Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 172 Chapter 166 The Eastern Qin Dynasty is in turmoil (1/2)

Eastern Qin Dynasty, 238 years.

The King of Qin was critically ill, and the dynasty fell into turmoil.

The Crown Prince and the Second Prince competed for the throne, and the Twelve Princes secretly plotted.

"Prince." In a palace, a woman in white knelt on one knee and said respectfully: "According to reliable information, something happened in Kaoshan Sect."

"What happened?" Qin Hao frowned, and couldn't help but worry about Brother Tian's life.

But with his strength, he should be fine.

"Prince is like this..." The woman in white said.

"I know, go down." Qin Hao said.

I didn't expect such a big thing to happen just after I left.

Law enforcement elder Zhou Li rebelled and joined forces with the leader of the Liehuo Sect to attack the leader of the Kaoshan Sect, and was killed by Master Qin Dan.

Liehuo Sect paid compensation to apologize.

Core disciple Zhou Quan was killed.

Brother Tian is Brother Tian.

He is still as powerful as before.

"But where did Brother Tian go?"

He didn't expect Brother Tian to leave Kaoshan Sect.

"Brother Tian, ​​wait for me, I will do justice for you."

Time flies, years pass by.

Three years passed in a flash.

Name: Qin Tian [Original Clone (Perfect Creature)]

Life: 1.999999999999

Realm: 12th level of Martial God Realm

Strength: Spiritual Realm (Peak)

Constitution: Origin Body (99.9%)

Divine Awareness: 99.9%

Spiritual Energy: 99.9%

Lifespan: 15/1999

Dantian: 108 meters (perfect)

Skills: Origin Skills, Origin Clone

Martial Arts: Origin Methods

Artistic Concept: Origin Artistic Concept (99%)

Origin Qi: 568.3 strands

Origin Points: 9.774 billion (50 million Alliance Coins cannot be converted, 9.552 billion Summer Coins cannot be converted)

Origin Shop: Level 4 [Level 5 (0/1 Origin Qi)]

Lottery: 0

Storage Space: 100 km (+)

Equipment: Nine-grade Black Iron Sword (Top Grade), Nine-grade White Jade Armor (Top Grade)

Items: Time Table...

Regular Items: None

In three years, he has reached the ultimate of mortals.

He is only halfway to breaking through the shackles and reaching the gods of this world.

For mortals, it is really possible to be a god.

After all, his life span has reached almost 2,000 years at this time.

It will be even more terrifying to reach the extraordinary.

The health value is the same as he guessed, and it really increased by several 9s.

To reach 2, it seems that he can only break through.

However, to break through and reach the gods, 10,000 Origin Qi is required.

But it is normal.

Mortals cannot become gods.

"It's time to leave." Qin Tian sighed. In three years, the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce has earned 70% of the wealth of the three dynasties.

The elixir has reached saturation, and if you need to break through, you can only go to the center of Shenwu Continent.

In the East Qin Dynasty, because King Qin has been ill for a long time, the court has become a mess.

The crown prince and the second prince even fought each other.

The twelfth prince Qin Hao, who originally sat on the mountain and watched the fight secretly, was betrayed by his personal guards.

Overnight, he became the target of public criticism and became the target of attack by the crown prince and the second prince.

"Prince, it's bad. The crown prince and the second prince have joined forces to kill. Fengtian Keqing was blocked by two strong men from the other side. Prince, run away..." A woman in white stumbled in front of Qin Hao with blood all over her body and said, but she died before she finished speaking.

"Damn it." Qin Hao roared, "They really deserve to die."

He never thought that they would dare to mess around.

They dared to mess around when their father was still alive.

"I'm going to fight them." Qin Li next to him said angrily, and disappeared in the room in a flash.

"Brother Ten." Qin Hao wanted to stop him but it was too late.

When he walked out of the room, he saw fighting everywhere.

Because he was caught off guard, his men were seriously injured and died.

"You are looking for death." Qin Li was fighting with an old man at this time, and the other party was a martial arts master.

The two sides fought each other, but they were evenly matched and retreated.

"The talent of the tenth prince really makes this old slave admire him." The old man was shocked. He didn't expect that the tenth prince's cultivation talent was so amazing, and he immediately wanted to recruit him.

If he could win over the prince, wouldn't he make a great contribution?

Thinking of this, the old man smiled and said, "The tenth prince is powerful, why don't you come to help your eldest brother, he is the prince, and he will become the king sooner or later."

"Bah, I won't help him even if I die." Qin Li roared, "Watch my fist, old skin."

Qin Tian activated the Golden Body Tyrant Body Technique, and suddenly a domineering and resolute aura burst out of his body.

"What kind of skill is this?" The old man was shocked. He was a martial arts master, but he felt the danger. He didn't dare to be careless and immediately burst out all his strength.



The collision between the two sides immediately formed a strong airflow, and the people fighting around were overturned.

"How is it possible?" The old man was covered in blood and exhausted. His right hand was broken.

Qin Li looked pale because he had exhausted all his strength.

A challenge beyond his level!

At this moment, everyone present was stunned.

Genius, absolutely a peerless genius.

A young man in a golden robe in the distance was shocked and surprised at this time.

"I didn't expect the tenth brother to be so powerful." Qin An shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that I can't use him."

"What are you going to do?" Another young man next to him was also shocked, but he quickly regained his composure and looked at Qin An and said, "Kill or..."

"Kill?" Qin An looked at the young man and said with a smile, "I didn't expect my second brother to be so cruel and ruthless."

Qin An said sarcastically: "He is your half-brother."

"Brother, you don't need to be sarcastic. We are all the same people." Qin Xu smiled and said, "If it were me, you would definitely not ask this."

"Of course, the same goes for me." He didn't say this.

This time it was to deal with the Twelve Princes, and he didn't want to face off against his eldest brother now.

"Humph!" Qin An snorted coldly and said nothing.

"Lao Hong, go and deal with him." Qin Xu looked at Qin Tian and said, unable to serve him. It is better to eliminate unnecessary accidents in advance.

"Yes, Second Prince." An old man wearing a blue robe disappeared in front of them in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Qin Li.


Qin Li has exhausted all his strength, and he is no longer the opponent at this time.

And the opponent is also a strong man in the Wuzong realm, more powerful than the previous old man.

Qin Li was seriously injured immediately.

"He's not dead?" Lao Hong frowned. He was not an ordinary martial artist, but he couldn't even kill a warrior in one strike.

"Poof!" Qin Li spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes blackened and he passed out.

If he hadn't practiced the Golden Body Hegemony Art, he would have died long ago.


Seeing that Qin Li didn't know whether he was alive or dead, Qin Hao roared: "Stop it, come at me whatever you want."

"Prince, let me take you away."

At this time, a voice came from behind Qin Hao, and an old man flew into the air and landed next to him.

"Is it the Soaring Realm again?" Old Hong and the old man with the severed hand looked horrified.

Even Qin An and Qin Xu were a little shocked.

I didn't expect that the twelfth brother was hiding so deeply.

There are actually two Soaring Realm members.

Fortunately, they acted quickly enough.

Although it will not bring danger to them, it can cause huge trouble.

"Your Highness, be careful," said the middle-aged man next to Qin An who had not taken any action and was always on guard against his surroundings.

He is the prince's personal bodyguard.

The same goes for the old man in black robe next to Qin Xu. He looked at the middle-aged man and then at the old man.

"Don't worry about me, go find Brother Tian quickly." Qin Hao said to the old man: "Only he can save us."

Originally he wanted to bring justice to Brother Tian, ​​but now he wants to ask him for help.

"It's just..." The old man wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Qin Hao: "This is an order, you take me with you, we can't escape, this is our last chance."

After saying that, he looked at Qin and Qin Xu and said, "The person you want is me. Let Brother Ten go. He is your brother no matter what."

"Eldest brother, second brother, do you really want to kill each other?" Qin Hao roared: "Can't you give us a way out? If you don't agree, I will leave with him immediately."

Qin Hao has already prepared for a situation of death and destruction.

He was sure that the Soaring Realm experts around them did not dare to take action rashly.

Unless the other person is like him.

But he knows Qin An and Qin Xu very well.

A person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

A ruthless one.

"Okay, I promise you." Qin An thought for a while and said, "We are brothers after all, and I don't want to do anything too cruel. You ask them to put down their weapons and surrender now, and I will make the decision to spare your life and the life of my tenth brother. "

"Brother, you..." Qin Xu next to him wanted to kill everyone. After all, accidents were everywhere, and he also heard the other party's conversation.

What to do if something unexpected happens.

He didn't dare to gamble.

"What, second brother, do you want to kill your own brother?" Qin An said.

"Brother, I didn't mean that." Qin Xu said with an ugly face: "How could I kill my own brother?"

If Qin Li and Qin Hao had been killed before, it could be said to be an accident.

If he takes action now, he will be charged with killing his brother.

This is exactly what Qin An wants.

His hopes of becoming king were greatly reduced.

"Hey!" The old man sighed upon seeing this, rose into the air and disappeared in front of everyone.

In the year 241 of the Eastern Qin Dynasty, the twelfth prince and the tenth prince were imprisoned for conspiring to cause rebellion.

In the room of the Prince's Mansion, a young man said angrily after learning the news: "How dare they do this."

"What should I do? What should I do?" Qin Yuan looked anxious.

"By the way, look for Brother Tian."

"Young Master, please stay in the room." Qin Yuan opened the room but was blocked by two guards.

"Get out of the way, get out of my way."

Qin Yuan said angrily: "Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"Master, please don't embarrass us."

Bang bang!

As soon as the two guards finished speaking, they were blown away by Qin Yuan.

Their faces were full of shock, when did the young master become so powerful?

"Stop." Suddenly a middle-aged man appeared in front of Qin Yuan, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

"where are you going?"

"Father, I am going to save Qin Li and Qin Hao. They will not rebel at all. It must be the conspiracy of the crown prince and the second prince..."

"shut up…"

Qin Yuan said angrily, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a middle-aged roar: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"If your words get out, it will harm us." Qin Chuan said angrily. As he spoke, he glanced at the two guards on the ground, and at the same time, two flying knives appeared in his hands.

"Prince, spare my life." The two guards were so scared that they were sweating profusely.

"If you don't do your job well..." Qin Chuan said coldly: "Death!"



"Father, you..." Qin Yuan was horrified. He didn't expect his father to be so cruel.

"No one is allowed to participate in the fight for the throne." Qin Chuan said coldly: "Otherwise, don't blame me for disregarding the father-son relationship."

He is the prince, and he knows the cruelty of the fight for the throne best.

This is also for his own good.

Tianyuan City.

Qin Tian has explained everything and is ready to leave the southern area.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of Qin Tian and said: "An old man appeared in the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, looking for someone called Brother Tian."

"Who?" Qin Tian frowned. There are not many people who can find the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce and know the two words Brother Tian.

Finding him at this time, something must have happened.

"An old man, he said that Qin Hao and Qin Li were in trouble." Tiansha said.

"What?" Qin Tian frowned and said: "Where is the old man?"

Not finding them or something went wrong.

He had guessed it long ago.

The battle for the throne is not that easy.

"In the hall." Tiansha said.

In the hall, an old man looked worried at this time.

I don't know if Tianxia Chamber of Commerce can see that person.

But according to his guess, it should be here.

The brother Tian that the prince knew was in Kaoshan Sect.

And he became a soaring realm because of the opportunity he encountered in Kaoshan Sect.

He originally went to Kaoshan Sect, but found that the man called brother Tian had disappeared.

When he was desperate, he thought of his own opportunity.

After analysis, various phenomena showed that the person he was looking for was in Tianxia Chamber of Commerce.

The senior told him that he could go to Tianxia Chamber of Commerce when he encountered a crisis.

"Is it you?" Qin Tian saw the old man, and it was indeed him.

"Do you know me?" The old man was a little surprised.

"Who are you?"

"I am the person you are looking for." Qin Tian said a little embarrassed.

"You are brother Tian?" The old man frowned, how could a young person really help the prince.

"It's me, tell me the details." Qin Tian said, he can use the system, but he doesn't want to waste the origin points casually.

If Qin Hao and Qin Tian had problems, he would not be able to use the origin point query.

If there was no danger to life, there was no need to use it.

"It's like this..." The old man thought about it and said, even if this person is not strong, at least in the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, it seems that his status is not ordinary, and he might really be able to save the prince if he said it.

"To save Qin Li?" Qin Tian praised: "It seems that he is a good person and values ​​friendship."

"Sir, what should we do now?" The old man worried.

"It's okay, as long as they are not dead, it's not a big deal, let them suffer." Qin Tian said.

The old man was confused, is this human language?

"Okay, don't worry, wait for me, we will leave immediately." Qin Tian knew his things and reminded him.

"We?" The old man was a little puzzled, don't you find some strong people?

But he understood the next second.

"Tianzun, my mother heard that the East Qin Dynasty was in turmoil, and she wanted to go back to see her mother." At this time, a man in a black robe appeared in front of the two.

"Martial King Realm?" The old man felt the aura of the black-robed man that was even more powerful and terrifying than his, and his face was full of shock and astonishment.


Such a powerful title.

It seems even more powerful.

Brother Tian?

Tianxia Chamber of Commerce?

Is he the president of Tianxia Chamber of Commerce?

Or is he the mastermind behind Tianxia Chamber of Commerce?

At this moment, the old man was shocked and full of disbelief.

Then he smiled, and his worries were immediately put down.

With him, there will be no problem at all.

I don't know how the prince knows the other party.

By the way, I was not robbed by him last time...


It was an opportunity, how can it be called robbery.


While the old man was thinking, a woman's voice came from outside the hall.

When a woman appeared, the old man was stunned.

"You... are... Yao Fei..."

BS typos were corrected first and then corrected

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