Beast Tamer: I can simulate the eternal beast

Chapter 82 Simulation! You deserve to die for killing the Black Sky Beast! What caused the mysteriou

[You ran as if you had lost your life, until you could no longer run, and then you stopped panting. ]

[The killing black beast left you with a terrible psychological shadow. The smell of blood and killing was like a shadow following behind you, lingering. ]

[Baobao's life span -1]

Ye Yinchuan: "......?"

This... was you scared like this?

You are so brave, you are really useless!

You have so many years of simulation experience but you still don't have courage~ You little trash are confirmed!

It's still our Kongkong, who is fearless!

[It turns out that it is the innate skill of the killing black beast, killing soul, which can take away the life of the creatures that first come into contact with it and are afraid of it...]

[Kongkong is almost immune to fear because of the effect of the innate unyielding spirit thunder, so he is not affected. ]

[Baobao has a certain resistance because of the effect of the innate ancient creature, so he is less affected. ]

Good guy!

Ye Yinchuan raised his eyebrows.

So, did your father blame Baobao wrongly?

Facing the powerful talent of the Killing Black Sky Beast.

The two babies showed their magical powers, but Kong Kong's was more targeted.

In reality.

Ye Yinchuan quietly retracted the kick that was about to kick Bao Bao's butt. It was like a leopard, and he almost didn't stop it!

[For the next period of time, you will live in fear until you confirm that the Killing Black Sky Beast is not nearby. ]

In the simulated scenario.

Ye Yinchuan saw Bao Bao and Kong Kong eating and sleeping together. Because Kong Kong was smaller, he slept on Bao Bao's back. Bao Bao also used his tail as a quilt to cover him...

After living and dying together for several years, they have become close friends.

As for seeing the same heart tattoo, I always feel that a layer of pink filter has been added to the picture.

Take another look at reality.

Kong Kong and Bao Bao looked like they were paying attention to each other, but they ignored each other, and they looked awkward and unfamiliar.

Ye Yinchuan slightly twisted his mouth.

Once the simulated memory is injected, everyone should get along well!

About waking up and becoming close friends with a male alien you just met and have the same heart tattoo!

[Where are you going to...]

[① The bloody battlefield ruins]

[② A forest in the distance]

[③ A swamp in the distance]

Ye Yinchuan narrowed his eyes.

These three places are actually reflected in the simulation perspective.

Whether it is a forest or a swamp, they are all very large and you can't see the end.

The forest is full of plants, and the swamp is filled with fog, and you can see some huge creatures.

It looks dangerous at first glance.

The bloody battlefield ruins are where the killing black beast was born.

Since the killing black beast came out, it has been preying nearby until no creatures dared to approach it, and then the killing black beast flapped its wings and flew away, and disappeared.

Maybe the killing atmosphere there is too strong, or for some other reason, so far no pets dare to approach it.

According to the "Go" strategy that Ye Yinchuan has been following recently.

I don't want to choose any of these three places!

A sure death question!

But in the simulation perspective, Ye Yinchuan actually noticed that when Baobao approached the bloody battlefield site, the mysterious thunder scale would react.

Well... it just got slightly hotter and glowed slightly.

Although the reaction was small, Ye Yinchuan still caught it.

Just as his cousin Su Xiaoxiao commented on Ye Yinchuan's article.

"Brother, you are really meticulous!"

Meticulous, meticulous... It is definitely not something else~


It is worth noting.

Although the leopard monkey combination fled far away, they have been paying attention to the bloody battlefield.

Since the killing black beast left, there has been no big movement over there.

Fear comes from the unknown.

Since the three options are full of unknowns.

Ye Yinchuan can only make good use of the information at hand and make the most reasonable choice.

Choose one!

This year's life cannot be sucked in vain. So many pets have died. Who knows if there will be one or two crystal cores?

Even... relics!

Yes, relics~

Thinking of the theme of this simulation, Ye Yinchuan is more confident in his choice.

[You plan to go to the bloody battlefield to see if you can pick up some food from the teeth of the Killing Black Sky Beast...]

Ye Yinchuan: "..."

Beast Taming Scroll, is your description serious?

Although it is very vivid, aren't you disgusting!

[You carefully came to the bloody battlefield, but found that there was nothing else except corpses and dark red bloodstains...]

In the simulated perspective.

Baobao and Kongkong, with their tails between their legs, were cautious and sneaky, using tree trunks as cover, and slowly explored the bloody battlefield.

In the end, they didn't even find a chicken neck hair!

Baobao even picked up a bone, took a closer look, stuffed it into his fat mouth and sucked it, and even the marrow was empty!

Killing Black Sky Beast, you really deserve to die!

[Night is coming, you decide...]

[① Leave quickly]

[② Sleep here]

Watching the light in the sky gradually sink, and the surroundings were full of corpses, blood, and dead trees. A gust of wind blew by, and Ye Yinchuan felt a chill on his back.

Leave? Or stay?

Ye Yinchuan's experience of many simulations told him that if he left, nothing would happen, but if he stayed, he would either get a reward or something big would happen...

Recite the word "Go" three times silently... What the hell is this!

Ye Yinchuan chose the second option, and he would sleep here!

This wave, it's called sleeping when encountering difficulties!

After making the choice, Ye Yinchuan felt happy. Just bet on the reward!

Ahem... Mainly because he didn't see any obvious danger.


The reaction of the mysterious lightning scale on Baobao's body has not stopped. There must be something nearby that attracts the mysterious lightning scale!

This is the clue~

You can't scare yourself, right?

Could the Killing Black Sky Beast come back? You're kidding...

[At night, a terrifying breath descends! ]

[You and Kongkong wake up from fear, as if you are in an unprecedented nightmare! ]

[The huge monster hanging in the sky in front of you is, the Killing Black Sky Beast! ]

Ye Yinchuan: "...?"

He even has good reason to suspect that the Beast Taming Scroll is to slap himself in the face and deliberately simulate it like this...

Don't mess with your mentality, brother!

[Facing the arrival of the Killing Black Sky Beast, you decide...]

[① Direct attack]

[② Run away]

Ye Yinchuan sneered and chose one, direct attack!

Do you think he is mentally broken and making random choices?

No, there is only one truth.

That is, the Killing Black Angel in front of you is a fake!

Ye Yinchuan noticed the details at the first time.

This Killing Black Sky Beast has no shadow in the moonlight!


In Ye Yinchuan's perspective, the outline of the Killing Black Sky Beast is a little distorted and not very real.

[You rely on the illusion resistance of ancient creatures and your keen observation ability to find that the so-called Killing Black Sky Beast is just an illusion! ]

[You and Kong Kong use all your strength to shatter the illusion with thunder and water blades! ]

[The illusion disappears, and a very small pet is exposed in front of you. ]

[Mini Nightmare Dragon! ]

[Gold Level 1! ]

[You saw through and shattered the illusion, and the Mini Nightmare Dragon was frightened, let go of the thing in its mouth, and fled in panic. ]

[You decided...]

[① Pursue the victory]

[② Check the drop]


The name is Mini Nightmare Dragon, and the size is indeed small.

And it has big eyes, super cute, like a dark purple little lizard.

Since you are so cute and gave me a gift, I won’t chase you~

Ye Yinchuan noticed something falling out of the Mini Nightmare Dragon’s mouth.

It was obviously a tooth.

Dark red.

It looks like there is nothing special except the color.

The key is that the mysterious lightning scale on Baobao’s body has obviously become hotter since the beginning!

The reaction is very strong!

Maybe, it is this tooth that makes the mysterious lightning scale react!

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