Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 160: The Master of Rat Exterminator Bai Bai, everything is ready [Please subscribe]

But it was said that after Zhou Chun left "Mushizhai", he did not leave Jinquanfang City immediately. Instead, he refused to give up and inquired about the two elixirs in other pharmacies or grocery stores.

But apart from learning in a medicine shop that elixirs of the same age could be exchanged for Golden Leaf Bamboo Grass, there was nothing else to gain.

In this way, he could only leave Jinquanfang City temporarily, follow the map to the location of the gold-eating rat groups given by Luo Qingyi, and prepare to obtain the elixir of high-grade gold-eating rat gallbladder first.

The gold-eating rat is a low-level monster that likes to eat various spiritual mineral metals.

Therefore, where such monster beasts gather together, there must be mineral veins.

The locations of several gold-eating rat groups given by Luo Qingyi are located near several spiritual mines in Cangzhou.

These monster beasts are something that owners of spiritual mines hate deeply. They will dig holes everywhere in the mines to steal spiritual gold ore, and they will also attack the monks who are mining.

Therefore, the owner of the spiritual mine will often issue tasks to eliminate these monsters.

However, the gold-eating rat is very capable of digging holes, and its nests are often located hundreds of feet underground. They are also waterproof, fireproof, and smokeproof. Many foundation-building monks have nothing to do with this beast.

But Zhou Chun didn't care about these rats at all.

His silver lightning python is the natural enemy of these rats. As long as he finds the passage to the rat nest and puts the silver lightning python in, he can definitely destroy the rat nest!

So not only did he not catch mice secretly, but he went to a Lingjin mine openly and accepted the task of clearing the mouse nest.

The reward for this mission is not small. Each ordinary gold-eating rat corpse can get one spiritual coin. If you are willing to hand the corpse to the mine, you can exchange it for two spiritual coins, which adds up to three spiritual coins. .

After Zhou Chun accepted this task, he left the mine under the expectant eyes of the foundation-building monks guarding the mine, and went to the mine to explore the locations of several predicted gold-eating rat nests.

When he arrived near the location, Zhou Chun left some specially prepared rat-attracting food in some places to attract gold-eating rats to come and devour them.

However, he restrained his aura and hid in the dark, monitoring the baits through his spiritual consciousness.

Not even half a day passed before he discovered two gold-eating rats burrowing out of the ground and taking away the food.

However, the two gold-eating rats were only as big as ordinary house cats, and the current silver lightning pythons could not get into the holes they made.

So Zhou Chun had to find the main road leading to the rat nest.

In order to facilitate the entry and exit of the larger rat king, the main road will be wider than other underground rat passages. The silver lightning python Baibai's current size should be barely passable.

So Zhou Chun continued to throw bait everywhere, and determined the approximate location of the gold-eating rats' nests based on the time and number of their appearance.

After almost three days of this, he explored several locations given to him in the mine and finally determined one of them.

It was a rocky mountain about twenty miles away from the location of the mineral vein. The rat's nest was probably located deep underground beneath the rocky mountain.

Because gold-eating rats are active everywhere, there are rat holes all around this stone mountain, and no ordinary beasts even dare to approach here.

At this time, Zhou Chun patiently searched around the stone mountain for the rat hole that led to the main road to the rat nest.

He knew that although the gold-eating rat was an underground burrowing monster, it would occasionally come to the ground to enjoy the sun and look for food, and the rat king also had this need.

Therefore, the large and small mouse holes in the mountains must have a main road leading to the mouse nest.

After searching for two more days, he finally found his target.

I saw a rat hole more than a foot wide extending diagonally downward under a big rock on the mountainside, leading to a rat nest that was unknown how deep underground.

Zhou Chun looked at the rat hole in front of him, reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and released the silver lightning python in vain.

Then he gently touched the silver python's head and whispered: "Bai Bai, it's up to you. Remember, you must catch the Rat King alive, otherwise the dead one will be useless!"


The silver python raised its head and neighed a few times to show its understanding, and then dived into the rat hole.

As Bai Bai crawled into the mouse hole, the spiritual connection between Zhou Chun and it began to become weaker and weaker. Later, he could only vaguely feel its location, but he could no longer communicate.

And deep in the ground, the silver lightning python snaked down the rat hole in vain, and it didn't take long to reach the vicinity of the rat nest.

The arrival of natural enemies also frightened the gold-eating rats who were on alert outside the rat nest. They hurriedly screamed a warning, then turned and ran away.

In the rat nest, the gold-eating rat king, who was sleeping soundly with a female rat in his arms, woke up instantly after the warning sound sounded, with a look of panic flashing in his eyes.


It screamed in its mouth, calling for the gold-eating rats still in the rat's nest to come over and protect it.

In fact, in the past, monks who tamed snake monsters took over the task of eradicating rats and came to eliminate the golden rats.

But even if it is a first-level high-grade demon snake, if it goes deep into the rat nest alone, it will be bitten to death by a large number of gold-eating rats, and it will not be able to truly eliminate these scourges.

Therefore, although the Rat King was a little panicked at the moment, he did not say that he would abandon the nest and run away immediately.

After all, in addition to the adult gold-eating rats, there are also many rat cubs that have not yet left the nest.

If they abandoned their nests and fled, all these rat pups would be dead.

However, it never thought that the demon snake that entered the rat nest this time was not a first-order demon beast, but a second-order demon beast!

When the figure of the silver lightning python appeared in the rat nest, the rat king suddenly trembled, his eyes showed a look of extreme fear, and he turned around and wanted to escape.

But it saw Bai Bai, the silver lightning python, and Bai Bai naturally saw it too.

As for the rat king that Zhou Chun had emphasized to capture alive, Bai Bai would not let it escape.

Immediately, a bolt of lightning spit out from his mouth and fell on the Rat King.

In order to prevent the Rat King from being instantly killed in one blow, the power of this lightning was deliberately weakened to almost only 10% of its power.

Even so, the Rat King who was struck by lightning instantly fell to the ground with his hair standing on end and smoke rising from his roots.

This time, the other gold-eating rats were instantly fried.

Even the Rat King couldn't stop them. How could they have the courage to attack the silver lightning python that exuded the second-level aura? They all dispersed and tried to escape.

But how could the silver lightning python let these delicious food escape? It immediately fired another burst of lightning, electrocuting a large number of gold-eating rats to death in an instant.

After a while, the rat nest was filled with the smell of barbecue.

The Silver Lightning Python looked at the barbecue all over the floor, but he didn't rush to eat it. Instead, he went over to check on the Rat King.

After discovering that the rat king was just unconscious, it swam to the nest of rat babies in the rat nest and started eating from these rat babies.

After eating dozens of rat babies in one go, it looked at its slightly bulging belly, and then continued to eat the dead rats.

When it was six minutes full, it stopped eating, then grabbed the rat king in one bite, turned around and returned the way it came.

Not long after, Zhou Chun, who was waiting on the mountain, saw it carrying the rat king out of the rat hole.

"Well done!"

Looking at the Rat King who was spat out in vain on the ground, Zhou Chun's face was instantly filled with a happy smile.

Then he was not in a hurry to kill the rat king, and took the rat king directly to the mine.

"Fellow Daoist Hu, you see that this rat king has been captured by Jiang. Can the task of destroying the rat nest be considered completed by Jiang?"

Outside the mine, Zhou Chun placed the unconscious Rat King in front of the monk guarding the place, then looked at him and talked about the mission of destroying the rat nest.

He learned from Bai Bai that there were dozens of gold-eating rat corpses in the rat nest alone.

It can be said that except for those gold-eating rats that went out to look for food, he destroyed most of the rat nests.

And without the leadership of the Rat King, these gold-eating rats will have to wait until a new Rat King is born to become a leader again.

At this time, seeing the Rat King thrown out by Zhou Chun, the foundation-building monk surnamed Hu who was guarding the mine was also shocked.

After he stepped forward to check it carefully, he said in surprise: "It really is the Rat King!"

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with bright eyes and said, "Young Daoist Jiang is really a good trick!"

"Can you tell me how you did it?"

When Zhou Chun heard what he said, he immediately smiled lightly and said, "Sorry, this matter involves Jiang's own secrets, so it is inconvenient to reveal it to fellow Taoist Hu."

After speaking, he said in a confident tone: "Jiang can guarantee that most of the gold-eating rats in the rat nest have been eliminated, and their corpses are also in the rat nest. Fellow Daoist Hu can arrange for people to dig up the mountain to collect evidence at any time!"

When the monk surnamed Hu saw what he said, he didn't want to ask for more details. He just responded in a deep voice: "There is no need to dig up mountains to obtain evidence. There are also people in our mine who have tamed monsters and can enter the rat's nest for verification. Since Jiang Daoyou has such a If you are confident, Hu will just take the fellow Taoist people for a visit."

"This is better."

Zhou Chun responded and rushed to Shishan with the monk surnamed Hu and a Qi Refining Stage monk.

Then, just outside the rat hole where the silver lightning python entered, the Qi Refining Stage monk brought by the monk surnamed Hu put a flame rat monster inside.

At first, because the aura of the silver lightning python still remained in the cave, the flame rat monster refused to go in.

Later, it was its owner who forced it, and it crawled inside tremblingly.

Not long after this, the flame rat monster crawled out of the rat hole, screaming and telling its owner what he had seen in the hole.

When he learned that the rat nest was really filled with gold-eating rat corpses, the monk surnamed Hu instantly believed Zhou Chun's words.

Then, after thinking for a while with twinkling eyes, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Hu can judge that Fellow Daoist Jiang has completed the task of destroying the rat nest, but Fellow Daoist must leave the body of the Rat King to Hu to report to his family. , and because the body of the gold-eating rat inside is difficult to bring out, Hu can only give fellow Taoist a basic reward of three hundred spirit coins."

"That's okay. Then please ask Fellow Daoist Hu to wait for a moment."

Zhou Chun nodded, and immediately took the unconscious Rat King to the side, cut his belly open on the spot, and took out a black rat gallbladder as big as a thumb.

Then he processed the fresh rat gallbladder and put it into a jade box, and handed the rat king's body to the monk surnamed Hu.

When the monk surnamed Hu saw this, he immediately took out the spiritual coins from the storage bag and handed them to Zhou Chun and said: "These are three hundred spiritual coins. Keep it, Friend Jiang."

"Fellow Daoist Hu is so happy, then Jiang will leave now."

Zhou Chun put away the spirit coins, bowed his hands to the monk surnamed Hu, and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, the monk surnamed Hu suddenly said at this time: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, can you leave your contact information? Maybe there will be times in the future when I need help from fellow Taoist."

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun immediately understood what he meant.

Then after thinking for a while, he said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Hu can send someone to the Lingshou Zhai in Hongyafang City, Lanzhou to deliver the letter. The shopkeeper there will naturally forward the letter to Jiang."

"The Spirit Beast Restaurant in Hongyafang City?"

The monk surnamed Hu glanced thoughtfully at the spirit beast bag on Zhou Chun's waist, then nodded and said, "Okay, Hu will remember it."

"Goodbye then."

"See you soon."

The two saluted each other, and then Zhou Chun took off into the air and left Shishan while the monk surnamed Hu watched.

After watching Zhou Chunyuan go, the monk surnamed Hu waved his hand and said: "Let's go too. When we get back, we will ask people to come and dig a hole in the mountain. The bodies of gold-eating rats in the hole and the spiritual gold ore they stole cannot be left alone." Such a waste."

Without worrying about disturbing the gold-eating rats and causing them to move, it is actually not too difficult for cultivators to dig a passage hundreds of feet underground.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun left Shishan, he returned directly to his family.

It was impossible for him to exchange for golden leaves and bamboo roots alone, or he might not be able to leave Cangzhou alive.

So he planned to ask the Third Elder Zhou Daoquan to come with the Supreme Elder's Fire God Jackal when he returned. In that case, if someone really dared to attack them for a five-hundred-year-old golden-leaf bamboo grass, don't blame them for being ruthless. It's spicy.

Half a month later, Zhou Chun came to Cangzhou again with the third elder Zhou Daoquan, and successfully exchanged a five-hundred-year-old ginseng with a Zifu family in Cangzhou for golden leaf bamboo grass.

Compared with the golden leaf bamboo root which has few uses, the five hundred year old ginseng which has many uses is undoubtedly more valuable.

The five-hundred-year-old spiritual ginseng used by Zhou Chun in this exchange was also exchanged from the Wang family in Hongyao Valley. The exchange item was the one or two or four coins of Xiangling and Musk Spirit incense left in his hand.

The Wang family also made a lot of money from him in this transaction.

So after all calculations, neither of the two families who made the deal with Zhou Chun suffered a loss. Only he himself paid a small amount of blood for this necessary thing.

I don't know if Zhou Daoquan's cultivation in the later stages of foundation building had a deterrent effect. After the transaction was completed, Zhou Chun and the others went smoothly and did not encounter any attacks.

In this way, with the two main ingredients for refining Jin Ling Tiao Qi Powder in hand, Zhou Chun quickly asked the patriarch Zhou Daoyi to take the prescription of Jin Ling Tiao Qi Powder to the Danyao Li family and asked the Li family's alchemy master to personally take it. Refining this medicine.

Because the Zhou family provided the elixir recipe this time, the Li family's alchemy master readily accepted the job without charging a penny.

Less than half a month later, the fully refined Jin Ling Qi Tiao Powder was in Zhou Chun's hands.

At this point, he has made all the preparations needed to switch to the "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique". He only needs to wait for the clan leader Zhou Daoyi's spiritual pet, the Azure Cloud Python, to successfully turn into a dragon, and then he can switch to seclusion to practice this top-notch technique.

First update today! Next, a more critical plot is about to unfold. It does not refer to the transformation of the dragon, but the foreshadowing that has been laid out before!

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