Beastmaster, My Information is Updated Daily

Chapter 111: Mission: Impossible

Chapter 111 Mission: Impossible

The prison chief, who had turned into a zombie, raised the whip with blood dripping from his hand and threatened everyone.

Without the beast pet master, they are just a naked white-striped chicken, and any first-level beast can kill them.

 But the people of the Resurrection Society have obviously forgotten one thing, that is, they have sealed the space of the pet beasts, but they cannot seal the skills of the pet beasts.

 The stronger the pet beasts are, the stronger their own skills will be.

Such as Ye Bai is using the tempering skill now, and the zombie's whip hits him, it will probably only damage Ye Bai's clothes.

His whole body is as hard as a copper wall and an iron wall, and ordinary second-level beasts cannot affect him.

 After being threatened by the zombie prison chief, everyone became more honest.

 The most important thing is that there is only one meal a day, and everyone is so hungry that they have no energy to do anything else.

Especially Sun Feng. At first he said that none of his dogs would eat this kind of thing. But when he was really hungry, he couldn't think at all and basically ate whatever he found.

His large-scale fragrance scene is just a huge joke.

Ye Bai still had a lot of food in his pet space, but for the sake of his own plan, Ye Bai gave up after thinking about it.

 Now is not the time to strike a nerve, since we are all hungry together.

These people's mouths are like leaky walls, especially Sun Feng and Ye Bai are afraid that this guy will cause trouble.

After being hungry for a day, everyone lay down on the ground. Some fell asleep, while others tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Ye Bai is sober and is waiting for the latest information.

 Zhang Lingxue and others had secretly sneaked into Longhe City at night.

It's just that someone has placed a barrier in the underground passage, and the signal from Sun Kao is intermittent.

Sunflower is like an elderly mobile phone that has accessed the 2G network and loses contact with the main body from time to time.

 The progress of their search began to slow down, but they were not far from the underground passage.

“I don’t know when the blood sacrifice of the Resurrection Society will begin, but we must find the whereabouts of those students as soon as possible. One day late, they will be in more danger!”

President Zhang said sharply.

At this time, the Sun Flower got a key message from the Sun Flower King, and it became weird.

 “What’s wrong, Sunflower? The main body has sent you some key information again.”

 Zhang Lingxue asked Sunflower.

Sunflower pointed downwards, jumped into the air, and jumped down.

 “Is there something down here?”

  “Still found the location.”

 Zhang Lingxue patted the goddess of light butterfly's head, and the goddess of light butterfly immediately fell from the sky.

 Then it followed the Sunflower Dynasty and walked in one direction.

 Not long after walking, Zhang Lingxue found that she was lost.

 A thick fog appeared around her. Only she and Sunflower were still following, and everyone else disappeared.

 “Is this a barrier?”

 Zhang Lingxue asked curiously.

However, she knows all about the subject of enchantment, but she knows nothing about it.

Sunflower climbed on Zhang Lingxue's body. It pointed forward, and it could feel the location of its main body.

“You mean if I follow you, I can find them?”

Sunflower nodded, showing an extremely honest look.

“Okay, I’ll follow you there.”

 “Get there first and rescue the students first before talking about anything else.”

“Others should also be trapped in the phantom formation, let’s go there first.”

 Zhang Lingxue is a fifth-level beast pet master. Naturally, she is not afraid of the Resurrection Society. At the same time, Zhang Lingxue also has something in the bottom box that Principal Zhang left for her.

 This is a stronghold of the Resurrection Society. When Zhang Lingxue and the others fell into the illusion formation, they were discovered by an old man.

 “It seems our stronghold has been leaked.”

This old man looks very old. His hair is white and his beard is almost hanging to the ground.

 The jaw bone was deeply sunken, looking like a skeleton covered in skin.

“The Holy Son of Spirit told me not to allow the Holy Son of Blood to turn around, so I secretly lurked in the team for sixteen years.”

“We all thought that the Blood Saint Son was dead, but in the end he came back to life.”

“Now the Blood Saint Son is preparing to hold a blood sacrifice ceremony, and the blood pool in his hand is an important treasure.”

“Letting these people in now will only alarm the enemy. It would be better to wait until the time of blood sacrifice.”

The old man touched his beard and continued his analysis: "The Blood Saint Son will definitely expose a lot of his trump cards in order for the blood sacrifice to be held smoothly."

 “I can wait for an opportunity to steal the blood pool.”

"Who let the Blood Knight and the Black Knight secretly guard me for so long? I can only ask the elders to take action and move you away from here."

"I'm sorry, brothers, I can only let you stay here until the full moon night in two days."

 The old man smiled sadly.

Soon President Zhang and others also discovered something was wrong. This turned out to be a large enchantment, or a large enchantment manipulated by others.

"No, the people from the Resurrection Society have probably discovered us. We must break this barrier as soon as possible and rescue the students one after another."

 It is a pity that among these people, there are really not many people who have studied the enchantment, and they can only run around like headless flies.

 It’s early morning.

 The news has been updated.

[1. The Resurrection Society has set up a large barrier. The sensory personnel responsible for guarding the barrier are undercover agents of Holy Son of Spirit. He plans to let these people in when Holy Son of Blood holds a sacrifice on the night of the full moon, and then Take advantage of the chaos and seize the blood pool. 】

  【2. A drop of dragon's blood in the blood pool falls on the Dragon-Slaying Sword, which can stimulate the spirituality of the Dragon-Slaying Sword and gather the souls of the dragons killed by the Dragon-Slaying Sword, which can increase the success rate of summoning spirits. 】

[3. The Blood Saint Son temporarily stimulates the energy of the blood pool and can cultivate the fifth-level pet beast, the Dark Night Blood Bat King. Its sharp claws are highly toxic and the sound waves can pierce human eardrums. At the same time, it can also manipulate the human blood. . 】

4. Below the stronghold where the Resurrection Society is located, there is a ten thousand year cold pool. At the bottom of the cold pool, there is a fifth-level treasure, the ten thousand year cold jade. In a battle, it will break through the floor and traces of the cold pool will be seen. 】

5. The Dark Night Blood Bat King has a fatal weakness, that is, its left ventricle is its Achilles heel. As long as a sharp weapon is penetrated through its left ventricle, the Dark Night Blood Bat King will disappear. 】

The information this time is quite powerful. It shows that Zhang Lingxue and others have already arrived here and have fallen into the barrier.

The person responsible for guarding the barrier is an undercover agent of the Holy Son of Spirit, so the affairs of the Beast Guild will not be exposed.

He will also let in the people from the Beast Guild during the blood sacrifice.

 It seems that the relationship between the Sons is in competition with each other.

Moreover, the information this time also revealed the weakness of the Dark Night Blood Bat King.

Moreover, this guy was created by the Holy Son using the power of the blood pool, which proves that the Holy Son’s subordinates are basically below the fifth level.

 Otherwise, the Holy Son would not have been forced to this point.

“Very good, the intelligence system has given us a lot of useful information.”

 “This will make my plan more complete.”

 Throughout the night, there was a gurgling sound in the cell.

 There were many people who were so hungry that they were so hungry.

 On the next day, the prison chief was changed again.

This time she became an old woman.

 The things that were delivered are finally no longer sour, and they look much more refined.

Ye Bai took two steamed buns as usual, and a bowl of gruel and leaned against the wall. He could tell through his nose that the gruel contained sleeping herbs.

 “What on earth do these people want to do?”

 Ye Bai drank it all in one gulp, and then he pretended to faint and fell to the ground.

The nectar of the Sunflower King can dissolve the medicinal properties of sleeping herbs. Soon the bowls on many people fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

“You pigs, you must wash your bodies thoroughly before performing the ceremony.”

“This way, the Demon God will not be angry and will not impose divine punishment.”

 “Piranha, take these people out.”

 A huge three-meter-tall piranha appeared with multiple heads.

It is wrapped with many vines.

The vines slid like a python and rolled up everyone.

It dragged everyone to the ground like a corpse.

Ye Bai felt that his back was a little uncomfortable from the hard stones on the ground.

 But he still held on forcefully, not daring to show any flaws.

 Soon he was taken to an underground pool.

 This is the water from the underground river, which is bitingly cold.

Ye Bai was knocked into the water by the vines, and he shivered immediately. It must have been too cold.

 Some small fish swam over and were eating some dead skin on Ye Bai's body.

Ye Bai felt like a cabbage. He put it in the water and rubbed it for a few times, then fished it out again.

After repeating this several times, Ye Bai became completely Buddhist and lay down flat.

After the cleaning was almost complete, I heard the sound of an old woman blowing a bellows.

“These two people were specially instructed by the Holy Son to be executed in a languid manner to scare the monkeys.”

“You will imprison them specially later and never let them out.”

"If they escape, you will only be destroyed by the angry Son."

The old woman pointed at Ye Bai and Li Chen and warned.

The piranha opened its mouth greedily, revealing its big bright red tongue. It seemed to want to swallow Ye Bai directly into its mouth, but it thought about the words of its pet master and could only give up.

Sacrifice is indispensable. Maybe after the night of sacrifice, there will be some leftovers to eat.

The taste of blood will never be forgotten by the man-eating flower for the rest of his life.

After watching everyone clean up, Cannibal Huayan started the operation just now, dragging everyone to the ground and sending them to the cell.

 Ye Bai! !

  (へ╬)What you do makes no difference whether we wash or not. Is it just a trip to cold water?

You are extremely disrespectful to the respected Rabbi Shankara, the Sixty-ninth Pillar Demon God!

It's a pity that Piranha can't hear Ye Bai's voice.

 It just dragged Ye Bai and Li Chen alone and threw them into a separate cell.

There are many white bones in this cell, and many rats are drilling through the skulls, making squeaking sounds.

The piranha suddenly became greedy after seeing the mouse.

The piranha opened one of its mouths and took a deep breath at the mice. The white bones and the panicked mice were sucked into the piranha's mouth.

 Only the sound of chewing was heard, and flesh and blood mixed with white bones flowed out from the gaps between the Piranha's teeth.

It nodded with satisfaction, closed the cell door tightly, and crawled away.

Li Chen climbed up from the ground in a hurry, and he happened to see Ye Bai who opened his eyes.

“Damn it, Ye Bai, you didn’t sleep either.”

Li Chen said in a fuss.

“I didn’t even drink the bowl of porridge. I poured it out of my sight.”

“You must have heard what the old woman said just now.”

 “That **** ‘He Qingyuan’ is going to put us to death in Lingchi.”

 “Do you think we should give it a try?”

"I have received a message from the Sun Flower King that the people from the Pet Guild are already above us."

“Working on finding a way to get in here.”

 “Fat man, do you want us to muster up the courage to make a big one?”

“Even if we lose, it’s just a piece of mud!”

Ye Bai said to the fat man in a bewildering manner.

“Ye Bai, you must have forgotten my talent.”

“With this talent of mine, I am not afraid of doing anything, even if I poke a hole in the sky, I am not afraid.”

“Hehe, it’s actually Ye Bai who gave me the courage.”

“As long as you are here, I can follow your instructions without having to use my brain.”

Ye Bai smiled: "Didn't your brain run away from home?"

“By the way, Li Chen, can you try to use the pet space?”

 Just now, Ye Bai has used the Eye of Insight to break the restriction.

 Li Chen should be able to open the pet space now.

 This way the Boxing Rabbit can be summoned.

This is one of the key elements that angered Shankarabi.

“Okay, I can contact the pet space.”

Li Chen took out two cucumbers directly from the pet space. These were jade cucumbers.

 It only grows in the sky vegetable garden and is of great value.

Taking a bite, you can feel the full juice and nectar-like sweetness, just like eating a honeydew melon.

This kind of cucumber is very good for women. It can make their skin watery, elastic and firm.

This kind of inventory is rare even in Li Chen's hands.

 “Sir foster father, please!”

 Ye Bai took the cucumber unceremoniously.

  In any case, he is a filial son, and if he doesn’t eat, he will get it for free.

“Ye Bai, I see you look confident. Can you tell me what plan you have in mind?”

 “I think I’m a little panicked.”

Li Chen ate the jade cucumber, trying to find out what Ye Bai's plan was to get out of trouble.

 Ye Bai came to save them, so he couldn't die here.

“Li Chen, wait until tomorrow morning and I will outline the plan. I still have to think about it.”

  "Go to bed after you have eaten and drank enough. Don't let others see that your pet space has been opened."

Ye Bai wanted to read tonight's intelligence and then check for any gaps.

 Soon, it was early in the morning, and the information was refreshed again.

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 (End of this chapter)

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