Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 322: Don’t say you didn’t predict what you said [Please subscribe]

Why the skinny middle-aged man from the Corpse Demon Sect insists on putting himself to death? This is indeed a difficult question in Zhou Chun's heart.

It stands to reason that the Zifu period monk who is the most powerful force in Fengguo, even if he doesn't care about the reputation of the sect, even if he wants to make a fool of himself temporarily.

After seeing him release the Vulcan Jackal, he should have known how to stop.

After all, neither the strength of the Vulcan Jackal nor the power behind a third-level mid-level monster beast is easy to deal with.

There is absolutely no need to take this risk for the wealth of a mere mid-stage foundation-building monk.

But what the thin middle schooler was doing now made him confused.

That's why he couldn't help but question him.

Of course, the words he spoke had no impact on his actions.

While questioning the thin middle-aged man, he quickly formed a seal and used the secret technique of "Ancestral Resurrection" on the Silver Lightning Python.

He knew very well that in front of the Zifu period monks, relying only on his own cultivation strength, he was afraid that he would be beheaded if he could not perform three moves or two.

Only after the silver lightning python turns into a thunder dragon in vain can it have some effect.

The thin high school senior didn't answer Zhou Chun's question at first.

It was only after seeing the thunder dragon appearing in vain that his eyes turned cold and he said in a deep voice: "If this is the case, I won't be able to keep you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly used the coffin nail weapon to hit the thunder dragon Baibai.

With the previous precedent of a golden civet cat being killed with one blow, how could Zhou Chun dare to let Bai Bai resist the attack of this third-level magic weapon?

With a thought in his mind, Bai Bai directly activated the "Thunder and Lightning" spell, and his body disappeared instantly.

When the figure appeared again, it was near the battlefield between the Vulcan Jackal and the Refining Corpse.

Then the electric light flashed, and several rays of silver lightning fell from the sky, accurately hitting the body of the corpse.

Thunder and lightning can ward off evil spirits. Even if Bai Bai's cultivation level is less than the third level, the effect produced by the lightning bombardment on the body of the corpse is no worse than that of ordinary third-level spells.

And out of instinctive fear, after the zombie was struck by lightning, he became extremely afraid of the thunder and lightning that hit him one after another, and made evasive movements several times.

With the speed of thunder and lightning, it is naturally impossible to avoid it. Doing so is actually in vain.

But once it instinctively dodges, the Vulcan Jackal can spare some of its energy to attack the skinny middle-aged man.

So the situation on the battlefield became like this.

The thin middle-aged man used the corpse to hold the Vulcan Jackal back so that the Vulcan Jackal could not deal with him with all its strength.

The Thunder Dragon Baibai bombarded the corpse with all his strength, making it impossible for the corpse to hold back the Vulcan Jackal.

In this case, the thin middle-aged man even needs to use some secret techniques of the Corpse Demon Cult to improve the combat effectiveness of the corpse in order to continue to fight against the Vulcan Jackal.

Moreover, whether he was attacking Zhou Chun or Thunder Dragon Baibai, he could not use all his strength. He had to devote part of his mind to guard against the sudden attack of the Vulcan Jackal.

At the same time, he also had to work hard to suppress the fear and avoidance of thunder and lightning in the corpse-refining instinct, so that he could continue to drag the Vulcan Jackal with all his strength.

This gave Zhou Chun more breathing room.

In Zhou Chun's hands, there was another third-level defensive talisman and a third-level offensive talisman.

Over the years, the third-level talismans obtained by the Zhou family were basically assigned to Zhou Chun, except for leaving one defensive talisman for Zhou Daoquan.

Because both Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi have third-level monster beast spiritual pets, their own safety is still guaranteed.

As the head of the Zhou family, Zhou Chun is only in the middle stage of foundation building, so he really needs this higher-level magic talisman to defend himself and save his life.

Just using the third-level magic talisman with a cultivation level in the foundation building stage will consume a lot of mana.

With Zhou Chun's current mana, using at most four would drain all of his mana.

He must use every third-level talisman at key points.

When the tall and lanky man finally broke through the shield formed by the first defensive talisman after repeated attacks, Zhou Chun immediately added a second defensive talisman.

As a ball of golden light rose, a phantom of a golden bell that looked like a bronze bell enveloped Zhou Chun. The thin middle-aged man's attack fell on the phantom of the golden bell, only making its color fade slightly. There is no way to really break through the defense.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun shouted loudly again: "I advise seniors to leave early, otherwise, if a senior who has enmity with the Corpse Demon Sect passes by, he will see that seniors can't even defeat a junior foundation-building monk." , maybe he will come up to kill the demons and take revenge!"

He knew that he could not pose any threat to the Zifu period monks, so he did not waste his mana on other things, and simply used his words to disturb the other party's mind.

As for whether this will be effective, it all depends on God's will. In short, it is better to do it than not.

Faced with Zhou Chun's verbal interference, the thin middle-aged man showed no sign.

He didn't make any response to Zhou Chun, but kept looking for opportunities to attack Zhou Chun or Lei Jiao Baibai with a cold expression.

After fighting like this for almost two quarters of an hour, Zhou Chun's second defensive talisman seemed to be about to run out of power. At the same time, Thunder Dragon Baibai was about to exit its dragon form and enter a period of weakness.

This situation also made Zhou Chun anxious.

Although there are many third-level talismans in his hand, there are only two defensive talismans.

When the power of the second defensive talisman is exhausted, relying solely on his own strength, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to survive three moves at the hands of the thin middle-aged man.

And once Bai Bai can no longer maintain the dragon form, he will also lose his ability to threaten the third-level corpse, and the thin middle-aged man will be able to concentrate more power to attack him.

The situation was very unfavorable for him.

"Vulcan Jackal, can you quickly get rid of that refining corpse? I can't hold on any longer!"

After all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind and he couldn't think of a good solution, Zhou Chun could only place his hope on the Vulcan Jackal and urged him loudly.

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Chun would not give any combat orders to the Vulcan Jackal, and it was actually difficult to order it.

But now in the face of life and death, Zhou Chun was forced to make an exception, so he had no choice but to make an exception.

As a third-level mid-level monster, the Fire God Jackal has been with his master Zhou Mingde for more than a hundred years, so he can naturally understand human speech.

After hearing Zhou Chun's words, it also glanced at the almost invisible golden bell outside Zhou Chun.

Then a humanistic look of thought appeared in the wolf's eyes.

When Zhou Mingde gave it to Zhou Chun to carry, he must have told it to protect Zhou Chun.

However, Zhou Chun is not Zhou Mingde. It is obviously impossible for him to protect Zhou Chun as fearlessly as he protects Zhou Mingde.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it hesitates at this time.

Fortunately, after a short period of thinking, it still made a decision that was beneficial to Zhou Chun.

I saw it suddenly let out a wolf howl, its aura suddenly surged, and there was a hint of scarlet in the wolf's eyes.

Then it pounced forward, and the corpse-refining figure was blown away by it.

Immediately, it stopped entangled with the corpse and turned directly towards the thin middle-aged man.

Seeing this situation, the thin middle-aged man hurriedly controlled the corpse to chase the Vulcan Jackal, while suspending his attack on Zhou Chun and returning to defense with all his strength to resist the Vulcan Jackal's attack.

But at this time, not only did the Vulcan Jackal's cultivation and aura surge, but his physical fitness also seemed to have been strengthened.

Its speed is much faster than before, and its attacks are sharper. The speed of the zombie can no longer keep up with it, and it can no longer restrain it.

The thin and anxious high school senior could only let the corpse stand in front of him as a human shield to block the Vulcan Jackal's close attack.

In this way, Vulcan Jackal also used his own power to hold back the thin middle-aged man and the corpse, giving Zhou Chun a chance to escape.

Naturally, Zhou Chun would not waste this opportunity.

He immediately flew down and landed on Thunder Dragon Baibai's back, ready to run away.

The Fire God Jackal is already a mature third-level monster. Even if Zhou Chun escapes first and is separated from it, it will find a way to escape the battlefield by throwing away the enemy after Zhou Chun escapes safely, and then find a remote place to hide. Get up and wait for your master Zhou Mingde to come and look for you.

Therefore, Zhou Chun was not worried about the safety of Vulcan Jackal when he was running away.

What Zhou Chun and the skinny middle schooler didn't expect was that just when Zhou Chun landed on Lei Jiao Baibai's back and was about to run away, a righteous voice suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

"Don't be alarmed, fellow Taoist, Zhao is here to help fellow Taoist kill demons!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a red figure rose into the air from a forest near the battlefield and plunged straight into the battlefield.

This man was wearing a red robe and had a middle-aged appearance. He had three long beards under his chin, giving him a refined look.

And looking at the aura exuding from this person, he turned out to be a monk at the Zifu stage!

As soon as this person appeared on the battlefield, both warring parties were shocked.

The difference was that after Zhou Chun was surprised, he quickly realized that he might not have to escape.

On the other hand, the skinny high school senior's heart sank, and his face instantly turned ugly.

Sure enough, when the long-bearded middle-aged man entered the battlefield, he directly launched a red flying sword and killed the thin middle-aged man.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with joy, and he immediately put Bai Bai into the spirit beast bag, and then activated a third-level attack talisman in his hand.

A blue-red fireball was seen shining in the sky, and a blue-red fireball as big as a wheel was shining in the sky, and then it bombarded the thin middle-aged man under the control of Zhou Chun.

"Okay, Taoist friends are brave!"

The middle-aged man with a long beard sighed in admiration, and followed up by making seals with his hands, performing some kind of secret sword technique.

In an instant, the red flying sword that was about to fly near the lanky middle-aged man was blazing with flames, and suddenly turned into a flaming sword that was about ten feet long and slashed at the approaching corpse.

With just one strike of the sword, the refining corpse was knocked upside down and flew out, and a ferocious, rolled and burned sword mark appeared on the blue-black dragon scales on the chest.

Immediately afterwards, the blue-red fireball commanded by Zhou Chun also fell from the air, hitting the black smoke cloud where the thin middle-aged man was hiding.


The violent roar of the explosion resounded through the sky, and most of the black smoke cloud used by the thin middle-aged man to protect himself suddenly dissipated in the explosion.

Then, before he could use any other means, the crimson fire pillar spewed by the Vulcan Jackal struck the black smoke cloud again.

These successive bombings immediately destroyed the protection put up by the thin middle-aged man, allowing his true appearance to reappear in Zhou Chun's sight.

With an ugly look on his face, he hurriedly waved the black flag in his hand and placed a black cloud barrier around him. Then he glared at the long-bearded middle-aged man and shouted: "Your Excellency, you are so brave! Do you know the consequences of offending our Corpse Demon Cult?" ?”

Unexpectedly, after the long-bearded middle-aged man heard what he said, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he laughed loudly and said: "Hahahaha, I am killing the disciples of the Corpse Demon Sect!"

Although he was laughing, there was no joy in his laughter, but only deep-seated hatred.

Obviously, this middle-aged man with a long beard has some kind of blood feud with the Corpse Demon Cult.

Zhou Chun guessed that he was probably one of the sects in Feng Country that was wiped out by the Corpse Demon Cult, or a survivor of a certain family.

So he quickly shouted to the Vulcan Jackal: "Vulcan Jackal, cooperate with this senior to kill this beast with all your strength!"

Hearing his words, the Vulcan Jackal couldn't help but look back at him. A hint of defiance flashed in his eyes, as if he didn't like him ordering him.

This made Zhou Chun frown, and a trace of worry appeared in his eyes.

Thinking of the sudden increase in Vulcan Jackal's strength just now, he vaguely guessed something in his mind.

Fortunately, the Vulcan Jackal seemed to just warn him and chose to carry out his order. He immediately used all his strength to launch a fierce attack on the thin middle-aged man.

The long-bearded middle-aged man used his sword to attack the corpse, preventing it from supporting the thin middle-aged man.

Without the help of the corpse refining, the skinny middle-aged man faced the fierce attack of the Vulcan Jackal alone. He soon became helpless and was at an absolute disadvantage.

Like many Zhou family monks, the greatest strength of the disciples of the Corpse Demon Sect is those who refine corpses. Their own combat effectiveness is often inferior to those of the same level of monks who focus on themselves.

Now, relying on his own strength alone to deal with a third-level mid-level demonic beast, the Vulcan Jackal, the skinny middle-aged man is no match at all.

Not long after, the skinny middle-aged man almost had his heart ripped out by the Vulcan Jackal's claw.

This frightened him so much that he no longer had any intention of fighting. He hurriedly conveyed the order to the Refined Corpse to stop the Vulcan Jackal with all his strength. Then he quickly turned around, dropped the Refined Corpse and turned into a black escaping light and fled.

Although a third-level refined corpse is very precious, it is nothing compared to one's own life.

"Want to escape? Have you asked me if I have the sword in my hand?"

The long-bearded middle-aged man's face darkened, and he immediately used his magic power to force out a mouthful of blood and spray it on the red flying sword. Then he made a seal with both hands and used all his strength to use the flying sword to chase the fleeing skinny middle-aged man. go.

With the blessing of the monk's essence and blood, the red flying sword was really as fast as lightning, catching up with the black escaping light in just a few breaths of time.

Immediately, a scream was heard, and a black figure immediately fell towards the ground.

But the long-bearded middle-aged man did not relax at all. He immediately used the sword technique again and again, and the red flying sword in mid-air flew down towards the fallen figure again.

It wasn't until he watched the figure being chopped into two pieces by the flying sword that he heaved a sigh of relief, and a heartfelt smile finally appeared on his face.

Let’s talk about something. I’m leaving my hometown in a few days to go to a warm place to code. I’m expected to be busy looking for a house for a few days. I’m afraid I won’t have time to code, so I’ll update it in the next three or four days. I’ll save two chapters. Keep updating, wait until it stabilizes, and then try to update again!

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