Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1792 Jiaojiao Baby (6)

Ruan Jiaojiao blushed and pushed him away. She felt it was not enough and glared at him fiercely. Then she turned around and ran away in her own slippers.

Duan Xu watched her running figure from behind with extremely gentle eyes.


As soon as Ruan Jiaojiao and Duan Xu's engagement party was over, Beidu officially entered winter. In late December, there was a snowfall in Beidu. The snow was so heavy that the entire Beidu became covered in silver. .

Many students from the south may have never seen snow, or they have never seen such heavy snow. When they see such heavy snow, they go out and go crazy. Wu Huan is also from the south. As soon as get out of class is over, he runs over and drags Ruan Jiao along. Jiao: "Jiaojiao, let's go play in the snow together, it's so big!"

Ruan Jiaojiao was pulled out of the classroom. Hearing this, she quickly refused: "Wu Huan, I'm not going. You go down, I'm afraid of the cold."

"It's not cold when it snows. It's only colder when it melts." Chen Hui said excitedly. She had seen snow before, but never as big as Beidu.

Ruan Jiaojiao still refused and said with some embarrassment: "I'm not in good health, so I won't go. I just caught a cold some time ago."

After entering December, the weather is getting colder and colder, much colder than when I was in Yuansu. Although Ruan Jiaojiao often came to Beidu in the past, she usually stayed indoors and rarely went out. There were many things at home. Heating, so it doesn't get cold.

But now that she is studying, the classroom is warm, but she always has to do outdoor activities, so as soon as December entered, she caught a cold, which lasted for more than half a month.

When Wu Huan heard this, he also thought of Ruan Jiaojiao's lack of energy due to a cold a few days ago, so she didn't force herself. He immediately said: "I forgot about it. Then Jiaojiao, go into the classroom and rest quickly. Chen Hui and I will go down. You want to Snow dumplings? I'll get one for you."

Ruan Jiaojiao smiled and shook her head.

After Wu Huan and Chen Hui went down, they were not in a hurry to enter the classroom. Instead, they stood on the balcony and watched the people playing in the snow. Some were rolling and some were having snowball fights. There were constant laughter and laughter. Ruan Jiaojiao just watched. He seemed to be infected by this happiness and couldn't help but laugh.

"You don't like snow?" Jiang Xiao didn't know when he came to her side and asked her.

Ruan Jiaojiao was a little surprised, then nodded.

She really doesn't like snow, not at all, because what happened back then left an indelible shadow on her, and she really doesn't like this cold thing.

She never told anyone else, and she didn't expect him to know.

"I don't like it either." Jiang Xiao looked into the distance, as if looking at something else through the snow, with a somewhat gloomy tone: "Especially the snow before the age of twelve."

Ruan Jiaojiao turned her head and glanced at him, knowing that he was probably talking about her life in Xiahe Village, but she just didn't know what to say or what to answer.

In fact, she herself found it strange why she felt so embarrassed every time she was alone with Jiang Xiao and felt that the scene was very stiff. It was obviously not like this when she was a child.

Although she said she wanted to be an ordinary classmate last time, in fact, she would subconsciously reduce the interaction between the two of them every time unless necessary.

"Are you familiar with Feng Niannian?" Jiang Xiao probably didn't mean to ask Ruan Jiaojiao to answer. The topic changed inexplicably, and it suddenly turned to Feng Niannian.

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