Beautiful Natural Disasters

Vol 2 Chapter 204: New element

   (I woke up in a daze in the morning and moved the new chapter to the fifth volume again. Nothing. I will ask the editor on Monday to see if it can be changed. I apologize to everyone.)

   After a while, Tony read more than a dozen pages of information before re-examining the luminous stone.

Cheng Wanli said that this energy stone actually contains energy in the unit of tens of billions of degrees. This energy level directly kills his current Ark reactor. As long as such a piece, his steel clip... Don't finish it! This is an energy that can be used in the current world for more than ten years.

And the manual says how to extract the energy from this energy stone. The set of questions just now is actually a crucial mathematical model used when making a converter. With this guidance, he did it again. It took only three times to solve the problem and got the correct process. Looking back at the previous thoughts, it was ridiculously wrong. The answer was hard to come up with when he already knew the answer.

Under the box, there is a label sticker with only one sentence: "Duo Duo, this question can solve the palladium poisoning caused by the battery on your body, reminder: isotope."

   It turns out that they knew the problems that would arise in me a long time ago. So, their hexagonal reactor was completed?

Now is not the time to entangle this. First, get rid of the palladium poison. This is a heart disease. Even with his physique, he can ignore it, but it has been working in the body. Also, now he has close to 0.3. Physique, it's time to take out the shrapnel.

   "Jarvis, help me contact Dr. Stephen Strange, I think I have prepared the conditions to increase the success rate of surgery to more than 90%."

   "Okay, please wait...Tony, no one answered the call."

   "This is not right, I am his VIP customer, he will not answer my call, is his assistant not available? Or two people are..."

   The last time he met Strange's assistant, he was a charming and lovely person.

   But there was something more appealing to him. How about the energy stone? He started thinking about the isotope problem of palladium. This problem has troubled him for a long time. When Cheng Wanli mentioned the isotope, he actually already knew how to solve it.

   He extracted the mathematical model of this calculation problem, input it into Jarvis, and formed a function, and then asked him to start traversing the combination. After half an hour, Jarvis calculated the answer, and an isotope structure was placed in front of him.

   Although the holographic image is not as good as the thinking image, it can be connected to a computer for display, and the thinking world does not seem to work.

   As for whether it works, practice.

   He began to dismantle the house and assemble a device that can synthesize new palladium.

   During this process, he was in a calm mood, because the mathematical model had already told him the answer, so he just had to follow the practice.

  Also, that mathematical model is not only used here, but can also be used to transform other types of energy.

   It took two days. The experiment was very successful. He got a new palladium of about 50 grams. After passing the test, it did not have any toxicity.

   The problem that had plagued him for months was solved. But he didn't have any surprises...

   The next step is to make a converter to see if this energy stone has so much energy as Wanli said.

   Two hours later, a converter about the size of the Ark Furnace was made.

He embedded him in his new mecha, Mark3. Because of the large number of ceramic particles, he looked like he had grown a layer of fine black scales. This was spent more than a month by the people at the factory. , And finally got them on the armor.

   The surprise is that the Mark3 armor is more than better than the mark2.

   Mark3's excellent performance is also shown in the ability to resist breakdown, high temperature, acid and alkali, and Anne No.1. He is very satisfied.

  Who said I am Iron...Man? I am now a ceramic clip!

   "Jarvis, check the energy margin."

   "...Tony, it can't be detected."

   "Let’s go out and try."

   Tony put on the mecha and flew out of the villa. After a while, he came to a field, and then turned on the hand cannon burst mode.

   You know, the previous Ark reactor, after Dayun’s 30 rounds of ordinary hand cannons, the energy will alarm.

After    can shoot 30 rounds in a row, there is no energy change.

   "Jarvis, what's the matter? There is no change in energy."

   "Tony, I think the accuracy of our sensor for detecting lumen is too low, and we haven't seen the change in lumen mentioned in the settings. Maybe you can increase the energy output per shot and have a try."

   "Okay, double it."

   "No change, Tony."


   "Ten times!"

   "It's still the same, Tony."


   "One hundred times!"

   "Tony, this will damage the hand cannon launcher."

   "I will make another one, and now I mention it a hundred times!"



  The hand cannons are all broken, and the brightness of the energy stone has not changed in any way!

   "Tony, maybe, it really has more than one trillion degrees of energy, which is incomprehensible. According to Tesla's energy equation, with so much energy, its weight should be much larger than this."

   Tony thought of mysterious powers, so perhaps the laws and theorems of physics no longer apply.

   This energy stone may also be a mysterious power.

   This one is enough for his mecha to toss at will for more than ten years without using up its energy.

   Now the world's annual electricity consumption is only about 10 trillion kWh. According to Wanli, there are 476 trillion kWh of electricity in this energy stone, which is enough for the world to use for more than 40 years!

   How many waves do I have to use up this energy?

   "Tony! Are you there?"

   "I am here, Afa."

"I received a gift from Papa Wanli. Papa Tao gave me an energy stone. Can you help me build a converter and send it to me? you know? This energy stone can keep me wandering for a lifetime, do you believe it? I..."

   "I also received one."

   "..., buy the energy stone at a high price!"

   "Afa, I need it too."

   "Buy half an energy stone at a high price!"

   "Afa, I have money..."

   "Asshole Tony! You are a human being, you don't need an energy stone, I just need it, you don't love me at all, what you say is fake..."

   "Afa...when I have one more piece in the future, I will definitely give it to you. Can I keep this one for me? My mecha needs it very much."

   "Well, I can remember these words."

   "Hmm! But Afa, one is enough for your life, why do you need a second one?"

"I have eight fingers. I want to make it into a ring. I want to wear one on each finger! If I have enough money, I want to wear it on the wheels of my feet. There are four on each wheel. Cool. I want to fill my body with sparkling colorful light bulbs. I must be the most beautiful girl in outer space."

   Tony thinks Alfa is actually the same as Annie.

   "Tony, Strange's call."

   "Come in."


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