The small window at the front of the car opened, and a bottle of water and a box of medicine were thrown in from the outside.

When the window was closed, Nian Hua immediately got up and picked up the water and medicine bottles. He tried his best to read the instructions on the medicine bottles through the light from the crack of the car, and then came over and gave Ruan Jiaojiao some antipyretic medicine and water.

Ruan Jiaojiao was so feverish that she drank the medicine and water according to the other party's movements.

The water was in a glass bottle. Chang Le fed Ruan Jiaojiao and drank half of the bottle. Just as he was about to cover it with the lid, a girl next to him suddenly reached out and grabbed it, but because he was too anxious, he knocked the bottle away. After a while of boiling, all the water finally flowed down the cracks in the car.

Chang Le was stunned.

Nian Hua yelled angrily: "You have a fucking brain disorder! Forget about grabbing the dried meat, you can even grab the water!"

She can still understand grabbing food, but grabbing a bottle of water? They even grabbed all the money!

That girl is an international student. She has been in the United States for more than two years. It has been less than half a month since she was kidnapped this time. The pride that she once felt that she could study abroad has been completely exhausted. Among this group of girls, she is the most She was so powerful that she could dig out the dried meat in someone else's hands. She once even dug out a girl's hand and drew blood.

The girl who was robbed by her was timid and didn't dare to rob him back. This girl became more aggressive. However, she always only robbed one person and rarely touched others because she knew that she would not be able to win if it caused public outrage. Everyone, so only one girl is touched.

It's just that this time I don't know what's wrong, I want to grab a bottle of water.

The girl looked at the New Year pictures, Chang Le, and the girl who helped get the medicine before, all staring at her. She was so frightened that she couldn't help but apologize, and shrank into the corner.

About half an hour after Ruan Jiaojiao took the medicine, her fever gradually began to subside, but she was still hungry and thirsty, and her mind was still in a daze, so she recited a few words without realizing it.

Chang Le couldn't hear clearly what she was reciting. Just when he was about to lower his head and ask her what she was reciting, he felt a violent impact from the car, and then there was a bang-bang-bang sound from the roof of the car, as if many heavy objects suddenly fell down.

Everyone was startled and looked at the carriage above their heads in horror, feeling as if a stone had hit them.

The men driving at the front of the car were also frightened.

The car was driving smoothly on the road, but suddenly a super-large wild boar ran out of nowhere. It had a sharp mouth and fangs. It suddenly emerged from the grass on the roadside and hit the front of their car with its head. The huge wild boar ran out of nowhere. Not only did the size force the small truck they were driving to stop, it even poked a big hole in the front of their car, causing damage to the car's engine and stalling.

Not to mention, they had just recovered from this scene, and two of them had just gotten out of the car to check it out, and it started to rain turkeys in the sky again!

A turkey weighing more than ten or twenty pounds was smashed like crazy.

It hit the front glass, the compartment, and even the heads of the two men who were checking the situation. One covered his head and barely escaped, while the other was knocked unconscious and twitching on the ground.

The three people in the car who had not yet gotten out of the car had never seen anything like a hail of bullets, but they had never seen anything like this.

They were all dumbfounded when they saw the blood stains sliding down the car window glass and the unmoving companion who fell to the ground.

Not to mention getting out of the car to check or rescue, I didn't dare to move while sitting in the car.

Let’s have a good meal first~~and then meet some acquaintances~~

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