Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 150 The first kill of Foundation Establishment, the ruthless Master Jiang [Please subscribe]


As Zhou Chun's hand holding the arrow loosened, the long arrow in his hand, which had been surrounded by white thunder and lightning, instantly turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning and shot towards Wei Tong, as fast as lightning.

In an instant, Wei Tong's eyelids twitched and he felt a strong death threat.

Before he could think about it carefully, he hurriedly activated a protective magical weapon on his body.

But he saw a ball of golden spiritual light pouring out from his chest and clothes, and in the blink of an eye, a golden light barrier was formed in front of him.

However, this golden light barrier that could block the attack of ordinary monks in the middle stage of foundation building was instantly pierced and torn under Wei Tong's horrified eyes!

Then he felt a pain in his right chest, and half of his body lost consciousness in an instant.

But his consciousness clearly perceived the internal and external conditions of his body.

The situation is very bad!

I saw that a hole was directly penetrated by an arrow at the connection between his chest and shoulder on the right side, and all the skin, flesh and bones were lost.

At the same time, the skin, flesh and bones around the wound were scorched and shattered by lightning, and all became necrotic.

The reason why his body lost consciousness was because he was paralyzed by a strong electric shock!

For a moment, Wei Tong felt that his body might have been necrotic, so he couldn't feel pain.

But as the paralysis from the thunder and lightning dissipated slightly, a strong pain emerged, which made him realize that he was still alive!

Then a strong feeling of fear arose from the bottom of my heart.

"No, I can't die! I can't die here!"

He growled lowly, his eyes bursting with a strong desire to survive.

He quickly activated his magic power to protect his heart, then took out a medicine bottle and quickly fed himself several healing pills.

Then he ignored everything and took out the cyan flying boat weapon with a slap on his storage bag, quickly jumped into it and prepared to escape.

But at this moment, another bolt of lightning shot towards him.

But it was Zhou Chun who used magic power as a guide to mobilize the thunder and lightning power contained in the long bow to shoot spiritual arrows.

Although this lightning arrow is far less powerful than the previous arrow, its power is no worse than ordinary second-level low-grade spells.

But Wei Tong was already frightened by the arrow just now, thinking that this arrow was the same as the arrow just now.

At that moment, he was so horrified that he closed his eyes in despair. He just instinctively activated his magic power to form a shield to protect himself.


Accompanied by a roar and explosion, the explosion of the lightning arrow shattered the magic shield held up by Wei Tong on the spot, and then overturned him from the blue flying boat.

Am I not dead?

It was only then that he seemed to realize something, and his face was full of joy at surviving a desperate situation.

But this joyful look was swallowed up by endless regret before he could even hold on for two breaths.

Because he could still escape just now, he still has a chance to escape!

But now, because he was so heartbroken and gave up resistance just now, whether it was the rock-earth dragon fighting fiercely with the earth-armored bear over there, or the mandarin duck double-sword magic weapon that had been fighting with Zhou Chun's flying claw magic weapon, all because of The master gave up and collapsed.

Zhou Chun relied on a lightning arrow to delay the time, and now he was using the red gold flying claw magic weapon and the long nail magic weapon to hit him at the same time.

At this time, Wei Tong only had the snake-shaped flying knife magic weapon still in his hand. He struggled to support the weapon, but it was easily knocked away by the red gold flying claws.

Then the golden spike pierced his chest under the command of Zhou Chun!


As a stream of bright red blood spurted out from Wei Tong's chest, his head was quickly shattered by the red gold flying claws.

A monk in the middle stage of foundation building died at the hands of Zhou Chun.

"Wei Laoer, you useless piece of trash! Trash!"

In the distance, Su Qiang was shocked and angry after seeing Wei Tong's death. He cursed loudly with a face full of shock and anger.

He never expected that Wei Tongtang, a mid-stage foundation-building monk, not only failed to kill Zhou Chun, an early-stage foundation-building monk, but was actually killed in reverse!

The emergence of this result directly led to the failure of their operation. Even his side would face the risk of being besieged.

This is simply unforgivable!

"Damn it, you are lucky this time, let's wait and see!"

With an unwilling roar from his mouth, Su Qiang immediately cast a spell, and once again used the red-gold flowing fire magical power that he had used at the beginning to stun Zhou Daoquan. Then he collected several magic weapons and quickly turned into a blaze of fire and retreated.

Zhou Daoquan had already seen how powerful Su Qiang was. Although he was very sorry to let this person go, he did not want to force him to fight to the death.

If the opponent is really forced to fight to the death, even if he can kill the opponent in the end, he and Zhou Chun may be injured by his desperate efforts.

Trading an injury for a life may be completely worth it in Su Qiang's opinion.

But for Zhou Daoquan, this is not necessary.

After all, he will have to attack the Zi Mansion in the future, and Zhou Chun will also practice the dangerous "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique".

No matter who is seriously injured at this time, he may leave hidden wounds on himself, resulting in failure in the future.

Even if there is only a slight possibility of this, in Zhou Daoquan's opinion, there is no need to take risks.

At this time, after confirming that Su Qiang had truly retreated, he took out a mana-restoring [Yuan Yuan Dan] and a healing elixir from his storage bag, took them together, and then hurriedly flew towards Zhou Chun.

"Masumi, are you okay? No injuries!"

After landing next to Zhou Chun, Zhou Daoquan's first intention was not to comfort his injured spiritual pet, the earth-armored bear, but to ask Zhou Chun if he was injured.

Obviously, in his heart, Zhou Chun was far more important than Tujia Xiong, an old friend who had been with him for hundreds of years.

This made Zhou Chun also feel very moved.

He shook his head quickly and said: "Thanks to the desperate protection of your earth-armored bear, elder, this junior was not harmed. Elder, you'd better treat it quickly!"

"As long as you are not injured, don't worry about Xiongshan. It has rough skin and thick flesh. All these injuries can be fully recovered after half a month of rest."

Zhou Daoquan glanced at the spiritual pet licking his wounds and said with a chuckle.

However, after saying this, he quickly walked to the spiritual pet, first praised it, and then took out the best spiritual animal rations and healing elixirs from the storage bag and fed them to the earth-armored bear.

Zhou Chun's sharp eyes clearly saw a small bottle of spiritual honey produced by the [Jasper Spirit Bee].

Obviously Zhou Daoquan still has the same character. He says he doesn't feel distressed, but in fact he still cares about his spiritual pets.

And the earth-armored bear got his favorite spiritual honey, and completely forgot about the pain and so on. He wrapped his tongue around the small bottle with great joy, and carefully and slowly sucked the spiritual honey inside, for fear of finishing it in one gulp.

This look almost made Zhou Chun laugh.

Looking at the appearance of the earth-armored bear, it must have done a lot of things about Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruits before, so he has learned to be smart now.

Zhou Chun estimated that if it could use a storage bag, it might collect the honey first and then mix it with water a hundred times to drink.

Although the taste is quite different, at least it will satisfy you!

After Zhou Daoquan fed his spiritual pet, Zhou Chun also collected all the things left by Wei Tong.

Then he pointed at Wei Tong's body that had been torn apart on the ground and said, "Elder, why do you think these two people are chasing us?"

When Zhou Daoquan heard this, his face suddenly darkened, and he said in a low tone: "In my opinion, it is probably inseparable from that Master Jiang!"

"Do you think they were ordered by Master Jiang?"

Zhou Chun's expression changed and his tone became serious.

Zhou Daoquan immediately nodded and said, "Even if we weren't ordered by him, he must have leaked our identity and whereabouts!"

After that, he said: "The guy who escaped, since he is practicing fighting skills, he must not be an unknown person. After we go back, we only need to inquire about the Wang family and we will find out. By the way, we will also give the Wang family a warning. , let them be careful about that Master Jiang!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chunye immediately responded: "The elder is right. The Wang family has helped this junior a lot this time. After returning, the junior personally visited the house with gifts to express his thanks."

"As it should be."

Zhou Daoquan nodded slightly, agreeing with his decision.

So the two quickly rode on Zhu Yanhe's back and continued back to the family.

On the other side, Su Qiang became more and more angry after escaping from the battlefield.

He was angry that Wei Tong failed to live up to expectations and ruined a good thing.

I am also angry that Master Jiang's information was inaccurate and he seriously underestimated the target's strength.

So the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, so he went directly to Donglingfang City to meet Master Jiang and questioned him face to face.

"Now that Wei Laoer is dead, without his partner in the future, Su will not be able to do many things, and the loss will be immeasurable!"

"And all this is because the information you provided, Master Jiang, is wrong!"

"Master Jiang, tell yourself, how should you compensate Su for this matter?"

In the backyard of the pharmacy, Su Qiang looked at Master Jiang with a livid face and shouted angrily, his tone full of anger.

After Master Jiang listened to his words, his rosy old face instantly became gloomy.

He first glanced at Su Qiang's angry eyes, and then said with a cold expression: "Wei Tong, this useless waste, will die when he dies. Why do you need to be angry for him?"

"As for you saying that Jiang's information is wrong, this is unreasonable. Jiang only said that the other two were newly promoted late-stage foundation-building monks and foundation-building monks, but he did not say how strong they were, nor did he say I must kill you."

"Since you have chosen to take action, you must bear the consequences of doing so!"

At this point, he even said coldly: "Jiang doesn't blame you for alerting others and ruining Jiang's reputation. That's already considered a good thing!"

When Su Qiang heard what he said, he laughed angrily, and couldn't help laughing angrily: "Have you ruined your reputation? Since you, Master Jiang, still care about your reputation, you should compensate Su, otherwise Su's mouth will not be full for a while. Yan, if you tell me something, it will be very bad for you, Master!"

"Are you threatening Jiang?"

Master Jiang's eyes turned cold and he looked at Su Qiang coldly.

Seeing his gaze, Su Qiang felt a chill in his heart, as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast.

But thinking of the strength he possessed and what he knew about the other party, he straightened his back and said with a sneer: "So what if I'm threatening you? Do you still want to kill Su to silence him?"

Anyway, after Wei Tong died, without the other party's "Cloud Piercer Eye" and the flying boat magic weapon, it would be difficult for him to hunt down other foundation-building cultivators by himself, and it would be difficult for him to continue his work of bandit cultivators.

It's better to have a showdown with Master Jiang, blackmail this old guy, and then wash his hands in this golden basin.

After looking at Su Qiang like this, Master Jiang seemed to see what Su Qiang was thinking, and couldn't help but nodded lightly with a gloomy face and said: "Very good, you are being cruel this time, what compensation do you want? "

Seeing that he surrendered, Su Qiang couldn't help but show a proud smile, and immediately said with a satisfied smile: "Of course it is the elixir for improving cultivation. You, Master Jiang, are a master of alchemy. Don't say you don't have these with you!"

"Okay, Jiang will satisfy you."

Master Jiang responded with a cold expression, then reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out three pill bottles and handed them to Su Qiang.

Unexpectedly, after Su Qiang took the elixir bottle, he immediately showed dissatisfaction and said, "Only three bottles? Too few!"

Master Jiang seemed to have guessed what Su Qiang would say, and said coldly: "You should first see what kind of elixir this is before you say this!"

"What elixir?"

Su Qiang was stunned for a moment, then immediately pulled out the cork of a bottle of elixir and raised his eyes to check the elixir inside.

At this moment, Master Jiang's finger hidden in his sleeve suddenly flicked, and a black needle as thin as a cow's hair flew out of his hand, stabbing Su Qiang instantly.

In the face of such sneak attacks, Su Qiang seemed to be on guard. A layer of fiery red light instantly emerged from his body to protect him.

But what he didn't expect was that the protective Xiaguang, which was enough to withstand the blows of ordinary late-stage foundation-building monks, was easily penetrated by the thin black needle, and was stabbed right between the eyebrows on the spot.


Su Qiang, who was seriously injured, pointed at Master Jiang as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he didn't even have time to finish his sentence before he fell to the ground with a black face.

Looking at Su Qiang's dead body on the ground, Master Jiang immediately raised his hand to withdraw the fine needle instrument that had pierced his eyebrows.

I saw that the originally black thin needle instrument had now turned silvery white.

Seeing this scene, Master Jiang also showed a look of heartache, and couldn't help but snorted coldly at Su Qiang's corpse on the ground: "Humph, you can die under the venom of the purple black snake that can kill even the monks of the Zifu period." , you, Su Qiang, died unjustly!"

Then he quickly searched Su Qiang's body and burned it to ashes with a fire.

Then he quickly left the drugstore and went to the retreat place of the Zifu monks in Xuanzhu Palace in Fangshi.

Every monk who enters Fang City has a registered approximate entry and exit time. If no one comes out after the time, the Fang City patrol team will look for someone.

Foundation-building monks like Su Qiang are even more of the focus of the city.

So it is easy to kill someone, but it is difficult to erase it.

Fortunately, Su Qiang was just a casual cultivator, and Master Jiang himself was an alchemy master with extraordinary background, and he also had some evidence of Su Qiang robbing and killing other cultivators.

In this way, as long as he is willing to pay the price, he is still sure to erase this matter.

As for Zhou Chun, who might have guessed that he, Su Qiang, and Wei Tong were the masterminds behind the scenes, Master Jiang didn't care.

Lanzhou and Lingzhou are far apart, and the other party has no evidence. It is impossible to bring the Zifuqi monks over to seek revenge on him with great fanfare.

Moreover, the power behind Master Jiang himself is stronger than that of the Zhou family!

As long as Zhou Chun and his wife are smarter and more knowledgeable, this matter can only be treated as if nothing happened.

It's a pity that after this time, it's hard to get the fragrant musk scent left in Zhou Chun's hands!

In Master Jiang's heart, this is what makes him feel most uncomfortable.

WoRi, the hand slider has been updated! This chapter is for tomorrow!

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