A starving person wants to eat everything.

After drinking energy liquid for five days, Kitsune Shichi was like a dried corpse, and the situation was getting worse and worse. The phone was out of battery, and the compass function could not be used. She could only move forward by feeling.

There were only two bottles of clean water left. In a trance, she only hated that she had not awakened [Devouring], so that she could eat the Heart-Eroding Mushroom with Perfect, and maybe she could also awaken [Heart-Eroding Flame] at the same time and skin the enemy...

When she thought of this, she was dizzy and her head was swollen. Perfect sensed it and really"planted" two Heart-Eroding Mushrooms on the edge of her sleeping bag, one large and one small, emitting soft light in the dark, like a beautiful night light.

It has extinguished the flame on its body. The further it goes, the less food it has, and it is not enough for it to squander.

Kitsune Shichi thought this was a good thing, maybe it meant there was a cliff ahead... Although Luotian Cliff was very high, it was not as high as the Himalayas in the previous life. There would always be powerful beastmasters who would come up to try their luck, and maybe they would ride their flying beasts around outside the boundary and take away all the good things.

So at the beginning, seeing the treasures everywhere, and they were huge and growing very well, as if they had never been robbed, she felt particularly heavy... and now... victory is in sight.

As long as there is land, she will not starve to death. Not long ago, while her mobile phone still had power, she carried all the non-toxic plants in the Qingshi Secret Realm and memorized their appearance. It didn't matter whether they were sweet or bitter, she would eat them all!

Time passed quickly, and just as Kitsune Shichi was daydreaming, she tilted her head vaguely, and seemed to see a touch of red in her peripheral vision, flashing a faint light in the dark.

Red light!

Nine-tailed Dark Heart Aoi!

The rhizome is hard and thick, with branches like foxtails, the fruit is like red lanterns, the petals are oval, and it only grows on the hillside of Luotian Cliff. It has a fragrant and spicy taste, which can quench thirst. It is the main material for making mental recovery fluid!

In human terms, it is edible!

Yes, it is this! It must be this!!!

——Although there are three other plants that glow red, that's not important! Even if it's a live pet, she will skin it and eat it!!!

"Perfect! Bottom left! Go!——!"

In the dying state, Fox Seven sat up in shock, raised his arm, and let out a hoarse but majestic scream, as if he was in his last moments.

And Perfection lived up to expectations, and accelerated suddenly. The sound of the wind was like a flood, making Fox Seven's ears buzz. It took a while for her to recover. Coupled with the feeling of weightlessness from falling rapidly, if her mental power was not still detecting in front, she would really have the illusion of hitting her head and dying!

After three breaths, Fox Seven's expression changed, and her mental power touched the [stone wall]!

There is salvation!

Back to the normal map!

At that moment, Fox Seven wanted to laugh up to the sky, and what she thought in her mind was not hunger, but - this time when she goes back, she must exercise!

And the second beast pet must be contracted for close combat, preferably all melee combat skills, so that her physical fitness can be improved through feeding back!

A weak body will become a burden. Once she is no longer able to do it, what is the use of the beast pet no matter how strong it is, and it will even have to divert its energy to protect her... So, she must learn to fight.

The closer she got to the cliff, the louder the friction of the wind.

Kitsune sat up and used her trembling fingers to push her messy hair behind her ears.

She could already smell the fresh fragrance of flowers.

She rubbed her temples, her eyes were dizzy but her mouth was raised, with a hint of madness that she didn't even notice.

She was able to obtain skills continuously, probably not because of her good luck, but because of cheating.

I just don't know if this is her unique cheat or a cheat shared by all the SSSs...

While thinking about all sorts of things, Kitsune pulled the Nine-tailed Dark Heart Aoi off the cliff. Its fruit was like a small pumpkin, with a furry skin that required her to hold it with both hands. It was a little bitter when she first bit it, but when it melted into her mouth, the meat was plump and full, and the juice was particularly abundant.

Woo, it's so delicious...!

After taking a bite, Kitsuneya Nana almost shed tears, but she felt that the fruit not only filled her stomach, but also instantly turned into a stream of energy that warmed her whole body. Her mental power also rippled like water waves, like a sponge that retracted back into the body, scrambling to swallow the energy.

What a strange feeling...

Kitsuneya Nana's spirits lifted, and her muddled mind seemed to wake up at this moment. She stopped eating in a mess and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.


The hunger in her stomach was relieved. Kitsune Shichi blinked, carefully observed the red fruit in front of her, stretched her stiff shoulders, and clenched her fists.

Her arms were not shaking as much, and her strength was restored a little.

It was rare to come across food, so she couldn't eat it all at once.

Kitsune Shichi raised her head again. In the dark, she could only see ten meters away, and didn't know where she was.

Fortunately, this is a real mountain, and it is not vertical all the way up. You will always reach the end if you go up, and then you can go down.

It has perfectly restored its human form, with only the middle section of its tail turned into a sleeping bag. It turned and leaned over, its smooth long hair falling down layer by layer, gently rubbing its master's face.

"Keep flying upwards, keep flying upwards until I say stop. Just like before, if I fall asleep, wake me up immediately, if you can’t wake me up, fly down."

Fox Seven said, and touched its hair, and the juice remaining on its lips and fingers was instantly sucked up.

It would be cold to go up, and it would be suffocating to go down, but no matter what, she could only go up the mountain first and then down.

Wanmei shook her head and reached out to touch the cliff beside her. The transparent and strong arms seemed to have no strength, but the slender fingers pierced straight into the rock, as if poking into a piece of tofu, and some gravel fell sparsely.

What? Fox Seven was stunned and looked at the system panel. It did not start the swallowing.

"……Tofu dregs mountain???"

She was stunned for two seconds, tilted her head, stared at the calm and divine face of Wanmei, hesitantly stretched out her hand, and poked the same rock wall with her greatest strength...


The wind was whistling, and the embarrassment was floating...

Ah, it turns out that slimes also have muscle strength.

Kitsune Shichi silently withdrew her hand and decided to pretend to forget her stupid behavior just now. How could she forget that she was a mortal? She should go back to study history.……

"That's right, when we first met... you were so small, I could hold you in one hand, and you could jump two or three meters. You probably didn't bounce up with your mental power."

But slime is a mass of elements, right? It looks like water on the outside, and it's water on the inside. Sometimes it feels like glue... and it's very elastic when you squeeze it! Yes, then how can it strangle the enemy? When the enemy exerts force, won't it deform?

Does it have density? When it's relaxed, it's water, and when it's tense, it's glue? If it's harder, can it fight with rocks? At this moment, Kitsuneya Nana seemed to have returned to the illiterate era, with question marks all over her mind, and she was completely confused.

At the same time, she opened the system panel again.

【Name: Sunshine Slime

【Attributes: Dark, Water

【Level: Intermediate

【[Racial level]: General

【Skills: Devour (Ultimate 1928/20000), Sprint (Advanced 602/2000), Immunity (Low Level 166/200), Perception (Advanced 108/2000), Flying (Low Level 22/200), Strangling (Intermediate 68/1000), Tail Flick (Low Level 23/200), Erosion Flame (Intermediate 568/1000)

【Status]: Giant (normal), Transformed (excellent)

【Evolution level]: 76%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime - Sunshine Slime——???——???——???——???——???

Well... Devouring has reached perfection...

Coupled with the muscle strength that she just discovered...

Kitsuneya Qi closed her eyes and felt that the junior high school student competition was a waste of her talent. Even if all the junior high school students in the country came, she could still win first place...

But she had to get out of this damn place first.

"Then we will go up first," Fox Seven decided to change a plan - although it sounds outrageous,"When I say stop, we will drill through the mountain and get to the other side."

The mountain should be triangular in shape, and it must be getting narrower as it goes up. Perfection only needs to turn into a big ball to store some air for her, go faster, and swallow it all the way. Even if it collapses in the middle, it can't stop it.

After all... think about it carefully, it is hunting at such a deep seabed, and the pressure is not small.

In the last life, how deep can an aircraft carrier dive?

"……I just hope that after eating too many stones this time, I won’t become weird again.……"

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