Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 168 Changes in the Zhou family, rat plague [Please subscribe]

After one year and three months in seclusion, Zhou Chun came out.

Almost as soon as he walked out of the secret room, Zhou Mingde, the supreme elder in the cave on the top of the mountain, discovered this.

So before he could return to his residence to visit the two spiritual pets he had not seen for a year, Zhou Mingde called him into the cave.

Then the clan leader Zhou Daoyi also came here.

"The breath is powerful and deep, as powerful as a diamond. It seems that your conversion to "Jin Ding Xuan Gong" went smoothly!"

In the cave, Zhou Mingde stared at Zhou Chun with bright eyes. After looking up and down, he saw the huge changes that had taken place in him.

After the clan leader Zhou Daoyi heard this, he looked directly at Zhou Chun and asked: "How do you feel? Can you tell me where the top skills are strong?"

"It feels very good. It's worth all the hard work and preparation for this!"

Zhou Chun smiled softly, and without hiding anything, he immediately told the benefits he had gained after switching to the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique".

"Awesome! Just listening to your words like this, I can tell how strong you are now. It is indeed a top-notch technique passed down from ancient times!"

After listening to Zhou Chun's narration, Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but sigh in admiration, and was also amazed and envious of his gains.

"Although the top skills are difficult to master, the rewards are huge after you master them!"

Zhou Mingde nodded, feeling quite emotional.

Then he warned Zhou Chun: "However, Zhengchun, you still need to keep the matter of practicing the top skills secret. From now on, just say that you have practiced a fighting method!"

Zhou Chun knew that he was worried that he would be too pushy and Mu Xiu would be hated by others in the forest.

He immediately responded seriously: "Yes, this junior understands."

Seeing that he understood what he meant, Zhou Mingde nodded happily and said, "Then you can practice hard at home, and Dao Yi can concentrate on building the dragon's nest."

Then he asked Zhou Chun to go home first.

When Zhou Chun returned to his residence, Baibai, the rock turtle and the silver lightning python, whom he had not seen for more than a year, were also very close to him and came to get close to him.

The two spiritual pets had been fed by the clan leader Zhou Daoyi every once in a while. Although they were never hungry, they were obviously not as meticulous as his own care.

"Don't worry, Shitou. Now that I have completed the major task of transforming the cultivation method, I will do my best to find spiritual objects for you to purify your bloodline and break through. I will definitely let you break through to the second level as soon as possible."

In the yard, Zhou Chun touched the rock turtle's head and gave him assurance.

After switching to "Jin Ding Xuan Gong", he had nothing else to do urgently.

Naturally, you can put your energy into cultivating spiritual pets and other aspects.

Zhou Chun himself had thought about it, and next he would focus on practicing a few more secret arts and some second-level spells while practicing and handling family affairs.

Wait until you have learned all the secrets and spells before trying to practice another skill.

Anyway, after establishing the foundation, he has lived for more than 240 years. For him who is only in his early forties, there is still a lot of time left in the future!

In the next few days, Zhou Chun checked the family affairs records in the Zhongping Hall and communicated with people. He also learned that a lot of things had happened in the family during the more than a year he spent in seclusion.

For example, the Zhang family in Tiantai Mountain sent someone to apologize.

There was also the matter that after he had been in seclusion for more than a month, the third elder of the family, Zhou Daoquan, traveled far away from home to look for opportunities to open up the Zifu himself.

As well as various things about the prosperous development of various industries in the family.

But there was one thing that made Zhou Chun curious.

During the more than a year that he was in seclusion, the monk surnamed Hu who had dealt with him in Cangzhou actually sent three letters to the Spirit Beast Studio one after another, asking him to go to Cangzhou to talk about it. I need his help with something important.

The most recent letter was written more than ten days ago, and the tone in the letter was much more sincere than the previous two.

"Forget it, let's leave it for now. If it's really urgent, he will definitely send someone over there to invite you."

Shaking his head, Zhou Chun put the letter away and didn't pay much attention to it.

When I left my contact information, I just wanted to make friends.

It’s not yet certain whether I want to make this friend or not!

After he resumed taking charge of family affairs, he also made some changes in family personnel.

Zhou Jiasheng, who had been the shopkeeper of Spirit Beast Restaurant for many years, was transferred back to the family, with Zhou Jiafei as the new shopkeeper.

Zhou Jiasheng was awarded the title of financial deacon by Zhou Chun, who was in charge of the family's financial statistics.

Zhou Zhengxun, the steward of Luyuan, performed well and was promoted to the deacon of Beast Hall.

Zhou Zhengyong, the original deacon of the Hundred Beasts Hall, was transferred to the supervisory deacon.

"Currently, our Zhou family has a total of 176 immortal cultivators, including 135 monks from the Zhou family and 41 monks from my relatives."

"In the past year, the family's income was about 35,400 spirit coins, and its expenditure was about 23,000 spirit coins."

"At the same time, the number of good deeds distributed by the family in the past year was approximately more than 18,000 points, and the number of good deeds written off was approximately more than 11,000 points."

"Currently, the family has more than 27,400 spiritual coins in its account."

In the Zhongping Hall, invited by Zhou Chun, all the foundation-building monks in the clan, including the clan leader Zhou Daoyi, gathered here again to listen to his report on the current general situation of the clan.

Compared with last time, there was one less third elder Zhou Daoquan and one more sixth elder Zhou Jiapeng among the elders attending this meeting.

After listening to his brief report at this time, the second elder Zhou Chongshan immediately relaxed his eyebrows, nodded slightly and said: "It sounds pretty good. It has obviously improved a lot compared to the last time."

"Yes, the family has indeed become more lively in the past few years. Not to mention anything else, I have drunk the full moon wine of the new tribe almost seven or eight times. The little baby in the nursery has even more It’s almost half a village!”

Fourth Elder Zhou Jiarui also nodded with deep feeling and expressed his emotion with a smile.

Then the fifth elder Zhou Jiahe also said: "Not only the number of clan members has increased, but the enthusiasm of the clan members is also higher than before. The incentives formulated by the deputy clan leader, and the knowledge that after accumulating five thousand family merits can become a builder, The foundation seeds have made the clan members more enthusiastic about doing things for the family and accumulating good deeds than before."

Having said this, he looked at the clan leader Zhou Daoyi and added: "Of course the clan leader's cloud python transformation has also greatly improved the clan's morale, making the clan members look forward to the future of the clan even more."

Seeing this, Zhou Daoyi nodded with a smile and said: "What the elders said makes sense. It seems that you are all satisfied with the reforms that Zhengchun has made to the family, right?"

"I have no objection."

Second Elder Zhou Chongshan took the lead in answering.



"very satisfied."

The three elders Zhou Jiarui, Zhou Jiahe and Zhou Jiapeng also expressed their support.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also hurriedly raised his hands and thanked him: "Thank you elders for your trust and support. Zhengchun will definitely continue to work hard to serve the family."

"Then let's talk about another thing that brought all the elders together today."

Zhou Daoyi took over the conversation, looked at several elders and said: "A few years ago, Zhengyuan of Bai Yao Peak reported to the family, hoping that the family would support him to successfully build the foundation, so that he would be absolutely sure to refine it. The demon spirit pill."

"At that time, I was in retreat. My family was busy with many things and was not financially well-off. So I just promised him that I would provide support, but did not implement it immediately."

"Now that everything has been settled, there is no reason to delay this matter for a long time."

"So the elders think that the family should use their savings to purchase a foundation-building pill for them to use for foundation-building purposes?"

Is there such a thing?

Several Zhou family elders who heard about this for the first time showed surprise.

The second elder, Zhou Chongshan, immediately frowned and said in a deep voice, "Isn't this a bit against the rules?"

He is a conservative in the family, and naturally he can't stand a clan member who has such self-reliant talent and takes the initiative to ask for support from the family's top brass.

In the eyes of an old man like him, the senior members of the family are not blind. Of course they will know which clan member is worthy of training, support and foundation.

If I don’t take the initiative to support you, it means I think you are not qualified.

Just like the classic saying goes: What I give to you is yours. If I don’t give it to you, you can’t take it away!

Zhou Zhengyuan's alchemy skills are indeed the highest among the current alchemists of the Zhou family.

But the older generation of family elders like Zhou Chongshan knew that his talent in alchemy was not enough for the family to support him in building a foundation.

Otherwise, the late Great Elder Zhou Mingshan would have explained this matter in his last words.

"It's a little against the rules, but the rules can't always stay the same!"

"Nowadays, the family does have a great demand for demon spirit pills, and they also need someone with decent alchemy skills to serve the family."

"Since there is no better candidate, I can only trust him once and make an exception for him!"

When Zhou Daoyi said this, his tone was a little helpless.

After his Azure Cloud Python transformed into a dragon, the Zhou family's ancestral beast control skills could be said to have reached their peak.

However, the skills of other alchemy and talisman formations are somewhat lacking.

The formation is now completely supported by the second elder Zhou Chongshan, and no suitable successor has been found yet.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about weapon refining. Even the Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde knows a little about it now, but he doesn't pay too much attention to it.

As for making talismans, he can make second-level talismans, but he can't be allowed to be a clan leader who doesn't do other things and just be the family talisman maker.

In the field of alchemy, since the death of the great elder Zhou Mingshan, it is difficult for any of the several alchemists he trained for the family to take the lead.

Zhou Zhengyuan is already the taller one among the short ones, so he is good in comparison.

Therefore, although he was slightly uncomfortable with Zhou Zhengyuan's threatening request, Zhou Daoyi also felt that it was necessary to help him in order to enhance the family's heritage.

At this time, after listening to his words, the second elder Zhou Chongshan also fell silent.

"Actually, with Zhengyuan's ability, as long as he works hard, he will be able to accumulate enough family deeds to become foundation-building seeds in another ten or twenty years. At that time, he will only be in his early seventies, and he will still have a chance to succeed in foundation-building."

"If the family helps him now, it is regarded as an early investment!"

Fourth Elder Zhou Jiarui whispered a few words, and he also agreed with this matter.

Zhou Chun glanced at the fourth elder and understood what he was thinking.

His newly contracted spiritual pet, the Red Flame Dragon Python, has a great chance of being promoted to the second level in the future as there is a third-level dragon in the family, and he will definitely be able to use the demon spirit pill by then.

Helping Zhou Zhengyuan at this time was equivalent to helping himself.

Obviously, Zhou Jiahe and Zhou Jiapeng quickly figured out the connection, and then they all agreed with the matter.

Seeing this, Zhou Chongshan could only change his mind and said: "Well, the family can support him in building the foundation, but if he fails to build the foundation, or if he fails to refine the demon spirit pill as he said after building the foundation, he will not want to do it in the future." No more family benefits!”

He took a step back, and the fourth elder Zhou Jiarui immediately nodded and said: "That's okay. I think this kind of punishment should be added to Zhengyuan's situation!"

"Then just like what the second elder said, I think Zhengyuan won't have any objection to this."

Zhou Daoyi nodded slightly and agreed to the matter.

So the matter was settled.

The next step is to inquire about purchasing the Foundation Establishment Pill.

However, as long as you are willing to spend more spirit coins and spend more spirit coins, it is not impossible to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill.

After more than a month passed like this, Zhou Chun suddenly received news from Fangshi, saying that a foundation-building monk named Hu had found the store and must meet him.

"I really found him."

With a flash of surprise in his eyes, Zhou Chun thought for a while, then told the clan leader Zhou Daoyi about the situation, and then went to Hongyafang City.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is finally willing to come over to see Hu!"

In the Spirit Beast House, Hu Changyou, who met Zhou Chun again, looked at him with emotion on his face and let out a long sigh.

The words were full of resentment, like a little daughter-in-law who had been offended.

And it is not difficult to know from his words that he already knows Zhou Chun's true origin.

This made Zhou Chun a little embarrassed.

He quickly raised his hands and saluted: "I'm sorry, sorry, Zhou has been in seclusion at home for more than a year, and he just came out a month ago. Although Zhou saw the letter from Daoist Fellow Hu after he came out of seclusion, his family affairs are busy, and he didn't have time to ask someone to tell him. Friend replied."

Having said this, he also smiled bitterly and said: "But I didn't expect fellow Taoist to be so anxious and make a special trip to Lanzhou."

Hearing his words, Hu Changyou also said with a bitter smile on his face: "It's not that Hu is anxious, it's that the person who invited Hu is anxious. Hu really can't stand the urging, so he can only come to invite Fellow Daoist Zhou in person!"

"Then what is it that deserves Fellow Daoist Hu to make such a special trip to look for Zhou?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with strange color, and he asked about the reason.

"It's a rat infestation!"

"In a gold-eating rat group in Cangzhou, a second-level mutated gold-eating rat king appeared. It secretly integrated several rat groups and secretly reproduced a huge group of tens of thousands underground. Now it has attacked many mining areas. A plague of rats has formed, and many mining monks have been injured by them, so the amount of minerals lost is also huge!"

Hu Changyou expressed his intention with a solemn expression.

After writing this chapter, the book has 600,000 words, so fast!

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