Chapter 128 Door-to-Door Ceremony

 Ye Bai took a look at the business card.

The name Jiang Hongzhou is written on it. There is no address or phone number on the business card.

 Zhang Lingxue seemed to see Ye Bai's confusion.

 “You can check this old gentleman’s address on the Internet.”

“When you get in, tell him that I introduced him.”

“He may also question you to see if you are smart.”

“If you can learn from him, you will benefit a lot.”

"By the way, in order to prevent anyone from attacking you, you should seal the big ash into the beast card."

 “If you are really in danger, release the big ash at any time.”

 After bidding farewell to Zhang Lingxue, Ye Bai checked Jiang Hongzhou's information online.

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t check, but when you checked, you were shocked to find that Jiang Hongzhou turned out to be a retired master therapist.

He was originally the director of the Central Veterinary Hospital. After retiring, he hid in the ancient streets of Jiaying City and opened a veterinary hospital called Anbaotang.

He has a weird personality and likes to drink nectar. The higher the grade of nectar, the more he likes it.

After Ye Bai investigated Jiang Hongzhou’s information, he asked Sun Kao to personally brew top-quality nectar.

 The nectar is packed in a small, exquisitely crafted jar.

Since you are studying at home, you have to bring some home gifts.

Ye Bai also found out that Master Jiang liked to eat puffer whales, so he ordered a few from the dark web at a high price.

At this time, the King of Sunflowers has taken the place of Dahui’s kitchen assistant. He holds two butcher knives in his hands and can chop vegetables with great success.

 Whether you require horizontal, vertical, or oblique shapes, Sun Kao can handle them easily.

Even the chrysanthemum tofu was made easily by Sun Kao.

Ye Bai packed the processed puffer whale in a crisper box, carried two cans of nectar, and walked towards the old city.

The King of Sun Flowers sat on Ye Bai's shoulders, its roots intertwined like two little feet.

 The little charcoal dog followed Ye Bai's butt, training its fire control ability as it walked.

Wanbian Silkworm seemed to be still sleeping in, and Ye Bai didn't call it.

Jiaying’s old street is a scenic spot and has attracted many tourists. The sounds of hawking can be heard from the surrounding shops, giving it a scene that smells like fireworks.

The houses in the old street are small two-story buildings. They don’t look big from the outside, but they still have a lot of space inside.

Soon, Ye Bai found Anbaotang where Master Jiang was.

 Anbaotang has not even opened its doors yet, and there is already a line of people outside.

The three characters "Anbaotang" are written fairly and fairly on the plaque.

At this time, ten paper figures squeezed out from the crack in the door. Many people clasped their hands together and muttered: "Please, my pet beast is sick. Please, Doctor Jiang, must get rid of me."

“My pet has not eaten for several days and is about to starve to death. Please let me win.”

 “Miracle doctor, miraculous doctor, please save my pet beast.”

 At this moment, the paper figures fell one after another.

Some people got the paper figures and they were filled with gratitude.

 Other people returned disappointed with resentment in their eyes, as if they had forgotten Master Jiang. .

"Do you know why?"

 “Why are some people recognized by paper figures and others not?”

 A voice came from behind.

Ye Bai said without hesitation: "Those who are recognized by the paper man are the real medical seekers."

“The other group of people are either scalpers waiting in line, or pet animals who are very sick.”

 “The most important thing is that they are not sincere.”

Ye Bai turned around and saw a paper man floating behind him.

“Zhang Lingxue introduced me here!”

"May I have your name?"

 The paper man asked coldly.

 “My name is Ye Bai, and Zhang Lingxue is my master.”

The paper man floated in the air: "Since you are Zhang Lingxue's apprentice, just come in directly."

 “Master Jiang, I want to see you.”

Ye Bai followed the paper man and walked in. Here, he saw an old man with gray hair and simple clothes.

Wearing cloth shoes, he sat on a chair and drank tea leisurely.

 “Tell me your purpose.”

Master Jiang's face showed no expression at all. His eyes lowered and fell on the fragrant tea, as if he was no longer interested in anything except the fragrant tea.

 “I’m here to learn from you how to treat pet animals.”

 “This is my gift to your door.”

 Ye Bai took out the prepared puffer whale's crisper and two small bottles of nectar.

Master Jiang’s eyes fell on the door-to-door ceremony. He moved his eyes and didn’t know what he was thinking.

After a long time, Master Jiang asked: "Can the puffer whale do it?"

“Yes, yes, whether it’s puffer whale sashimi or puffer whale shabu-shabu, the juniors have done it all.”

 Ye Bai quickly expressed his stance.

“Being able to handle puffer whales proves that you have strong cooking skills.”

Master Jiang glanced at the puffer whale, which was as white as jade and exuding a white halo. He knew that Ye Bai had handled it well.

“I have some special ingredients here, you can watch and process them.”

 “Tell me what you need.”

 “You can arrange my lunch.”

"Zhang Lingxue should have told you that my personality is very weird. If you dissatisfy me, then get out of here."

“Even if Zhang Lingxue comes here in person, it won’t be easy.”

“Now, come with me to heal the pet beast.”

Master Jiang stood up slowly and walked into the room.

Ye Bai then discovered that there was a cave in Anbaotang, and it turned out to be a secret realm inside.

There are many petri dishes here, and there are many rare animals in them.

But they are all sleeping in a petri dish, and a group of paper figures are observing the status of the strange beasts.

 After seeing Master Jiang walking by, they all said hello to Master Jiang.

“There are many strange beasts here, all of them are seriously injured and dying. I put them in petri dishes for treatment.”

“I have limited energy alone, so I rely on paper clones to record the status of strange beasts.”

“They have a strong willpower to live and will cooperate with my treatment.”

At this time, Master Jiang came to a platform with neatly arranged masks.

“When treating pet animals, you must wear a special mask.”

“In case there are any super germs on your pet’s body, you can also defend yourself against them.”

 Master Jiang handed a respiratory mask to Ye Bai.

 Ye Bai nodded immediately and put on the respiratory mask in cooperation.

Master Jiang took Ye Bai to visit several more places, and finally came to a reception room.

 Ye Bai discovered that the nurses here were all made of paper figures. This made Ye Bai very curious as to what kind of pet beast Master Jiang had contracted with, so that he could separate so many paper figures.

Now Ye Bai was thinking, could this Master Jiang in front of him be just a paper clone?

But when he thought about it, he thought it was unlikely.

"You don't have to worry. These are all paper figures. They are all intelligent and are controlled by me."

 “I don’t feel comfortable with other people doing things.”

“I’ve invited several people before, and they caused me a lot of trouble.”

 “I’ll let the paper man do the work for me later.”

 “Go ahead and call the first customer in.”

 A paper man flew out.

 Master Jiang put on a white coat and sat in the medical room.

 The paper man led a girl with waist-length hair over.

The girl wears a pair of silver-rimmed glasses and her hair is wavy.

 Very tall, probably over 1.7 meters tall.

As she approached, the scent of roses hit her.

 Master Jiang did not show off his face when dealing with patients. He looked at the girl with a sincere smile.

 “You should know my rules.”

  "If you don't like it, you won't take a penny. If you think it's OK, I want items that you regard as treasures. Of course, except for pets and feelings, I also want actual items."

After hearing what Master Jiang said, the girl nodded: "I know Master Jiang's rules."

“Now please help me heal this flaming wolf.”

 “I wonder if it can be saved.”

The girl released the flaming wolf. The flaming wolf had a bulging belly and was very weak. It had its eyes half-closed and seemed to have trouble breathing.

“What do other veterinary hospitals say? Do they have any inspection reports?”

Master Jiang asked Blazing Wolf to sit on the table, and he turned on the detection instrument.

Infrared rays fell on the Flame Wolf, scanning the entire body of the Flame Wolf over and over again.

“Other hospitals said it was a malignant tumor that was difficult to treat. They asked me to prepare to change my main pet as soon as possible to avoid affecting myself.”

“Even after the malignant tumor is eliminated, the recurrence rate still reaches 60%.”

“I have been to all major hospitals, but I had no choice but to find you.”

“Master Jiang, I’ll leave the Flame Wolf to you.”

The girl endured the pain and said unwillingly.

“It is indeed a malignant tumor, and the tumor has spread to all directions.”

 “It’s really difficult to deal with.”

“The key is that next to the malignant tumor, there is a newly formed pet egg.”

“If we want to get rid of this malignant tumor, the pet egg cannot be saved. What do you think?”

“There are already tiny cracks on the eggshell. Even if we can rescue it, this beast egg will definitely not hatch.”

Master Jiang said solemnly that for him, the operation is not difficult. The key to the difficulty lies in how to prevent the recurrence. If the operation is repeated, even the body of the pet animal will not be able to bear it.

Ye Bai, as an assistant, was secretly observing every move of the Flame Wolf.

 【Name: Blazing Wolf】

 【Level: Level 3, Level 7】

[Patient's part: The abdomen has formed malformed tumors, and the cancer cells are spreading towards the body, and it must be removed immediately. 】

Ye Bai was stunned when he saw the information about the Flame Wolf. Is this a new function of the Eye of Insight?

At this time, Master Jiang suddenly asked Ye Bai: "Boy, if you were the attending doctor, what would you do?"

Ye Bai's face showed a hint of joy, and he finally came to ask. If the answer was good, he would definitely be able to stay.

He organized the words through a large number of books he had read in his mind: "Teacher Jiang, if it were me, I would first perform surgery to remove the diseased part and separate the pet egg from the mother's body."

“Put the pet egg into the nectar of the sunflower for cultivation to prevent the crack in the pet egg from continuing to burst.”

“Then I will increase the input of nutrients to the pet to speed up the healing of the pet’s wounds.”

“Secondly, it can also stimulate the place where the tumor has metastasized, causing signs to appear early. We will continue to clean it until all the tumors disappear.”

“In this way, the pet’s body is kept in the best condition, and we can perform multiple surgeries, but it’s a bit troublesome.”

Ye Bai expressed his thoughts, but Master Jiang neither said yes nor bad. Instead, he said: "Since you have given the plan."

“Then this pet beast will be operated on according to your ideas.”

 “If you can’t even do surgery, then you should leave early.”

"Little girl, don't worry, even if he misses, I can handle it."

 “After all, what could be worse than this?”

 Master Jiang asked the girl.

 The girl shook her head: "Master Jiang, I am satisfied that you can help me."

“I just don’t know if he has a medical qualification certificate. If I let him handle it, he might be sentenced.”

 “It would be bad if people say this.”

Master Jiang nodded: "He has a veterinary medicine qualification certificate. He has just obtained it, so you don't have to worry about it."

"But I have one thing to tell you. During the operation, no matter what happens, you must not make a fuss."

“This is the most basic respect for the surgeon.”

“If you can’t do it, then we won’t accept your order.”

 “This is the disclaimer, please sign it.”

Master Jiang handed the girl a piece of paper, and the girl wrote the three characters Jiang Lingling on the paper.

“Okay, let’s start the operation. If anything happens, I’ll take care of it.”

 Master Jiang said something to Ye Bai.

Ye Bai put on a sterile suit and asked Sun Kao to assist him.

Sun Kao's body exuded a strong floral fragrance, and the Flame Wolf soon fell unconscious after smelling the floral fragrance.

 Ye Bai used a sharp scalpel to make a long and narrow cut on the Blazing Wolf's body.

Then Ye Bai used tweezers to open the wound.

 There is a pet egg in the middle of the abdomen, but the shell is almost dull.

There are ferocious blood vessels around the pet egg, which looks very scary.

 These are malignant tissues derived from cancer cells.

Ye Bai used a scalpel to remove these malignant tissues, and then used cotton to absorb the gushing blood.

 It didn’t take long for Ye Bai to clean up the cancer cells and suture the wound.

As for the pet beast egg that he took out with a crack, Ye Bai soaked it in the best sunflower nectar.

Sunflower nectar can restore cracked pet eggs to their original state. This was the first information Ye Bai received.

  After doing this, Ye Bai was sweating profusely, breathing heavily in his mouth, and looked very tired.

“How can this be possible when you are so exhausted after just one operation?”

“You should exercise your body well when you go back, or contract a pet with fighting attributes to see if you can randomly get its strong skills, which will make your body better.”

Master Jiang said with a look of disgust.



 (End of this chapter)

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