Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 218 The Past of the Emperor of Heaven! The Tenth Supreme Being? (1/2)


Nanyang, who was thinking, was interrupted by someone suddenly, and his face was gloomy, but when he saw the person coming, he said, "Is it you?"

"Deputy Alliance Leader, it's me." Zhao Yun said excitedly.

Unexpectedly, the other party still remembered him.

Hearing the word "Deputy Alliance Leader", Nanyang's face was a little gloomy, and he said, "Hmm, I know."

The Zhao family has some relationship with the Alliance Leader, and he doesn't want to tear his face for the time being.

The Zhao family is just nothing in his eyes.

If it weren't for the Alliance Leader, he would have destroyed them long ago.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the other party didn't leave, Nanyang said without wasting time.

"Deputy Alliance Leader, please make the decision for me." Zhao Yun said with a frustrated face: "Please ask the Deputy Alliance Leader to make the decision for the Zhao family."

Anyone who dares to kill his Zhao family must die.

"What's the matter?" Nanyang frowned and said coldly: "Speak!"

I really want to slap him to death.

"This is what happened..." Zhao Yun quickly told everything that happened to the Zhao family before.

"Kill dozens of people from your Zhao family?"

"And killed two Venerable Realm?" Nanyang said.

To be honest, he had expected this day to come.

Although the Southern Alliance is powerful and terrifying.

But many things are unpredictable.

The Zhao family does not have a corresponding strong man, but often does things that even strong men don't like.

It's normal to hit a wall.

It's only a matter of time before the Zhao family is destroyed.

"Emperor of Heaven?" Nanyang frowned, and according to Zhao Yun's words, he looked in one direction and saw a young man looking at him with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, Nanyang felt uneasy and subconsciously quickly looked away.

But as soon as he did it, he was angry. He was the deputy leader of the Southern Alliance.

He was a Tianyi Realm strong man, how could he feel uneasy.

This is absolutely not allowed.

But when he looked at the young man again, he found that the other party didn't look at him at all.

It should have been an illusion just now.

"Emperor of Heaven?"

Nanyang frowned and said coldly: "He really dares to use it."

Emperor of Heaven, the title is domineering, but I don't know if he has the life to use it.

At the same time, I am very curious, when did such a strong man appear in Nanyang.

According to Zhao Yun, the other party should also be in the Tianyi realm.

As for higher.

In his opinion, it is impossible.

Except for Tianzun, no one in the Southern Region can surpass Tianyi realm.

Unless, the other party is not from the battlefield of the Southern Region.

"Emperor of Heaven? Tianzun?"

"Is it really a strong man from other regions?"

"Why haven't I heard of this name?"

Nanyang guessed and puzzled.

"I don't know, what will happen if Tianzun knows him?"

"Please let the deputy leader decide!" Zhao Yun saw the other party silent, and suddenly had a bad feeling. After thinking about it, he still spoke.

He guessed that the other party should be thinking about inheritance.

Nanyang looked ugly.

This is endless, right?

Don't you see what is happening at this moment?

But it's okay, just in time to see the other party's details.

This is the Southern Region, for the other party who belongs to him.

Naturally, he doesn't want uncontrollable and restless people.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Whether it's the Southern Alliance or the Southern Region, I'm Nanyang..." Nanyang said proudly.

But before he finished speaking, the old man spoke again: "The second level of the trial begins. Those who pass it will enter the palace immediately."

After speaking, the old man glanced at the Emperor of Heaven, and then turned into a light spot and disappeared in front of the palace.


Everyone rushed in quickly.

Just now, the old man was in front of the palace, and they didn't dare to enter rashly. At this moment, the second level of the trial began, they were full of excitement and excitement, and they all rushed out of the palace at the fastest speed.

Seeing this, Nanyang didn't care about Zhao Yun.

Lei Dao and Jin Baiwan also turned into a lightning and golden light and rushed into the palace.

Other top forces' peak masters also entered quickly.

"Emperor of Heaven!" Tianming said.

Zhao Peng also looked at the Emperor of Heaven.

"You go." The Emperor of Heaven said: "Tianming, remember my words."

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!" Tianming said, she knew what he said.

When she encountered danger, she would use the divine object given to her by the Emperor of Heaven as soon as possible.

"And you..." After saying this, the Emperor looked at Zhao Peng next to him and said, "Remember what I said before."

"Yes, Emperor!" Zhao Peng nodded repeatedly.


Then the two of them and the Fire Dragon Scaled Beast approached the palace at the fastest speed.

When Tianming looked at the two-meter-long door a little sleepily, a ray of light enveloped the two people and the beast.

Just when everyone was shocked and surprised, the two people and the beast disappeared in front of the palace.

"Is it that old man?" The Emperor muttered to himself when he saw this, but he had a system, so he naturally knew whether they were okay.


After a while, when all those who passed the first level of the trial entered the palace, the palace gate slammed shut.

Everyone outside suddenly looked desperate.


Zhao Yun showed despair and unwillingness.

He is the head of the Zhao family, how could he not even pass the first level.

No, this must be an illusion.

This king realm inheritance belongs to his Zhao family.

"Damn it!" Zhao Peng roared, "It's all their fault, damn it..."

But he only said half of his words and looked like he saw a ghost.


How is it possible?

Why didn't he enter?

This shouldn't happen?

Heavenly Emperor, why didn't he enter the palace?

Did Tian not pass the first level?

No, he immediately denied this idea.

Did he plan to ask his men to get it for him?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but mock in his heart.

That was the inheritance of the King Realm.

Wasn't he worried that his men would take it for themselves after getting it?

Wasn't he even afraid that the other party would suppress him in turn?

The heart that was originally desperate and no wonder was actually much more balanced at this moment.

Seeing Zhao Yun roaring, everyone left his side.

The head of the Zhao family, who knows the South Region, who doesn't know him.

They all saw the other party talking with Nanyang just now.

Some people who heard the rumors but didn't believe them also shut their mouths at that moment.

It seems that the background of the Zhao family is indeed the South Alliance.

However, things are unpredictable!

The head of the Zhao family is at the peak of the Venerable Realm.

But he didn't even pass the first level.

This time, the Zhao family can be said to be completely embarrassed.

"My friend..."

As soon as the palace was closed, the old man smiled and said in the ears of the Emperor of Heaven.


Tianming only felt dizzy.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she had come to a world full of flames.

But the Fire Dragon Scaled Beast and Zhao Peng had disappeared.

"Where is this?" Tianming asked puzzledly.

"The second level, test of will!"

A familiar old man's voice sounded in her ears.

Tianming immediately thought of the old man in front of the hall, the Flame King.

But why did it give her a different feeling?

The second level!

Test of will?

Looking at the flames burning around, she initially made some guesses.

Flame King?

Then the other party's inheritance must be related to flames.

Test of will?

I don't know what will is being tested?

"Why do I feel hotter and hotter?"

At the same time, Zhao Peng and the Fire Dragon Scaled Beast encountered the same thing as Tianming.

"The second level, test of will!"


The Fire Dragon Scaled Beast roared very angrily. Seeing that its master disappeared, it was a little uneasy.

Hearing the words of the old man, it regained its calm.

The demon beast in the Venerable Realm, whose spiritual wisdom has been opened, naturally understands the words of the old man.

After a roar, it began to fly around.

The surrounding fire made it feel very comfortable.

The Fire Dragon Scaled Beast itself is a fire attribute monster.

"Second level trial?"

"Test of will?" Zhao Peng recovered from his uneasiness.

"Where is this?"

Looking at the raging flames around him, he did not feel any danger.

At the same time, other people also encountered almost the same scene.

"Where is this?" Lei Dao looked at the flames around him and felt a little uneasy.

Feeling the flames getting bigger and hotter, he had to use his strength to resist.

"The second level trial begins."

Suddenly a voice sounded, and the voice was the same as the old man, full of domineering and ruthlessness.

"Is this the second level trial?" Lei Dao's originally uneasy heart immediately became expectant.

"Second level trial?"

"Flame King?"

"It seems that the inheritance is related to flames?" In addition, the same opponent, Jin Baiwan, retracted his own golden light and began to feel the surroundings.

"Second level trial?"

Nanyang was full of excitement and walked in the sea of ​​fire.

For him, this inheritance, he must get it.

"My friend..."

Outside the palace, the old man's gentle voice came to the ears of the Emperor.

"Is it you?" The Emperor was a little surprised.

At the same time, in his consciousness, the figure of an old man slowly emerged.

It was the old man in front of the palace just now!

"Flame King?"

"My friend, you can just call me Old Fire." The old man smiled.

"I wonder what Old Fire has to say?" The Emperor said.

For the sudden appearance of the other party, except for surprise and doubt, he was not afraid at all.

It's just the remnant soul of the king realm.

Even if it is the real king realm, he is not afraid.

He just wondered why the other party appeared.

And he came to him.

Did he find something?

"I wonder if you know the Emperor?" Old Fire said, he didn't hide it, but asked directly, beating around the bush might backfire.

At that time, his idea might not be completed.

Sure enough!

When he heard the other party's words, the Emperor's face suddenly darkened.

The other party knew him and came to him again, which must be nothing good.

"Young friend, don't worry, I don't have any bad intentions." Seeing this, Huo Lao hurriedly explained: "It's just that when I was young, I met the Emperor of Heaven. I saw that you knew him very well, so I spoke rashly."

He had to confess, so he had no worries.

He was already dead, and he survived until now with the help of magic tools.

Naturally, there was nothing to be afraid of.

He went to the other party just hoping that his inheritance would not be broken.

"Have you seen the Emperor of Heaven?" The Emperor of Heaven said with a surprised look on his face.

The Emperor of Heaven has been dead for many years, and has been reincarnated as him.

But I didn't expect that someone would still remember him.

The Emperor of Heaven is really awesome!

"Seen, but not seen!" Huo Lao sighed.

It's all because I was too proud and didn't practice well at the beginning, otherwise I wouldn't have never seen the Emperor of Heaven himself.

I wouldn't have died and survived with the help of magic tools.

"What do you mean?" The Emperor of Heaven frowned, and the other party's words made him very confused and puzzled.

What does it mean to have seen and not seen.

Seen means seen, not seen means not seen.

"In ancient times, the myriad races rose up, and in order to compete for the strongest race, the cosmic war began." Huo Lao opened his eyes, full of memories and hatred.

If the myriad races had not fought for supremacy.

The cosmic rules would not have been broken.

"The universe and the myriad continents were broken, which led to the cosmic rules being broken. Just when people were desperate, a strong man named Tiandi took action. He suppressed the myriad races and sealed the Supreme Emperor..."

As he said this, Huo Lao couldn't help but look at Tiandi, his eyes full of admiration and worship.

You can imagine how terrifying and heaven-defying Tiandi is.

The myriad races fought and even destroyed the universe, but no one was determined.

But he didn't expect that he would be suppressed by one person.

Even the suppressed Supreme Emperor admired Tiandi very much.

It's just a little puzzling, why didn't he take action earlier.

Perhaps a fight and disaster could be avoided.

"The rules of the universe are broken, the supreme rules come, and the world begins to be destroyed. The Emperor of Heaven transforms thousands of rules to resist, negotiates with the supreme rules, and finally merges the universe to evolve the origin of the universe at the cost of himself." Huo Lao sighed.

The appearance of the Emperor of Heaven saved the universe and all living beings.

But he did not save himself.

Suppress all races!

Fight against the supreme rules!

It can be said that from ancient times to the present, only the Emperor of Heaven can achieve such an achievement.

Many people doubt whether the Emperor of Heaven is the tenth supreme creature that has disappeared for a long time.

Otherwise, why can such a shocking event be achieved.

"Then have you seen the Emperor of Heaven on the battlefield?" The Emperor of Heaven asked curiously: "I don't know who the Emperor of Heaven is?"

"No!" Huo Yan shook his head and smiled helplessly: "With my strength, I can't get involved in what happened to the Emperor of Heaven."

His strength is low!

He can't participate in the battle of the Supreme Emperor at all.

He dare not even watch.

The horror of the Supreme and the Great Emperor is not something that the King Realm and the Emperor Realm can watch.

Even the Emperor Realm can't do it.

"The reason why I know the Emperor of Heaven is not only because of his great reputation, but also because of his powerful and terrifying strength."

"But what makes people admire and respect him the most is that he evolved the origin of the universe." Flame's words were full of dignity.

"The Emperor of Heaven evolved the origin of the universe, his dignity descended on the sky above every world, and the will of heaven and earth descended to make the name of the Emperor of Heaven public."

The rules of the universe were broken, and the universe naturally returned to chaos in the future.

The Emperor of Heaven evolved the origin of the universe, which means he saved the universe.

It is natural for heaven and earth to descend to inform all living beings.

It can be said that all the creatures that survived the ancient war know the name of the Emperor of Heaven.

"As for who the Emperor of Heaven is?" Flame shook his head and said, "There is no way to know."

"No one knows the origin of the Emperor of Heaven, nor does anyone know when the Emperor of Heaven appeared."

Naturally, no one knows any news about the Emperor of Heaven.

If it weren't for the war of all races and the shattering of the rules of the universe, the Emperor of Heaven might not have appeared.

"However, there are rumors that the Emperor of Heaven might be a supreme rule creature born at the beginning of the universe?" Flame told the information he knew.

"Is it the tenth supreme being that has disappeared for a long time?"

At the beginning of the universe, ten extremely terrifying beings appeared.

They are the supreme beings.

Nine of them became the supreme rules, controlling all things and spirits in the universe.

But there is only one supreme being who disappeared for some unknown reason.

BS: The typos will be updated first and corrected later.

These days, I am busier than usual because of New Year greetings.

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