Chapter 1443 Nightmare (5)

The two of them walked to the front of the coffin. Xu Xu looked at the layers of dust on it and thought of holding Ruan Jiaojiao in the car later. He didn't want to get his hands dirty, so he asked Ruan Jiaojiao to step back. A little further, and then he raised his leg and kicked the coffin on top directly away.

Almost as soon as the coffin was opened, a dark green triangular-headed snake sprang out from inside. It stood upright and hissed at them, but when its green bean eyes came into contact with Xu Xu, they immediately gave in. He turned around and crawled away along the coffin, jumped into the weeds in the courtyard and disappeared.

Ruan Jiaojiao covered her mouth and nose, and immediately cast admiring starry eyes at Xu Xu.

Xu Xu didn't care on the surface, but in fact his chest straightened up. He took two steps forward and took the lead to look into the coffin. Ruan Jiaojiao immediately followed.

The coffin was not empty, but it was not a corpse, but a shabby rag doll. The rag doll was sitting against the other end of the coffin. It had big eyes, dark eyes, and very long eyelashes. Sitting facing their direction like a real little doll!

Xu Xu knew that Ruan Jiaojiao would be scared, so he used his body to block it when he saw it for the first time. However, Ruan Jiaojiao looked in at the same time as him, so she also saw what he saw. I was so scared that my heart almost stopped!

"Close your eyes and stop looking. Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you."

Ruan Jiaojiao immediately closed her eyes, but that didn't work. Once she closed her eyes, she became even more frightened. Her mind was filled with thoughts of the broken doll looking straight at her, which made her even more frightened.

She opened her eyes and said pitifully: "Brother Xu, you said it too late. I have already seen it, and now all I can think about is that."

"..." Xu Xu.

After Ruan Jiaojiao finished speaking, she comforted herself: "Fortunately, when I return to my body later, I won't remember these things." Thinking of this, she felt as if she had a little more courage.

He said to Xu Xu: "Brother Xu, let's not waste time. Let's take a look."

Xu Xu had no choice but to step aside again. Ruan Jiaojiao tried not to glance ahead, only looking at what was in front of the doll.

Next to the coffin, that is, on their end is a tablet. There is a red cloth hanging on the tablet, probably to cover the name on it. In front of the tablet, there is a porcelain bowl with a gap. In the porcelain bowl There was something red, which Ruan Jiaojiao thought looked like blood.

This formation felt like a curse to her.

"This is a nightmare curse." Xu Xu explained at the side.

Compared with casting a curse, it is thousands of times more vicious. The curse may harm a person's body, but it is the soul that is imprisoned by the curse. The soul cursed by the nightmare will be imprisoned in a certain place forever.

If this is the work of the evil nightmare in Feng Niannian's body, it also explains why Feng Niannian's soul cannot leave Xin Miao's body because it is imprisoned by the nightmare curse.

Even Ruan Jiaojiao's body in her previous life would be imprisoned in the water for a year without being able to escape. She had no chance to be reincarnated after her death. She could only be attached to a cat and could not escape from it. This was entirely because of the evil nightmare's influence on her. Did the same thing.

Listening to Xu Xu's explanation about the nightmare curse, Ruan Jiaojiao also thought of her past life, and her face became increasingly ugly.

Although he was still very frightened, he still took a deep breath and said, "Brother Xu, please take off that red cloth."

She wanted to see whose tablet it was.

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