After passing through the black wooden door, the space inside is the complete opposite of the shabby outside.

The area inside is at least a thousand square meters, and directly opposite the wooden door is an open tavern of several hundred square meters.

On the left side of the wooden door is the reception hall, and on the right side is a pair of ten-meter-high doors, only one of which is open.

Through the door, Li Changan seemed to see an even wider space.

Duan Ben patted Li Changan on the shoulder and laughed,"What do you think? Our Hunter Tavern is pretty good!"

Li Changan looked at the drunkards lying on the benches in the tavern opposite and fell silent.

Duan Ben coughed embarrassedly and said,"It's not like there are guys who get drunk until dawn every day here."

Seeing that the two people's impression of the Hunter's Guild was somewhat shattered, Duan Ben quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, I'll take you to register for the hunter trainee qualification."

Then he pulled Li Changan and walked towards the reception hall.

Li Changan asked:"Hunter trainee?"

Duan Ben explained:"Hunter is not something that can be achieved overnight. One needs to start from being a hunter trainee to practice skills and become familiar with various ecological knowledge."

"Then you can pass the final exam to become an apprentice hunter, and then complete a bronze 1-star hunting mission to become a formal hunter."

Li Changan's eyes suddenly became clear. No wonder his father said that it was not so easy to become a hunter. It turned out that there were so many procedures.

"What does that bronze 1-star hunting mission mean?"

Duan Ben patiently explained while there was still time:"The bronze color represents the hunter's level, and the 1-star represents the difficulty of the hunter's mission."

"Bronze 1-9 stars correspond to 1-9 level beastmasters, silver stars correspond to elite hunters above king-level beastmasters, and above these are gold-star master hunters."

Got it!"

Li Changan temporarily understood the classification of hunters.

Before Li Changan officially registered, Duan Ben kindly reminded him:"A hunter's job is not as easy as you think."

"Do you know why hunters' welfare far exceeds that of the Beast Taming Association?"

Li Changan shook his head, not knowing why.

"For example, if you want to successfully register as a formal beastmaster in the Beast Tamer Association, you need to defeat a 1-star extraordinary pet."

"Then the hunters will not face one or a few, but a group! Every hunter must have the strength to defeat a group of monsters of the same level."

Li Changan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked,"Does this mean that the tasks of the Hunter's Guild are basically to hunt a group of monsters?"


Duan Ben was a little confused about Li Changan's reaction. Normally, shouldn't he show an expression of uneasiness or fear after being told that he needs to face an entire tribe of monsters?

Why did this kid look so excited that he wanted to roll up his sleeves and do it?

"It's not all about destroying a group of monsters, there are also tasks of hunting down the lord monsters"

"Since you are a student of Hongyan No. 1 Middle School, you also know the difference between Lord Monsters and ordinary Monsters."

Li Changan nodded. The difference between Lord Monsters and ordinary Monsters is like the difference between Shadow Tigers and Ground Rat.

The former requires a hunting group composed of experienced beastmasters to conquer, while the latter can be solved by a rookie beastmaster who has just debuted.

Duan Ben said again:"Let me remind you that if a bronze hunter wants to be promoted to 7 stars or above, he must have a record of hunting Lord Monsters many times."

Duan Ben smiled and patted Li Changan on the back,"Do your best, newcomer!"

The receptionist at the reception desk had already entered Li Changan's basic information while he was chatting.

The receptionist with dyed blue hair asked in a very formal way:"May I ask your level as a beastmaster."

Li Changan answered truthfully:"Level 1"

"The size of the initial beast control space?"

You still need this information?"

In order to prevent Li Changan from misunderstanding, the receptionist explained:"Every hunter needs this information. Of course, it only needs to be entered once."

"The Hunters' Union is different from the Beast Tamers' Association. The requirements for union management are stricter, just like regular workers and contract workers. Hunters also have better benefits."

Speaking of this, Li Changan understood the difference between being in the system and being outside the system.

"500 cubic meters."

The receptionist's fingers trembled slightly as she typed on the keyboard. Duan Ben, who had just returned from ordering a glass of wine, almost spit out what he had in his mouth.

Xiaobai in Wen Miaohua's body snorted and said,"It's too small. This kid lied about the beast-taming space! Can 500 cubic meters hold his mantra concentration?"

The receptionist took out a cylindrical testing instrument and said,"It's a routine practice. Please cooperate and just transfer the mantra into this instrument."

Li Changan was a little curious. He had never seen this kind of instrument in the research institute. Was it the Hunter Guild's black technology?

"What is this?"

Before the receptionist could answer, Duan Ben said,"It is an instrument to detect the size of the beast control space. It measures the size of the beast control space based on the output of the spell power over a period of time. It is similar to the lung capacity test during physical examination."

"Doesn't this instrument have several color zones? White is within 100 cubic meters, and blue is within 200 cubic meters."

""<300 is green, <400 is purple, <500 is orange, and above 500 is gold." After hearing this, Li Changan understood.

He took the test port of the detection instrument, and a large amount of magic power surged in his hand. The color on the cylindrical detector changed rapidly. green light flashed by.

It was a little slower in the purple area, but it still passed easily.

Finally, the orange light gradually deepened, and in the horrified eyes of the receptionist and Duan Ben, a ray of golden light firmly emerged.

Li Changan quickly put down the test port and pretended to be out of breath.

Duan Ben smacked his lips, hey, it really is 500 cubic meters! He, Old Duan, has seen the world today.

The receptionist's formal face silently showed a trace of emotion.

"OK, your beast control space has been checked. Please show your initial pet. In addition, every time you contract a pet, you need to come to the union to update the information."

"Otherwise, the hunting ground detection device may not let you in."

Li Changan summoned Maomao and let it slightly release a wisp of sub-dragon species' breath.

Duan Ben was already numb, what kind of configuration is this! The initial pet is still a sub-dragon species!

Xiaobai snorted coldly in Wen Miaohua's beast control space:"Pretending! Only this group of ignorant humans will believe that this monster is a sub-dragon species."

Wen Miaohua reminded in his heart:"Xiaobai."

Xiaobai responded dissatisfiedly:"Okay, I know, I won't say it anymore."

Wen Miaohua:"You are not allowed to tell others."


"OK, we have completed the registration. Here is your student ID card, please keep it. You can go to the training ground through the back door to practice."

"There is a school near the training ground. Classes start at 9 am every day and end at 12 pm. The rest of the time is free time."

After the receptionist told Li Changan a bunch of things that needed attention, Duan Ben took Li Changan to the training ground to familiarize himself with the environment.

Passing through the huge wooden door, there is a bustling street market.

On both sides of the bluestone-paved avenue are shops with people coming and going. The most distinctive ones are the steaming forging workshops.

Duan Ben proudly introduced to Li Changan and the others:"This is the Hunter Trail, a place opened up using space expansion technology."

"You can apply for forging talismans here, and you can also buy rare resources from the outside world. By the way, the quality of the resources here is higher than that of the Beast Taming Association."

After hearing this news, Li Changan was no exception.

Hunters are elite units, and they are facing a tribe or elite monsters, so the resources they encounter are naturally not much worse.

Coupled with the information revealed between the lines of Duan Ben's words, it is not difficult to see that hunters are more of a lone ranger.

Compared with the hunting group of the Beast Taming Association, hunters have much more per capita wealth, and they can deal with unnecessary resources more casually.

This leads to the fact that the things sold on the Hunter Trail are better and rarer, with all kinds of strange and weird things.

After crossing the Hunter Trail, there is a large square.

There are many weapon racks on the edge of the square, and iron weapons are placed on the weapon racks, none of which are sharpened.

"This is the training ground, and the big bungalow is the school, where students attend classes."

Then Duan Ben rubbed his hands excitedly and said to Li Changan:"Let me see which weapon you are more compatible with."

Duan Ben's voice was not loud, but the hunters around him were obviously not simple characters.

They focused their attention on Li Changan. The entry-level process of newcomers choosing weapons was naturally a lot of fun to watch!

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