked solemn and thought to himself: "Thanks to that girl for reminding me, this boy looks to be a few years older than that girl, and his martial arts may be even higher. He may not become a junior brother." It's his opponent. ’

Linghu Chong slowly drew his sword and said in a deep voice: "Senior Feng, in addition to my own swordsmanship, I also learned the Quanzhen swordsmanship. Be careful, please!"

"Let's move in." Feng Buping unsheathed his long sword and felt a shiver in his heart.

The Yue family's Jade Girl's swordsmanship is exquisite, but the Quanzhen swordsmanship may not be simple either, so you need to be careful.


The sword light flashed, Linghu Chong raised his hand and stabbed with the "Green Pine Welcome Guest".

'So fast! ’ Feng Buping thought that this was indeed the case. He hurriedly moved to the right to avoid, and followed the chain of seven swords to attack the seven large acupoints in front of Linghu Chong’s body. Each sword was as fast as a sword and as fast as wind and thunder.

Dang Dang Dang...

Linghu Chong saw the move. Although Jian Zong was superb in swordsmanship, he didn't use his strength vigorously. He easily caught them one by one. After the seventh sword, he immediately switched from defense to offense, and stabbed the opponent's heart with 'Gold and Jade Mantang' like lightning. .

As the blades clashed, the long sword in Feng Buping's hand shook violently. He was shocked to find that Linghu Chong's internal strength seemed to be no longer inferior to his own. When he saw him using his sword to counterattack, he did not dare to take it hard and retreated decisively.

Linghu Chong pressed forward and launched Huashan's Introductory Sword Technique, Xiyi Sword Technique, and Yangwu Sword Technique's attacks one after another.

Feng Buping was forced to retreat steadily by Linghu Chong's random attacks and his flowing sword moves.

He knew all the swordsmanship of the airbenders, but the opponent's swordsmanship at this moment was more subtle and mysterious than what he had seen before.

Moreover, the dexterity of Linghu Chong's sword skills is no less than that of the Sword Sect who specializes in sword skills!

Cheng Buyou saw all this in his eyes, a look of disbelief appeared on his face, and he shouted crazily in his heart: 'How can an airbender have such amazing swordsmanship? Could it be that Jian Zong was really wrong? impossible! This is impossible! ’

Feng Buping also felt a storm in his heart.

‘His Huashan swordsmanship is already so powerful, how exquisite should the Quanzhen swordsmanship be? ’

His sword moves suddenly became sluggish due to his distraction, making it even more difficult to withstand Linghu Chong's fierce attack.

‘No, I fell into a trap! ’

Before the fight, Linghu Chong's verbal reminder was not out of kindness, but to deliberately disrupt his concentration.

Feng Buping hurriedly gathered his mind, took a deep breath, and suddenly used Linghu Chong's energy to stab his throat with the sword "White Cloud Chu Xiu". Following the sword's rapid dance, the secret poured out like a violent storm.

"Haha!" Ning Zhong laughed and said, "I didn't expect that the descendants of the Sword Sect would be lucky enough to use their swords! I think you should just stop competing. You might as well just switch to my Qi Sect and train again."

The Sword Sect's philosophy is that swordsmanship is paramount, but it does not mean that internal strength is not practiced at all.

Feng Buping is the number one master of the sword sect today, and his decades of internal strength cultivation are no small matter. Once activated, Linghu Chong's offensive was immediately suppressed.

"The Quanzhen Sword Technique is coming." Linghu Chong's sword moves suddenly changed as the pressure surged.

The Seven Seven and Forty-nine Quanzhen Sword Techniques come and go like lightning, and advance and retreat like the wind. Combined with the body technique he learned from Yao Jiao Kongbi, they are even more agile and agile.

The people watching the battle were filled with excitement and joy.

With only a dozen moves, Linghu Chong restored the situation.

The two have similar internal strength, and the key to determining victory or defeat depends on whose swordsmanship is higher.

The two swords sometimes collided fiercely, and sometimes chased each other. In the blink of an eye, the two of them performed more than a hundred moves, and the result was still evenly matched.

Feng Buping's heart surged, and he secretly wondered: 'How strange! Why does this kid get stronger internally the more he fights? ’

Little did he know that this was the secret of Xuanmen's internal power. The deeper the power, the longer the lasting power.

Linghu Chong started practicing "Changchun Gong" at the age of eight, and it has been sixteen years now. During this period, he also received the help of "Yi Jin Ji Forging Bones" and Han Jade Bed, and his internal skills were close to perfection.

Taishan Sect's Yu Qianzi said: "Interesting! Interesting! Qi Sect disciples are strong in swordsmanship, while the elders of Sword Sect are strong in internal strength. Unexpectedly, the Huashan Sect's sword and Qi sects have been fighting for more than 20 years, but now they are reversed."

"No objection! Although Qi Zong disciples are strong in swordsmanship, their internal strength is really not weak. It can be seen that they have worked hard." Tang Ying'e had a worried look on his face and said in his heart: "I didn't expect that a mere junior from Huashan would do it." He has such extraordinary cultivation.

If this continues, the position of the leader of the alliance will probably fall into the hands of Yue Buqun sooner or later. ’

Hearing the conversation between the two men, Feng Buping felt even more uneasy: 'If I, the leader of the majestic Sword Sect, lose to a disciple of the Qi Sect in swordsmanship today, how can I have the dignity to walk in the world in the future? Now that things have come to this, I have nothing to hide. ’

With a change of thought, Feng Buping suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, and the speed of his already fast swordsmanship increased sharply again.

Before five or six moves, there was already a faint sound of wind as the sword swept across. The faster he drew the sword, the louder the sound of wind became.

This is the brainchild of Feng Buping who has been living in seclusion in Zhongtiao Mountain for more than 20 years, "The Swift Sword of the Wind".

There are one hundred and eight styles in total. As the sword speed increases, the sound of the wind will become more and more intense.

Seeing him use the "Quick Wind Sword", Cheng Buyou and Cong Buqi couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. As soon as this sword technique was used, victory was basically achieved.

The sword wind whistled and gradually spread to the surrounding area, causing the cold wind and dust to fly within a radius of four to five feet.

Linghu Chong was like a small boat in the raging sea, with the possibility of being overturned at any time.

Just when the Songshan and Taishan sects thought that he was bound to be defeated, they suddenly saw his sword moves subtly changing again, showing a swift and fierce sword power that was not weaker than Feng Buping.

With Linghu Chong's continuous trembling of his wrist, the long sword quickly divided into two, and two made three, and three transformed into thousands. It was the move of 'one Qi transforming into three pure beings'.

The sword strikes three points, and one sword is like three swords. It brings forth the brilliant sword light and the violent wind sword to face each other tit for tat.

In a moment, Feng Buping's 108 sword moves had come to an end, but Linghu Chong's offensive increased instead of abating, forcing him to be overwhelmed and overwhelmed, and he had to take a step back with each sword strike.


Linghu Chong suddenly reduced the complexity to simplicity. The long sword gathered all his strength and pierced through the heavy sword shadows like lightning, piercing Feng Buping's chest.

Feng Buping couldn't dodge, so he hurriedly raised his sword to protect his chest.


The tip of Linghu Chong's sword hit the spine of his sword, and his true power came out through the sword.

Feng Buping's figure was shaken and he immediately let go of his sword.

Linghu Chong's long sword stopped two inches in front of his 'Tanzhong point', and he could easily kill him.

"That's it, that's it." Feng Buping was as gray as ashes, his figure was slumped, as if his energy had been drained all of a sudden, and his face instantly became more than ten years older.

Linghu Chong withdrew his sword and handed it over: "Senior, I accept the concession."

Cheng Buyou and Cong Buqi also felt as if they were struck by lightning, muttering to themselves: "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

Twenty-five years ago, they were able to use the airbender's trickery to deceive Master Feng Qingyang's affairs to comfort and inspire them to make a comeback.

Now that the juniors of the Qi Sect had openly defeated Feng Buping, the leader of the Sword Sect, with their swordsmanship, they could no longer find any reason to deny the defeat of the Sword Sect.

"Master, Master, Master, Master, I am fortunate to have lived up to my command." Linghu Chong passed by the two of them and walked towards Yue Buqun and the others.

Suddenly, a fierce look appeared on Cheng Buyou's face. The Sword Sect's defeat made him lose his mind and suddenly pounced on Linghu Chong from behind.

Linghu Chong has profound internal energy and a sharp ear and eyesight. Hearing the evil wind blowing from behind, he didn't turn around, and with a backhand move of "The Prodigal Son Turns Back", the sword came out like lightning, and with a "plop" sound, it pierced into Cheng Buyou's throat.

"Uh..." Cheng Buyou's raised right hand froze in mid-air, and as he vomited blood, it fell down weakly, looking dead.

"Senior brother!" Cong Buqi's eyebrows stood up, anger arose in his heart, and his hatred grew in his guts. He flew forward and struck Linghu in the back with a palm.

"Bold!" Yue Buqun's tongue exploded with spring thunder. At the last moment, he stepped out of the way to block Linghu Chong. Purple energy suddenly appeared on his face, and he exchanged palms with Cong Buqi brazenly.


A section of arm bone penetrated out from behind Cong Buqi's elbow. The white broken bones were covered with bright red flesh and blood, and those who looked at them couldn't help but take a breath.


Cong Buqi suffered excruciating pain and let out an extremely shrill scream, his bulging eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Yue Buqun! Do you want to drive out my sword sect?" Feng Buping's eyes were about to burst. He didn't expect that he was just distracted for a moment, and his two junior brothers actually became dead and injured.

Yue Buqun snorted coldly, with the same anger rising on his face: "Hit people with hidden arrows, they deserve what they deserve!"

I have corrected the unreasonable content in the front. Thanks to the friend who pointed out the problem. I am very sorry for bringing you a bad reading experience.

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