The reason why she was able to contract a grass-type spirit beast was because she herself possessed an insect-type spirit beast, which just happened to restrain the grass-type.

But if she also possessed the talent of a trainer, then Feng Ling would be no worse than those who awakened on their own!

Thinking of this, Li Yunfeng shook his head:"It would be better to say that she has the talent to be a spirit beast companion."

Liu Mengyao was stunned when she heard this, and then nodded.

To put it bluntly, a spirit beast companion is someone who plays with spirit beasts. After all, there are more and more professions related to spirit beasts. It's just like a beastmaster, most people will have a preconceived notion that you are fighting against a beastmaster.

People who are more liked by spirit beasts or who know more about spirit beasts will be considered by most people to be trainers, or have the talent of trainers.

This is a bit like the brand effect. When you use an item, the first thing you think of is the brand you hear the most.


Since the power of the seed cannon and the bean pod is quite strong, they are not suitable for practice in the dormitory. Pea Vine only practiced whipping skills in the dormitory. Only on weekends or at night, Feng Ling would borrow the school's gym to train Pea Vine's other skills.

Feng Ling let Night Hidden Butterfly only practice the two recyclable skills of spinning silk and poisonous phosphorus powder in the dormitory, and only practiced the use of other skills with Pea Vine in the gym at night.

Seeing that Pea Vine went from being very enthusiastic at the beginning to being a little lackluster now, Feng Ling felt helpless.

Just when thinking about what to train with Pea Vine at the baseball stadium, Feng Ling remembered the wing attack that Night Hidden Butterfly had learned when attacking the soft ball in the baseball stadium.

"Night Hidden Butterfly and Pea Vine, come here." Feng Ling raised her voice slightly and called to the spirit beasts that were training their skills. After all, the distance between the two of them was still quite far.



After responding one after another, they all came towards the wind chime. Because of the flying distance, the first one to arrive in front of the wind chime was the night butterfly. After touching its head, it waited for the pea vine to arrive.

When the pea vine arrived in front of it, the wind chime grabbed the night butterfly and squatted down:"Let's play a fun game."

"In a moment, the pea vine will use the seed cannon on the night hermit butterfly, and then the night hermit butterfly will use its wings to attack and hit the seed cannon back to see if it can hit the pea vine."

This is a good idea that Fengling came up with. The seed cannon of the pea vine is of the grass type, and the damage to the night hermit butterfly will not be very great.

Although the night hermit butterfly uses the flying type wing attack to hit the seed cannon back, even if the returning seed cannon hits the pea vine, it will be the ultimate power of the grass type skill.

After thinking about it, Fengling also added a sentence:"Night hermit butterfly, you can also dodge and use the silk spinning skill to attack the pea vine. Whoever wins the game and hits the opponent the most times can drink an extra glass of tree juice."

Fengling specially used the word game. Sure enough, after hearing that it was a game, the pea vines and the night hermit butterfly were obviously in much better condition than before.


Especially the pea vine, even its walking speed has become faster. Feng Ling smiled and walked between the two of them, a little further away:"Then let's start, I'll help you record the score of the game"



The first to attack was the pea vine. After gathering energy, the barrel head slightly bent backwards, and then spit out a seed cannon at a very fast speed.

The Night Hidden Butterfly, as expected of its previous training in the baseball stadium, did not make any big movements, but just moved its wings slightly. It adjusted its flying state and avoided the seed cannon that hit its face directly.

Seeing that it had missed, the pea vine puffed up its barrel face in anger. After all, every time in the secret realm, my skills could hit the opponent, and this was the first time it missed the target.

Looking at the pea vine desperately firing the seed cannon because it missed the Night Hidden Butterfly. Feng Ling remembered that when I asked it to aim at the target before, it was always sneaky, or it was a primary insect-type spirit beast that moved slowly, not facing the enemy like it is now.

""Peasant vine, calm down. You won't be able to hit the Night Hermit Butterfly if you use up all your energy. Pay attention to the Night Hermit Butterfly's movements and predict its movement positions." Feng Ling couldn't help but command Peasant vine.


After hearing the voice of its own beastmaster, the pea vine calmed down obviously, and did not fire the seed cannon continuously like before. It could also feel its own energy, because the skill release just now consumed a lot of it.

The night-hidden butterfly in the sky did not let the pea vine just observe it, but used its own silk-spinning skill.

Before he could observe the night-hidden butterfly carefully, the pea vine saw a white target flying over and rushing straight towards his position.

Although the speed was not as fast as his own seed cannon, the pea vine still ran in a panic.

Then the second silk-spinning skill flew in the direction where the pea vine was running, but the pea vine tripped itself in a panic after seeing it and avoided being hit.

"Look for opportunities to attack the opponent, and the opponent won't have that much time to fight back."Looking at Pea Vine, Feng Ling just continued to command without showing any expression.

Pea Vine, who was a little embarrassed for falling down, saw that his own beastmaster did not blame him, so he quickly stood up and adjusted his state.

Then he immediately fired a seed cannon and kept staring at the Night Hidden Butterfly.

But the seed cannon, which was originally just one shot, released the second seed cannon directly due to overload. The barrel head, which had been moving because of staring, fired a skill without Pea Vine realizing it.

After dodging the first seed cannon, another one flew over, and the Night Hidden Butterfly panicked and used its wings to attack back.

This is still Feng Ling. This was the first time that Ling saw Pea Vine overload while using a skill.

Although there was a little proficiency in the overload feature in Pea Vine's spirit beast panel, it was all released in the secret realm.

Feng Ling guessed that it might have been released when it was chased by the swamp tadpoles and the marsh frogs. After all, they were running for their lives at the time, and naturally they and Pea Vine would not notice whether the overload feature was triggered.

Although the overload occurs without any signs, and it will also consume the energy originally needed to release the skill. But at the same time, its speed will also be faster than usual, which is a feature that catches both oneself and the opponent off guard.

Pea Vine, who was stunned by the overload and stopped moving, was hit by the seed cannon shot back by the Night Hidden Butterfly.


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