The remaining time for the scenario simulation of the Ice and Snow Fox is 29 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes. 】

Lu Pingan: "..."

Isn't that just one month?

Simulate once a month, even if you sleep to death, you have to sleep for ten days!

This time interval is too long!

Lu Pingan couldn't help but pursed his lips, his expression was a little solemn, and he sighed after a long time.

His dream was shattered.


It can be accepted.

Lu Pingan looked at the Ice and Snow Fox.

One simulation, more than three levels, one more time, should be able to catch up with Erha, the number of times is not enough, the efficiency will make up for it.

Thinking like this, Lu Pingan looked solemn.

The Ice and Snow Fox smelled something wrong.

"Come, let's review it."

Lu Ping'an looked solemn, sitting upright in front of the Ice and Snow Fox, and pulled out a piece of white paper.

Review it?

Although the Ice and Snow Fox didn't quite understand, after thinking for a while, he nodded.

Lu Ping'an simply drew a map based on the text, and then the tip of the pen fell on the snow mountain, and said slowly.



With such a long time interval, it is natural to be cautious.

In the snow mountain copy, the Ice and Snow Fox sensed some dangers and cleverly avoided them.

But the ending was not very good. She fell in front of the woman in black robes. According to the Ice and Snow Fox, she did not see her face clearly.

The strength was also overwhelming her.

"Next time, don't choose this ice cave, change a place to practice."

Lu Ping'an stared at the Ice and Snow Fox seriously and said slowly.

This point is very important.

If the black-robed woman is a wild creature like Xiaoqing's first scenario, then there is nothing wrong.

But if it is similar to the small boss, targeting the Ice and Snow Spirit Fox.

Then we need to make a plan. Logically, after defeating the boss of the Novice Village, we can open a new map or dungeon.

Of course, there is also a chance that, like Erha, we can turn enemies into friends and hug the thighs.

Everything is possible.

The Ice and Snow Spirit Fox nodded.

Her beastmaster coincides with her.

Not far away, Erha stared with his eyes, and his wise eyes were on the Ice and Snow Spirit Fox.

How did this little chicken suddenly become so strong?

Although the perception was not very obvious, Erha also felt some subtle differences.


Erha walked over, raised his head, and looked proud.

Pointed at himself and Xiaoqing.

The meaning is very clear.

I am your big brother, Xiaoqing is your big brother.

There must be a first come first served order!

The Ice and Snow Spirit Fox nodded thoughtfully, indicating his agreement.

She didn't care about this kind of thing.

Just stay safe and do it.


Erha was stunned.

This little brother, so obedient?

He held back all the things he was going to do to establish his authority.

The Wind-controlling Spirit Snake rolled his eyes at Erha and continued to practice with the wind, occasionally bringing a wind-attributed beast-controlling material to speed up his practice.

He, too, couldn't just rely on the beastmaster.

He had to practice himself.

Looking at the Ice and Snow Spirit Fox, Lu Ping'an was inexplicably worried.

This name was a little difficult to pick.




Looking at the Ice and Snow Spirit Fox, whose appearance was even better than Erha, Lu Ping'an felt that it was not suitable.

The Ice and Snow Spirit Fox looked indifferent.

In her opinion, the more ordinary the name and appearance, the better.

"How about we call you Ningyu?"

Rain, below absolute zero, condenses into snow and ice.

This name is good!

It also has a beautiful meaning.

Lu Pingan couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up.

After finishing the work, go to bed!

Tomorrow, he still has very important things to do.

Whether it is Xiaoqing or Erha, there will be a day when they will become legendary quality beasts.

The vacuum period of the script simulation will become longer and longer. During this vacuum period, Lu Pingan must also find a way to improve the strength of the beast.


At four o'clock in the morning of the next day, Erha conducted a script simulation, carrying the origin flame, and after showing off in the shocked eyes of his eldest brother, the simulation ended.

Erha's level also reached the sixth level three stars, which further made Xiaoqing feel a sense of crisis.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Lu Pingan came to the center of Donglin County, where Meng Wuya lived in the homestay.

Under an old tree in the courtyard, the sun shines through the loose leaves onto the "complex" chess game.

The young man sits opposite the old man, holding the white pieces.

Looking at the chessboard filled with black and white pieces, Lu Ping'an's mouth twitches.

"Master Wen... This is already the 24th game."

He didn't expect that the old man in front of him actually likes to play chess, and is a chess fanatic.

It's not that he is obsessed with chess, but he is completely not good at it, and his experience is like a blank sheet of paper.

If it's just like this, Lu Ping'an thinks it's normal.

After all, everyone has a side that they are not good at, even a demon genius has a side that they are not good at.

For example, cooking.

But the problem is...

They are playing Gobang!

Losing 24 games in a row, it's not that bad, right?

Lu Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought.

Could it be that his teacher is testing him?

"It's okay. Today, we will play a game of chess together!"

The old man said generously.

It's been a long time since I met a worthy opponent.

"In fact, Senior Brother Meng can also play a game with you."

Lu Ping'an was startled, and then he glanced at Meng Wuya who was sleeping soundly in the room, and said slowly.

"Tsk, Xiao Meng, this waste, is crushed by me in every game!"

Hearing this, Wen Ting said with disdain.

Lu Ping'an: ? ? ?

A beastmaster who is a legendary quality dream beast, with extremely powerful soul power and very keen perception, can't beat the old man in front of him who can be called a chess fanatic?

A test, it must be a test.

After racking his brains, Lu Ping'an finally lost a game.

The old man was very happy.

"Come on, let's play another game. I just showed my true level, and you, Xiao Lu, lost."

Lu Ping'an: "..."

"Teacher Wen, I came here today to ask you something."

Taking advantage of the old man's cheerful mood, Lu Ping'an also asked, his eyes serious and earnest.

"What is the power of the soul?"

Lu Ping'an chose this for every real-life simulation reward.

Although he didn't know what it was for, the boy's intuition told him that this was very important.

"Want to know?"

The old man cleaned up the chess pieces on the chessboard, raised his white eyebrows, and said slowly.

"Yeah." Lu Ping'an nodded expectantly.

"However, teacher, I don't remember it very clearly. Play a few more games, and the teacher wins more, maybe I will remember it."

Wen Ting said with a smile.

Lu Ping'an: "..."

He really didn't want to do such a brain-wasting thing!

Losing a game is too difficult!

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