Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 214 The Emperor's Personality (1/2)


Zhao Peng turned into a streak of black energy and killed Zhao Yun.

"Ice Palm!"

Zhao Yun's face was twisted, and he saw Zhao Peng filled with murderous intent. Cold air rose up from his body, and at the same time, a huge ice palm appeared quickly in front of him.



Under the control of Zhao Yun, the giant ice palm cut through the void like lightning and headed towards Zhao Peng.

The sky suddenly roared, and even the space roared continuously.

But what shocked him beyond belief was that the black energy transformed by Zhao Peng easily corroded and penetrated the giant ice palm, shot it through the palm, and then enveloped him in an instant before Zhao Yun could react.

"What is this?" The moment he was enveloped in black energy, Zhao Yun's expression suddenly changed, and he felt that his life was passing quickly.

Trying to gather spiritual energy only speeds up the consumption of one's own spiritual energy.


Zhao Yun roared: "Zhao Peng, come out here. What kind of monster are you?"

"Seeking death!" Zhao Peng's angry voice came from the black air.

The black air suddenly became thicker.

Although he is completely demonized, he is still a human being and not a monster.

Ever since the Emperor of Heaven cured him and allowed him to complete his demonization, the demonic energy was no longer the same as before.

Even those in the same realm can be easily killed.

As for the Tianyi realm, or a higher realm, he didn't know yet.

As the black energy became more and more intense, Zhao Yun's vitality was rapidly passing away.

"What on earth is this?" Lei Dao looked slightly worried.

It still feels very disgusting.

I really want to go up and kill him directly.

"Is this the devil?" Jin Wanwan frowned. He had already learned about Zhao Peng's situation from some people, but it was more terrifying than he imagined.

Although he disliked the Zhao family very much, he also wanted to kill Zhao Yun.

But I have to say that as the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Yun is still very talented.

As a strong man at the pinnacle of the Venerable Realm, he naturally knows how powerful the opponent is, and even he cannot defeat the opponent.

But what he didn't expect was.

Zhao Yun, who was equally powerful as him, was defeated in just one round.

Is this the devil?

It's so terrifying.


"I am going to kill you!"

Zhao Yun roared angrily, watching the life continue to flow away, at this moment he felt fear and death.

"Zhao die well..."

With the invasion of black energy, his body, life, aura, and even soul were dying.

He is dying.

Reluctance, despair, resentment...all kinds of emotions kept popping up.

He didn't expect that he would die like this.

Everyone saw this and quickly backed away.

People who have never seen Zhao Peng with demonic energy change their expressions and look frightened.

Those who saw it were shocked again.

Unexpectedly, even a strong man like Zhao Yun was easily trapped.

It seems that he has also followed in the footsteps of Zhao Lei and Zhao Yang.

"Do you want to save him?" Lei Dao asked, although he very much hoped that Zhao Yun would die, and even hoped that the Zhao family would be exterminated together.

But at this moment, he didn't know why, he wanted Zhao Peng to die even more.

In addition, if Zhao Yun dies, he and Jin Wanwan may not be able to compete with him.

"It's better not to cause trouble!" Jin Wanwan shook his head.

Zhao Peng's power is really too weird.


He had never heard of it.

He didn't want to get involved.

Unknown forces often bring unknown dangers.

What's more, Zhao Peng is not alone.

Behind him, there is an even more terrifying existence.

Emperor of Heaven!

Judging by his name, he is not an ordinary person.


"Kill me if you dare!" Zhao Yun roared, feeling endless pain as the demon invaded.

"Then I'll help you." Zhao Peng said, black energy rising as he spoke.


Suddenly a faint voice sounded.

"Emperor of Heaven?"

Zhao Peng looked ugly, but he pretended not to hear.

People from the Zhao family must die.

He didn't stop, but sped up.

"Presumptuous!" Tianming said angrily.

If you dare to disrespect the Emperor of Heaven, you are seeking death.


The fire dragon scale beast roared.

Looking at Zhao Peng, I really want to feed him a bite...

Bah bah!

It wouldn't eat something so disgusting.

"Have you not figured out your current identity yet?" A faint voice sounded again.


An extremely terrifying pressure fell directly on Zhao Peng.


The black energy surrounding Zhao Yun suddenly disappeared, a figure fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"God, spare my life!" Zhao Peng said quickly. Only at this moment did he know that the other party could kill him just as easily as Lou Ye.

His life was given by the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven can give him power, and naturally he can also take it back.

"I was just blinded by hatred. Please forgive me, Emperor of Heaven." Zhao Peng's face was pale, and his body was suppressed by the terrifying pressure, unable to move at all.

"Give me a reason not to kill you." The Emperor said calmly, his voice full of indifference.

As long as it affects him to earn his original energy, no matter who it is, he can't keep it.

"Reason?" Zhao Peng's face looked ugly, and he was a little confused.

What reason?

What reasons do you want to give?

At this moment, Zhao Peng felt worse than death.

He had no idea what reason to give to prevent the Emperor from killing him.

The Emperor of Heaven gave him the feeling at this moment that as long as he was not satisfied with his answer, he might really die.

Emperor of Heaven!

What reason?

Let me think!

I was invaded by the remnant soul of the Demon King and saved by the Emperor of Heaven.

But the Emperor of Heaven saved himself for the spirit stone.

It shouldn’t be!

According to what follows, the Emperor of Heaven should want to control him.

But why do you want to kill him now?

Is it really for the spirit stone?

No matter, take a gamble.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, double..."

"three times…"

"No, five times..."

If the Emperor of Heaven is because of the spiritual stones, then he will increase the number of spiritual stones.

But when he saw that the Emperor was unmoved, he broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly increased the price.


The Emperor of Heaven looked strange at this time. Although he knew to ask the other party to give a reason, he really wanted the other party to give him more spiritual energy as punishment.

But he didn't expect that the other party would increase it five times in one go.

He was so excited that he didn't react for a while.

"ten times!"

Zhao Peng gritted his teeth and said, he was fighting to survive.

"Okay!" The Emperor smiled and said, "You are good."

"But, with so much, do you still have to finish it?"

"Me?" Zhao Penggang breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard the other party's words, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Lord Emperor of Heaven, don't worry. As long as I don't die, I will pay it back as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, I will pay it back until I finish it." Zhao Peng said quickly.

"That won't work!" The Emperor of Heaven thought for a moment and said, "If you wait ten years and a hundred years, do I have to wait ten years and a hundred years too?"

"I don't have time to waste with you."

Blue Star will face an attack from all realms in more than five years.

It’s only been over five hundred years here.

He didn't have time to waste it slowly.

"Lord Emperor of Heaven, I... will resolve it within a year." Zhao Peng gritted his teeth and said.

"One year?" The Emperor frowned, this time was a bit long for him.

However, I thought that in a month, I would contract and merge with the Tianling Continent. After reaching the King Realm, the time required for the integration would be exactly one year.

It seems that it is not impossible to agree.

"Okay, just one year." The Emperor of Heaven said, "But if it takes more than one year..."

"It's up to the Emperor of Heaven to deal with it!" Zhao Peng said quickly.

He knew that the Emperor of Heaven seemed to want the spirit stone, but in fact he wanted to control him.

"Okay." The Emperor said, "However, within a month, you must take me to the ruins you mentioned."

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!" Zhao Peng said, but he was very unwilling and confused in his heart.

Why did the Emperor of Heaven want to spare Zhao Yun's life?

"I know you are unwilling to give up and have doubts." The Emperor of Heaven said, "But don't forget, you still have to pay me for life-saving money, so you have to listen to me."

"Normally I don't care about you, you can do your own thing, but if you dare not listen to me and disobey me after I speak, you will die!"

An extremely terrifying pressure suddenly exploded, and Zhao Peng felt like he was falling into an abyss.

Everyone was also horrified. Is this man the Emperor of Heaven?

It's so terrifying!

If you say suppression, suppress it.

Just what do they mean?

What three times, five times, ten times?

When the people who had been treated by the Emperor of Heaven heard these words, their faces suddenly darkened.

I thought to myself: "You are the Emperor of Heaven, do you want to give up your majesty?"

"Emperor of Heaven?" Jin Wanwan frowned, not expecting the other party to be so terrifying.

It seems that it is a bit troublesome to reach the King Realm inheritance.

"Emperor of Heaven?" Thunder Sword was a little eager to try, but for the sake of his own life, he had no choice but to give up.

"Sooner or later I will reach his level, and I will look for him to fight when the time comes." Lei Dao thought in his heart.

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven." Zhao Peng said respectfully quickly.

"Okay, you go aside first." Tianming said, after thinking for a while, he said: "I will not interfere in your affairs with the Zhao family. If he refuses treatment, or if he is treated well..."

Halfway through, he suddenly realized something was wrong and coughed quickly: "Ahem... Anyway, after I finish my work, you can do whatever you want!"

"Thank you, Emperor of Heaven!" Upon hearing the other party's words, Zhao Peng suddenly became excited and excited, and he quickly and respectfully said: "The Emperor of Heaven is mighty and majestic."

As long as the Emperor of Heaven doesn't care, it will only be a matter of time before he destroys the Zhao family.

Emperor of Heaven: "..."

Tianming: "..."

Suddenly she felt a sense of crisis.

"Zhao Yun?" The Emperor of Heaven came down to the dying Zhao Yun and looked at him like an ant.

At this time, Zhao Yun was as dry as firewood and had lost much vitality. It seemed that he might die at any time.

"Emperor of Heaven?" Zhao Yun said coldly: "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Peng was actually related to the Emperor of Heaven, and the latter was so terrifying. He had to wonder if what happened to the Zhao family was caused by him.

The Zhao family has offended too many people in the past few decades.

Perhaps, the Zhao family just hit the iron plate.

As a big shot, the Emperor of Heaven could not take action personally, so he took advantage of Zhao Peng.

What I said just now may be just to cover up.

It's just that he can't figure out when he offended the other party.

Could it be her?

He thought of destiny!

He recalled another piece of information he had received from the crowd.

The beginning of this incident was because of him, and the other party also killed a member of his family.

"I heard that your Zhao family is very good?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and said: "Do you want to live? As long as you can pay... to replenish my consumption, I will treat you immediately."

Everyone: "..."

Zhao Peng: "..."

Tianming: "..."

Jin Wanwan: "..."

Thunder Knife: "..."

Zhao Yun: "..."

For a moment, no one reacted.

Is this change of attitude too fast?

Tian Ming was speechless.

Lord Heavenly Emperor, can you be more reserved?

I also don’t understand that as long as it has something to do with money, the tall Emperor of Heaven will immediately turn into a playful and smiling person, just like a little gangster.

Zhao Peng definitely understands it deeply.

The same is true for those treated by the Emperor of Heaven.

I really want to despise him.

"You... want to save me?" Zhao Yun opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

Shouldn't it?

Does the other party have any conspiracy?

"How about I give you a discount, ninety-nine percent off." The Emperor smiled and said with a serious face: "Your injury is very serious. If you don't treat it, you may die soon... Do you want to live?" , please tell me quickly, when the time comes, I won’t be able to save you even if I want to.”

real or fake?

Everyone couldn't understand it for a while.

Obviously the other party was almost beaten to death by your people.

But now he has to save the other party.

Zhao Yun didn't know how to answer for a while!

If he wants to live, he naturally doesn't want to die.

It's just that I don't know what the other party wants to do!

"Do you want treatment? Just tell me!" the Emperor said with a speechless expression. This man must have been beaten stupid.

After thinking for a while, he said: "You can think about it. Without my treatment, you will die soon. Even if you can survive for a while, with him around, you may be tortured to death."

As he spoke, he glanced at Zhao Yun.

Zhao Peng: "..."

When did I become so vicious?

I do not know how?

However, he prayed in his heart that Zhao Yang had better give up treatment.

But this kind of thing is basically impossible.

Zhao Yun scolded Liang in his heart, the other party was threatening him.

very good!

He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

It's death anyway, so why not take this opportunity to reveal the other party's true face.

"Okay, what conditions do you need?" Zhao Yun gritted his teeth and asked.

He wanted to see what the other party wanted to use him for.

"One million mid-grade spiritual stones!" The Emperor smiled excitedly upon seeing this: "As long as you give it, I will treat you immediately."


Zhao Yun suddenly looked confused!

One million spirit stones?


This has nothing to do with spiritual stones.

Shouldn't it be other excessive things?

Why is it different from what I thought?

It shouldn't be.

Is what that person said before true?

Lei Dao also looked strange.

Jin Wanwan looked calm and didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's over!"

Zhao Peng knew this would be the result.

It seems that it is difficult to kill Zhao Yun today.

Tianming did not expect that the Emperor of Heaven loved money to such an extent.

never mind.

The worst thing to do is to find ways to earn more for him in the future.

"Is it really just a spiritual stone?" Zhao Yun was a little afraid to tell the truth.

"You really only need spiritual stones." The Emperor of Heaven said, "With one million medium-grade spiritual stones, I will cure you immediately."


"There are more than one million middle-grade spiritual stones in here."

Zhao Yundao said, quickly taking out a bag and throwing it at the other party.

Anyway, if you are going to die, you might as well take a gamble.

What if it’s true!

He doesn't want to die.

"Not bad." The Emperor looked at it and said excitedly.

These are all spiritual stones, original energy.


As he spoke, a milky white light penetrated the other party's body.

"This is?"

Zhao Yun looked shocked.

How can it be?

In just an instant, his life, soul, and body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is impossible!

This shouldn't be the case.

The other party actually saved him.

BS: Correct typos first and then correct them

Let me say here that I have been a bit busy during this period and have no time to conceive the plot, so it is very watery. I will start finishing the work next month and I will definitely finish it.

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