1 – Lazy Ruid

My life has been ruined this time.

“Should the first sentence start like this?”

I think it’s quite interesting.

“The next sentence…… Hmm.”

Ruid blinked his eyes. I picked up the pen and tossed it.

“Let’s quit.”

I tried to enjoy the life of a successful writer by writing, but now that I think about it, I have never even written a diary.

It was a waste.

If you write about yourself in your previous life, it will surely be a hit.

He decided instead to close his eyes and think.

I lay down on the soft meadow as a bed.


Ruid opened his eyes.

The clear wall gave off an enchanting glow in the sunlight.

He stood up hesitantly, grabbed the pen awkwardly placed around the lake, and climbed back up.

I opened the book enchanted with ‘Non-Shrinking Pages’ and lay down.

I feel the oppressive pressure in my chest, but Lee Jeong-don decides to endure it.

“I have nothing to do anyway. I don’t know if anyone is wondering…… Let’s just use it.”

He started writing a diary of his past life.


This life is ruined

Her father lost his business and ran away, and her mother loses her will to live and lives helplessly.

Still, as a child, I couldn’t make my parents starve.

-Mom, I got a job. You don’t have to worry anymore.

I have no choice but to take a leave of absence and earn living expenses.

I was told to die. I had never tried hard in my life, but when the situation came up, I ended up doing anything that would make money, whether it was delivery or loading and unloading.

However, I wondered if this was what it was like to have water stick to a bottomless dock.

The situation did not improve.

It’s been 3 years, but it’s the same.

I’m getting tired.

I also wanted to give up everything……

-Are you Lee Ye-ja’s guardian?

Her mother passed away.

-The cause of death is an arrhythmia caused by extreme stress.

It was a fire disease.

The doctor said it was because her mother had too much in her heart.

During the three-day market, no tears came out. She didn’t even feel it. I saw her at the morgue, and she died the way I knew her. Looking at it, it was just plain dumb.

But at the charnel house holding on to the makeup, tears came out without any point.

I cried for a long time. With all my relatives, embarrassing.

After the funeral.

I came back to my room.

I haven’t cried since the ossuary. Rather, a devilish thought rose up from deep inside my heart: “I can now live my life too.”

I sat down in a sense of shame and then went to school the next day. Filed an application for reinstatement.

And then I found out.

I needed tuition. I tried to get a student loan, but I couldn’t get one.

It was because of the grades. I was a loser. But if I knew I couldn’t even get a loan, I would have worked a little harder.

I checked my bankbook. I thought I could pay the tuition for one semester.

It was strange.

I worked part-time for 3 years. I didn’t do a part-time job at a cafe, but I ran two jobs and three jobs. I sent over 3 million won a month to my parents.

I sent it because I thought that if I sent a lot of money, I would come to my senses quickly, and my body would break down.

I didn’t know how to write it all.

There was no tuition fee.

I went to the Korea Student Aid Foundation website to find out how.

The one written on the main screen.

31.3 Million won for student loans and living expenses.

Just then, I saw reality.

3Rd year of university.

I am 28 years old.

Even after graduating, I will be 29 years old.

Even the jijabdae.

The face reflected on the monitor faded.

But even then, I didn’t let go of hope like a straw.

I became an orphan. I heard in the news that it has become an advanced country, but I thought it would be there if I looked for things like welfare.

There was. However, I was not an orphan because I had a father. He was a father who could not be contacted. I didn’t even come to my mother’s funeral. That’s the law

Reporting a missing person or separating family registers. Surely there must be a way

If you look… Yes if you look for it

I’m tired. To be honest. Let’s say you graduate from college after receiving a lot of support from the country.

Then what’s left for me?

A diploma obtained at the cost of a debt of 4,000?

There was no future.

People live by dreaming.

Even if you don’t necessarily have a professional dream.

Whether it’s buying a house or something you want to buy. While dreaming such a small dream, I live with it as a driving force.

I didn’t have that. 40 Million won. Although it is a lot for someone, this debt, which is not an order to live on, was too big for me.

Deep Sage Time has come.

In my heart, I wanted to die. I wanted to give up and let go of the strings.

But I didn’t have the courage to do that.

So, I became a hikikomori.

I was rolling around moderately, and when I ran out of money, I repeatedly ran up and down.

I played games and watched anime. Web novel, light novel. There was no selection of things to enjoy in the room.

It was an escape from reality. I ran away from reality.

Then one day.

Even back then, on the way to run up and down.

I fell down.

I had a mysterious experience.

He was obviously unconscious, but the doctor said that he had died from overwork.

It was the first time I realized that playing games alone could lead to death from overwork.

Well, it wasn’t too much.

I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since my mother passed away.

It was terrible insomnia.

It hurts so much when I close my eyes, so I stayed awake until my eyes closed on their own.

Repeatedly not sleeping for two days at a minimum and three days at a maximum.

That day, I was on my way to work after staying up all night on the 3rd.

I expected my health to deteriorate, but I never thought I would die.

When I thought everything was over like that.

The unexpected happened.

Seeing the world for the first time.

I had become someone other than myself.

I couldn’t believe it at first.

I wondered if this was real or if I was dreaming.

But that’s for a while.

He grasped the reality that humans are animals of adaptation.

I realized that I was possessed by a web novel.

I knew it right away because it was a novel I read often.

It was a novel that I read with inertia and followed up to 1000 chapters before I knew it.

The title is… ….

Strangely, I don’t remember the title, perhaps because I’ve seen so many absurd things. Still, everything else was vivid.

The person possessed is Louis Christopher Windsor.

The youngest child of the Duke of Windsor.

It is classified as ‘non-standard’ in the work, and was the number one worldview certified by the author.

It actually had fraudulent abilities.

Bing’s day tea. I was convinced that I could win even if I went against God.

But above all, the best part.

I had a lot of money.

And handsome.

However, God made it so perfect that he made just one flaw.

Small in stature.

This seems to be the character called Shota.

… Will it grow soon?

That was the only thing I was looking forward to in this life.


I know the story, though.

Who the dark side is, who the main characters are, what they like, all of that.

I had the power to solve the crisis that befell the main character.

– Yes. You do it yourself

I am not interested.

You’ve become a wealthy unemployed, so what do you care about?

It’s much more productive to finish the sleep you missed in your previous life.


Ruid suddenly opened his eyes.

After using it all, I feel like I’m tired.

“Let’s go to sleep. I can’t write.”

Ruid gave up neatly and threw the pen into the lake. I left the notes. It’s because it’s written in Korean anyway. No one can read


Ruid fell asleep with the book he had just been writing hard on as a pillow.

It was a happy life again.

He is 58000% satisfied with this life.


Ruid is greatly loved in Windsor.

This is because the first and second were female, and only the third, Louis, was male.

Since the Windsor family is meritocracy, there is no discrimination in appointing a male or female successor.

The current head of the House of Windsor, perhaps because she is the duke, her love for her son was especially great.

Called the Grand Duke of the Northern Kingdom of Iron Blood, she was infinitely merciful in front of Ruid.

It’s only natural that life would be difficult for such an indolent scum to be born in Windsor Street, but to Ruid, it was all right or wrong.

Of course, it was also because Ruid was an unsalted genius. Effort is the action you take to gain ability. If you already have that ability, there’s no point in forcing you to make an effort.

But here.

The second daughter of the Windsor family, Amelia Windsor, had a slightly different idea.

“He must be sleeping again.”

The weather is nice.

He must have been taking a leisurely nap at Delrin’s lake again.

It was an unbelievable move for an academy freshman.

“It was too big.”

Amelia was worried.

She is the same, but she also cares for her Louis de.

… Isn’t this too much to do?

Her own brother was too lazy to be lazy.

From noble mtl dot com

When she thinks that she won’t be able to make a single friend like this, she’s worried.

Amelia made up her mind to repair Louis de’s rotten spirit with her words only this time.


He was also sleeping by the lake.

“… He has no blanket.”

Amelia let out a small sigh and approached Ruid.

A small boy.

Soft blonde hair was tickling her fair skin.

Amelia forgot that she had come to punish her, and she stared at her sister.

… You’re cute.

I feel like I have to scold hard… Mind.

It melted away.

Amelia squatted down and spoke softly.

“Louis. Wake up.”

“…… Yes?”

Louise rubbed her eyes and stood up.

“Why is Ame noona here?”

It’s been a year since I possessed.

Things like personal family titles had already been sorted out.

“What did your sister say?”

“Uh… “

Ruid yawned and said.

“They called my name… ?”

“Not that!”


Louise seemed to be pondering, nodding her head.

Amelia made an absurd expression.


“What… Is it okay?”

Amelia smiled kindly and stroked Ruid.

“I just need to be healthy.”

She stood up.

Then he returned with a satisfied expression.

Leaving Delrin Forest.


Amelia stopped her steps and looked behind her.

“… You left without saying anything again.”

This was the 8th failure.

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