Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 119 Sneak attack from behind, Soul Heart Fruit [Please subscribe]

In the mountain forest, because of that human scream, the wolf bear that was hugging the beehive and feasting suddenly stood up with great vigilance and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw the vegetation in the forest swaying for a while, and soon an old man in green clothes with slightly gray hair appeared.

The old man was holding a blue-black double-pronged magic weapon, and he was looking at the wolf-bear with surprise on his face.


As if aware of the bad intentions and hostility of the visitor, the wolf bear suddenly threw away the half-eaten hive in his hand and let out an angry roar.

Then the blue-black spiritual light bloomed from its body, and its body rushed towards the old man in green like a strong wind.

Looking at the rapid speed, it doesn't look like the clumsy bear monster at all, but more like an agile and vigorous wolf monster.

This is the wolf-bear beast, an alien species among bears.

But since the old man in green dares to show up openly, it shows that he has a strong confidence in winning.

I saw the two forks in his hands suddenly being thrown violently, flying straight towards the charging wolf and bear.

Then he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out a blue ring magic weapon, hanging it above his head, releasing a circle of blue glow to protect himself in it.

The wolf and bear over there faced the stabbing double fork, and immediately slapped it with their bear paws.

Unexpectedly, just as its bear paw was about to touch the flying fork, a cold blue-white air rushed out of the flying fork, instantly freezing half of its body.

Then the flying fork turned in a circle and stabbed it hard in the throat.


Two streaks of bright red blood surged out from the wound on the Wolf Bear's throat.

It still had a movable bear paw, so it quickly grabbed the flying fork and pulled it out.

But at this moment, an eight-edged golden hammer came to its head again and hit its head hard.


At the critical moment, a roar came from the mouth of the wolf and bear.

Along with the appearance, there was also a blue-black whirlwind.

Being swept up by the green-black whirlwind spat out of the wolf bear's mouth, the eight-edged golden hammer weapon immediately deviated from its target and hit the mountainous ground beside it, creating a huge mud pit!

After avoiding this extremely dangerous skull-crushing blow, the wolf bear realized that the enemy was powerful and immediately turned around and ran away.

"Where can the evil beast go!"

How could the old man in green just sit back and watch the prey escape? He immediately shouted loudly and once again activated the double flying fork to stab the wolf bear hard.

This time, the wolf and bear knew how powerful it was, and did not dare to contact the flying fork with their bodies anymore. They directly released a cyan aura and formed a wind shield around the body to resist the flying fork attack.

But the flying fork is not an ordinary magical weapon. The wolf and bear's wind shield cannot withstand two forks and will be broken.

Coupled with the hammer blow from the eight-edged golden hammer, Wolf Bear's escape journey was very unsatisfactory.

In the end, it was hit in the head by the eight-edged golden hammer before it could even escape a distance of two hundred feet, killing it on the spot!

Because the heart of a wolf-bear is best taken out while it is hot when it is just dead.

So after confirming that the wolf-bear was dead, the old man in green hurried over to disembowel it.

Little did he know that just as he was cutting open the chest of the wolf-bear corpse, Zhou Chun, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, finally made up his mind and was ready to take action.

This was the first time Zhou Chun was preparing to attack someone who had no ill intentions towards him.

He also struggled and hesitated beforehand.

But in the end he decided to take action.

The reason he gave himself for taking action was very simple, that is, since he chose to participate in this competitive multi-person trial, it was equivalent to signing a life and death certificate in advance.

So in this trial, you can't blame anyone for being killed, you can only blame yourself for being too greedy!

He is like this, and others should be like this!

So he took action.

Zhou Chun would be fine if he didn't take action, but he would be merciless if he did.

I saw him slapping the storage bag and spirit beast bag on his waist at the same time with both hands, and instantly released the silver lightning python and launched the [Moon Blade Meteor Wheel].


The fluctuation of mana behind him frightened the old man in green who was removing the heart of the wolf and bear. He hurriedly rolled to the side to dodge, and a blue light shield instantly appeared on his body.

This reaction showed his extremely rich experience in preventing sneak attacks.

Unfortunately, although his reaction was not bad, his luck was a bit worse.

But the silver-black round magic weapon in Zhou Chun's hand flew out and struck the blue light shield outside the old man in green at an extremely fast speed.

This blow immediately made the blue light shield full of cracks and was on the verge of shattering.

Then a snake-shaped split lightning fell on the light shield, instantly breaking the shield and landing on the old man in green.

With his body suddenly struck by lightning, the old man in green became confused.

When he regained consciousness, the silver-black round magic weapon spinning back had appeared in front of him, and it easily chopped off his head.

After killing the old man in green, Zhou Cundang headed straight for the wolf and bear corpse.

At the same time, he learned his lesson and released the rock turtle, letting it and the silver lightning python stand guard behind him.

After a while, Zhou Chun dug out a heart of a wolf-bear that was still steaming, and then used the ice-condensing technique to freeze it on the spot and put it into a jade box.

After doing this, Zhou Chuncai signaled to the rock turtle and the silver lightning python that they could enjoy the remaining wolf and bear carcasses together, while he went over to collect the relics of the old man in blue.

The relics on the old man in green are quite simple. They are the three first-level high-grade magic weapons that he has shown, as well as some elixirs picked in the storage bag, as well as the magic talismans and elixirs prepared for this trip.

There is also a piece of "Order of Heavenly Spirit".

Of course, I didn't bring anything else.

But even these things are of very good value.

Especially the double flying fork that can release cold air to freeze the enemy. It is definitely a rare weapon.

In terms of value, Zhou Chun's [Moon Blade Meteor Wheel] cannot compare to this thing.

So after Zhou Chun hesitated for a while, he decided to sacrifice the object on the spot before talking about it.

With his current cultivation level, it would not take a day to refine such a magical weapon.

And he believes that waiting for this extra day is completely worth it.

After making this decision, Zhou Chun left the scene with his things and the remaining corpse of the wolf and bear, and then found a remote place in the mountains to meditate on the flying fork weapon.

On the second day, Zhou Chun completed the ritual refining of the magic weapon. After getting familiar with the magic weapon, he set off again with the silver lightning python.

At the same time, just when Zhou Chun completed the first kill in the trial and obtained a piece of "Order of the Heavenly Spirit", many other monks who participated in the "Tower Battle" also gained a lot.

On the edge of a white-smelling cold pool, an old man in yellow robes was holding a sword in his hand. A green flying sword was like a green swimming dragon under his command. The sword light was like a dragon in the pool. White ice pythons fight fiercely.

Although the ice python is not a second-order monster, its strength is only a little short of becoming a second-order monster.

And the Cold Pond is its home court. With the help of the cold air here, the power of its ice magic can be increased by 20 to 30%. Even two or three twelfth-level monks in the Qi Refining Stage may not be its opponent.

However, the old man in yellow robe completely suppressed it with only one flying sword, which shows how powerful it is.

After such a fierce fight between the two pythons for a long time, the old man in yellow robe finally used a powerful sword technique to successfully pierce the ice python's seven-inch weak point and kill the ice python under his sword.

As soon as the ice python died, the cold pond spiritual object [Centennial Ice Lotus] it guarded became the trophy of the old man in yellow robe.

The poor ice python, if it can be given a few more decades, when the [100-year-old ice lotus] in the cold pool is more than 200 years old, it can swallow it and successfully evolve into an intermediate monster.

In another valley, a white-haired old woman was fighting fiercely with a man in black.

It turned out that the white-haired old woman first discovered a Polygonatum japonica that was more than 300 years old in the valley, and killed a first-order high-grade monster that occupied the valley.

Unexpectedly, the news of her killing the monster attracted the man in black, and then the two sides started fighting around the Huang Jing plant.

Of course Huang Jing is just an inducement. The real reason that drives the two to fight to the death is for the treasures on the other side and the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit".

In fact, many of the monks who came to participate in the "Tianling Trial" were different from Zhou Chun.

That's because they don't have a 100% guarantee of foundation building, so they decided to come here to give it a try.

As long as you pick some elixirs that are rare in the outside world, or kill a few more trialists and seize the treasures from them.

Then when you go out, with these gains, you will be able to gain more confidence in your foundation building.

Therefore, matters of life and death are very common here.

At this moment, after a fight between the white-haired old woman and the man in black, the white-haired old woman finally won with superior skills.

But although she killed her opponent, she was also injured by her opponent. Whether she can reach the end is still unknown!

In another mountain forest, two gray-haired old men unexpectedly joined forces to deal with a group of green-haired strange apes.

The faces of those green-haired monster apes are ferocious, like zombies with hairy hair after death, all green and black.

They have a weird name, green-faced ghost apes.

There were more than a dozen green-faced ghost apes in this group, including five first-level high-grade monsters. Even if the two white-haired old men joined forces, they were defeated by the apes, and finally fled in embarrassment and were driven out of the forest.

But looking at the unwilling looks in their eyes when they left, it was obvious that they would not give up easily!

Although Zhou Chun had never seen these things that happened in various places in the trial, he could probably guess them.

And after he personally killed a trialist in a sneak attack, he was extremely cautious on the road thereafter, lest he also be attacked and overturned.

Because he had to kill monsters and collect elixirs on the way, Zhou Chun didn't move very fast, and sometimes even took detours to find elixirs.

He actually didn't want to arrive near the tower too early, because it would be easy for others to take advantage of him after fighting with others.

What's more, Zhou Chun didn't say he must do it when it came to gathering all seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" and entering the tower.

He came to this "trial place" mainly to satisfy his curiosity and see if he could get some extraordinary gains.

This harvest can be a treasure picked after entering the tower, or some rare elixir picked outside. It is not limited to one thing.

This continued until the fourth day after entering the "Land of High Towers". Zhou Chun was still fifty or sixty miles away from the peak where the high tower was located.

Not counting the day of sacrificing the magic weapon in the middle, Zhou Chun gained a lot in these three days.

Just the various elixirs and things that can be used as medicine are worth seven or eight hundred spirit coins in total.

In addition, he also harvested more than a dozen centipede eggs by killing an iron-backed centipede monster that laid eggs, which were worth three to four hundred spiritual coins.

With these gains in hand, Zhou Chun was even less anxious about heading to the mountain where the tower was located.

On this day, when Zhou Chun was passing by a mountain forest, his consciousness suddenly moved and he suddenly looked at a blue-black bird flying by in the sky.

The blue-black flying bird was as big as a homing pigeon, and it had faint spiritual energy fluctuations on its body, which proved that it was not an ordinary flying bird, but a kind of demon bird.

If ordinary monks who don't know the inside story see this demon bird, they may not think much about it.

But Zhou Chun recognized that the green-black flying bird was called "Green-tailed Wind Swallow". It was a kind of demon bird that liked to live in groups and was unlikely to travel alone.

More importantly, this kind of demon bird can easily be domesticated by immortal cultivators and become a spiritual pet for investigation and tracking.

In view of this, Zhou Chun felt that the "Green-tailed Wind Swallow" he saw was probably the spiritual pet of a certain immortal cultivator, and that it had probably discovered him and was returning to report to its owner.

But even if he discovered this, it was too late for Zhou Chun to intercept him.

"This place of trial is not without flying demon birds. That person dared to let Qingtail Fengyan, who is not good at fighting, come out to investigate the situation, which means that he is nearby and should not be more than ten miles away!"

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Zhou Chun felt that instead of panicking and moving away to escape, it would be better to deal with it with a straight heart.

Now he seems to be in the light, while the other party is in the dark.

But in fact, he already knew that he was exposed to the other party's sight, and he was prepared in his heart.

In this way, if the other party really comes to hunt him, he really doesn't know who is hunting whom!

After understanding this, he calmed down and continued to move forward along the planned plan, without even putting away the silver lightning python that opened the way ahead.

But what Zhou Chun didn't expect was that the owner of "Green Tail Wind Swallow" had no intention of attacking him secretly.

He quickly took the initiative to make some noise and caught his attention.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

A shout suddenly rang out from the forest behind Zhou Chun.

Then an old man in gray clothes and white hair appeared in his sight.

He saw the old man in gray waving his arms and stopped only when he came into his sight.

This unconventional behavior also made Zhou Chun slightly stunned.

Then, he was unsure of the other party's intention. While he was secretly vigilant in his heart, his consciousness and eyes were constantly detecting and observing the surrounding mountains and forests, and he asked in a deep voice: "Do you have any advice?"

Hearing what he said, the old man in gray immediately waved his hands and replied: "I don't dare to accept my advice, but I just have an opportunity that I want to share with my fellow Taoists!"

Sharing opportunities?

Zhou Chun was really stunned now, almost suspecting that the other party was joking.

His eyes fell on the old man in gray, and his eyes gradually became cold.

The tone in his mouth was also extremely cold: "Are you joking? What kind of place is this? I don't need to say more. How stupid do you think I am to believe a competitor who wants to share an opportunity with me?"

When the old man in gray clothes heard this, he shook his head and waved his hands: "No, no, no, what my fellow Taoist said is totally wrong!"

"Although we are competitors, who says that competitors can't cooperate with each other to seize treasures?"

"In front of the real treasure, two monks with a deep hatred can temporarily put aside their hatred and cooperate, let alone people like us who have no hatred at all?"

He left an opportunity and a treasure in his mouth, which was quite exciting.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun didn't believe that the other party would sincerely cooperate with him, but he was inevitably aroused some curiosity.

Immediately, he followed his words and asked: "Oh, the real treasure? What kind of treasure is it that will make you think that you are willing to let down your guard and cooperate with you?"

The old man in gray clothes was waiting for his words.

He immediately looked at him with confidence and said three words.

"Soul Heart Fruit!"

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