Twenty-six cans of"Jue", one day passed, and Perfect only devoured half of it.

From the surveillance, huge steel cans filled the dark underground passages, and below was the rolling magma. If you accidentally fell in, even a robot would be reduced to ashes.

……Don't fall in...

Kitsune Yashichi was very nervous at first, but later she found that Perfect was in a stable mood. When she touched him with her soul, she felt happy and joyful. So she gradually calmed down.

It's so funny, a certain slime has fallen in love with the jar and wants to live in it forever. It doesn't wander around at all. If anyone dares to snatch food from it, it will swallow them together with their own kind.

"It's really awesome, it shocked me for a hundred years……"

Liu Yongmin muttered to himself. His hat was crooked and he didn't have time to fix it. He was excited and rubbed the beard on his chin. He stared at the screen and pressed fast forward frantically to check the surveillance.

Where did this slime come from? Why did the slime not slack off and work so hard?

A living perpetual motion machine!

Could it be a workaholic?

He sat there for three hours like a fossil, staring at the screen motionlessly, muttering to himself:

"……Xiaohu, I have lived for so many years, but this is the first time I have seen such an ambitious slime. It is so scary, so scary. If all slimes were like you, humans would become extinct in one year.……"

Kitsune Shichi kept responding with"hmmmm" as she watched the online class intermittently. Perhaps it was because the overhead light was too bright, she actually began to feel sleepy.

Liu Yongmin slapped his hands on his cheeks, his eyes sparkling with excitement:"Classmate, come and work here with us. Even though this is a garbage disposal plant, I am actually a five-star beastmaster. People with poor physical fitness can't stand the long-term radiation... The treatment is not a problem, but the annual salary... I will apply for it! I will give you an annual salary of 300 million!"

After saying that, Liu Yongmin still felt it was not enough. Yes, it was indeed not enough, because this slime did in one day the work of the other slimes combined in a year!

Compare the work efficiency, sadness flows like a river.

"Mr. Fox, don't underestimate the small amount of money. This is an environmental protection project. You don't have to deduct any tax from the money you get! It's even tax-deductible! How about three months of paid vacation every year? And you can also - you young people must like to go out and play, right? Which planet doesn't have a garbage disposal plant? Let's go and have some exchanges, let them see the work efficiency of our Blue Star Slime! Hehe, these are easy to handle!"

Fox Yaqi was stunned when she heard this. This pie in the sky was so big that it made her dizzy and swollen. It scared her more than Freddy rushing to give her money.——

"You are a five-star beastmaster?"

Liu Yongmin was also stunned,"Yes."

Hu Shiqi held Karachi and asked sincerely:"You are a five-star beastmaster... I don't mean anything else, but shouldn't you have a better job? Sorry, I haven't been exposed to this knowledge, so I don't know much."

After a few seconds, Liu Yongmin figured out the problem, chuckled, and a cool arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He pointed at the monitor, and a dark green barrier rose, covering the two of them, and then he said:

"Although we deal with garbage, we are in a highly profitable industry. Without some background and skills, you can't get in."

Garbage is endless, and it doesn't matter if it can't be dealt with. The profit from converting the residue into energy is pure profit, and all equipment and wages are borne by the taxpayers of the planet.

Working here, there is no need to worry about unemployment or assessment. It is the slimes who suffer, and humans only need to manage the slimes and transport them underground.

How can this not be considered a good job?

"If you are willing, it is too late today, we can sign the contract tomorrow."Liu Yongmin laughed.

Hu Shiqi laughed awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable, but unable to change anything.

"I still have to go to school, and I'm only one star now. My body is not very good, and I may not be able to withstand the radiation here."

She lowered her eyes and turned on the system, checking the perfect status, no abnormalities

【Evolution level】118%

【Devour】Proficiency: 3258/20000

……The degree of evolution is increasing too slowly.

Fox Seven looked at the tablet, pretending to study, but he felt even more uneasy.

From a human perspective, a place like a garbage disposal plant is simply a nightmare for slimes, but... Perfect looks quite happy, so let's do it this way...

After all, 'Jue' is pretty, crystal clear, like crystal. This is the beautiful garbage she carefully selected. I hope there will be no mistakes when evolving...

Fox Seven closed her eyes. If Perfect hadn't been clamoring to evolve, she would never have taken such a risky move...

Just like that, the day passed quickly.

Garbage was cleaned up, fees were settled daily, and at 4:30 in the afternoon, Fox Seven received a text message of 40 million on time.

Perfect was immersing in swallowing ore. With Karachi around, it was not so worried about its owner's safety and refused to return to the ground.

Kitsune Shichi could only follow Brother Liu to the cafeteria for dinner. He added a large group of three to five-star beastmasters' contact information. Everyone was very polite and chatted about family matters. There were also people who played musical instruments on the small stage in the center of the cafeteria. No one knew what they were performing.

The dinner was extravagant and too rich.

After dinner, they chatted again. At 5:30 in the afternoon, the garbage disposal plant closed on time. A long line formed near the teleportation point, but Kitsune Shichi counted carefully and found that there were only more than 30 people in total.

"Your slime works all night... Then we can provide you with staff dormitories. The conditions are a bit simple, and there is no one in the whole building, which will be a bit scary at night."

Liu Yongmin still accompanied him throughout the whole process, never leaving his side, raising questions and solving problems, and his attitude was incredibly friendly.

Kitsune Shichi never felt the pressure of the 'Five-Star Beast Tamer' from beginning to end, and his heart was filled with anxiety.���I feel more and more that something is wrong

"I'm not an employee.……"

"It doesn't matter. What does it matter?"

Liu Yongmin waved his hand carelessly and walked directly to the staff dormitory with Hu Shiqi.

Hu Shiqi raised his hand and pressed his temple. Something must be wrong when things are abnormal. A one-star beastmaster takes an intermediate slime to deal with garbage. Does he really need a five-star beastmaster to accompany him throughout the process?

The salary is paid on a daily basis and the job is delivered in a hurry. This job sounds very demanding... It doesn't seem that simple.

At this moment, her eyes fixed and she saw the black ring on her thumb.

This ordinary ring has automatically adjusted its size at some point and fits tightly against her thumb.

Hu Shiqi's head"dinged". The next moment, she tilted her head and smiled and asked as if she had no intention:

"Brother Liu, is there any mango rice around here? I forgot to buy it for Luo.……"

"Ah, Lord A Luo is coming?" Liu Yongmin was also stunned for a moment, and his facial muscles contracted strangely."I'll go buy it now and send it to your room later."

Hu Yaqi smiled slowly, and his shoulders relaxed.

He ran into the lair of a terrorist organization. Fortunately, he wore a ring and brought Karachi...

It's good to have a reason, otherwise I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight.


Irresponsible Little Theater:

Fox Seven: It's terrible! I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight!

(I watched Plant Psychology for an hour before going to bed)


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