Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 107 Seeking death, the reward from the Supreme Elder [Please subscribe]

After some competition, the final transaction price of the "Order of the Heavenly Spirit" was only fixed at 5,500 spiritual coins.

It’s less than the price of a Foundation Establishment Pill.

With the transaction of this item, this underground auction has come to an end.

Therefore, after the money and goods were paid, the auctioneer on the auction stage raised his hands to everyone in the audience and said: "This auction is over. Thank you all fellow Taoists for coming. Next, I would like to invite all fellow Taoists." Still leave one by one as arranged."

After he finished speaking, one of the three other monks from the auction side who had never spoken to each other stood up and said, "Now there are fellow Taoists who have bid for the treasure, please follow me and leave first."

Hearing his words, Zhou Jiarui hurriedly pulled Zhou Chun over.

"We are in this together."

When he saw the black-turbaned monk looking at Zhou Chun with a look full of scrutiny, Zhou Jiarui explained in a deep voice.

Then the man looked no further.

In this way, more than thirty monks who had bid for the treasures left the underground cave hall first.

After they exited the underground cave hall, the black ship was still waiting.

Then everyone entered together and were carried away from the auction venue by the black boat again.

It's just that this time the black building boat never sent everyone to Yuanbao Peak or other gathering points.

Instead, every sixty seconds along the way, one person on the boat will be asked to step out of the building and leave the boat.

In this way, it only takes two-quarters of an hour to release the people on the ship separately.

Yes, cast.

When Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiarui walked out of the cabin together, they saw the two of them standing thousands of feet high in the sky.

Before the two of them took a closer look at the situation below, a cold voice sounded in their ears, urging them to get off the boat quickly.

So Zhou Jiarui could only grab Zhou Chun and jump off the ship first.

After the two jumped off the building, Zhou Jiarui flew with Qi first and took Zhou Chun down to the ground.

At the same time, the two of them looked up and saw that after they jumped off the ship, it was like a plane flying at supersonic speeds in Zhou Chun's previous life. It instantly distanced itself and disappeared.

Calculating this, it is estimated that they are twenty or thirty miles away from the last monk who disembarked.

And the monks who disembarked after them should also disembark twenty or thirty miles later.

"Let's not fly away in a hurry. Let's walk around in the forest first. It's best to find out where we are."

In the mountain forest, after Zhou Jiarui landed with Zhou Chun, he whispered his plan.

This trip was originally focused on him, and Zhou Chun would certainly not object.

He immediately responded: "Junior, I have no objection. I will listen to you, Uncle Eleven."

So the two of them started to use the "Lin Yin Cicada Breathing Technique" to control their breath, and they quickly walked through the forest together.

But before they had gone twenty miles, the harsh sound of flying through the air reached their ears from a distance.

There is a situation!

The expressions of the uncle and nephew changed, and they both stopped hurriedly and put their hands on the storage bag to ensure that they could take out the magic weapon as soon as possible.

After a while, Zhou Jiarui said with an ugly face: "They are coming for us."

After saying that, he reached for a spirit beast bag on his waist, took it in his hand, and at the same time pulled out a blue-black wooden stick instrument and floated it in front of him.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also hurriedly took out the [Golden Scale Shield] for protection, and at the same time used the "Five Elements Spirit Armor Technique" to add an extra layer of protection to himself.

But he knew in his heart that if the person who came was really an enemy, he must be a monk in the foundation-building stage, and his protection was just a comforting effect.

Sure enough, not long after he had finished protecting himself, a monk wearing a monkey mask came to the sky above the two of them with a flying sword.

After the man stopped two to three hundred feet above the two of them, he looked down at the two of them and said, "Hand over the Spirit Ascension Fruit and I will spare your life!"

It's him!

Seeing this monkey-faced monk, Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiarui instantly recognized that the other monk was the monk who had previously competed with them for the Spirit Ascension Fruit.

I didn't expect this person to find them so quickly.

"Yes, I remember that the first second-level low-grade talisman was also purchased by him!"

Zhou Chun suddenly thought of something, and immediately understood how this person found them so quickly.

When he saw that the two of them didn't respond, the man didn't seem to have the patience to wait any longer. He said coldly: "It seems that you are not going to hand over the things obediently, so let me pick it up myself!"

However, at this moment, Zhou Jiarui suddenly shook the spirit beast bag in his hand and released the spirit beast inside.

With a flash of fire, a majestic fiery red jackal appeared on the ground.

"Vulcan Jackal, kill him!"

A low shout came from Zhou Jiarui's mouth, and then the fiery red jackal that just came out rushed directly towards the man in the air with a body of flames.

This sudden change made the man in the sky stunned.

Then he shouted with a tone full of shock and anger: "The third-order monster Vulcan Jackal, you are members of the Zhou family of spiritual beasts!"

Judging from his tone, it was obvious that he knew the Zhou family and recognized the Vulcan Jackal, a third-level monster that had already appeared before.

Unfortunately, it was too late at this time.

Even if he revealed his identity at this time and said it was a misunderstanding, Zhou Jiarui would not give up.

I saw that the Vulcan Jackal was bathed in blazing flames, and he didn't use any powerful spells. He just kept attacking the man.

But even so, under the pressure of the rank, the man with the late-stage cultivation of Foundation Establishment was retreating steadily, and he soon begged for mercy.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, please have mercy on me! I know that I was wrong, and I am willing to hand over all my wealth to fellow Taoist to make amends. Please forgive me next time, fellow daoist!"

But after he finished speaking, Zhou Jiarui didn't say anything, but the Vulcan Jackal had had enough fun and disliked him for being too noisy.

So he opened his mouth and spat out, and a crimson fireball fell in front of him and exploded.

This blow severely injured him on the spot and sent him flying backwards.

Then without waiting for his reaction, a wolf claw filled with flames slapped his head, smashing his head into a rotten watermelon on the spot!

After easily killing a late-stage foundation-building monk, the Vulcan Jackal in the sky moved and returned to Zhou Jiarui's side.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiarui immediately suppressed the shock in his heart and solemnly bowed his hand to him and said, "Thank you very much."

Then he opened the spirit beast bag and put it back inside.

After putting away the Vulcan Jackal in this way, he took Zhou Chun to the corpse that fell on the ground and searched for all the relics on the corpse.

It's just that because the opponent's head has been completely smashed by the Vulcan Jackal, it's hard to see what the opponent looks like for a while.

However, with his personal magic weapon and storage bag in hand, it is not difficult to find out his true identity afterwards.

Since the battle just now caused a lot of noise, in order to avoid more trouble, Zhou Jiarui quickly left the place with Zhou Chun after burning the body on fire.

After that, they didn't meet any monks again until they left the forest.

After leaving the forest and exploring a mortal market town not far away, the two of them realized that the place they were in was actually less than 500 miles away from Jiufeng Ridge.

So Zhou Jiarui flew back to Jiufeng Ridge with Zhou Chun without any further delay.

After returning to the family, the two naturally went straight to Pagoda Peak to report their outing experience to the clan leader Zhou Daoyi.

"I see, I know the situation."

"Jia Ruiyou made the right choice at the time. Compared to one Foundation Establishment Pill, five Spirit Ascension Fruits are undoubtedly more valuable to the family. Eleven thousand eight hundred spirit coins are not particularly expensive. It’s worth every penny.”

When he learned that he had not bought the Foundation Establishment Pill but five Spirit Ascension Fruits, Zhou Daoyi did not blame Zhou Jiarui for what he did.

But after hearing that the two men were attacked when they came out, his expression became serious.

"Bring this thing to me, I want to see who is so bold!"

His face darkened, and he immediately took the storage bag from Zhou Jiarui, then quickly erased the mark of spiritual consciousness left by the previous owner, and examined the contents inside.

After a while, he took out several books, including a cultivation manual.

After looking at a few books in this way, he closed the book, turned to Zhou Chun and the two of them and said, "This matter ends here, you two just pretend that this matter did not happen."

Seeing his attitude, Zhou Chun and the others immediately realized that the monk who died under the claws of the Vulcan Jackal had an unusual origin.

Therefore, after Zhou Jiarui hesitated for a moment, he whispered: "The Vulcan Jackal made a lot of noise at that time. There is no guarantee that no one will find out. This matter may not be kept secret."

"It doesn't matter. Although the other party has a good background, my Zhou family is not a small family. Not everyone can bully him!"

When Zhou Daoyi said this, his face turned slightly cold, and he said in a cold tone: "Besides, they were wrong about this matter in the first place. If they dare to take any revenge on our Zhou family for this, then don't blame my Zhou family for being ruthless. Got it!"

That's all he said. Although Zhou Jiarui didn't know where his confidence came from, he didn't say anything more.

Soon he left the spirit beast bag containing the Vulcan Jackal, said goodbye and left Pagoda Peak.

After Zhou Jiarui left, Zhou Daoyi sent the Vulcan Jackal back to Supreme Elder Zhou Mingde, and reported on the Zhou family's gains from participating in the underground auction.

After returning from Zhou Mingde's place, he saw Zhou Chun still waiting in Zhongping Hall, and he realized that Zhou Chun probably had something to ask.

But he did not rush to ask Zhou Chun what happened. Instead, he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Zhengchun, you are here just right. It happened that the elder Taishang learned that you paid for the Shengling Fruit for the family this time. He was very worried. I am so pleased that I decided to reward you with a treasure as compensation."

After saying that, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a brocade box and handed it to Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun looked at the brocade box, which had not even been replaced, and recognized it at a glance as the brocade box containing the wing talisman.

When he opened the lid of the box and took a look, he saw that it indeed contained folded wings.

At that time, he was very moved by this talisman, but in the end he could only watch others take it away with up to 1,800 spiritual coins.

Unexpectedly, this thing still fell into his hands now.

Even if this offset the thousand spiritual coins he lent to Zhou Jiarui, he would still make a profit.

"Not many people in the world of cultivating immortals understand the art of talisman, and it is difficult to buy it in ordinary markets. Although this talisman is not a rare item, it is just right for a monk of your level, Zhengchun. "

"You must keep the thoughts of the Supreme Elder in mind, Zhengchun."

Zhou Daoyi also saw Zhou Chun's love for this wing talisman, and immediately gave him some teachings.

"Yes, this junior must never forget the kindness of the Supreme Elder."

Zhou Chun put the brocade box away with a happy face and nodded heavily in response.

Only then did Zhou Daoyi look at him, waved his hand and said, "Okay, now if you have anything you want to ask, you can ask."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately asked: "Clan leader, can you tell me what the talisman technique is? This junior heard about this technique and saw the talisman for the first time at the auction."

"The art of Talisman Artifacts, just like its name, is a brand-new immortality cultivation technique that combines the techniques of making talisman and refining instruments."

"You also know that magic talismans and magic weapons each have their own advantages, but they also have their own shortcomings."

"The magic talisman is convenient and simple to use. It does not require too high a level of mana for the monks themselves. Even low-level monks can use high-level magic talismans."

"As for the magic weapon, needless to say. Compared with the magic talisman that can only be used once, the magic weapon requires a monk's cultivation, mana, and consciousness, but as long as it is not completely damaged, it can be used forever."

"So a long time ago, some senior monks thought of combining the two and creating a talisman that has the advantages of both."

"The result is as you can see now. The Talisman made with Talisman Technique has indeed lowered the user's cultivation requirements a lot, but it still cannot completely make up for the defects of the Talisman. There is a limit on the number of times it can be used. , it will self-destruct once the number of times is up.”

"And the craftsmanship of the talisman is not complete. At most, it can only make talisman below the magic weapon level!"

When Zhou Daoyi said this, he also took advantage of the situation to explain to Zhou Chun: "In addition to the art of talisman, the world of cultivating immortals also has the art of array talisman. It also combines the talisman making skills with the array skills to create a kind of talisman that can be passed through." The talisman arranges the talisman of the formation."

"However, compared to the art of talisman, the art of array talisman is even rarer. I have only heard of the existence of this art in the world of immortality, but have never seen the real thing!"

"In addition, there is something called a talisman in the world of immortality. Golden elixir monks use special talisman-making skills to seal the power of the talisman in a talisman similar to a talisman. It can be used repeatedly many times. It’s much more powerful than a third-level high-grade magic weapon!”

"It's just that the use of the talisman requires a lot of monks' mana. It requires at least the foundation-building level to activate it, and its power also depends on the monk's cultivation level and mana!"


Formation talisman!


After listening to Zhou Daoyi's explanation, Zhou Chun suddenly became more knowledgeable.

He couldn't help but nodded and said: "Junior understands, thank you clan leader for clarifying my doubts."

Then he continued to ask: "Junior, I still have something to ask the clan leader. Does the clan leader know what the Heavenly Spirit Trial is?"

First update today!

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