“What I am going to tell you today is how to evolve your aura one step further.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura that had spread widely in his hand gathered with his index finger and slowly began to fade.

And when it is completely reduced to the size of a hand joint.


A high-pitched sound began to resonate as if a sharp sound was tearing the air around it.

“Yujin. Do you know what happens when you compress and compress white frosted ice?”

“ice… … do you mean? I do not know.”

“It becomes transparent. As if to prove that nothing is inside. And this also applies to Aurors.”

Having said that, Kwak Chun-sik shakes off his wrist, and the aura on the tip of his finger flies toward the floor like water droplets splashing.

at the same time.

Deed Deed Deed———!

The protruding spot dug deep and began to cause cracks around it.

He watched it indifferently, then turned his gaze back to me.

“Bing cheong jade crystal (氷淸玉潔). It is a technology that can be said to be the basis of the application stage of Aura Sik. And it is a skill you will learn today.”

It was the moment when his ability, which was one of his representative skills, was demonstrated in front of my eyes.

“You mean you learned this today?”

“right. Aren’t midterms coming soon?”

Even so, I never thought I’d be able to teach you this skill so easily… … .

In a brief moment, the hardships you went through to learn this skill pass by.

‘Stupid bastard! You want me to tell you about the ceremony? sweep the yard Hey!’

‘With that kind of skill, I can’t even use it if I tell you! Get lost!’

‘Where are you asking me to tell you the technology for free! There’s no way, you bastard!’

… … But how can this be so easy?


“Oh, nothing. Stop admiring the skill of the elder.”

“hahahaha! It’s certainly a pretty beautiful technique. Now, let’s start with the basics.”

After all, life is about school ties, regional ties, and blood ties.

“Can I focus my aura on one place first?”


The sense of gathering auras in one place was not that difficult.

Because I usually focus my aura on one spot when fighting or when using blood type abilities.

As I focused all the auras flowing inside my body on my right hand, a red aura began to rise from my fist as usual.

And Kwak Chun-shik carefully examines the situation.

“More there.”


More compression here.

Normally, the overflowing power was forced into it to increase the purity, but in a calm situation like now, that wouldn’t be easy.

First of all, feel the remaining auras in your body one by one and slowly start pushing them toward your arms.

It’s like forcing the inside of a full trash can to be compressed even more.

When pressed, it inflates again, when pressed, it inflates again and returns to its original state.

“Isn’t it okay?”

“Yes. It feels like there is nowhere else to go.”

“Then, how about changing the image?”

“… … image?”

Changing the image, what does that mean?

“Well… … right. It would be better to show it like this.”

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Kwak Chun-shik, who had read my expression, opened his palms and began to make a certain shape with an aura.

In an instant, an aura in the shape of a drill was created above his hand.

“like this. With the feeling of not just pouring out aura, but penetrating it. It is pouring more and more aura with the feeling that it is squeezed into the blood vessels.”

Are you telling me to start with a different image because I still lack the skills?

Certainly, according to his explanation, it would be easier to capture the image.

“I will try.”

Imagine the aura of the clogged part and think of a drill that rotates slowly.

Then, the red aura slowly began to fade.

The color gradually faded and began to change to a translucent red light reminiscent of a jewel.

The result of compressing it as much as possible.

“I think this is the maximum.”

No, it couldn’t be said that it was already shaking.

As if water droplets were formed on the surface, it was swaying, but not swaying.

“Well, it’s still the first day, so I should be satisfied with this. You’re so good at it, why do other kids whine about how difficult it is to even degrade… … Eh tsk tsk.”

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Kwak Chun-shik, who frowned for a moment, looked at me again and smiled.

“Now then, let’s proceed with light sparring as it is. in the form of giving and receiving. I will let you follow the speed, so please come with the feeling that it follows slowly.”

“Yes. Then, excuse me.”

As I was taught today, I compressed my aura as much as possible and rushed towards Kwak Chun-shik.

Truly a special class from mentors for midterm exams.

huh? wait for a sec. can i use this?

* * *

that evening.

It was a slightly late call, but all the children gathered in the stale room.

“Special midterm exam?”

Children who listen to my story and make various facial expressions.

“So the boss said, let’s invite each of our mentors to the club room and receive guidance on the areas we are lacking in. is this?”

Seeing Jin-woo talking with a serious expression, Sae-ah raised her eyes as if surprised.

“No, you understood that at once? you?”

“I’m not an idiot, so you couldn’t understand me?”

At that cry, Youngje and Sae-ah nod their heads, and Choi-yeon looks at me blindly as if she doesn’t understand.

“My grandfather said that the teachings of strong people are good. I agree.”

Still, she too raises her hand and nods as if she understands the essence of the story.

“I agree too. Then, why don’t we invite Han Yeo-eun, the guild leader of the Artemis Guild?”

“Why call that crazy bitch!”

“I told you what to do if I curse at our goddess! Do you want to go back?!”

As soon as the idea to call Jinwoo’s mentor Han Yeo-eun came out, the meeting room turned into a place full of screams and violence.

I sighed at that sight and tapped the table, then slightly loosened the power of the ‘Ancient Berserker’s Ring’.

At the same time, a black haze spreads from me to the surroundings.

The children, startled by this, glanced at me.

“——Be a little self-respecting.”

“… … oh sorry.”

“… … sorry. boss.”

This has calmed me down a bit.

“Continuing to say, I actually thought about who I would like to have in advance. The important thing is that you have to serve them now.”

The academy’s midterm exam period is a total of 3 days.

Since I had to take an exam in such a vast range of subjects, the people I selected were the ones I judged would be helpful for the remaining subjects.

“There are a total of two people I want to serve. One is the swordsman of the Changchun Swordsman.”

“… … huh? my grandfather?”

As soon as the word swordsman comes out, Choi Yeon reacts.

“You know how to use most weapons, right? And since he has been nurturing talent for a long time, I just thought it would be of great help. Choi Yeon, can you convince me?”

In response to my question, Choi Yeon puts on an expression as if thinking deeply about something for a moment.

Soon she nodded.

“yes. My grandfather also seemed interested in the club. I think you will listen if I ask.”

“I’m glad. And the next request is… … Han Yeo-eun, the guild leader of the Artemis Guild.”

“Boss ugh! You better kill me!!”

“Goddess is descending on our club!!”

Two people who show extreme reactions.

“boss. Are you really trying to call that madwoman? If we do that, we will all die!!”

Jinwoo talks with his hands and feet shaking.

Sae-ah, who covered that guy’s mouth, looked at me and smiled.

“Could it be that Yoo-jin wants to serve guild leader Han Yeo-eun for no reason? Yes?”

“It is as you say. Guild leader Han Yeo-eun is an assassin or thief-type hero, but she is actually more of an all-rounder, and learning her weapon techniques and situational judgment will definitely be of great help.”

In fact, it was Han Yeo-eun who built a huge guild called Artemis with only such abilities.

“And during self-study, I’m going to ask for guidance from the elderly Kwak Chun-shik and Instructor Ji Soo-hyun. Because they are world-class in Aurora mana control, and they have been training disciples for a long time.”

There were a total of three things to aim for through this opportunity.

A face-to-face exchange with other mentors.

And right now, I quickly fill in the missing parts for me.

Of course, the process would be very painful and difficult, but I couldn’t give up the opportunity to customize the world’s strongest instructor lineup to my taste.

In fact, after hearing about my plan, Mr. Kwak Chun-shik was also very happy with it, saying it was a good idea.

To the masters of the sunny side by day, to the masters of the dark side by night.

If it was a game, you could say that we took the fostering hell route, but one thing is for sure, this opportunity was a strategy that would make our club even stronger.

“Well then, Boss. When should I contact those mentors? Aren’t you a little late today? Is not it?”

Jin-woo, who has moved to the seat next to Young-je, carefully asks when he was freed from Se-ah’s bondage.

“Of course right now.”

“Muh, what? right now? But that crazy——our mentor must be pretty busy right now, right?”

“No matter how busy you are, will your disciple indifferently refuse to help you? Why don’t you try it for now?”

It’s not that I don’t know Han Yeo-eun’s personality, and I wonder if such an excuse will work.

Hearing my kind tone, Jinwu took out his cell phone as if he had given up.

When you move your finger a few times, you hear a beeping cell phone.

after a while


A woman’s voice came from Jinwoo’s cell phone.

“ah. uh… … Mentor? I… … I have something to ask you.”

-Do you have any questions? you?

“ah. Yes. that is… … .”

Jinwoo glances at me.

I kindly urged once more with my mouth.


Fortunately, Jinwoo continues to speak with his eyes closed, as if he succeeded in reading the shape of my mouth.

“Hey, over there. I know I’m a little late. By any chance, very possibly, could you help the kids in our club with a special midterm exam? Don’t do it if you don’t. No, thanks if not… … all?”

-… … .

momentary silence.

-I am coming.

“ah. Yes? Busy too… … Yeah? Are you coming now?”

-Why. ask for help

“No, that’s not it, you’re busy this week… … .”

-it’s fine now. go to the academy now

And then the call hung up.

Jinwu, who was staring blankly at the now blackened LCD screen, slowly raised his head, raised his trembling hand, and raised his thumb.

“Okay, fix it… … did it happen?”

Transparent tears flowing down at the same time as a trembling voice.

‘No, is it real? I told you you were busy!’ and approached Jin-Woo, who shouted, and patted him on the shoulder.

“Yes, it was hard.”

“… … boss. What the hell are you trying to learn, Han Yeo-eun, are you calling her? It’s true that I became stronger because of him, but I don’t know what the boss is calling me for.”

For some reason, Jin-woo comes to ask the right question.

All the other children were also focusing their attention on me, as if they were curious about it.

“No, I didn’t mean to ask for something so grand. I was going to ask you to share some skills that might help everyone. Oh, Jinwoo, are you still good at this?”

“yes? what is that?”

──How to get hit without pain.

“Let’s start with how to fit without getting hurt.”

It was the first subject in the cramming curriculum of Han Yu-jin, one of the leading instructors.

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