【Name】:Gemini Rabbit

【[Attribute]: Wind

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Ordinary

【Skills: None

【Status: None

【[Evolution Degree]: 0.1%

【[Evolution Path]: Twin Rabbits - Ghost Rabbits - Speed Ghost Rabbits——???——???——???——???

Really no skills... Although the panel is golden, it is faintly red if you look closely, somewhere between gold and red.

Kitsune Shichi picked up the little rabbit from the ground. Other little rabbits would raise their heads and rub her palms, but this little rabbit was particularly indifferent, just opening its eyelids and glancing at her.

Those golden brown eyes were like molten gold at sunset.

The staff member ran in with small steps, first looked at Kitsune Shichi, thought for two seconds, and then whispered:

"Customer, do you want this one? It is not for sale.……"

"……It doesn't matter, I'll just take a look."

Kitsune Shichi hadn't thought it through yet, she gently put the little rabbit back and poked the vine on her wrist that was pretending to be dead.

"Hey, it's your turn, the healing department."

A beam of white light shot out and hit the little rabbit's body. The latter's eyes widened, but after a few seconds, its body twitched, it hummed, and closed its eyes again listlessly.

"……Alas, since it is not injured, healing can only keep it alive.……"

The staff member's eyes darkened, and he picked up the little rabbit from the ground and placed it in a place with better sunlight.

Kitsuneya Nana also stood up, and when the two of them walked a little further away, he heard the staff member continue:

"Some rabbits are too young to control their estrus, especially twin rabbits, which have two litters a month, with more than a dozen in each litter.

Once inbreeding occurs, problems can easily arise.

Just like the little yellow rabbit, it has seventeen brothers and sisters, but it is the only one that has problems.

Its excretion system has been opened up by surgery, and it has been fasting for a month, relying on healing magic to keep alive...

Ordinary people can't keep it alive, so let it stay in the rabbit garden.


Kitsune Shichi remained silent.

Then, she went to the Flying Rabbit Pavilion.

The Flying Rabbit is a species that evolved through human selection. Its two ears are like soft feathers. It is beautiful and docile but lacks combat power. It has a chance to evolve into a high-level [Flying Cloud Rabbit], with wings on its back and its hair emitting soft light. It is the favorite vehicle of the noble ladies in Jinwu Province.

There is also the light-type Xiaochun Rabbit, the most beloved healing animal pet of the common people. It is beautiful and cheap. After evolving into a high-level [Soft Spring Rabbit], it will have its own light effect when walking, and every step will be beautiful.

They are all very cute, but Kitsune Shichi has touched it too much and lost interest. He only thinks about the little yellow rabbit, probably because the fluffy ones are common, but the gold panel is not common.……

"I like that little yellow rabbit. It has great talents, but no skills...what should I do?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't have any skills, you can take drugs or learn on your own, but the rabbit has no legs. The twin rabbits are melee combat pets that excel in speed, so how can they be fast without legs?"

Karachi's evaluation was blunt.

"But if you really want it, I have the healing skill anyway, so it doesn't matter if I keep it."


Kitsune Shichi had no idea what to do, but was unwilling to give up. She could only seek help from others... But who should she ask for help? A disabled rabbit, who couldn't tell others about its god-level talent...

Kitsune Shichi thought for a few seconds and decided to send the question to Xu Fei.

The chat software had exploded. All the acquaintances were asking questions like crazy. All the questions were about the StarCraft Cup.

It was meaningless. No reply.

Kitsune Shichi skipped all of them and searched for Xu Fei directly. It turned out that Master Xu had also sent her several messages.

In order to change his fate, Xu Fei had become a nocturnal creature. Recently, he had become obsessed with being a fox. Just now, he sent her a blurry video of a dragon and a fox fighting (?).

Xu Fei: [-_-||]

On the training ground, a palm-sized fox ball swung its tail, inviting Aaron to a fight. Aaron hesitated for two seconds, slowly opened his mouth and closed it again, refusing to spit fire at his master. Finally, he hardened his heart and whipped out his tail, sweeping the fox ball into the sky.

The latter,"slap", hit the wall and turned into a thin fox cake, which slowly slid down.……


Aaron screamed in shock, his wings flapping faster and faster, his young dragon face seemed to be about to crack.

——The video ends. Freeze.


Kitsune was stunned for a moment. He couldn't care about the rabbit anymore. He hurriedly called the number. The phone rang twice and was answered in seconds.

"Hey... brother, no, are you still alive? What do you think? Why do you want to fight with a dragon?"

Fox Seven was shocked.

There are many ways to become stronger, why do you have to fight with a dragon? And the little fox ball... Isn't this race good at mental strength? It's a magician!

"Just curious."

Xu Fei's tone was normal, as if he had forgotten how he woke up last night.

At that time, he was dizzy and found that he had regained his human form, his arms and legs were broken, his ribs were broken, he spit out blood, and his ears and nose were full of blood foam.

This injury was just a scratch for Long, and it would heal itself after a few hours of rest, and the bones would be stronger after self-healing. So Aaron put himself in others' shoes and did not call the medical butler.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's physical fitness has always been good, and Aaron's feedback to him also worked. Anyway, he recovered in the end, but he also missed the live broadcast of the Star Cup qualifiers.

"Congratulations on winning the qualifiers. I didn't watch your game last night because of an accident.……"

Xu Fei's tone was regretful

"It doesn't matter... Life is important."

Kitsune Shichi was ashamed

"Oh, yes, the twin rabbit you mentioned is disabled, right? It is hopeless, but if it were you... maybe you could try to make it evolve in a new direction."

Xu Fei just remembered this question. He also studied rabbit pets, because Alex's eighth pet was a twin rabbit. Although that rabbit was a hybrid dragon

"Maybe you can also ask Alice, her father has a twin rabbit, she likes you, she should be able to help you, if I ask... it's hard enough."

Xu Fei said again.

On the other end of the phone, Hu Yaqi was silent for half a second - Brother, do you think the new evolution direction is cabbage?

And, Miss Alice, to be honest, she is already lucky that the other party's eight-star father didn't come to cause trouble, how dare she ask about the method of raising beast pets...

Alas... Hu Yaqi sighed.

Not far away, two little human girls ran by with rabbit-shaped marshmallows, followed by two jumping little flower rabbits, playing happily in the sun.

"Xu Fei, listening to your words is better than a speech. Thank you for your help, I have an idea"

"What idea?" Xu Fei asked curiously.

"Buy, buy, buy! Buy first and talk later!"

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