Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 115 Amazing discovery, big harvest! 【Please subscribe】

Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

After the silver lightning python rushed into the school of poisonous stickleback fish, there was almost no enemy left.

It does not bite a certain poisonous stickleback fish, but uses the snake's head to charge and the snake's tail to whip to disperse the fish.

At the same time, streaks of silver-white thunder and lightning spewed out from its mouth and fell on the poisonous sticklebacks with stronger cultivation abilities in the fish school.

After taking care of the stronger poisonous acanthus in this way, ordinary poisonous acanthus will be helpless against its hard dragon scales, whether it is a spell attack or opening its mouth to bite.

In just less than a quarter of an hour, dozens of poisonous stickleback fish died or fainted, and all of them lay belly up and lost the ability to fight anymore.

During this whole process, Zhou Chun never fired a shot and became a complete bystander.

And they are the kind of spectators who are stunned.

"Strong, for nothing!"

"It seems I have to reposition your strength!"

"It's really yours!"

When the dust settled, Zhou Chun looked at the silver lightning python that came back and wagged its tail and stuck out its tongue to claim credit. After Zhou Chun came back to his senses, he couldn't help but reached out and touched its round head, his face full of surprise. He exclaimed in surprise.

Today's beautiful battle really refreshed his understanding of the strength of the Silver Lightning Python.

And I must give it a thumbs up for this beautiful battle!

Powerful physical defense, coupled with thunder spells that double in power in the water.

After the two are combined, it is really a surefire way to deal with those gregarious monsters in the water that are not known for their individual strength.

This not only reminded Zhou Chun of a certain type of popular science program he had watched in his previous life.

Even the powerful piranha swarm, which can eat away even ferocious sharks and crocodiles, was easily eliminated in front of the electric eel that can discharge electricity, and became the electric eel's food.

The scene he saw today was undoubtedly very similar to that situation.

Maybe it's not that the silver lightning python is too strong in vain, or that those poisonous stickleback fish are too weak, but it just happens that one thing defeats another!

In view of this, Zhou Chun had new ideas on how to use the Silver Lightning Python to fight the enemy in vain in the future.

Of course, you will have to find an opportunity to test it later.


He looked at the dead or fainted poisonous stickleback fish, stepped forward and picked out a few dead fish that were powerful in life and put them into the storage bag, and then continued to let the silver lightning python carry him forward in vain.

Going all the way deep into the underground cave, Zhou Chun never saw a single poisonous stickleback.

After he had gone deep into the underground cave for twenty or thirty miles, it suddenly opened up in front of him, and he actually appeared in a hollow underground cave.

Half of this underground cave is exposed above the water, and there is a rocky beach inside that can accommodate people. Behind the rocky beach, you can see a wet land passage, leading to nowhere.

In a corner of the cave, Zhou Chun found some small poisonous stickleback fish that had not yet become demons, and even fish eggs stuck to the stone wall.

It seems that this should be a place for the poisonous stickleback fish to hatch and raise their offspring.

If it had not yet been determined whether the poisonous acanthus could be cultured, Zhou Chun would definitely be very happy to see this.

But now he could only shake his head and had no intention of collecting those things.

I saw him patrolling the land channel for a while, and then went ashore with deep curiosity.

After landing, Zhou Chun first twitched his nose and smelled the smell.

The smell inside the cave is somewhat rotten, probably caused by the accumulation of excrement from a group of poisonous sticklebacks in the water.

As for the air in the overland passage, although it can't be said to be fresh, at least it doesn't make people feel stuffy.

This shows that this passage is not a dead end, but should be connected to an opening on the ground.

After confirming this, Zhou Chun felt relieved and let the Silver Lightning Python Bai Bai lead the way.

He walked all the way along the passage. After walking for almost two or three miles, an underground cave hall appeared in front of him again.


Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he suddenly looked towards a corner of the underground cave hall.

In the corner, I saw a human skeleton leaning against the stone wall and half sitting on the ground. It was covered with cobwebs. It looked like it had been dead for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun narrowed his eyes, immediately reached out and patted the storage bag, took out a piece of "Sunstone" and held it in his hand, and slowly walked forward towards the withered bones.

After he was almost a few feet away from the withered bones, Zhou Chun stopped, and then he made a hand gesture to attract a gust of wind, blowing away the cobwebs on the withered bones and blowing all the bones on the withered bones to the ground.

Then with the light emitted by the "sunstone", Zhou Chun saw a storage bag covered with mud on the ground.

His eyes lit up immediately, and he raised his hand to take the storage bag in his hand.

Because I don’t know how many years have passed, the original owner’s spiritual imprint in the storage bag has long since dissipated. Even the storage bag itself is somewhat dilapidated and is no longer suitable for continued use.

Fortunately it can still be opened.

Zhou Chun opened the storage bag and was slightly startled when his spiritual consciousness penetrated it.

Because the volume inside this storage bag is unexpectedly wide, it is larger than the storage bag he is currently using that he got from the missionary of Hualong Cult.

This basically shows that the original owner of the storage bag must be at the foundation building stage, or even higher.

After discovering this, Zhou Chun didn't dare to look any further and hurriedly poured out everything inside.

I saw a pile of things falling to the ground, and the pile was two or three feet high.

Many of them are jade boxes used to preserve spiritual objects, and some are books and classics.

Of course, magic weapons and spiritual coins are also indispensable.

However, when Zhou Chun opened those jade boxes with great expectations, he was quickly disappointed.

Perhaps because it has been too long, the various elixirs contained in the jade box have withered and lost all their potency and become waste products.

There were twenty or thirty jade boxes, but only two items were usable.

One of the items was a palm-sized pentagonal token. Its appearance was very familiar to Zhou Chun. It was the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit" that he had seen at the underground auction before, and it was also a usable C-grade token. Token.

The other thing was a piece of silver-white metal foil similar to dragon scales, with complex and mysterious runes engraved on it.

Needless to say, "Order of the Heavenly Spirit", Zhou Chun already knew its use.

In addition, he had also read about the silver-white metal foil in the classics.

This thing is a special vehicle used by immortal cultivators to record certain precious secrets or techniques. It can be preserved for thousands or thousands of years without being destroyed.

However, this object requires mastering a special opening method to read the information inside, and Zhou Chun did not see anything related to the opening method in the jade box.

So he could only put away the two objects and turn to look at other things.

Among other things, spiritual coins accounted for a large part, more than five thousand!

However, these spiritual coins are not the spiritual coins issued by the "Moon Wheel Sect" currently used in Jingguo, but spiritual coins with a dragon pattern imprinted on them.

If it was before the Hualong Sect reappeared in Jingguo, Zhou Chun might not have known about this kind of spiritual coin imprinted with the dragon pattern.

But now, as the glorious past of Hualong Sect has been spread, this kind of spiritual coins once issued by Hualong Sect have gradually become familiar to the current monks.

After the Hualong Sect was wiped out, the "Moon Wheel Sect" issued a large number of spiritual coins in a short period of time to replace the recycling of such spiritual coins, in order to completely erase the traces of the Hualong Sect.

Nowadays, this kind of spiritual coin is difficult to find in Jingguo, and it is not circulated in the market.

And the spirit coins currently issued and used by Hualong Sect don't seem to be this kind of spirit coins.

This means that the thousands of spiritual coins Zhou Chun received cannot be used normally.

After all, if he uses this kind of spiritual coin, let alone whether Fangshi recognizes it or not, even if he does, he will inevitably be investigated by Qinglian Temple afterwards, which will cause him a lot of trouble.

This result also made Zhou Chun frown and feel very unhappy.

But thinking that these things were all picked up for free, he quickly relaxed his brows and continued to count the remaining things.

Among the remaining items, there are two magic weapons, both of which are second-level magic weapons.

But except for a red-gold claw magic weapon that looked intact, another turtle shell-like magic weapon was covered with cracks, and the aura on it was almost gone. It could be said to be completely scrapped.

I don’t know what kind of fierce battle the deceased went through before he was alive, so that this magical weapon that should have extraordinary defense was damaged like this!

In addition, among the pile of things on the ground, Zhou Chun didn't even see a talisman, not even a few medicine bottles.

There were only a few medicine bottles, and the elixirs inside had already turned into elixir residue.

In the end, Zhou Chun could only focus on the remaining classics and books.

These classic books include animal skin books made of animal skin paper, and some are made of special paper that is particularly resistant to water immersion and fire. They all look extraordinary.

Zhou Chun's eyes became brighter and brighter as he read each book, and he finally felt like he had found a treasure.

Because these classics and books are of great value.

Most of them are inherited classics that record the skills of making talismans, refining weapons, refining alchemy, and formations. The four major skills of cultivating immortals are complete.

There are also three books on martial arts, which record three kinds of martial arts that can only be practiced after establishing a foundation. They all seem to be extraordinary and high-level stuff.

There is also a book that records two secret techniques, both of which are powerful secret techniques that can only be practiced after establishing a foundation!

At the same time, after sorting through the classics, Zhou Chun also found the training manual of the owner of the withered skeleton.

By reading this cultivation manual, Zhou Chun finally knew his identity and why he appeared here.

It turns out that the owner of the withered bones turned out to be a missionary from Hualong Sect more than 800 years ago, and he was already in the late stage of foundation building during his lifetime.

When the Hualong Sect's main altar was about to be breached, the senior officials of the Hualong Sect dug out all the elixirs in the sect's elixir garden and packed them up. They also took away the originals and rubbings of various classics from the sect's library. came out and were handed over to some carefully selected missionaries to carry them.

Let them find an opportunity to break out of the siege after the main altar is broken, gather again in a safe place, and continue to pass on the incense of the sect.

When the Hualong Sect's main altar was destroyed, the monks above the Zifu level were all targeted by the major sects, and no one could escape.

On the contrary, there were so many missionaries that it was impossible to keep an eye on them all, and some of them ended up running away.

The owner of the withered bones was one of the people who successfully broke through and ran out.

But although he ran out of the Hualong Sect's main altar at that time, he encountered two foundation-building monks from the Immortal Cultivation Family shortly after he came out because he was seriously injured.

At that time, the news that the Hualong Sect's main altar had been destroyed had spread, and the two foundation-building monks from the Immortal Cultivation Family regarded him as prey and besieged him together.

In the end, although he risked his life to kill one person, seriously injured another, and escaped pursuit again, he was already seriously injured.

So he could only hide in a nearby underground cave, sealed the entrance, and finally died sitting in this underground cave hall.

Before he died, the owner of the withered bones wrote down his own experiences in the practice notes, and hoped that the monks who were lucky enough to get his relics would be able to send those classics back to the Hualong Sect, if the Hualong Sect still existed at that time.

But his hope is obviously extravagant!

However, considering the mission that the other party was carrying at that time, it is normal to have such extravagant expectations.

"It turned out to be a relic of the Hualong Sect monks more than 800 years ago. No wonder there are so many spiritual coins issued by the Hualong Sect!"

Zhou Chun closed the cultivation manual he had read in his hand and sighed with a look of surprise on his face.

In fact, when he first issued so many spirit coins, he already had relevant speculations, but now he has confirmed his guesses.

And by reading the records in the training manual, Zhou Chun also made relevant guesses about the secret technique recorded on the piece of metal foil.

If he guessed correctly, that thing should record the Dragon Transformation Sect's most important inherited secret technique, "The Secret of Dragon Transformation".

As for how many levels of cultivation methods there are in the five-level "Secret of Dragon Transformation", you can only know after opening it.

It is a pity that the owner of the withered bones did not record this method of opening in the practice manual. Apparently he did not want to reveal the fundamental secrets of this sect to outsiders.

But Zhou Chun was not too frustrated about this.

After all, the Hualong Sect is still being passed down to the world. As long as this piece of metal foil is in his hands, sooner or later, it can be opened by the hands of the Hualong Sect's missionaries or protectors.

So he quickly worked up his energy and put all the usable things in the pile on the ground into his storage bag, even the spirit coins.

These spirit coins may not be used now, but they may have a chance to be used in the future. Anyway, keeping them won't take up much space.

After packing up everything, Zhou Chun looked at the dead bones on the ground, bowed to them, and then dug a hole and buried them.

No matter what, he had gained the other person's legacy, and it was right for him to bury the person's bones.

After putting everything away in this way and making sure nothing was missed, Zhou Chun glanced at the passage where the owner of the withered bones came down from the ground, then shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​getting out from the ground.

Since no one has come down here from the ground for so many years, let this place remain as it is!

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