Beastmaster, My Information is Updated Daily

Chapter 123: If you dare to steal my food, just wait for me to get naked

Chapter 123 If you dare to steal my food, just wait for my naked revenge! !


Li Chen was slightly dazed. His first reaction was that it was impossible.

“It’s impossible. The place where I am is kept spotless. How could I be poisoned?”

Ye Bai handed the test report to Li Chen: "It is indeed poisoned, and the poisoning is not serious. If it is not treated, Dou Silkworm's life may be endangered. This is a very obscure toxin."

 Li Chen looked through the complete and detailed test report, and it did say that Dou Silkworm was poisoned, and had been poisoned for some time.

“This is a toxin that destroys nerves. Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise Dou Silkworm’s nerves would have died one by one, and even Daluo Immortal would be unable to recover.”

“This toxin does not exist in the wild. It is a synthetic toxin that is said to eliminate all insects.”

“For insect-type pets, it is a perfect nemesis.”

"Any insect-type beast will fall into sleep after being exposed to the Insect Killer. As the sleep time becomes longer and longer, it will become weaker and weaker, and finally it will affect your contract status. ”

Ye Bai explained the dangers of this toxin to Li Chen, and pointed out that it does not exist in nature and can only be framed by thoughtful people.

 The small hole in Dou Silkworm is the mark left by using an ultra-fine needle to pierce the outer skin.

 Had it not been for the eye of insight, this anomaly would not have been discovered at all.

The key is that Li Chen only realized now that his vigilance was a bit off.

 It seems that this time Li Chen's cultivator was sent to a meeting, it should be that person's work.

"I can help with the treatment. After you go back, check the people around you. If you don't remove the source of the poison, Dou Silkworm will continue to be poisoned."

“Come on, Sun Kao, extract the toxin from Dou Silkworm and use all your strength to treat Dou Silkworm!”

I saw Sun Kao placing the rhizome on Dou Silkworm's body. After its rhizome split to the size of a capillary, it penetrated into Dou Silkworm's skin.

 It can absorb the toxins inside the silkworm through its rhizomes.

Li Chen could see that Dou Silkworm's blood was black. Sun Kao drew it for a while before the color slowly turned green.

 After circulating for a while, the silkworm's blood finally turned light green, proving that the toxins had been eliminated.

“That’s enough, the treatment is over. For the sake of my old classmates, we won’t charge any fees this time.”

 Seeing Sun Kao's face turn pale, Li Chen felt a little guilty.

Ye Baibai is so kind, even the Sunflower King has gone to this extent. I really feel bad if he doesn’t give me money.

Brothers settle accounts, and Ye Bai and himself are not pro -brothers.

So Li Chen took out a black card from his hand.

 “It doesn’t matter, Sun Kao can just bask in the sun, it’s not a big deal.”

 Ye Bai pushed Heika back, he was telling the truth.

Seeing that Ye Bai insisted not to take it, Li Chen gritted his teeth and took out a simple blue bottle from the pet space.

There was gray liquid in the bottle. Ye Bai looked at it for a long time before he realized that it was the water of the Styx.

"Ye Bai, please accept it, otherwise I will feel sorry for you. It is just the water of the Styx. I still have a lot of it here."

Ye Bai knew that this was Li Chen's excuse. The water of the Styx was very rare. According to legend, only the secret realm of **** could get the water of the Styx.

There are also a large number of strange beasts lurking in the River Styx. When these strange beasts see someone taking water, they will go crazy and attack.

So the water of the Styx is a hot commodity in the Yan Kingdom Alliance, and Ye Bai only recognized it after seeing pictures of the water of the Styx.

This kind of thing is not wholesale. Every time you use one, you will lose one.

"Okay, just leave this bottle of Styx water here for the time being. I won't move it."

 “Wait until you need it, then ask me for it.”

Ye Bai said righteously and sternly, with a righteous look on his face.

At this time, Dahui also prepared the food, and the rich aroma filled his nostrils.

 The main thing to eat for lunch today is stir-fried bamboo rice with ten yolk eggs.

Plus the vegetables from the sky market that Li Chen brought over.

These vegetables are very fresh, and the broken surfaces of salad broccoli will even secrete milky white liquid on their own. These liquids are the best salad.

There is also bacon and cabbage, which tastes slightly meaty and smoky.

The staple food is strawberry rice. Each rice grain is a strawberry. It tastes sour and sweet. You will definitely want to eat a second bowl after eating one bowl.

Li Chen brought all these things and he usually ate a lot, so his focus was on fried bamboo rice with ten yolk eggs.

This time, Ye Bai brought more than a dozen pieces of bamboo rice from the Six-winged Flying Mantis, and the quality was very good.

Dahui is made by finely cutting bamboo rice into filaments. This crystal clear bamboo rice looks as soft as jelly, but the moment it is cut, it seems to be more flexible than the skin of ancient manta rays.

 Only Dahui has the power to cut bamboo rice into thin strips.

 After cutting into thin strips, first put an appropriate amount of rapeseed oil in a pan, heat the pan and let the oil cool. Add garlic, ginger, tempeh, and millet and stir-fry until fragrant. Add bamboo rice and stir-fry carefully.

 After frying the bamboo rice until it is raw, it tastes a bit like jellyfish, but more tender.

At this time, take out the bamboo rice, heat the pan with cold oil again, add ten yolk eggs and cook until cooked. When it has just solidified and there is still a trace of egg liquid waiting to solidify, quickly pour in the bamboo rice and stir-fry again for three seconds. , in order to maintain the tender taste of the smooth egg.

 Put it out after three seconds and sprinkle with a little chopped green onion and golden garlic.

 There is no need to add cooking wine throughout the process, as this will affect the original light bamboo fragrance of the bamboo rice.

 Zhang Lingxue's share, Da Hui just sent the Blood Gu Butterfly clone over.

This dish should be eaten within ten minutes. After ten minutes, the eggs will be completely cooked and will taste a little old and will not maintain the best taste.

Zhang Lingxue has been studying the positive and negative rabbits recently, and she has become obsessed with them.

However, thanks to Zhang Lingxue’s painstaking research, the experiment has made significant progress.

Li Chen sat down and picked up the slippery egg with chopsticks. The slippery egg was still flowing with egg liquid and mixed with crystal clear bamboo rice. A faint fragrance of bamboo poured into his nose.

The next second, Li Chen seemed to be in the ocean of bamboo forest, a strong wind blew, and he let out a sizzling cry.

Just smelling it with your nose is enough to make you fall into an illusion, let alone putting the slippery egg of this chopstick into your mouth.

The first feeling when entering the mouth of the egg is that it is tender, and the second feeling is that it is slippery. It seems that with just a slight sip, the egg slides into your throat.

What is dancing between the lips and teeth is the soft and glutinous bamboo rice. The smooth egg liquid wraps the surface of the bamboo rice, forming a duet in the mouth.

He seemed to see countless flying dancing girls from Dunhuang, flying down from the sky with pipa in their hands, their green-white jade toes gently pressing on the bamboo.

A breeze carrying the fragrance of bamboo leaves blew, and he saw the beautiful face under the veil.

Li Chen took one bite after another, swallowing like a robot. Although it was not the first time for him to eat bamboo rice, nor the first time to eat ten-yolk eggs, it was really his first time to feel the happiness and touch brought by this kind of eating. You can experience it once.

 This is a kind of blissful enjoyment.

 Happy tears fell down and fell on the dinner plate. When the three pairs of chopsticks collided together, the three of them discovered at the same time that they had finished eating the fried bamboo rice with ten yolk eggs.

Li Chen experienced for the first time what a wonderful experience it is to have a full meal.

 At home, he invited many famous chefs of the century, but none of them were as warm as the dishes made by Da Hui.

“Ye Bai, the food here is so good, can I provide the raw materials and let you cook it?”

 Ye Bai shook his head.

“Dahui is usually very busy, and we don’t have much energy.”

 “If you want to make a living, then you can do it.”

"It's getting late, and I should rest. Your pet has been healed, so go back first. If there is any problem, come back."

Ye Bai faced Li Chen's sad eyes and directly chased away the guests.

At this time, Li Chen looked at Wanbian Silkworm. There were piles of scrambled eggs in Wanbian Silkworm's bowl.

It was happily eating the eggs. When it saw Li Chen's burning gaze, the Wanbian Silkworm suddenly became vigilant.

Oops! There is a thief coveting my lunch.

So Wanbian Silkworm moved his bowl with his tongue, and Li Chen's eyes followed Wanbian Silkworm's lunch.

 Wanbian Silkworm [○`Д○], there is no end!

Even if you are my foster father, I will bury him in the sky and on the ground in front of delicious food.

If you dare to steal my food, just wait for my naked revenge! !

Li Chen rubbed his bulging belly regretfully. He was very full but wanted to eat.

 It’s such a contradiction to be a human being.

So Li Chen and Zhang Yiyi sat in the breeding room all afternoon, working on their stomachs and digestion.

 After confirming that Ye Bai had something to do at night and was not at home, the two of them left here with regrets on their faces.

 “Hey, I feel like I made a mistake.”

 “Only now do I know that the food cooked by Dahui is so delicious.”

“It’s not too late to make up for it, Zhang Yiyi, what rare ingredients do you have, what rare ingredients do I have here, let’s work together and go directly to Ye Bai to eat.”

"It's hard for Ye Bai to say anything."

Li Chen winked at Zhang Yiyi.

“Yes, I remember that my boss has very precious Enlightenment Tea leaves, so I might as well give them to Ye Bai to make tea eggs.”

“Ten yolk eggs + tea eggs made from Wudao tea leaves, how delicious it must be.”

The two of them fell into the longing for delicious food, with lewd smiles on their lips.

  【Being a prisoner of good food, when you eat delicious food, you will show that kind of "obscene" smile, which is a smile that represents sincerity, beauty, and deliciousness. 】

 After Ye Bai packed up his things, he planned to explore the black market.

Jiaying City’s underground black market is located in Jinshui Park, not far from Shenshan Middle School.

There is a group of abandoned villas there. From time to time, pedestrians passing by at night will see light green will-o'-the-wisps flashing in the villas, and the news of the haunting spreads involuntarily.

 Generally, after dark, few people go there.

Ye Bai has also been to the black market four or five times and is very familiar with the rules there.

 He took out a black cloak and a black mask from the pet space.

The first rule of the black market is that in the underground black market, you cannot reveal your true appearance, which will cause extremely serious consequences. Some people will also find you through your appearance.

 So in the underground black market, you must have a black cloak and a black mask to cover up your key information, so as not to be too passive.

Then Ye Bai took out a spray and sprayed it on himself.

 The second rule of the black market code is that before entering the underground black market, you must spray your whole body with a special air scavenger.

 The purpose of this is to prevent some strange animals with sensitive sense of smell from following you.

 Finally, Ye Bai took out a finely crafted coin from the pet space.

This coin weighs a lot of gold. It has a pattern of the Jiaying River printed on the front and a black character in regular script on the back.

 There is a string of Arabic numerals on the groove on the side of this coin as an anti-counterfeiting mark.

Such a black gold coin is equivalent to one thousand alliance coins.

 There are exchange houses specializing in black gold coins in the underground black market.

 The purpose of doing this is also to avoid exposing one’s traces. The underground black market does this very well.

˜Article 3 of the Black Market Code, the black market only accepts black gold coins and barter, so as to avoid the discovery of the true identity to the greatest extent.

 After getting ready, Ye Bai went on the road alone. The black market was safe, but only when he left the black market would it become less safe.

The moon has climbed to the sky, and here, you can see the bright moonlight falling from the sky.

The underground black market is established in a group of abandoned villas next to Jinshui Park. The entire villa group has been damaged by wind and rain and has long been dilapidated.

 The ground was covered with two-meter-high weeds, which looked very strange.

Light green phosphorus fire floated in the air, which was a bit scary.

The appearance of will-o'-the-wisps means that the black market has begun.

 The black market opens at ten o'clock in the evening and closes at six o'clock the next morning.

There is only one opportunity a month. People who come to the black market must be led by an acquaintance, otherwise the guards guarding here will attack.

By chance, Ye Bai followed a taciturn man in. After registering at the exchange office, he got his black market number.

 It was possible in the past few years, but when the black market was reformed later, this operation was no longer allowed.

Ye Bai was not frightened by this scenery. He took a few steps forward. The surrounding scenery changed and he suddenly came to a place full of people.

This is obviously a cover-up trick used by those who established the black market.

There were people walking around in black robes everywhere, wearing their masks so tightly that they didn't dare to take them off.

 The black market is divided into four areas: exotic animals area, treasure area, pet egg area and herbal medicine area.

 Each of these four areas is as large as ten football fields.

Ye Bai felt that the turtle shell of the Destiny Turtle should be in the treasure area, and it should be in an inconspicuous corner.

 He also has the inner treasure area to explore, and with the help of the eye of insight, he can more easily select suitable treasures.

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 (End of this chapter)

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