Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 319 Unexpected Changes【Please subscribe】

Jinchangfang City.

When Zhou Chun squatted outside the training area for more than five days and still didn't see Zhou Yu come out, he already realized that something was wrong.

At this time, the effect of the Blue Moon Butterfly powder that Zhou Yu was contaminated with had almost dissipated, and Zhou Chun could no longer lock her position through the Blue Moon Butterfly.

However, there is only one entrance and exit to the training area. Zhou Chun has been watching it these past few days, and he can still make sure that the other party is still inside.

But after not seeing each other for so long, Zhou Chun already had bad suspicions in his mind.

When Zhou Jiahe came to see him, he looked at Zhou Jiahe and asked, "Thirteenth Aunt, does Zhou Yu have any direct descendants that she favors?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Jiahe was stunned for a moment, and then after thinking for a moment, he replied softly: "She had three sons and two daughters before. Two of them and one daughter all have spiritual qualifications, but as far as I know they are all low-grade spirits. Roots, there is basically no possibility of building a foundation.”

"As for whether she has any grandchildren that she loves more, I don't know. After all, she and I haven't talked about these household matters for decades since we separated."

This answer made Zhou Chun also frown.

Then he saw him whispering: "I suspect that the reason why Zhou Yu hasn't come out is because she has given the Foundation Establishment Pill to her juniors to take, and now she is guarding her juniors' Foundation Establishment in the training area!"

When Zhou Jiahe heard this, his eyes suddenly focused, and then he nodded solemnly and said: "Zhengchun, your suspicion is probably correct. She has only a few years to live at her age. At this time, she can use the black jade toad in exchange for The Foundation Establishment Pill can only be used to train future generations."

After speaking, he whispered to himself: "If this is the case, things will be a bit troublesome. It will take at least two or three months for the monks in the Qi Refining Stage to attack the foundation. Do we have to keep watching here for the next few months? Can’t catch it?”

"Let's do this. Thirteenth Sister, you can keep an eye here for a while. I'll go see the Supreme Elder and discuss with him what to do."

After Zhou Chun thought for a while, he asked Zhou Jiahe to follow him instead, and went to see Zhou Mingde to discuss countermeasures.

When he arrived at the inn, he told Zhou Mingde his guess, and then took advantage of the situation to share his opinion.

"Junior thinks that if Zhou Yu really has such a plan, then there is no need for the three of us to stay here. It is enough for junior to stay and keep an eye on him alone. Taishang Elder, you can go back with the fifth elder first. Find a way to save the Black Jade Toad."

After Zhou Chun finished speaking, he saw Zhou Mingde frown slightly and fell into thinking.

After thinking about it for about half a quarter of an hour, Zhou Mingde relaxed his eyebrows, nodded slightly and said, "Well, since Zhengchun you have this intention, then I will leave the Vulcan Jackal to protect the law, just in case."

He would definitely be worried if Zhou Chun was left alone in Feng Country.

However, if there is a fire god jackal to protect him, as long as he does not encounter a late-stage cultivator from the Zi Mansion, it should be enough to protect Zhou Chun.

And Zhou Chun would naturally not refuse such a powerful self-defense card.

So after discussing it, Zhou Mingde handed the Vulcan Jackal to Zhou Chun, and took Zhou Jiahe to leave Jinchangfang City and return to the family mountain gate.

After Zhou Mingde and Zhou Jiahe left, Zhou Chun stared outside the training area every day, and also entered the training area many times to investigate the situation.

Unfortunately, there were too many various training rooms in the training area, and it was also forbidden to go near other people's training rooms. He could not find the training room where Zhou Yu was.

But Zhou Chun quickly thought of another way.

He used spiritual coins to bribe the monk in charge of allocating various training rooms in the training area in Fang City, and learned from him the location of the training rooms that were rented for a long time. Then he used the other person's description of the appearance of the training room tenants. Cultivation finally locked the training room where Zhou Yu was.

According to the monk who manages the training area, besides Zhou Yu, there is indeed a middle-aged man in the Qi refining period in the training room.

In this way, everything falls into place.

In view of this, Zhou Chun simply moved into the practice area and asked the monks who managed the practice area to help him monitor Zhou Yu's practice room while he was practicing.

In this way, he would not delay his own practice, and he would not have to worry about Zhou Yu suddenly leaving the practice area while he was practicing without him knowing.

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that after he had been stationed in Jinchangfang City for almost two months, before Zhou Yu could see him, the situation in Feng Country suddenly changed.

It is not known which force is responsible for this, but the eggs of the "Carrion Moth" have appeared one after another in various cities. There are even cases where disciples of the Corpse Demon Cult were attacked and killed by people using "Carrion Moth".

This obviously premeditated and targeted provocation really touched the back of the Corpse Demon Cult.

Therefore, the Corpse Demon Sect began to issue a clear order prohibiting Fengguo monks from raising "carrion moths". Anyone who violated the order would be killed without mercy, regardless of their cultivation level or background!

As soon as this ban was issued, it aroused even more disgust and anger among the Fengguo monks.

It is difficult for them to accept this ban.

Because today the Corpse Demon Cult can prohibit raising "carrion moths", and tomorrow they can prohibit them from doing other things.

If this continues, won't they all become slaves of the Corpse Demon Cult?

And big sects like the Jingyang Sect find it even more difficult to accept the ban of the Corpse Demon Cult.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Corpse Demon Sect is now the largest force in Feng Country, and the Corpse Demon Sect has the final say whether Feng Country is in chaos or not.

However, big sects such as the Jingyang Sect only recognized the Corpse Demon Sect's status as the largest force in Feng Country, but they definitely did not regard themselves as vassals of the Corpse Demon Sect and had to obey the Corpse Demon Sect's orders in all matters.

Under such circumstances, even though large sects such as the Jingyang Sect have internally informed their disciples that they are not allowed to raise "carrion moths", they have not implemented the Corpse Demon Sect's order prohibiting the trading of "carrion moth" eggs. .

Or maybe the ban was issued on the surface, but no action was taken to actually implement it.

The Corpse Demon Sect's approach to this was very straightforward. They directly sent disciples of the sect to station in various strongholds in the city. Once the existence of the "Corrugated Corpse Moth" was discovered, they immediately arrested and killed people, regardless of whether they were allowed to do anything in the city. rules.

This kind of overbearing behavior can be described as pressing the faces of other forces to the ground and trampling them, which directly aroused public outrage.

Zhou Chun, who was in Jinchangfang City, was stunned when he heard the news.

Then his expression changed drastically.

Zhou Chun knew in his heart that if the situation continued to evolve like this, Fengguo would probably return to the chaos of decades ago.

The forces like the Jingyang Sect may very well be forced to start another war with the Corpse Demon Cult.

By that time, Fengguo didn't know how many monks would die in the war.

Throughout the history of the human world of immortality, the number of monks who died due to alien invasions or natural disasters has never been greater than the number of monks who died when various forces in the human world of immortality attacked each other.

Alien invasion, or insect plagues like the "Thousand Jue Cricket Disaster", are always rare things that happen in a thousand years.

However, the attacks and killings between various immortal cultivating forces happen every year in this world of cultivating immortals. It's just that the scale is large or small.

And once a life-and-death war breaks out between the Corpse Demon Sect and the entire Fengguo coalition of other forces, the number of immortal cultivators who will die will be at least tens of thousands!

Zhou Chun absolutely did not want to get involved in this war.

"Calculating the time, it's almost time!"

"Wait a little longer. If you haven't seen anyone after three months, you have no choice but to leave first."

In the market, Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with worry, and he felt withdrawn.

Although capturing Zhou Yu was important, it was not worth putting himself in danger for.

Zhou Chun still knows which one is more serious.

Hard work paid off. After probably eighty days of squatting in the Fangshi training area, Zhou Chun finally waited until Zhou Yu came out.

Coming out with Zhou Yu was a middle-aged man in green clothes with a haggard look. Judging from his cultivation, he was still in the Qi refining stage.

At this time, after the two of them came out together, Zhou Yu looked back at the middle-aged man behind him, and couldn't help but waved his hands and said: "Okay, it's just a failure. Don't be so discouraged. As long as the old woman is still alive, I will definitely find ways to make her You succeeded in building the foundation!"

Hearing her words, a look of excitement suddenly appeared on the middle-aged man's face. He quickly bowed to her and bowed deeply: "Thank you for your love, grandma. My grandson will definitely live up to grandma's expectations next time."


Zhou Yu shook his head slightly and immediately walked out of the training area.

When she left the training area, she quietly observed her surroundings. After seeing nothing unusual, she quickly left the area with the middle-aged man.

But how did she know that none of her actions escaped Zhou Chun's eyes.

In order to prevent Zhou Yu from discovering him, Zhou Chun did not dare to follow him nearby. Instead, he used the "Insect Puppet Technique" that he had successfully cultivated over the years, and attached a ray of his distraction to a "Black Armor Golden Feather" monster insect. On his body, he let the demonic insects fly in the air and follow the two of them from a distance.

Compared with monsters, monster insects are not only small in size, but also emit very weak aura. One alone can easily be ignored.

Even if other monks saw the monster insects in the air and noticed something was wrong, they would probably just report it to the monks stationed in Fang City instead of directly shooting down the monster insects.

As long as Zhou Chun takes away his distraction before the enemy kills the monster insect, it will be difficult for anyone to discover that he is the master of the monster insect.

After following Zhou Yu and the two for a period of time, Zhou Chun saw them enter a grocery store.

Not long after, Zhou Yu led the middle-aged man out of the grocery store with a worried look on his face, and went straight to Fangshi Layer.

After discovering this, Zhou Chun hurriedly followed him outside Fangshi.

"Xuanjia Golden Feather" can follow people in Fang City for a while, but outside, once Zhou Yu takes people off and rushes on their way, it will be difficult for these monsters to keep up.

When Zhou Chun left Fangshi, he saw that Zhou Yu and his wife had already disappeared into the distance, and only a small black dot could be seen.

So he hurriedly sacrificed the blue flying boat magical weapon he had obtained from Lingzhou, flew into the sky and followed him from a distance.

But it was a long night and many dreams, and after following for almost a hundred miles, Zhou Chun activated the azure flying boat's magical power to accelerate.

Immediately, I saw the two fins under the blue flying boat glowing with green light, and they began to paddle like oars.

Immediately, Zhou Chun's flying speed increased by several percent.

The sudden increase in speed caused the sound of piercing the sky to resound like thunder in the sky.

Not long after, Zhou Yu in front discovered this change.

She looked back at the sky behind her, and her expression suddenly changed.

Although it was difficult to see Zhou Chun's face clearly at this time, she could vaguely guess the identity of the person behind her.

Immediately, she hurriedly shouted to the middle-aged man beside her: "There is a powerful enemy coming. Zhen'er, you go first. Let's meet at Feihu Mountain!"

"Grandma, you..."

The middle-aged man wanted to say something else, but he was thrown out by Zhou Yu.

Seeing this situation, he could only hurriedly use his flying magic weapon to stabilize his body, and flew towards the other side in a panic.

Zhou Yu saw that Zhou Chun was chasing behind him at a speed that was not comparable to his own, so he simply changed direction and took the initiative to meet Zhou Chun, hoping to buy the middle-aged man time to escape.

However, her behavior was very ridiculous in Zhou Chun's eyes.

Without saying anything, Zhou Chun patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the golden-winged tiger.

Then he ordered to his spiritual pet: "Xiao Jin, go after that person and try to capture him alive."


After hearing the master's order, the golden-winged tiger immediately roared, flapped its wings and chased the middle-aged man in green.

At the same time, Zhou Chun had released the silver lightning python in vain, letting it fly with it.

"Zhou Zhengchun, I am your elder after all. Do you really want to kill everyone?"

Zhou Yu shouted angrily, even wanting to play the emotional card.

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Chun heard her words, he raised an eyebrow and shouted: "I remember that you were once a senior of my Zhou family. If you surrender obediently and follow me back to the family to wait for the Supreme Elder to tell you, there is still a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, Don’t blame Zhou for being ruthless!”

As he spoke, he narrowed the distance between the two.

After Zhou Yu heard his answer, his face turned ugly and he became silent again.

Zhou Yu naturally understood how bad the things he had done were.

She knew in her heart that once she followed Zhou Chun back, the fate awaiting her would definitely be worse than death.

Therefore, she immediately made up her mind and would rather die than surrender!

"Okay, okay, let me see what you, a junior, are capable of, how dare you say such big words!"

She shouted angrily, and quickly reached out to pat the spirit animal bag on her waist, releasing her spirit pet.

Zhou Yu was a foundation-building monk of the Zhou family during the Sanjue Sect era. Naturally, her spiritual pet had already been trained to the second level by her, and it was even a second-level high-grade monster.

It was a very beautiful golden raccoon cat. It was also called "Jade-faced Golden Raccoon" in the Demonic Beast Illustrated Book. It was a very rare intermediate level demon beast.

Although it is a second-level high-grade monster, the golden civet cat is not big, only the size of an ordinary leopard.

After it came out of the spirit beast bag, it seemed to feel the anger of its owner. It looked at Zhou Chun with a fierce look in its eyes and let out a series of low roars.

"Then you should open your eyes wide and see Zhou's methods!"

Zhou Chun glanced at the golden raccoon cat, sneered, and immediately raised his hand to pat the spirit beast bag on his waist.

Immediately, a "buzzing" sound rose into the sky, and a large number of pale golden flying insects flew out from the spirit beast bag on his waist, and soon gathered into a cloud of pale golden insects above his head.

Just one update today

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