Outside, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming, which is in sharp contrast to the eerie silence inside.

"Then...bye? I'm going to check out the opponent's situation and make some preparations."

After being disturbed by Freddy, Kitsune Yaqi couldn't stay for a second and just wanted to run away.

There was no other way, the sugar-coated bullets were too harsh and a bit scary.

I can only say that it was fortunate that she was a time traveler, went to college and worked, and saw the dangers of society. If it were a real 15-year-old girl, she would either be scared to death or be bewitched, and it would be the latter.

Kitsune Yaqi just felt that she was going to be scared to death.

As for Freddy's betting and betting on her - sorry, this only shows that he has a good eye, and he doesn't recognize anything else.

Kitsune Yaqi decided to play deaf and dumb, just as if she was just deaf, but she still glanced at the webpage used by Master Zhou to bet, and secretly wrote down the URL.

If she wants money, won't she bet on herself?

——She still has about 5 million in her hands!

"Goodbye , Brother Zhou. I'm leaving now."

Xu Fei also nodded and said goodbye to Freddy, just as politely as when he came. Although he knew that he had become the target of public criticism, he did not show much anxiety on his face.

Freddy stared at Xu Fei for a few times, said"tsk" unhappily, and walked back and sat down on the sofa

"You are just like your brother. It's a headache just to see you... Get out, get out now."

Then Fox Seven and Xu Fei looked at each other, and they went out one after the other. Xu Fei closed the door,"click".

Fox Seven was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his mind twitched. He stretched out his hand and made a"hush" gesture to Xu Fei, turned around quickly, lifted the door handle, and opened it as fast as thunder.

"Snap!"——Lock it!

I told you not to scare me!!!

Kitsune Yachi was very proud.

Xu Fei:"……you……"

Sure enough, a few seconds later, Freddy's angry voice came from the door:"Xu Fei! You are rebelling!"

"Let’s go, let’s go!"

Fox Seven dragged Xu Fei directly, holding back her laughter and dragging him downstairs—she had already seen that this brother was a pure good person and could be dealt with normally.


Xu Fei was dragged forward, but his heart was filled with questions. He never expected that under the skin of a quiet girl like Kitsune Shichi, she actually had such a nature... a dark side?

For a moment, he was a little overwhelmed and could only run after her.

Wait, he forgot to explain!

——Brother Zhou, I didn’t lock it!


After finally running downstairs, the queue was still crowded. More than an hour had passed, but the crowd had increased instead of decreased. Kitsune Shichi even saw a three-headed little girl holding a rabbit in the queue. The rabbit was completely black, like a fluffy ball, with short ears standing on top of its head, shaking constantly. It was so cute that it infuriated both humans and gods.


Envy. Kitsune

Yachi cries

"Brother Zhou has no ill intentions."

It was not until they left the registration center that Xu Fei spoke up to explain for Freddy.

After all, he was his eldest brother's friend, and his character must have been tested by the elders of the family. Besides, he had heard some rumors, such as the Zhou family's weird tradition of urging marriage.……

"I know he has no ill intentions, but he is very scary, and I would feel uncomfortable if I took his things. Hey, was he joking just now?"

Kitsune Shichi sighed. This was the first time she had met someone with this kind of personality in her 20-plus years of life. She was also a little confused.

"I'm not kidding." Xu Fei was also helpless, so when he heard it, he felt very bad,"He even targeted my family.……"

Freddy's meaning was very clear. If he went back on his words, it would not be Xu Fei's personal reputation that would be refuted, but the reputation of the Xu family represented by Xu Fei.

The difference between the two is huge.

"You don't have to pay too much attention to him."

Xu Fei added,"His style of doing things is... difficult for ordinary people to understand, he is not a bad person."

Fox Seven raised her eyebrows and found that the young master was too reserved in his words, repeating the same few words over and over again.

However... she turned her eyes and guessed that Xu Fei must be very familiar with Freddy, otherwise he would not have followed her here

"I saw online that he was friends with your brother."

"Well, he was defeated by the eldest brother back then, and they were not in the same school. Later, he transferred to the eldest brother's school in order to use him as a shield."Xu Fei said calmly, and revealed the shocking inside story without realizing it."His hometown is Liuheng. Mr. Zhou has poor fertility. His family has a tradition of urging marriage. It is said that they are very fierce and famous."

"He's using your brother as a shield?" Fox Seven was shocked.

"He has many brothers, and he will use anyone he can as a shield," Xu Fei glanced at her,"including you."

It turned out to be like this... Fox Seven wanted to roll his eyes, and finally remembered the conversation between the old man and Freddy at the door of the coffee shop, what about blind date or not?……

"But it should be easy for him to succeed with his conditions, right? Unless he is too ambitious."

Then, Hu Shiqi got a completely new perspective from Xu Fei - the gist was that a certain Mr. Zhou, although his family conditions were average (?), was gifted, generous, and his soul strength was a rare S+ level. However, since choosing a good husband to marry was not popular in the current socialite circle, girls with a little qualification were crazy about their careers. Mr. Zhou even went to a duel with a girl halfway through a blind date...

Hu Shiqi thought it was good. Girls in this world were more open-minded. It was better to live longer than to marry well. Improving oneself was the most important thing. Besides, pets could also make money to support the family. Haven't you seen a row of big green caterpillars holding signs on the dock?……

"No wonder he came out wearing a skirt……"

""Huh?" Xu Fei was stunned.

"The first time we met, he thought his grandfather asked him to go on a blind date, so he came out wearing a skirt and high heels.……"Kitsune sighed, and even flipped through his phone to find the clothes, which were a summer couture model from a big brand.

It's good to be rich, wearing a woolen shawl in the summer is like hiding in bed and eating ice cream in the winter, just listening to it makes me happy.

Xu Fei:"……"

Freddy's figure in a skirt...?

He turned his head and looked at the sky, clearing his mind.

"Wait for me, I'm going to withdraw some money!"

After walking along the avenue for a while, Hu Yaqi saw a familiar bank and closed the website she had just registered on her phone. In front of her were piles of money.

5 million, keep half and bet the other half. If 250 is not right, then 300... leave a way out for herself. Although she believed in perfect strength, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Hu Yaqi was very happy, and happiness was bubbling.

‘Come on, perfect! If you win, I'll give you a chicken drumstick!’

"What do you want to ask for money for?"Xu Fei asked.

Hu Shiqi turned around and smiled at him.

"——Of course, I will suppress myself and win!"

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