Chapter 405 Gaiden 4 Darkness (4)

“It’s about strengthening your concentration.”

Karen smiled at her broken door.

“Are you concentrating?”


“Is that all?”


She nodded her head as if nothing happened.

“Is the energy in the sword great?”

Baek Woojin narrowed his eyes. Inside the Chubaek sword, there was a youthful energy that was no less than that of the Changcheon sword. He never thought that he had only the ability to enhance concentration.

“Of course, there are options to enhance swordsmanship and Auror, but the most important thing is to strengthen concentration.”

“You have deceived darkness again.”

“Half a minute.”

Karen raised her finger and smiled at her.


“That black boosts concentration tremendously. If you get that effect, you’ll think the sword really grants wishes. The simpler the better.”

“simple? Ah… .”

Baek Woojin shook his head. Darkness is the simplest man he knows. I thought that I could fully enjoy the effect of that sword.


She glanced at Karen. She was smiling with joy and anticipation.

‘Darkness. You will never beat Karen for the rest of your life.’


Darkness stood at the entrance of the theater and looked around.

The training equipment under the wall was greased, and the floor of the gym was as good as a tennis court.

‘Did you keep cleaning it?’

This luxurious performance hall was given as a gift by Baek Woojin when he returned to Baekga.

Even though I hadn’t used it after the first month, it seemed like it had been taken care of.

‘Anyway, that guy… .’

Although thankful to Baek Woojin, she was embarrassed and couldn’t raise her head. Even though the theater was kept so neat, I was still watching the drama.


He sighed and lifted his head. The scorching sunlight seemed to rebuke him.

“No. no.”

It’s a thing of the past that I wasted time on drama. Wasn’t Karen also very scolded? Now is not the time for her to regret.


When I shouted the name of the newly acquired sword, the air split into a cross and a black sword came out.

With a strong desire to catch up with Baek Woojin, Dark Dark grabbed the sword of the Chubaek Sword.

Woo woo woo!

The aura that resided inside the Chubaek sword was still strong. It seemed to have grabbed the mana of pure and huge nature.

“Ugh… .”

Darkness groaned. The moment the sword was held, the time of the world flowed slowly, and the five senses became much more sensitive.

‘That wasn’t a lie?’

It wasn’t the first time she’d been to Karen, so she didn’t believe everything she said.

She thought she gave a reasonably good sword, but it was true.

Particles of the blazing sun and blowing wind seemed to touch the skin. In addition to the five senses, it feels like inspiration is amplified.

“… awesome.”

This sword was special.

I don’t know if it really is a wish-fulfilling sword, but it was clear that it would be of great help to my training.

Darkness closed its mouth and slashed its sword.


vertical cut. In the basic swordsmanship that even a five-year-old child can do, the swordsmanship of the absolute level of the season surged.

‘This is not it.’

She raised her sword again. The blade that soared up to the sky contained not only Auror, but also scattered thoughts.

woo woo woo!

As the blade of the falling Chubaek sword mixed with aura, a power different from the previous one exploded.

“Neither is this.”Darkness shook her head. The auror was used appropriately, but he lacked determination.

he took the sword And he hit it. He repeated the same action over and over again.

Just like when you first learn a sword and immerse yourself in the world of swords.


Baek Woojin sat on the wall of the theater and looked down at the darkness.

‘You’re really focused.’

Even though he did not kill Ki-chik, seeing that he did not know that he was there, darkness was deeply immersed in the sword.

‘Because it is such a sword.’

The ability of that sword, which Darkness named Chubaek, is concentration enhancement.

Although it lacks the ability to grant the wishes that Karen said to the darkness, it is a sword that can help the darkness more than that.


The sound of darkness striking the sword gradually changes.

From a rough sound like scraping sandpaper, it became soft as if it were cutting tofu.

‘You are becoming proficient in the use of will.’

After reaching the intermediate level of Transcendence, Darkness neglected the training, so the use of yinyeom was immature.

That immaturity started to change little by little within 4 hours of starting proper training.


Baek Woojin burst out laughing.

“They say they get tired of looking at me, but they lose more.”

Darkness was angry every time when he saw his luck and talent, but now that he sees it, his talent is even worse.

He was scolded by Karen, and even though he had obtained a sword, he had no idea that he would change so quickly.

‘There’s a reason Karen-sama didn’t come.’

Karen said she believed in darkness, but she didn’t come here, and she was clearing his room.

‘It is because he has seen darkness for a thousand years.’

Karen knew her very well, just like she had endured a thousand years to bring darkness back to life.


Baek Woojin stood up after seeing the darkness of endlessly repeating vertical slashes.

“Don’t make me wait too long.”

Only Baek Woojin’s reverberation-like voice flowed over the wall, and his figure was scattered like dust.


In the dance hall left alone in darkness, only the sound of swinging the sword could be heard until the moon came up.


Darkness stood in the dance hall in the blue light of dawn and saw the sword of Chubaek in his hand.

‘It’s been a month already… .’

It’s been a month since I picked up the sword again.

What I did during that time was simply bab-geom-jam. I ate, swung my sword, and slept.

‘The drama was sealed too.’

I haven’t even seen a drama where I can’t live and die like that.

I woke up in the morning and swung my sword with all my might, and at night I came back with my body as heavy as cotton soaked in water and slept in my room.

Thanks to the intense training, the senses of the body returned.

before stopping practice. No, it was the state of his body when he thought he had reached the pole of nothingness on the continent of Marutun before becoming a demon sword.


I climbed up warmly and set up a chubaek in the sunlight.

As the sword was struck, a cool pounding sound as if the space was being cut cut through the air.

It is not only the body that has recovered after a month of training. The sharpness of the tip of the sword was also revived.

After using all the swordsmanship he knew and did not know, from basic swordsmanship to Baek Woojin’s sword he made himself, he set up the Chubaek sword in the middle.

woo woo woo.

Auras flowing through his body and thoughts floating outside were gathered together and covered his body.

oh oh oh!

The energy burning like the flames of hell ignited the aurora and created a terrifying wave.

slows down

The world flows more slowly than when it is holding the chimney. The same goes for your own body.

His limbs didn’t move properly, as if he was trapped in the mud of a deep, deep abyss.


Others will be slower.

To put it bluntly, this phenomenon occurred because he was too fast and used a strong energy.

However, even with such ‘light and dark’, Baek Woojin, who did not use a deep sword, cannot win.


Darkness let out a rough breath and frowned.

‘I’m going to die.’

The ability of light and dark is a deadly skill just like Baek Woojin’s deep sword. If you keep it like this for a long time, it will be hard enough to die.

Sweat poured down like rain, and my lungs and heart ached as if torn. His legs trembled as if they had loosened.

Even though he felt as though he had tens of thousands of weights hanging all over his body, he did not stop using the light and shade. He clenched his teeth and survived.

“Heh heh heh!”

After the darkness endured for another 5 minutes in that state, the light and darkness were released, and he took a deep breath.

‘Come to think of it, Baek Woojin has been like this before.’

It’s different from maintaining light and shade, but when we first met Baek Woojin ran the dance hall right before he died.

The image was still engraved in his mind.

“There’s no way I couldn’t do what he did.”

After choosing a breath, he got up and practiced basic swordsmanship.

When his physical load went away and his will was restored, he activated light and shade.

The practice of sword and yinyeom was repeated until the rising sun went down to the bottom of Seosan Mountain.


Darkness lowered its sword only after seeing the sun. There was no energy, but a feeling of fullness filled his chest.

‘Let’s go now.’

After tidying up the theater, we headed to Gajujeon.

“Hey, man of darkness!”

In front of Gajujeon, a joking geek waved his hand.

“These days, TBS is doing an interesting drama, why don’t you watch it? Training is not important now! There is a work that will eat drama of the year!”

It’s still disgusting to say something like that even though you know you’ve stopped drama and only practiced.

“It’s really fun because the actors’ acting skills are over. Kang Ah-reum’s level of acting skills are everywhere!”



I ignored him and went into Gajujeon.

“Are you here?”

Moon Ju-young, who was standing in front of Baek Woojin’s room, took a silent bow.

“that… Are you going?”

There were other people besides Moon Ju-young, so she called him Ga-ju, not that guy.

“You are inside. Come in.”

“I get it.”

“It’s good to see you practicing again.”

“You are noisy too.”

He passed Moon Joo-young, who opened the door, and entered her room. Baek Woojin was sitting at his desk reading a pile of papers.

“What are you doing?”

Baek Woojin tilted his head.

“I’m here to challenge you.”


“Today, three years later. Let’s open up.”


Baek Woojin has lost his appetite. The boy’s black eyes seemed to burn red.

“It’s the first time you say something you like since you came back. Have you given up on drama now?”

“Are you crazy? Make me give up the best pleasures of my life? I’m just waiting to break your bastard’s back and enjoy it slowly.”

Is there any way to give up on drama? I plan to break the seal of the drama by defeating Baek Woojin in 3 years and drinking soju from the giblets.


Baek Woojin gets up from his seat and approaches.


With every step he takes, his energy is amplified to a frightening degree. It feels like a majestic mountain is approaching.

‘Wow… .’

My heart was crushed by Baek Woojin’s huge wave that seemed to explode at any moment. It was the operation of a different mindset.

‘Is this Baek Woojin’s real power?’It is not enough to say that it is terrific.

A force that started from the ground and pierced the sky. Even the realm of transcendence seemed to have been torn apart.

It seemed that if I stood still, I would succumb. By using the will that he had been training for so far, he blocked the wave of his wave.

“Whew… .”

I couldn’t stop it completely, but I was able to breathe.

“Hmm… .”

A clearer light flashed in Baek Woojin’s eyes when he saw that.

“Darkness. As you grow, so do I. Is it really three years?”

“I counted that too. Three years is enough for you.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Baek Woojin gave a cool laugh and collected all the waves he had spread out.

“Looking at that self-assured confidence, it seems that you are really back now. great. 3 years. I will be happy to wait.”

The boy had a playful smile, as if he had returned to his childhood. It was a smile of joy and anticipation.

“If I was so relaxed, would my nose hurt?”

“do not worry. I will try desperately not to narrow the distance.”

“I will not visit you until that day in three years.”


Darkness blew a heavy voice and turned around. As I was about to open the door and go out, I heard Baek Woojin’s voice.

“Because Karen-sama asked me to eat with Yeon-hwa. Make time for this Saturday.”


He frowned and looked at Baek Woojin.

“Hey, say something like that quickly. I’ve been in the mood… .”

“It’s fun. Oh, one more!”

Baek Woojin lifted one of his fingers.

“What else!”

“I am not the only one waiting. You know it too.”

“… … .”

Darkness looked at Baek Woojin for a moment without answering, then turned and left Gajujeon.

“I know too.”

Baek Woojin smiled as he looked at the darkness through the closed door.


“Anyway, I don’t like the owner or the subordinates!”

The darkness walked back to the dance hall of the night.


He summoned a sword and held it in his hand. The black blade that received the moonlight shone as sharply as if it cut the soul.

‘Karen… .’

When I saw the sword, I thought of Karen.

No, she would’ve come to mind if it wasn’t. Because the other person Baek Woojin talked about is Karen.

“ha… .”

She sighed and looked up at the night sky.

‘A thousand years?’

Karen has been living alone for a long time of a thousand years. She saves herself, with a single determination to stop her Kabaron.

That is a great achievement that neither Baek Woojin nor himself can do. It is not an exaggeration to say that she saved the worlds of Marutun and Earth.

She had suffered so much and she wanted to give her her happiness. I wish she always just smiled.

She wanted to say she’d be with her for the rest of her life for that, but she didn’t feel like she deserved to be with such a great woman, so she couldn’t say it out loud.


Now it was different.

After a month of high-intensity training, her confidence, which she had sunk in, began to rise like a well at dawn.


Darkness gave strength to the hand holding the Chubaek Sword.

‘I have to do it now.’

Three years later, after defeating Baek Woojin, I vowed to stand proudly in front of Karen and confess.

“wait a munite. Karen.”

Darkness clenched his lips and slashed the white sword.

That one swing, a day’s training, and a year’s sweat gathered together and three years passed.

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