That night, there was a deadly killer next door. Kitsune Shichi originally thought she would not be able to sleep, but it turned out that she was overthinking. Just like the day she first crossed over, she was worried for only 5 minutes and fell asleep in seconds, not affected at all.

It was just that when she woke up in the morning...

Kitsune Shichi opened her eyes bravely, breathless, shivering, and cold.

She felt so heavy, it was the familiar sleep paralysis.……

"Perfect……"She gnashed her teeth grimly.

The blue slime twisted innocently, with only a small part of its body on the bed.——

"Oh! What is this?"

Kitsune Yachi sat up and exclaimed in surprise. He saw countless pearls floating in the giant slime, and transparent jellyfish swimming in it.

"Wait, how did you get up here?"

Kitsune Shichi poked her pet's face (?), but didn't dwell on it too much. She reached in and pulled out a grape-sized pearl. Although she didn't know how to define jewelry in this world, such a beautiful pearl was really dazzling...

Who doesn't like pearls and gems?

Kitsune Shichi stroked the pink-green pearl for a while, and patted its perfect body.

"Eat it all, thank you, it's beautiful~"

After cleaning up and preparing to eat, breakfast has been placed on the table, and the portion is extremely large

""Beautiful... Karachi, are you having breakfast?"

Fox Seven ran to the door and peeked openly. As soon as he stuck his head out, he gasped: the beauty's hair filled half the room like a golden waterfall, stacked half a meter high, and there was not a single tangled or knotted hair. She was hanging upside down in the air, with her legs raised high, swaying gently from time to time, like a branch blown by the breeze.

Fox Seven hammered hard on the heart.

……This new world will scare her to death sooner or later

"I don't want to eat it." Karachi opened half of his eyes,"My food is sunshine, I don't like your junk food."

But he looked listless and very decadent.

"But aren't you bloodthirsty?" Kitsune's mind suddenly twitched, and he asked directly,"Don't you want to drink blood plasma or something?"

This time it opened its eyes completely, and every strand of its golden hair moved, making a startling rustling sound, as if tens of thousands of snakes were waiting for their chance to hunt.

"……Don't mess with me, I'm cultivating myself……"


Hearing this, Kitsune Shichi was as quiet as a chicken, and retreated back to the door with his hands and feet together, silently saying in his heart: This is a tulip, not a spider. This is a tulip, not a spider.……


Who knows that she is really afraid of bugs?! What happened to the time travel invincibility? Why are there so many big bugs in this world? Never mind the beginners or advanced ones, they are actually bigger than humans, two or three meters tall. She is going to die at a glance!

So after a quick meal, Fox Seven carried Perfect away again. They couldn't stay in the house, so they left it to Karachi, letting it be alone, and never disturbing its photosynthesis...

On the same day, Fox Seven unlocked the human-pet 1V1 beach volleyball. After a hard explanation of the rules, Perfect could not only catch every ball she sent, but also jump back and forth between the two stalls, catching those balls that were hit by it and she couldn't catch. One person and one pet had a lot of fun...

What, you ask about learning?

They just got to the island, and they wouldn't die from playing.

So they spent the whole day just like that, and they were so tired that their appetite doubled than usual. When the sunset was bright, Fox Seven remembered the business, and lay on Perfect to open the system and look at its information page:

【Name]: Slime [Click to evolve]

【Attributes]: Dark [Click to evolve]

【Level]: Primary [Click to evolve]

【[Racial Level]: Normal [Click to evolve]

【[Skills]: Devour (Intermediate 608/1000), Sprint (Intermediate 220/1000), Immunity (Low Level 66/200), Perception (Intermediate 504/1000)

【Status: Giant (normal)

【Degree of evolution】:——%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime——!!!——???——???——???——???——???

It was only the third day of the contract, and the information page had changed several times, with the question mark turning into an exclamation mark.

Kitsune Shichi no longer wanted to complain about this unreliable cheat code, and there were four consecutive lines of [Click to Evolve]...

What was he urging?

Did this system have any thoughts?

"Sprint and perception progress very fast……"

Kitsune Shichi hesitated. As a person who spends a lot of time on the Internet, even if she didn’t have common sense, she felt that this speed was a bit fast. Just three days after birth, he had already trained three skills from elementary to intermediate level... This is no longer a genius slime, this is a perverted slime.

And [Immunity].

She checked and found that single-attribute immunity is more common. For example, fire-type beast pets have a chance to awaken [Fire Element Immunity], but her Perfect... seems to be immune to all elements...?

That’s not right. This skill is not [Element Immunity]. There are only two words: [Immunity].

Uh, this is actually an emperor-level skill.

It’s still not right. Shouldn’t this be a passive skill?

Why is immunity an active skill? It’s impossible to be immune whenever you want... Then how can the enemy be fought? ? ?

Kitsune Shichi fell silent. She was really illiterate.

Perfect also realized how awesome he was. He jumped up excitedly, feeling that he was about to rule the world.……

"Baozi, you are so naive. If you practice this skill, you will get beaten."Kitsune Shichi stroked its head (?), and said with a smile:"And you must not use this against me. If I want to hit you, you must stick your butt up. You must not use immunity to get away with it... understand?"

Perfect trembled and collapsed into a pool of sparkling water.

"……Well, so in the end, should we evolve or not?"

Kitsune Shichi was in a dilemma. Before the exam, she also flipped through the textbook. There was a subject that specifically talked about the materials needed for the evolution of pets.

For example, flame crystals, shadow stones, water-breathing pearls... These are the materials for the primary evolution of pets, and they are also divided into good and bad quality, which affects the energy value of pets after evolution. Any one of them starts at 100,000, and the light and dark series are especially expensive, because there is no normal way to obtain them. You either have to steal them from other pets of the same series, or enter the secret realm.

Kitsune Shichi is not reluctant to give up, the key is that you can't buy good ones even if you spend money, you can only buy the most ordinary ones - that is, the lowest quality ones. And her perfect genius...

What if it delays its becoming a god? What if this low-level material is used, and the golden interface turns white, then she can just hit her head and die.

On the system interface, the four big words [Click to Evolve] are amazingly bright, almost turning from gold to white, constantly shining, and I can't wait to make myself bold and big.……

‘Are you alive? Kitsune asked with his consciousness.

No response.

""Are you alive?" She asked again.

Still no response.

Come to think of it, this system can't be alive, otherwise it would have assigned her tasks long ago. How could it be so happy to see her writing nonsense on the exam...

Kitsune Yaqi felt melancholy. The key point was that this system had nothing. She knew nothing. It was either a question mark or an exclamation mark. What did you want her to click? You can't just click blindly!

"Perfect, do you want to evolve?"

Kitsune Yashichi asked, patting her body, and Perfect jumped with her twice, the meaning was very clear, yes.

This is the difference between species, the slime is tireless, playing all day and still like a perpetual motion machine, especially at this moment, moving around, can't stop at all, very active. What if after evolution... Let's not talk about anything else, just look at the big exception of Karachi, even a kind and soft healing mother like Xiao Xiangyu has a chance to become bloodthirsty and violent after evolution, and needs to"cultivate her body and mind"."……

What's more, slime...bloody slime...ugh.

At this moment, the familiar Lengxiang came again. Kitsune Yashichi was no longer surprised. She raised her head and watched Karachi fall to the ground out of nowhere. Her shiny golden hair was piled on top of her head. At first glance, the length was just below her shoulders.

"Slime, its life span is only seven days."

Karachi stood on the sand, watching the man and the pet snuggling intimately, his tone was cold, as if mocking,

"Although it has signed a contract with you, as an elemental body, it will not die for the time being, but its life span will pass. Even if it evolves later, the old state is irreversible."

Kitsune Yachi was shocked,"Getting old?"

She instantly remembered the beginning, when she touched a lot of slimes, some of which were lively and hard to catch, and some were lazy and unwilling to move, and were only concerned with eating slowly.

""Yes," Karachi showed pity,"Why sign a contract with a short-lived species? Isn't it better to let it go free?"

Immediately, its eyes turned, cold as a spring,"You have a solid soul. Such qualifications are among the best among humans. Why are you wasting time here with a slime?"

This is also the reason why it frequently takes the initiative to approach.

As the saying goes, things are precious because they are rare. Humans will be excited when they see rare pets, and pets will also be curious when they see rare humans, and want to observe them closely...

Fox Yaqi patted it to comfort it perfectly.

Facing a general-level pet, it did not dare to explode.

"We didn't waste time," Kitsune explained. He really felt like he was being taught a lesson by his elders, and he completely corrected the concept that beast pets are pets."Playing... is also a kind of learning. I exercised my body, and it practiced sprinting and perception, and the degree of cooperation was greatly enhanced.……"

This is the legendary fabrication.

Who would laugh out loud when studying? There is no such thing.

Karachi did not answer. It was just a reminder. It did not really care. The fate of these two people had nothing to do with it.

The moon rose to its highest point, and the night was dark. The two people and the pet sat harmoniously on the beach, facing the abyss-like sea, without saying a word.

Kitsune Shichi blew the wind. After this day, Perfect became older. It wanted to evolve again...

God-level... Who can predict the future? Anyway, if it were her, she would not want to fight on the stage when she was old. How miserable...


Okay, it's your own baby, don't think it's ugly...

So she looked down, and the golden information page unfolded on the beach, and her fair and slender fingers also poked at the four big words [Click to evolve]...

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