In the car, Feng Ling sat next to Ruan Mian Mian. Feng Ling whispered to Ruan Mian Mian:"Did you bring any candy?"

Ruan Mian Mian saw Feng Ling talking to her quietly, and she also responded quietly:"Is it the candy from Mineral Power? Did I bring it for you?"

"I have some, let's eat two first. Don't let anyone see us!" Feng Ling felt that they probably wouldn't let them bring in supplies. Ruan Mian Mian, as the best friend of the original body, didn't stay away from her because of her orphan status. She would help her instead. Feng Ling also wanted the other party to be more confident.


After half an hour's drive, Feng Ling and the others saw students from other schools when they got off the bus.

It seems that all the schools near this secret realm have come here to participate in the test of survival in the secret realm. Feng Ling observed the surroundings and guessed. There are a total of 5 schools of students who came to this secret realm to participate in the survival test.

According to the instructions, they lined up and entered the secret realm one by one. Except for the guild bracelet, they must take out all their belongings.

Feng Ling looked at the boxes in front of him, which were mostly mobile phones and drinking water, as well as candy backpacks. Feng Ling thought about it and stuffed his mobile phone and the candy on his body into the backpack.

Some people who reacted wanted to eat candy secretly but were caught on the spot. Although they didn't say anything, they still stopped the idea of eating candy.

Ruanmianmian in front of Feng Ling looked back at Feng Ling with gratitude. Feng Ling just smiled at Ruanmianmian and didn't say anything.

After handing in all the things, Feng Ling and the others got a small backpack.

The person standing in front of him obviously didn't speak loudly, but it reached everyone's ears.

First, you will survive in this secret realm for two and a half days. Those who persist can get a basic score of 50 points.

Second, you will be monitored throughout the whole process. If you call for help, it will be considered as giving up the test and you will get 0 points. You need to find shelter and get food. Your choices and methods will be monitored to get points.

Third, the highest level of spirit beasts in this secret realm is advanced, and all of them will actively attack humans. Your first secret realm survival test is to ensure your own safety.

"Dead tree spirit, surveillance species. Dok octopus, space exchange."As the words fell, a floating green eye appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Before Fengling and the others could react, everyone was teleported to different corners of the secret realm.

Fengling's eyes blurred and she found herself in the forest. Although she already understood that she was in a magical world, the suddenness of it almost made her spit out the quintessence of Chinese culture.

Fortunately, a touch of green flew past Fengling's eyes, allowing Fengling to quickly understand the current situation.

Fengling quickly made a summoning seal, and with a flash of light, the Night Hidden Butterfly appeared in front of her.

Then Fengling quickly looked for a foothold while asking Congcong:"What is this green eye?"

*Surveillance Seed, a high-level skill of the Grass type, launches multiple seeds with surveillance and flight functions. Its image can be read or mapped by the Beast Tamer through mental power. The higher the proficiency, the more seeds are launched and the longer the duration.*

*That Dok octopus is a superpower. I will play dead when it's around. Don't call me. *Congcong suddenly felt a little depressed.

Although Congcong's perception range is only three meters, it is only perception. The other senses are the same as Fengling, so he also heard the Dok octopus.

Since entering the secret realm, Fengling's heart really skipped a beat. Fortunately, she didn't talk to Congcong just now. After a sigh of relief, she said:"Then don't turn on your perception. Turn it on when I need it."

Congcong felt his weakness at this time. In the past, when he had the main system, he had enough energy and would not be discovered. Even if the host died, he could escape unscathed.

But now, because he was afraid of being discovered, he needed to stop the only place where Fengling could help. For Congcong, this was an experience and feeling he had never had before.

Fengling quickly found a place like a mountain wall. Without thinking too much, he pointed to the mountain wall in front and commanded:"Attack with the wings of the night-hidden butterfly."

A few minutes later, a small cave with an entrance that could accommodate Fengling to crawl in and out was completed.

Of course, there is more space to crawl into. The reason for doing this is to block the entrance, which will make it easier to disguise.

What Feng Ling did not expect was that the surveillance species did not follow in.

The people at the entrance of the secret realm fell into silence as they watched the projected images, although they did not necessarily have to monitor in real time. And it was not the first time they saw someone digging a hole. It was just the first time someone came in and dug a hole. You said dig a hole, so dig a hole. The entrance still has to crawl in, but it’s true. After Feng Ling blocked the entrance, it basically merged with the mountain wall.

The purpose of monitoring is to see how they respond and the situation. Obviously, Feng Ling’s response is very safe in some ways, and it can even be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a perfect score.

Seeing that there was no surveillance species, Feng Ling asked the Night Hidden Butterfly to use silk to stick to the dust and stone slabs to block the outside entrance. Feng Ling opened the small backpack given to Feng Ling in the cave. There was a small dagger, a bundle of ropes, and finally a flint.

Feng Ling:"……"

"So you are really here to survive? And in the literal sense?" Feng Ling couldn't help but want to complain. After all, for Feng Ling who grew up in an orphanage, hiding and finding food are already basic skills.

*But it is true. The basic guarantee of survival is to ensure your own safety. In the past two days, you can ensure that your vital signs will not have any accidents. After all, it is a test, not really letting you die. *Congcong analyzed everything rationally

*It seems that the score of this secret realm survival should be how to find a shelter, how to get food and ensure your own safety. It should be that only the secret realm survival of the college entrance examination will have tasks.*

*After all, the secret realm is the place that all beast masters yearn for, and it is also the place with the most casualties. The first thing you are taught is to protect your own safety, and it is reasonable to escape. *

Listening to Congcong's analysis, Fengling thought so too. How can you talk about survival if you have lost your life? So as long as you can hold on for two days and get the basic 50 points, you still have 30 points left. Your shelter is not bad, as long as you work harder on getting food.

Thinking of this, Fengling asked Congcong about the time.

Although Fengling would not be hungry at night because she had eaten two mineral candies in the car, she still wanted to go out to find food for the score.

After letting Congcong sense the situation outside, Fengling subconsciously wanted to take away the stone slab made of silk.

*Have you forgotten that there are surveillance species outside? * Seeing that his host had not remembered at all, Cong Cong quickly stopped him. Feng

Ling reacted and carefully moved the spinning board little by little to observe the surrounding situation. After seeing that there was no problem, he quickly climbed out of the hole. After crawling out, Feng Ling quickly summoned the Night Hidden Butterfly, and immediately restored the hole to its original state. After looking around, he left this place and walked into the forest.

In order not to expose Feng Ling's position, the surveillance species flew to the tree and recorded this scene clearly.

Those who saw this scene at the entrance of the secret realm gave Feng Ling scores, and some even nodded repeatedly to express that it was very good.

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