Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 288 The battle inside the mausoleum [Please subscribe]

"Everyone, if you work harder, we will succeed soon!"

In the valley, Zhou Mingde fiercely attacked the stone wall at the bottom of the deep pit below, while loudly calling on everyone to increase their attack intensity.

At this time, they had been attacking for more than an hour, and only a thin layer of yellow aura was left on the stone wall below.

The Earth Armored Dragon had already appeared before and was easily repelled by them.

Now the only obstacle that prevents them from entering the cave is the stone wall.

After hearing Zhou Mingde's words, Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang also looked excited and slightly increased their attack intensity.

After continuing to attack like this for almost a quarter of an hour, the yellow aura on the stone wall finally dissipated completely, and everyone's attacks finally landed on the stone wall.


As a loud roar rose, a large hole was instantly blasted out of the stone wall below the pit.

"It's really a mausoleum!"

On the ground, Zhou Mingde also stared at the other sandwiched stone wall exposed behind the stone wall, showing surprise.

There is no doubt that it is impossible for a real cave to build defenses using this layer of encirclement method.

Only the tombs of high-level monks would go to great lengths to build multiple protections to prevent others from disturbing their sleep.

"Since it is a mausoleum, there should be a tomb door. Now that the tomb passage has been revealed, should we look for the tomb door and enter through the main entrance!"

Shen Borong stared at the tomb passage exposed below and expressed his opinion in a deep voice.

It makes sense for him to say that.

Because when high-level monks build mausoleums, they will arrange some means of self-destruction in order to prevent the mausoleum from being violently destroyed.

If someone uses violence to forcibly destroy the overall structure of the mausoleum and penetrates deep into the chamber where the coffin is located, the self-destruction method will be triggered, destroying and destroying the relics and corpses left behind.

At the same time, in order to prevent others from violently destroying their tombs, tomb owners often build a main entrance passage that leads directly to the main tomb chamber, and set up various tests.

As long as someone can pass the test, they can go directly to the main tomb and take away the relics left by the tomb owner.

In this way, after obtaining all the relics of the tomb owner, it can be regarded as having a cause and effect with the tomb owner.

Therefore, as long as the monks are of normal conduct, they will not damage the remains of the tomb owner or destroy the tomb.

After listening to Shen Borong's words, Zhou Mingde pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "You can try to find it. If there is a front entrance, you can really try to enter through the front entrance."

"I think so too."

Ruan Hongzhuang also nodded.

So after the three of them blessed themselves with protection, they asked Zhou Chun and other three juniors to preside over the formation on the ground, while they themselves jumped into the bottom of the pit and started exploring along the tomb passage.

The dark tomb passage is quite spacious, with a distance of three to four feet between the two sides, and it is filled with a smell of decay.

To be cautious, Zhou Mingde and the three of them used their magic power to isolate the outside atmosphere and physical contact, and walked slowly forward to explore.

After walking along the tomb passage for more than three hundred feet, the three of them arrived at an underground cave hall.

The underground cave hall is semicircular with a radius of almost ten feet. On the wall on the side facing the mausoleum, there are two closed stone doors. In front of the door are two strange stone beasts with the body of a tiger and the body of an ox.

Obviously, this is the main entrance of the mausoleum that Zhou Mingde and the others are looking for.

"How should I open this door? It seems that the tomb owner didn't leave any revelation!"

After Shen Borong released his spiritual consciousness to scan the cave hall several times, he expressed his doubts with a suspicious face.

"Isn't it the best explanation to leave no obvious revelation?"

Zhou Mingde glanced at him and said lightly: "I'm afraid that this first test is to test whether we have the strength to break through this door!"

"Is this really the case?"

Shen Borong frowned, as if he didn't believe it.

But Zhou Mingde had already used his flying sword to slash at the stone gate.

Sure enough, as soon as the flying sword arrived in front of the door, a curtain of yellow light suddenly appeared and blocked it.

At the same time, the two stone beasts in front of the door were like sleeping lions that had been awakened. There was a spiritual light in their eyes, as if they had been given life.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mingde and the other two people were all in high spirits and got ready.

Soon, the two stone beasts fully entered the state and launched an attack on the three people.

I saw the khaki aura gathering in the mouth of the stone beast on the left, and soon turned into a beam of light and blasted towards Shen Borong.

The stone beast on the right had blazing eyes and shot out two fiery red rays of light towards Zhou Mingde and Ruan Hongzhuang.

The three of them also wanted to test the strength of the stone beast, and they all chose to take the stone beast's attack head on.

The result made all three of them feel a little relieved.

Although the attack power of the stone beast is not weak and has fully reached the level of third level, it is at most comparable to that of a mid-level Zifu monk.

And it was impossible for the three of them to stop this kind of rigid attack.

After figuring out the details of the stone beasts, the three men and one demon began to attack the two stone beasts first.

However, what the three of them did not expect was that the two stone beasts could also enjoy the protection of the protective light curtain at the mausoleum gate, and their attacks were blocked by the light curtain.

In this way, it means that the three of them have to withstand the attack of the stone beast to break the yellow misty light curtain.

Seeing this situation, the three of them decisively exited the cave hall first.

And as if someone was controlling them, after the three people exited the cave hall, the two stone beasts returned to silence and did not attack the three people again.

"What should I do? Do I still want to continue entering through the main entrance?"

In the tomb passage, Shen Borong frowned at Ruan Hongzhuang and asked Zhou Mingde in a low voice.

Zhou Mingde naturally understood what he meant.

After all, Ruan Hongzhuang was injured. If she continued to enter through the main entrance and withstood the attack of the stone beast to break through, I was afraid that she might not be able to hold on until the moment of breaking through.

But if you don't enter through the main entrance, you have to bear the risk of self-destruction of the mausoleum.

Zhou Mingde couldn't help but frown for a moment.

At this moment, Ruan Hongzhuang took the initiative to speak out.

"You two Taoists don't have to worry about me. Although I am injured, I can still handle it if I focus on resisting the attacks of the two stone beasts. However, attacking the tomb door will require a lot of effort from the two Taoists." .”

When she said this, she continued in a calm tone: "Of course, I have put in less effort here. If there is no more effort in the back, when the things are divided at the end, I will get less, and I will not let it go. The two fellow Taoists suffered a loss."

Hearing her words, Zhou Mingde's eyes flashed with strange color, and he immediately said, "Since Fellow Taoist Ruan has no problem, let's do what Fellow Taoist said."

Unconsciously, he has become the actual leader of the team, the one giving orders.

So after taking a short rest outside, the three of them re-entered the cave hall and launched an attack on the stone door against the attacks of the two stone beasts.

And just when the three people and one wolf were concentrating on attacking Shimen, the earth-armored dragon suddenly came out and harassed the three people.

This earth-armored dragon is like an annoying fly that cannot be beaten to death, but it often jumps out to make people sick.

Under its harassment, the speed of Zhou Mingde and the others' scoring was greatly reduced, and they even had to use rare third-level talismans to save the situation.

After more than three hours of stumbling like this, the three of them successfully broke through the layer of protection and destroyed the two stone beasts.


Just after the two stone beasts were destroyed, the closed stone door automatically opened backwards with a roar.

At this time, the three of them looked up and saw that behind the stone door was indeed a spacious corridor. It was unknown where it led, but it might be the main tomb chamber.

Compared with the tomb passage that the three of them had walked before, this corridor seemed a bit narrow, with a width of less than two feet.

However, unlike the tomb passage, there are many more murals on the stone walls on both sides of the corridor, which seem to record the life and deeds of the tomb owner.

"It contains the power to suppress spiritual consciousness. My spiritual consciousness can only go deep into it for a dozen feet!"

Zhou Mingde looked at the corridor behind the gate and whispered about his situation.

Hearing his words, Shen Borong quickly said: "Shen is better, but he can only go 20 feet deep."

Seeing this, Ruan Hongzhuang also said: "I, like fellow Taoist Zhou, can only be placed outside a few dozen feet."

"Is it a formation that suppresses divine consciousness? Or some other means!"

Zhou Mingde murmured, unable to confirm the cause of such a thing.

When Shen Borong heard this, his eyes flickered slightly, and he said with some uncertainty: "It's probably the formation. If it's other means, it would be a big deal!"

After hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde just nodded slightly, and then asked: "Which of us will go in first?"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang fell silent and did not answer.

There is no doubt that the monk who enters the corridor first will definitely encounter the test set by the owner of the tomb inside.

But now no one knows what that test is and how dangerous it is.

Naturally, no one is willing to take the initiative to explore the way ahead.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde immediately said: "Let's do it this way. Whoever takes the lead in goes in first will be considered as one more person, and when the things are divided later, he can get one more!"


Shen Borong opened his mouth, as if he wanted to object.

But Ruan Hongzhuang on the side interrupted at this time: "I have no objection, and I am willing to let the two Taoist friends go first."

In this way, there is no need to say any more of Shen Borong's unfinished words.

Zhou Mingde also looked at him and said, "Does Fellow Daoist Shen want to take this credit?"

"Since it was Fellow Daoist Zhou's suggestion, Shen will not argue with Fellow Daoist about this."

Shen Borong's expression changed, and he quickly shook his head and refused to be the first to take the lead.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde smiled lightly and said: "Since Fellow Taoist Shen is so humble, then Zhou will not be polite to Fellow Taoist!"

Although he decided to go explore the road first, Zhou Mingde did not take action immediately. Instead, he took the Huiyuan Pill outside to restore his mana.

When he had restored his magic power to perfection, he blessed the Vulcan Jackal with the secret technique of "Beast Spirit Battle Armor" and let him explore the path ahead.

One foot, two feet, three feet...

The Fire God Jackal walked slowly and cautiously in the corridor, and soon penetrated more than ten feet deep into it.

Outside the corridor, Zhou Mingde and the three of them stared nervously at the back of the Vulcan Jackal.

After going thirty feet deep into the tunnel, the Vulcan Jackal finally encountered an attack.

At that moment, the stone walls surrounding the Vulcan Jackal suddenly glowed with rich yellow light, and soon a cage was formed to imprison it in place.

Immediately afterwards, a violent roar sounded from the depths of the corridor, and a golden flying sword shot through the air towards the Vulcan Jackal.


At the critical moment, the Vulcan Jackal let out a roar and spit out the inner elixir he had worked so hard to condense.

The fiery red inner elixir flew out of his mouth, just in time to collide with the flying sword.

Immediately, the flying sword was knocked out by the inner elixir, and fell to the ground due to exhaustion.

There was also a slight break where the inner elixir collided with the flying sword, as if it had been bitten by something.

When the inner elixir returned to the Vulcan Jackal's body, the Vulcan Jackal also whimpered, and bright red animal blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The inner elixir is something related to the life of a monster. Damage to the inner elixir will also be transmitted to the monster's body, causing internal injuries to it.

The Vulcan Jackal's inner elixir was damaged, and he would not be able to regain his strength without ten years of recuperation after returning.

Zhou Mingde felt heartbroken when he saw this scene.

Master and servant have been getting along for almost two hundred years, and the relationship between him and Vulcan Jackal can be said to be as close as brothers.

When Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoquan plotted against Master Jiang, causing the Vulcan Jackal to be poisoned, he almost got angry with Zhou Chun, a junior he valued deeply at the time. This shows the importance of the Vulcan Jackal in his heart.

Seeing that the Vulcan Jackal was injured at this time, he felt very guilty and regretful in his heart, regretting that he should not have taken on this path exploration mission.

Immediately, he hurriedly rushed into the corridor, used his magical weapon to attack the cage that trapped the Vulcan Jackal.

Compared with Zhou Mingde, who was heartbroken and regretful, Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang had a flash of joy in their eyes after seeing the Vulcan Jackal injured.

As a third-level mid-level monster, the Vulcan Jackal is undoubtedly stronger than its master Zhou Mingde.

Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang have always been very afraid of this monster, so they can only tolerate Zhou Mingde's tough attitude.

But now that Vulcan Jackal is injured, the two of them can see hope of balancing the strength of both sides again.

If the injured Vulcan Jackal could no longer compete with Shen Borong, a middle-level cultivator from the Purple Mansion, then Zhou Mingde would naturally not have the strength to overwhelm the two of them.

It's just that I'm happy in my heart, but I still have to do some superficial work.

Looking at Zhou Mingde who was still struggling to rescue his pet in the corridor, Shen Borong quickly shouted loudly: "Friend Zhou, we are here to help you."

After saying that, he also entered the corridor to help.

In this way, with the help of Shen Borong and Ruan Hongzhuang, Zhou Mingde quickly broke the yellow light cage and rescued the Vulcan Jackal.

But although the Vulcan Jackal was rescued, the work of exploring the path was not finished yet.

After Zhou Mingde fed the Vulcan Jackal the healing elixir, he looked at the dark corridor ahead, then looked back at Shen and Ruan, who looked calm, and could only grit his teeth and go up there himself.

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