Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 134: The World-Destroying Heavenly Tribulation (two photos in one) (1/2)


"Has it not been done yet?"

When he was about to reach the city gate, a huge collision sound came from the distance again, and the violent vibration was like a magnitude 7 or 8 earthquake.

Fortunately, he was not in Tyrant City, otherwise he could directly destroy a city.


After walking a few steps, he heard another roar in the distance, making his ears buzz.

This is not even extraordinary, but it can easily destroy a mountain and a city.

If it reaches extraordinary, how terrifying it would be.

"Oh my..."

Before reaching the city gate, he saw an invisible super giant pit outside the city gate, and huge cracks spread out in all directions.

As for how deep the pit caused by the battle was, he couldn't see it clearly because of the distance.

Just look at the area of ​​the collapse.

You can know how terrifying it is.

Basically, a football field can be built.

The surrounding area was completely destroyed. Compared with the damage caused by the beast tide in Haicheng before.

The degree of destruction is more than a hundred times different.

It's almost a hell on earth.

Qin Tian didn't feel this kind of destructive power in the Fengtian Tower before.

Perhaps the rules inside are more complete.



"What's going on?"

Hearing the roar, Qin Tian thought that Xiao Chong was still fighting with the other party, but he looked and saw no movement in the distance.

Where could it be?




When Qin Tian walked out of the city gate, a huge roar resounded through the world.

Qin Tian's face suddenly became ugly, because he knew where the thunder came from.


Looking up, Qin Tian couldn't help but want to curse.



Dark clouds were dense and thunder was rolling.

A terrifying power of heaven was slowly forming.

"Ding, host, please prepare for the tribulation."

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

"Tribulation?" Qin Tian was stunned. Tribulation, will he be struck by lightning?

This is the world of beast control, not cultivation?

Why do I have to tribulation?

"Ding, host, this is the rule caused by you breaking the limits of the human body and the Dantian, becoming a half-step perfect creature."

"You will also be struck by lightning?" Qin Tian was speechless.

"Master, this is the thunder method." Changsheng's voice sounded in his mind.

"You mean, because I have completed the physical limit and reached perfection, and the thunder method caused by the Dantian?"

"Yes, master."

"Changsheng, how to survive?"

Qin Tian asked: "Can I avoid the thunder tribulation?"

He didn't want to be struck by lightning.

"Master, the thunder tribulation cannot be avoided. No matter where you go, it will move with you. Only the master can survive the tribulation by himself..."

"Master, you must be careful..."

"Okay, I know." Qin Tian was speechless.

No wonder I found the thunderclouds in the sky strange just now.

Originally, they were moving with me.

How should I survive the tribulation?

He is not a cultivator, has no experience, and has never thought that he will be struck by thunder one day.

"Ding, host, do you choose to turn on the emergency function?"

"Turn on." Qin Tian turned it on without hesitation. The system automatically asked to turn on the emergency function, which means it is very dangerous.

"Ding, consume 100 billion to activate the emergency function."

"Do you need so much?" Qin Tian looked grim, it seems that it is more dangerous than he imagined.

"By the way, Changsheng, if I return to the Fengtian Tower, will I avoid it?" Qin Tian suddenly thought of the power of the Fengtian Tower.

"Master, it's too late..."

"Ah!" Qin Tian sighed, it seems that he can't avoid it.

Then let's cross it.

"Young Master." Long Jiu's voice came from a distance. The sky where Qin Tian was located was so noisy that it naturally attracted countless people's attention.

People felt the panic of the sky. Some ordinary people were shaking constantly at this time, and even some beast masters had pale faces and fear in their eyes.

Just now, they were lucky to escape the battle of the strong, and now such a terrifying thunder appeared in the sky again.

Is it going to destroy them?

"Young Master." Long Jiu was excited and stood up to come to Qin Tian.

"Master, don't let them get close."

Changsheng's voice sounded in his mind again.

"I know." Qin Tian has confirmed that he is crossing the pirated immortal cultivation tribulation.

"Don't come..." Qin Tian said hurriedly.

"Young Master, what did you say?" Because of the huge thunder and the distance, Long Jiu didn't hear what Qin Tian meant, and his body kept flashing and approaching Qin Tian.

"Changsheng, go stop him." Qin Tian was speechless. Although he didn't know what Long Jiu would bring to him after he appeared, it must be a disaster for Long Jiu, and he must not let anyone get close.

"Master... Don't... I can't appear now." Just as Qin Tian was about to open the summoning space, Changsheng's anxious voice came from his mind.

"Quick, let Xiao Chong stop it..."


"Xiao Chong, stop him quickly."

Qin Tian didn't ask why Changsheng couldn't appear, but hurriedly told Xiao Chong.

"Okay, Master, you have to be careful."

"Young Master." Long Jiu was excited, and when he was about to come to Qin Tian, ​​a green light suddenly appeared.


"It's you..." Long Jiu roared: "What are you going to do? Let me go?"

"Master, you'd better take Xiao Chong back later." Changsheng reminded again.

"Okay, got it." Qin Tian took a deep breath, looked at the shivering ordinary people around him, and his figure suddenly disappeared outside the city gate.



Black clouds gathered in the sky, and the thunder was getting louder and louder.

What made ordinary people feel strange was that the thunderclouds in the sky were changing direction and moving away from them.

"Look, God has gone."

"Oh, it's true."

"I was scared to death. I thought I was going to die today."

"Did you do something wrong? Otherwise, what are you afraid of?"

"I didn't. You did something wrong. Look, your pants are still dripping."

"Keep your voice down. You are not as good as me."

"Did you find that the thunder in the sky seemed to follow the boy away..."

"No way? How is it possible!"

"I feel a bit like that. The strong man wanted to come over just now, and the young man was blocking him."

"You didn't see it wrong?"

"No, if you don't believe me, look for yourself. The strong man seems to be tied up by something."

"Wow, it's true..."


"Let me go. I want to protect the young master..." Long Jiu in the distance was still struggling desperately, but unfortunately he was powerless.

Trapped by a bug, except for the extraordinary, it is basically impossible to break free.



Qin Tian used the monarch strength card and soon came to a valley. There were no humans around. There were some ferocious beasts, but they were scared away when they saw the thunder in the sky.



The thunder in the sky rolled, and a thunder eye had formed at this time, and the thunder around was still gathering.

"Ganni, do you want to kill me directly?" Qin Tian looked at the world-destroying thunder in the sky and cursed.


It seemed that the thunder in the sky seemed to be angry after hearing Qin Tian's curse. With a bang, a thunder fell from the sky.

"Fuck..." Qin Tian's scalp was numb. Seeing this, he quickly operated the Wood Emperor Jue and quickly mobilized the energy in his dantian to gather all over his body.


The thunder struck Qin Tian mercilessly.


A piercing pain instantly spread all over Qin Tian's body, and his skin was directly split into a bloody mess at this moment.

If his body had not reached perfection, a bolt of lightning might have killed him.

But even so, Qin Tian was still seriously injured.

The pain all over his body made him live a life worse than death.


Another bolt of thunder descended, as if Qin Tian was the eternal devil, unforgivable, and he must be smashed into ashes.

Let him never reincarnate.

"Ah..." Qin Tian's skin was burnt by the thunder, and he was completely unable to resist.

"System, save me..." Qin Tian roared in his heart.

It's a pity that Qin Tian never thought of it.

The system didn't reply to him, nor did it treat him.

"System, system..." Qin Tian showed despair.

Is he going to be finished today?



A devastating roar crawled out of the sky thunder eye.

It was a black dragon, with lightning constantly flowing in its body. This was a world-destroying thunder dragon that appeared with the thunder of destruction.

"How could this happen?"

Qin Tian was desperate, and he suddenly felt a mighty power in the sky.

The power of heaven is unstoppable.

"God wants to destroy me?"

Qin Tian roared: "Why? Why do you want to destroy me?"

"Just because I broke the shackles, you want to destroy me?"

Feeling the world-destroying thunder dragon in the sky, Qin Tian absolutely did not believe that it appeared because he opened up his human connections and the earth spirits.

But why did he want to destroy himself.

Could it be...

Qin Tian thought of the system at this moment.

Perhaps this is the only explanation, otherwise why would the system not respond to him.

"Ah..." Qin Tian roared to the sky: "If you want me to die, then come!"

"Heaven and earth are unkind, and treat all things as straw dogs..."

"If you don't die, I must destroy you, the thief God."

"Master, summon me quickly..."

Changsheng roared.

"Life, you deserve to die..."



The desperate voices of Xiaochong and Xiaoqing also continued to ring.

They wanted to help the master, but they were powerless.

Xiaochong let go of Long Jiu and disappeared in the air with a flash of lightning.



The sky was provoked, and the World-Destroying Thunder Dragon emitted a world-destroying thunder sound, disappeared in the thunder eye like lightning, and blasted towards Qin Tian. It wanted to destroy this ant who provoked the power of heaven.


The black thunder dragon blasted Qin Tian, ​​and everything within a radius of ten miles turned into ashes and disappeared in this world in an instant.

As the attacked Qin Tian, ​​he also turned into ashes and disappeared in the world.


The wrath of thunder in the sky continued, as if it failed to kill with one blow, humiliating the power of heaven.

"What's going on over there?"

"How could a black dragon emerge from the thundercloud?"

"Too scary?"

"Is it the end of the world?"

"How could it be so scary."

"That's the power of heaven! Is it destroying something?"

"The place where the young man just went seems to be over there. Didn't the young man do something that angered the sky and people, and was punished by the sky?"

Blue Star, at this moment, all legends or legends that have just broken through, at this moment, feel the terrifying and destructive power of heaven.

"What's going on? How could such a destructive aura appear?"

"This is a world-destroying thunder tribulation. Is someone going to break through to the extraordinary?"

"The aura emitted by this world-destroying thunder has surpassed the totem. How could it come to the world? Why does it feel like it is destroying something?"

Qinwang City.

In a room, the young man was full of anger and roared: "Impossible, how could this happen, absolutely impossible?"

"Waste, really waste, can't even deal with a waste, it's better to die."

"Come here!"

"Master!" A black shadow appeared.

"Go and bring this thing." The young man threw a painting to the black shadow and said: "No matter what means you use, you must bring it back to me."

"The target is Bayun City, go!"

The young man thought about it and took out two cards and said: "Take these two things."

"Yes, Master." The black shadow said respectfully, and then disappeared in the room.

"After so many years, it seems that he is really dead!" The boy took out another card and said, not knowing what he thought of, he said angrily: "Obviously we are brothers, obviously I am the king of men, I am the son of destiny, but all this is because of you, nothing is left, it's all your fault, why are you dead, come out, I want to kill you."

"Well, this is..." Suddenly the boy felt something, and said in shock: "Heaven is coming... the world-destroying catastrophe..."

"What's going on? Who triggered the Heaven..."

"Could it be... another world is about to open?"

The top of Tianya Mountain is the road to transcendence. It is said that whoever can reach the top will have the opportunity to break through the extraordinary.

At the top of Tianya Mountain, there is an ancient palace full of domineering.

Inside the palace, it is magnificent. A young man in white clothes sits right above the palace, motionless as if he is asleep.

Suddenly, the boy's eyes slowly opened, and two bright golden lights pierced through the void, and the space was broken wherever the golden light passed.

"Has it finally started?"

The young man looked in a direction, where thunder roared, but he only looked at it and slowly closed his eyes.

Then he spoke again: "Begin to act."

The young man's voice was like thunder, full of irresistible power.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The voice rang in the hall, full of respect and excitement.

Can I finally go out again?

Lightning disappeared in the palace one by one.

"Am I... dead?"

Qin Tian looked at his looming body and remained silent.

I didn't expect that this would be the result.


Thunder in the sky continued to gather, and the powerful energy caused the thunder to roar continuously.

"Heh...I'm like this, but you still won't let me go." Qin Tian was in the state of soul at this time, so his expression could not be seen, but his despair at this moment could be known.

Only the soul remained, which meant that he was dead.

The reason why his soul still existed was that under the world-destroying thunder tribulation, his soul finally opened up the sky veins and made the soul solid.

It's a pity that he was already dead.

And he was already dead, but God still refused to let him go.

Are you planning to let your soul fly away?

After opening the Heavenly Meridian, although the true spirit is immortal and can be reincarnated infinitely.

But if attacked by the thunder tribulation, the soul will still fly away.

"Master... It's my fault. I originally planned that as long as I didn't show up, it wouldn't mess around. I didn't expect it... Master, I hurt you..."

"Master... Wait, hold on... I'll save you..."

"Master... Let me out quickly, I can save you..."



"Thank you for your company during this period. If there is an afterlife, I still want to be your master..."

"Changsheng, I don't blame you. I know you have hidden a lot of things from me. Master doesn't blame you. I know you are doing this for my own good. Live well..."

"Master... I..."

"Xiao Chong, when you return to the insect world, practice with peace of mind. Don't provoke them. Master is not here, and Master will worry about you..."

"Master... Don't... Master..."

"Xiao Qing, Master is sorry for you..."

"Master, Xiao Qing is not afraid... Xiao Qing will always be with Master."

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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