Chapter 899 Sports Meeting (4)

Especially Zhao Li, like the old hen protecting her calf, pushed Ruan Jiaojiao behind her back and glared at Nie Xiaowu menacingly: "Who are you? You dare to abduct my child? Come on, follow me to the police station."

With that said, he forcibly pulled Nie Xiaowu off the motorcycle and wanted to take him to the police station.

Zhao Li and Lu Zhiwei have been living in this area since they got married. Everyone here knows her and her family's background. In addition, she usually behaves well, so naturally they all help.

In this way, Nie Xiaowu and Duan Shaowei were directly taken to the police station by her, and they were arrested as Paihuazi. There were many people following them. Those who didn't know it really thought that they were Paihuazi who were caught.

Ruan Jiaojiao, the person at the center of the incident over there, looked confused.

Is the development trajectory of this thing too fantastic?

But she didn't pay too much attention to it. The man with the toad mirror didn't look like a good person at first glance, and the Menghulu who followed him didn't look like a good person either. After saying hello to the aunt and others who helped her, she and Xu Xu were happy. Went to school happily.

When they arrived at school, it was not time to gather. The school sports meeting started at nine o'clock and they gathered at eight-thirty. It was not yet eight o'clock, so everyone was free to move around, have fun, and have breakfast. While they were chatting, some were helping the teacher decorate the playground. The little fat man was a bit miserable. He was running circles around the playground alone.

Ruan Jiaojiao has a relay race, but it's almost noon, and she also has a lot of things to do in the morning. She has to go to the radio station with Xu Xu to help broadcast.

On the way to the broadcast station, the two met Lu Zishu... and a girl.

Lu Zishu was standing under a sycamore tree next to the wall. There was a wall next to it with a world map drawn on ceramic tiles. Lu Zishu was standing behind the wall, and the girl was standing in front of the wall, like an ancient It was like a boudoir screen from back then, slightly separating the two of them.

From where Ruan Jiaojiao and the others stood, they could just see the girl's blushing face and the back of Lu Zishu's head.

Although she couldn't hear the content of the conversation between the two, she could tell from the ambiguous atmosphere that this might be a large-scale confession scene?

Ruan Jiaojiao's heart of gossip was igniting. She pulled Xu Xu and deliberately hid a little behind. Then she looked forward and saw that the girl handed something to Lu Zishu at the end, then turned and ran away.

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao, is this the end?

Ruan Jiaojiao felt a little regretful. After watching the girl run away from the other side, she suddenly jumped up behind Lu Zishu and shouted: "Ha, Lu Zishu, you fell in love prematurely, I want to tell my godmother!"

"I'll go! Ruan Jiaojiao, do you know that people are scary? They're scary to death!" Lu Zishu almost gave Ruan Jiaojiao a heart attack because of his jump.

Ruan Jiaojiao laughed loudly: "You have a guilty conscience, of course you are scared." She moved closer and winked: "Tell me who that girl is, and I won't tell my godmother, okay?"

Hearing this, Lu Zishu didn't look guilty at all, and sneered: "Just tell me, it has nothing to do with me anyway." As he said that, he glanced at Xu Xu who was following her.

"???" Ruan Jiaojiao.

Following his line of sight, she looked behind her, and then looked at the lined letter paper folded into a heart shape in his hand. An incredible message came to her mind. Could this be a confession letter to Silly Wolf?

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