Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 134 Foundation Building【Please subscribe】

During the days when Zhou Daoyi was away from Lanzhou, a lot of things happened in Lanzhou.

When he heard the news that the Mu family had been destroyed, he was shocked in his heart when he was in Yunzhou.

If he hadn't considered that the Zhou family still had Zhou Mingde, the pillar of the family, he would have had to replace him.

The fierce battles he had participated in in Yunzhou also gave him a great sense of crisis about the current situation.

He knew in his heart that the Zhou family must explode in terms of overall strength in order to stabilize themselves and develop in this complex situation.

So after returning with the Foundation Establishment Pill this time, the first thing he did was to ask Zhou Chun to start retreating and concentrate on improving his cultivation in preparation for Foundation Establishment.

Now that the Zhou family has two foundation-building pills in hand, as long as Zhou Chun's luck is not extremely bad, success in foundation-building will not be a problem.

If you are lucky and succeed with just one Foundation Establishment Pill, the extra Foundation Establishment Pill will give you another chance to create another Foundation Establishment monk for the Zhou family!

Although Zhou Chun didn't understand why Zhou Daoyi was so eager to build a foundation, since it was the order of the clan leader and it was beneficial to him, he would naturally not object.

So after he handed over clan affairs to Zhou Daoyi, he returned to his residence and concentrated on practicing.

Of course, Zhou Chun couldn't spend all his time practicing in a day, practicing only took up part of the time.

The rest of the time, he was thinking about the way forward after building the foundation.

When Zhou Daoyi asked him to go into seclusion to build the foundation, he took advantage of the situation and asked him to bring a book "Detailed Explanation of Foundation Building" from the library, which was specially compiled by the senior monks of the Zhou family for the younger monks who were new to the foundation building.

The book lists in detail the path development of a monk after establishing a foundation, including the choice of exercises, elective skills, secret techniques focusing on cultivation, methods and directions for improving oneself, etc.

I dare not say that this "Detailed Explanation of Foundation Establishment" has written down all the situations of Foundation Establishment monks, but it will definitely make the monks who read this book avoid many detours and wrong paths, and have more opportunities to attack the Zi Mansion.

Therefore, although this book is not a secret technique, it is not something that monks below the Zhou Family's Foundation Establishment level can read.

Originally, Zhou Chun should have waited until the foundation was successfully built before he could read this book.

But the patriarch Zhou Daoyi believed that he could succeed in building the foundation, so he let him see it in advance, so that he could make a choice quickly after the foundation building was successful.

To be honest, after reading this book, Zhou Chun's horizons were really opened up and he gained a lot of useful knowledge.

But soon he also faced difficulty in choosing.

Because there are indeed many places to make trade-offs!

In many places, once a choice is made, there is basically only one way to go. If you want to change it, it will be very difficult.

This made it easy for Zhou Chun to stare at the sky in a daze when he was free for many days.

And in addition to the various choices he needs to make after building his own foundation, Zhou Chun also has one more thing to worry about, and that is the advancement of the Rock Turtle and Silver Lightning Python to the second level.

Among them, the Silver Lightning Thunder Python is an intermediate monster, and there is no bottleneck in advancing to the second level.

But if it is allowed to grow normally, the time span from a first-order high-grade monster to a second-order monster will be very long.

If you want it to be promoted to a second-level monster quickly, you still have to prepare some precious elixirs and spiritual objects that can accelerate its growth.

The Rock Turtle is only a low-level monster. Although a piece of "Tianhuang Stone" has been used to purify its bloodline, in order to sublimate its bloodline and evolve into an intermediate monster, it also needs the help of some special spiritual objects.

Those special spiritual objects are often not cheap and extremely difficult to find.

Although Zhou Chun is rich now, if he wants to support these two spiritual pets to advance to the second level, he is afraid that most of his wealth will have to be dispersed.

This is because after he successfully builds the foundation, he does not need to spend money to buy himself skills and magic weapons.

Otherwise, if he was just a casual cultivator, he would have saved tens of thousands of dollars before building the foundation, and he would have spent it all quickly after the foundation building was successful.

The more you earn, the more you spend. This is a normal phenomenon after building a foundation.

"So it's actually still a word for money!"

"If I succeed in building the foundation, my earning power will be ten times greater than that of monks of the same level, and I will have many more choices. I won't have to worry about which one to choose!"

"If my earning power is dozens of times greater than that of monks of the same level, then even if I say arrogantly that I want them all, I still have enough confidence to support them!"

In the yard, Zhou Chun looked up at the sky and murmured to himself.

I have penetrated the appearance and understood the true meaning.

Having money is definitely not everything in the world of immortality.

Money cannot allow cultivators to do whatever they want.

But for monks below the Golden Core stage, spiritual coins that don't have to worry about spending can still solve most of the problems and worries they encounter.

Whether it is magic weapons, elixirs, magic talismans, exercises, or secret techniques, these things can all be purchased with spirit coins.

A high-level monk once said that even a pig can be cultivated into a third-level monster as long as it is cultivated regardless of the cost of spiritual coins!

This is somewhat exaggerated.

But it also tells most of the truth.

But getting rich is easier said than done!

As Zhou Chun himself said, a person whose earning power is ten times better than that of a monk of the same level is so rare in the world of immortality!

Only one person can be found among a thousand people. It can be said that he is one in a thousand!

And for people who are dozens of times stronger, I'm afraid you have to pick one out of ten thousand!

Precisely because of the great need for money, after monks establish a foundation, they will start to try to practice one or two immortal cultivation skills in order to make some extra money.

After all, raw materials are not valuable, and low-level materials are not difficult for foundation-building monks to obtain.

It would also be good if you could produce and sell your own products.

However, the art of cultivating immortals also requires innate understanding, and will take up a lot of time and energy of the cultivators, so not everyone can learn to do it well.

However, if you are really talented and can practice any of the four skills of alchemy and talismans to a high level, your ability to make money will indeed be ten times higher than that of ordinary monks of the same level.

For example, for a family cultivating immortality like the Li family of Dan Yao, the number of spiritual coins earned by an alchemy master for the family in a year can reach half of the entire family's income!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a humanoid money-making machine.

"I have a purification stone jar. After I successfully build the foundation and master the method of purifying the evil spirit in spiritual objects, I can use it as a cover up and try to sell a large amount of the purified elixir to earn the price difference!"

"And with this treasure in hand, as long as my strength allows, I can go to foreign uninhabited wilderness alone to hunt monsters and collect medicine, and stay in the wilderness for a long time without worrying about battery life."

"And with the convenience of purifying the turbid evil energy much easier than others, I can obtain more training materials at the lowest cost even if I practice immortality skills such as alchemy and talismans."

"I still have family support. As long as I hold a high position in the family, at a critical moment, I can use my family savings to help me buy some important things!"

Zhou Chun was thinking about how to make money, and felt that he still had a huge advantage over other immortal cultivators.

In this case, it is not impossible to broaden the choices.

After all, you still have to have dreams!

Thinking of this, he held the "Detailed Explanation of Foundation Building" and started studying it again.

Five months later, with the help of the Jinya Dan, Zhou Chun finally opened and penetrated the last three acupoints in one breath, and all 108 acupoints in his body were opened.

At this time, his mana cultivation had reached the limit that a monk in the Qi Refining Stage could achieve, and he could no longer make any progress.

If you want to improve your magic power, you can only succeed in building the foundation.

And just after his meritorious deeds were completed, he went to meet the clan leader Zhou Daoyi.

Zhou Daoyi just asked him a few questions, then took out two pill bottles containing Foundation Establishment Pills and handed them to him: "These two Foundation Establishment Pills will be given to you first. You can relax and go into retreat to build the Foundation. Don't Don’t have any worries!”

"Yes, this junior will definitely live up to the patriarch's high expectations!"

Zhou Chun took a deep breath, took the two Foundation Establishment Pills and put them into his storage bag without hesitation, his tone was very solemn.

Then, with Zhou Daoyi personally seeing him off, he entered the secret room on Pagoda Peak that was specially used for clan members to build foundations.

The secret room used for foundation building is in an excellent location, right on the main vein of Jiufengling's spiritual veins, and the spiritual energy is very rich.

Moreover, this place is very quiet, and a separate isolation formation is arranged outside the secret room.

After entering the secret room, as long as the formation is turned on, there will be people fighting and fighting outside, but no sound can be heard inside.

After Zhou Chun entered the secret room, he closed the thick stone door and locked it from the inside.

Then he took out a piece of "sunstone" and placed it on the indoor lamp stand, illuminating the stone room, which was about thirty or forty square meters.

There is a desk and bookshelf in the stone room, on which are placed some foundation-building experiences left by predecessors.

There is another piece of cold jade.

Cold jade is a kind of spiritual jade. If it is made into a jade bed, monks can sit cross-legged and meditate on it, which has the effect of concentrating and meditating.

During the first half month of Zhou Chun's stay in the secret room, he just meditated daily to sort out his own magic power and read the foundation-building experiences of his predecessors.

When he was hungry, he would take a bigu pill. When he was thirsty, he would cast a spell to collect water. When he was sleepy, he would go to the cold jade cave.

After half a month of this, he felt that his condition had been adjusted to its optimal state.

So he sat down cross-legged on Hanyutan, took out a Foundation Building Pill, put it into his mouth, and slowly dissolved it with the body fluid in his mouth.

The matter of foundation building sounds mysterious, but in fact it is just that.

Apart from some unexpected factors, there are three main factors that hinder the success of a monk's foundation building, namely spiritual root qualifications, monk's mind and will, and physical state.

The monks with better spiritual root qualifications are more likely to succeed in foundation building.

If you have high-grade spiritual root qualifications, if you take a foundation-building pill, the success rate of foundation-building will be over 50% to 60%.

On the other hand, if you look at the middle-grade spiritual root qualifications, the success rate of foundation building after taking the foundation building pill is only between 30% and 40%, and it is difficult to exceed 50%.

As for low-grade spiritual root qualifications, the success rate will only be even lower.

The reason is not complicated either.

Because monks with better spiritual root qualifications have fewer "impurities" in their bodies, and a major use of the Foundation Establishment Pill is to help monks remove "impurities".

It is said that on top of high-grade spiritual roots, there is also a "celestial spiritual root" qualification. A monk with that kind of qualification can easily build a foundation without even needing a foundation-building pill!

However, it is rare for a monk with such a spiritual root to appear in a hundred years, even from sects such as Qinglian Temple.

The Zhou family has been inherited for more than 1,700 years, and has never produced a monk with such spiritual roots. This shows how rare it is!

Compared with the importance of spiritual root qualifications, the monk's mind and will have less influence on the success of foundation building.

When a monk on the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage begins to attack the foundation, many illusions will appear in his mind to confuse the monk's consciousness. If the monk cannot break through these illusions and let his consciousness transcend, he will eventually exhaust his energy and sit in the boundless illusion. change.

The stronger the character and will of a person, the faster he can break through the illusion, and he will not be consumed by the illusion and waste the power of the foundation-building pill.

As for the state of the physical body, as long as the monk is not in his seventies or eighty, the physical blood energy begins to decay, the meridians begin to shrink, or he has suffered some internal injuries that are difficult to heal, it actually has little effect.

Zhou Chun's spiritual root qualifications are at the middle level, not very good, but not very bad either.

After he took the Foundation Establishment Pill, it didn't take long for him to feel the effect of the medicine on his body.

A numb and itchy feeling seemed to come from his bones, making his whole body extremely uncomfortable.

This situation has long been recorded in the foundation building experience of the seniors, so he did not panic at all, he just silently operated the technique, absorbing the cool and cold air emanating from the cold jade beneath him.

With the help of the cool and cold air, the numbness and itchiness was suppressed to a level that was easier to bear.

At this time, Zhou Chun had already taken off all his clothes, and a gray-white substance could be vaguely seen leaking out of his skin.

This thing is the "impurity" in the monk's body, something that hinders the monk's longevity and transcendence.

There is not much description of this substance in the classics. They only say that it is a kind of filthy impurity that is innately produced by the human body.

This process of removing "impurities" was very slow. It took seven days and seven nights before Zhou Chun's body did not have any impurities leaking out.

This does not mean that the impurities in his body have been completely removed, but that the power of the Foundation Establishment Pill can only remove it so far.

Generally speaking, when the power of the Foundation Building Pill no longer removes impurities from the monk's body, it also means that the monk can build the Foundation.

So Zhou Chun quickly concentrated and entered the next stage.

This is the stage of real foundation building.


As if he had touched some kind of taboo, Zhou Chun's mind went dark. When he woke up again, he found that his whole body was tied to a pillar, while another "self" was looking at him coldly with a spiked iron whip. Hold yourself.

"Outsiders, wouldn't you have thought that after carrying my identity and walking in the world of immortality for more than ten years, you would fall into my hands again today!"

"How do you think I should manipulate you to eliminate the hatred in my heart?"

A voice full of hatred came from that "self"'s mouth, and the iron whip in his hand also hit Zhou Chun hard.

ah! !

The severe pain made Zhou Chun couldn't help but scream, feeling that he had never endured such severe pain.

"Is it painful? It's painful! Feel this pain well! Hahahaha..."

The crazy laughter and the painful screams from Zhou Chun were heard together.

Under the extreme pain, Zhou Chun felt as if his consciousness was about to be torn apart.

He was also very panicked in his heart, and he didn't understand how the "self" who was beating him came back to life again.

"Could it be that his remnant soul has never dispersed, but has always been hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness?"

Zhou Chun thought in horror, and then he was whipped hard, causing him to scream again in pain.

As soon as this idea came up, he couldn't help but think about it, and then he thought about it carefully, and the fear in his heart became more and more serious.

At the same time, the pain caused by the iron whip became more and more intense, making it difficult for Zhou Chun to think about anything else.

"Wait a minute, can you stop and let me explain?"

He struggled and screamed, hoping to stop the other party.

But what greeted him was a rapidly enlarging iron whip, hitting him straight in the face.

No explanation was needed, as if he just wanted to vent the hatred in his heart. No matter how Zhou Chun yelled, the iron whip never stopped beating him.

I don't know how much time passed before he realized something was wrong.

Why was he beaten for so long, but still feeling pain and weakness, but no obvious damage to his soul?

"I understand! You are not an undead remnant soul at all, you are just a vain and dirty thought!"

A loud shout full of surprise came from Zhou Chun's mouth, and then he ignored the iron whip that hit him, no longer having any panic and fear, and just faced the iron whip.

Suddenly, as if a breeze was blowing on his face, the iron whip and darkness in front of his eyes quickly dissipated, and Zhou Chun's consciousness returned to the secret room.

"Oops! A lot of the power of the Foundation Establishment Pill has been lost!"

After regaining consciousness, Zhou Chunyi looked at himself, his mood sank, and he felt something was wrong.

In order to remove "impurities" from his body, a lot of the power of the Foundation Establishment Pill was consumed.

And he didn't know how long he was trapped in that illusion, and the mental deficit he had been consuming was all made up by the power of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Now there is not much remaining medicinal power left.

But even so, Zhou Chun could only grit his teeth and continue.

I saw his consciousness controlling wisps of hazy mana to flow into the Dantian Qihai Point, forcing them to merge into a larger wisp of mana, and then trying to make it form a cyclone.

But even after taking the "Soul Heart Fruit", his spiritual consciousness was much stronger than that of ordinary twelfth-level monks in the Qi Refining Stage, and it was not easy to accomplish this.

Every time the formation of the cyclone fails, the forcibly fused mana collapses and collides in the Qihai Point, causing a considerable impact on the acupuncture points.

It was only because the power of the Foundation Establishment Pill could form a protective film inside the acupuncture points that he could keep trying.

In this way, a cyclone is formed in equal circles, and after the magic power in the meridians and other acupoints in the body is attracted by the rotating cyclone, the cyclone becomes bigger and bigger.

At this time a very magical scene appeared.

Originally, it seemed to be a small air sea cave in the induction. As the air rotates, the space inside gradually becomes wider, as if something has been blown away.

about there!

Zhou Chun sensed this and realized that it was time to take the last step, which is also the most dangerous step!

I saw that his consciousness was concentrated in the cyclone in the Qihai Cave, and suddenly it formed an invisible pillar, stirring in the opposite direction to try to push the cyclone to reverse.

As a result, the cyclone quickly shook violently under his stirring, showing signs of instability, which scared him and hurriedly slowed down the stirring.

Then after the aerodynamic rotation stabilized, he continued to stir in the opposite direction.

But after trying this for more than a dozen times, because of one of his mistakes, the cyclone suddenly exploded and dispersed, turning into countless mist and rushing in all directions.

Immediately, a sharp pain erupted from Zhou Chun's abdomen, so painful that he almost fainted on the spot.

After the pain passed, he discovered to his dismay that his first foundation building had completely failed!

Because the protective film created by the power of the foundation-building pill in his body had been completely shattered by the violent impact of the mana just now.

Fortunately, he was protected by that protective film, otherwise he would probably have his Qi sea shattered and his cultivation completely ruined!

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