Beast Control: I’m really not a master of training

Chapter 76 One move to solve the problem

On the rooftop of Building 1 of the training base, the four of them were all staring at the place where the explosion occurred. Their brows could not help but frown.

This explosion was obviously not a normal accident.

"Ouch~!" Just as the four of them were looking into the distance, a wolf howl suddenly came from the place where the explosion occurred.

"Alang?" The wolf's howl instantly caught Li Qian's attention. Hearing the familiar wolf howl, he said with some uncertainty.

Li Chengyang and Han Yuying heard Li Qian's words and both looked at him suspiciously.

Li Qian did not give in and explained directly: "Alang is Teacher Chu Xiran's pet animal. It is a snow wolf. The wolf howl just now sounded a bit like Alang's."

As a training teacher at Beast Control High School, Chu Xiran once showed off his snow wolf, and Li Qian heard its howl. Because the sound was very distinctive, he had a deep memory of it.

"Aren't the howling sounds of wolves similar? Are you sure it's Teacher Chu Xiran's direwolf?" Li Chengyang glanced at the location of the explosion, with a strong look of suspicion in his eyes.

Tie Lao also looked at the location of the explosion, and he intervened at the right time, "It is indeed the howl of the direwolf."

With his strength and knowledge, it was not difficult to identify the howl of the direwolf.

"It should be Mr. Chu Xiran's Wolf." Li Qian frowned, thought for a moment, and finally said in a more certain tone.

After that, he made a decision directly without any hesitation, "I have to go and take a look."

From the howling of wolves and the sound of explosions, all four of them could tell that the situation at the scene was not optimistic.

If the wolf howl was really made by Teacher Chu Xiran's snow wolf, she might have encountered some danger at this moment.

Now that he has identified A Lang's voice, Li Qian cannot just sit back and watch.

"We will go with you." When Li Chengyang heard this, he did not stop him, but spoke decisively, preparing to follow.

Li Qian looked at his father, hesitated to speak, but finally nodded.

Just now, I was trying to dissuade them from leaving the training base casually, but now, they took the lead in disobeying them, and they really had nothing to say.

Of course, the main reason is that with Tie Lao here, safety should not be a problem.

After making the decision, they no longer hesitated and took action immediately.

Four people and one car rushed to the location of the incident at extremely fast speeds.

The incident occurred about five kilometers away from the training base.

It is also near the southern suburbs, next to a private pet club.

When Li Qian and four others arrived, the two parties were fighting, and the battle was fierce.

Moreover, it is obvious that one of the parties is not in a good situation and is in a weak position.

"Teacher Chu!" Li Qian couldn't help shouting after he had a clear view of the two warring parties.

Yes, one of the fighting parties is indeed Teacher Chu Xiran.

In addition, teachers Zhu Bingqing and Niu Fenjin also joined forces with Teacher Chu Xiran to fight against the enemy.

Li Qian just took a glance and saw that their condition was very bad.

Especially Niu Endeavor.

His body was covered in blood, and he had obviously suffered serious injuries.

In front of him, there was only one pet beast, a golden armored insect, still struggling to hold on.

The golden armored bug's body was also covered in scars.

It looks like it won't last much longer.

Opposite them, on the hostile side, were ten robots of various types.

Their firepower was so intense that they suppressed the three of them and left them breathless.

"Teacher Chu, Teacher Zhu, Brother Niu, don't worry, we are here to help you." After taking a look, Li Qian directly summoned Qizai and Xiaoliu without any hesitation.

"Qizai, use Gale Slash! Xiaoliu, use Flame Jet!"

The fire took advantage of the wind and instantly ignited wildly, rolling up an overwhelming wave of flames and heading straight towards the ten robots.

On the other side, when Chu Xiran and the others saw the appearance of Li Qian and the others, they all took a long breath.

At the same time, just after Li Qian took the lead in launching the attack, Li Chengyang and Han Yuying also summoned their pet beasts and displayed their skills.

"Hai Dou Pigeon, use the wind blade!"

"Afu, use Gale Slash!"

"Enclosure Bear, use Ground Break!"

With the addition of Li Qian's three pets and five pets, especially the two blue-scaled dragons and a frost-fire demon salamander, they are all pets with overlord-level potential. Even if the level is not high now, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Under the bombardment of the skills of the five pets, the situation at the battle scene was immediately reversed. The pressure on Chu Xiran and the three people who were originally at a disadvantage and in danger suddenly dropped significantly.

"Alang (Snow Wolf), Tengteng (Hundred Ton Monster), Xiao Hui (Electric Mouse), we are coming too." Chu Xiran commanded the three pet beasts to start a counterattack with a stern look.

"Powerful Crocodile, Shadow Marten, and Pink Light Butterfly, let these robots see our strength." Zhu Bingqing, who has been suppressed and beaten, also gave in. With her anger rising, she did not hesitate to use the energy of her pet beasts, and her skills were not required. It was dropped like money.

While attacking, she did not forget to tell her other scarred pet beast, "Golden armored bug, protect your master."

The golden armored insect did not rush forward rashly. It remembered Zhu Bingqing's instructions and raised its two sickle-like forelimbs to be wary of enemies around it and protect Niu Fenjin's safety.

With the addition of Li Qian and the others, even if Tie Lao did not take action but just watched, the situation began to undergo irreversible changes.

And the reason why Tie Lao didn't take action was not that he didn't want to take action, but that Li Qian specifically told him not to take action yet.

As a trump card, only by taking surprise can you achieve better results.

Although these robots all have the strength of the commander level, Li Qian found that they only barely entered the commander level.

If it weren't for the fact that there were a lot of people, a weird ability, and being dragged down by Niu Fenjin, even Chu Xiran and Zhu Bingqing could solve it after paying some price.

So after Li Qian and the others joined the battle, the situation began to become one-sided.

Qizai and Xiaoliu cooperated with each other tacitly, and took the lead in solving a robot by using their combined skills while cooperating with each other.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to the rescue of his father Li Chengyang and his mother Han Yuying, and together with them, he killed the second robot.

In this way, there are only eight robots left out of ten, and under the concentrated attack of Li Qian's three people and five pets, these eight robots should not be able to sustain it for long.

Facts have proved that this guess was not wrong. After Li Qian and three others joined, in less than ten minutes, all ten robots were beaten to the point of losing their combat effectiveness.

Just when Li Qian thought he could call it a day, Niu Fenjin suddenly spoke and reminded, "Be careful, they can be combined!"

As soon as his voice fell, something unexpected happened suddenly, and mechanical octopuses emerged from the robot's body.

All the mechanical octopuses come together, like the sea embracing all rivers, and there is a tendency to merge and gather together.

When Li Qian saw this scene, he instinctively sensed something was wrong, but before he could take action to stop it, a thick bolt of lightning struck, accompanied by Tie Lao's voice, "Wind and Thunder Lion, raging thunder!"


Thick blue-purple lightning struck the mechanical octopus gathered together, making a violent explosion.

Then, I saw that the mechanical octopus that had gathered into some outlines was instantly blown to pieces, and it was too dead to die!

When Niu Fenjin saw this scene, his eyes widened and he made a voice of disbelief, "Solved with one move?!"

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