Black crystal ore is one of the earliest energy veins discovered in the northern part of Jinwu Province. It has a hard texture and contains dark energy. It is an excellent material for making cold weapons.

Its only drawback is that it is too difficult to cut.

A dagger sealed with black crystal ore, even if it is made of the lowest grade black crystal, can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

After typing in the keyword [black crystal ore], Hu Shiqi searched the Internet and found that the video with the highest number of views was about a top chef in Jinwu Province.

This man was holding a black kitchen knife, and he could debone and cut meat as smoothly as silk.

The meat slices under the knife were as thin as cicada wings.

The"fresh ingredients" he was processing were deboned in a blink of an eye, leaving only bones, but he was still alive, as if he was very confused.

"The black crystal ore is the collection of the Lin family. However, in recent years, their head Lin Niefeng has become addicted to gambling and has sold everything he can. This time it is the black crystal ore. The next step is to sell the island and the land."

Xu Fei saw that Hu Shiqi was curious, so he explained.

Hu Shiqi nodded, and when no one bid, he picked up the bidding board on the table and pressed three numbers.

"Customer No. 17 bids���1.9 million!"

On the central auction table, the handsome auctioneer in uniform turned his head to the side, revealing a delicate miniature headset from his hair.

In the private room, Xu Fei looked puzzled.

"Why did you buy this?"

This black crystal ore, although theoretically a good thing, cannot be cut or polished, and cannot be made into jewelry like other ore mothers. There is also a dark mass of turbidity inside, so it can only be called a gem.

In addition, the Lin family has been increasingly bleak in recent years, and this black crystal mine is the Lin family's wealth industry, so normal people would not have the leisure to buy such a... somewhat unlucky ornament.

"Buy it back and have a look~"

Seeing someone increase the price by 20,000, Kitsune Shichi followed suit on the board and directly increased the price by 100,000, not taking it seriously.

The black stone looked very complete, like a rugged raw stone. Even if it was not suitable for the contract, it would not be wasted if it was eaten by Perfect.

It was not because Kitsune Shichi was willful, but because she knew that money was something that could not be brought with you when you were born or taken away when you died. Given her current situation, she should spend the money quickly. On the one hand, it could improve Perfect's strength, and on the other hand, at least she could buy happiness. Why keep it all? Give it to the enemy?

"Customer No. 17 bids 2.02 million!"

"Customer No. 32 bids 2.1 million!"

"Customer No. 17 bids, 2.2 million!"

In less than five minutes, the price of the black crystal ore mother rose to 3 million, but this was only a fraction of other ore mothers, and the price was incomparable.

Other ore mothers were sold by carat.

Soon, the price soared to 5 million.

Kitsune Shichi remained calm, and while bidding, he continued to look through the information of the beast pets to be auctioned later. His indifference even surprised Xu Fei.

"Why are you sighing?" Kitsune Yachi looked away from the phone screen and pressed 5.1 million.

"It's nothing, I just feel that I'm too shallow. Because you don't look like you're here to learn new things."

Xu Fei leaned back in his chair and sighed.

"……I'm not saying this, brother, but are you a little too sentimental?"

Hu Shiqi shed a drop of cold sweat, suspecting that it was the attitude of the second young master Xu he had just met, which irritated Xu Fei.

However, with so many brothers and sisters in this family, they will always compete and compare with each other, and friction is inevitable.

Although the situation of the Xu family seems particularly complicated - but Xu Fei, he has no worries about food and clothing, and he has not been kicked out of the family.

He also takes the teleportation array to go home every day.

This way, he can earn 10,000 yuan a day, and the resources are bang bang bang.

He was even given an ordinary school to be a top student...

Xu Fei blinked, but he was not angry. Instead, he thought about it seriously,"Is that so?"

Hu Shiqi nodded,"Although I shouldn't let you compare with me, my situation is much worse than yours. At least you can develop normally under the protection of the family and upgrade and improve step by step. I might be pressed to death one day."

After that, she pointed to the schoolbag in her arms

"All my belongings are here, and I am safe."

Xu Fei was silent for a moment."……You've worked hard."

Kitsune Shichi was sweating again. He felt like he was overthinking it again. That sympathetic and apologetic expression - no, what are you apologizing for? You don't have to feel apologetic, right?

"No, no, you don't have to feel sorry for me.

That's not what I meant.

I'm just...


You know, I want to persuade you to be more open-minded, because people can't be compared.

You see, we are both 3s, but the Holy Lord was born a thousand years earlier than me, so he can justifiably beat me.

But even if I travel back a thousand years ago, I will still meet many people who are more powerful than me.

Can I not live? I can't travel back to the primitive society and become the first monkey on Blue Star?"

After saying that, Kitsune Shichi pressed another 5.5 million. This money came too easily, just like game coins, and it didn't hurt to spend it.

"What should I do then?"

Xu Fei asked, his shoulders slumped weakly, his expression was lost in the darkness. It was the first time he talked about this with someone, because at this moment, he really envied Kitsune Shichi.

Not only did he envy her qualifications, but he also envied her mentality.

He always envied others. He originally had no qualifications and no strength, and now even his mentality was far behind. There was not a single advantage that he could show off.

"……I don't want to accept my fate, but I can't see a way out. What can I do? I don't know what to do.……"

Xu Fei's voice gradually lowered and he sighed again.

"Customer No. 17, 6.6 million for the first time! Are there any customers who want to bid more? 6.6 million for the second time! 6.6 million for the third time! Congratulations to Customer No. 17! You have won our first prize today - Black Crystal Ore Mother!"

On the central auction table, the auctioneer bowed.

Got it! It's much cheaper than I thought!

Fox Shiqi was overjoyed. Those golden and red ore mothers on the Internet cost tens of millions for a pigeon egg-sized piece. Fortunately, this one is black. I guess everyone thinks it's not shiny enough... The same quality, one thousandth of the price, isn't this picking up a bargain? And it's a whole piece!

This piece of Black Crystal Ore Mother contains more than 100,000 fish... Even if she simply eats it as an energy ore, she will make a lot of money this time!

By the way, Fox Shiqi also rolled his eyes at Xu Fei again, and was very speechless about this increasingly discouraged guy. He reached out and stuffed the auction brochure into his hand, and directly opened it to the page for special items for beast pets.——

"Why should I accept my fate? If I don't want to accept it, then don't accept it. Haven't you heard of the good-for-nothing's counterattack?"

Without Xu Fei, she couldn't even enter this level of auction, let alone pick up bargains...

So Kitsune Qiyi waved his hand and said generously:

"Today is your birthday, pick a gift for yourself, don’t be polite, it will never come back again, within 10 million, you can choose whatever you want!"

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