Beast Control: I’m really not a master of training

Chapter 40 Splashes rising from the sky

Li Qian frowned helplessly as he watched the sparrow fish spinning in circles in the water.

He tentatively interpreted it, looked at the sparrow not far from the shore, and asked, "Do you have anything to give me?"

As soon as he said these words, the birdtail fish immediately swayed, and then dived into the depths of the water again.

Li Qian was puzzled when he saw this. About two minutes later, it jumped out of the water again, and something seemed to be wrapped around its tail.


As a subtle sound of water breaking sounded, Li Qian clearly saw something wrapped in the sparrow's tail and rolled up.

He didn't think much about it, and Li Qian also believed that the birdtail would not hurt him, so he subconsciously reached out and caught the thing.

When he had complete control in his hand and stared intently, he realized that it was actually a bead, about the size of a baby's fist, and its entire body was as black as ink.

Looking at this weird bead, Li Qian was confused!

what's the situation?

Why did the finch give this mysterious bead to him?

What kind of treasure is this?

Where did it come from?

Black God Cult?

After holding the mysterious black bead and examining it for a while, Li Qian found nothing, so he stopped thinking about it.

After hiding it, he took back the birdtail and returned home.

Time flies, and soon, it’s the weekend again.

This week, not much happened.

Everything is progressing in an orderly manner.

The acquisition of the cultivation base has basically been discussed.

During this period, Liu Changfeng had a phone call with him. He was still looking for high-potential koi.

Sharpening a knife is as good as chopping wood. He doesn't seem too anxious about this.

Fatty An is also searching for high-potential koi, and has already made some gains. However, he also has strict requirements for his first pet beast, so he is still striving for excellence in the selection.

Today is Saturday. According to the old practice, mother Han Yuying will most likely have to work overtime.

Yes, even with the five million they gave, mother Han Yuying and father Li Chengyang did not quit their current jobs.

According to them, no matter how much money you have, you can't just sit back and have nothing.

In addition, work is also a reflection of their personal value.

If they resign and retire at this age, they really don’t know what to do... In short, they can’t do it.

His parents' work continued, and it seemed that nothing had changed. However, Li Qian knew that changes had actually appeared quietly.

For example, my father Li Chengyang's enclosure bear should have started preparing for evolution long ago because it was close to the limit of its racial potential. However, it was put on hold because the family's financial situation did not allow it. Now, it has been picked up again.

Li Qian saw that his father Li Chengyang had begun training the enclosure bears' racial skills in preparation for evolution.

And it seems that the search for the second contracted pet has already begun.

As for mother Han Yuying, there will be relatively few changes.

The racial potential of the gray bean pigeon has not yet been exploited to its upper limit.

Li Qian had already planned the second pet beast for her. It was either a contracted birdtail or a contracted Afu.

Whether it's the green-scaled dragon that evolved from Ah Fu or the mermaid that evolved from the sparrow fish, they are both high-quality pets with the potential to reach the overlord level, and they are both good choices.

"Mom, why didn't you go to work today?" Li Qian asked while eating breakfast in the morning.

When her mother Han Yuying heard this, a hint of disappointment appeared on her face, "The Normal University is leaving, and the breeding base is said to have been sold to other owners."

She opened her mouth and told about the changes in the training base in the past week, "It is said that the new boss has begun to hand over to the original boss. In the past few days, except for the accountants in the base, all of us old employees have been put on leave."

The efficiency of the cultivation base is not good. Han Yuying has worked in the base for more than ten years, so how could she not be clear about this.

Moreover, after Gao Yaxin decided to leave, it would be even more bleak, which she expected. However, she was still a little surprised to end up being acquired.

After hearing this, Li Qian's mouth curved slightly.

He knew this very well. An Hounian had just reported the progress to him last night.

At this time, it was not just a handover, Li Qian estimated that the transformation should have already begun.

The original plan discussed with Anshi was to carry out renovations as soon as possible after taking over.

You can take your time in other places. Rockeries and artificial waterfalls must be rushed out as soon as possible.

This is not only related to Ah Fu's training progress, but also to the training progress of Fatty An's first pet beast.

After all, it’s not a problem to train at an artificial waterfall all the time.

How could they not be interested!

While eating breakfast, Han Yuying was worried about her job, "I wonder if the new boss will clean up old employees like us after he takes office?"

Li Qian grimaced, suppressed his smile, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Mom, you have worked at the Jiaoyang Training Base for so many years. You are serious and dedicated, and your work attitude is beyond words. The new boss will definitely continue to reuse you." "

Reuse, how can we not reuse!

After all, the training base will belong to our family from now on.

After listening to Li Qian's comfort, Mother was still a little worried, "It's impossible to say for sure, after all, there is an emperor and a minister."

Hearing this, Li Qian smiled awkwardly, "Well, it's just a small breeding base, not as exaggerated as you said."

After breakfast, as usual, Li Qian rode his bicycle to the Xijiao Hydropower Station.

It was the same pool, the artificial waterfall, and the big stone. Li Qian sat on it with his legs crossed and meditated.

Strive for an early breakthrough.

Ah Fu trains in the waterfall.

Birdtail and Qizai went to the reservoir.

He had just sat down cross-legged, and within five minutes, his cell phone rang. Li Qian picked up the phone and said, "Hey, Captain Liu, oh, I have already arrived in Lingshui City. In this case, you can go directly to the hydropower station in the western suburbs."

About half an hour later, a taxi stopped on the road beside the reservoir, and Liu Changfeng stepped out.

Liu Changfeng glanced at the reservoir, dam, artificial waterfall and pool, "This is where you train daily."

Li Qian nodded, "The training of koi requires an environment. There is no other way. Currently, I have only found such a place in Lingshui City."

"But I have already planned a training base. Next, I will transfer to the training base for training."

After a brief explanation, Li Qian kept talking and started to get to the point, "Did you bring the koi?"


Liu Changfeng wasted no time and directly released the koi he collected from the beast control ball.

Li Qian activated his true seeing eye and looked over.

[Name: Koi]

[Attribute: Water]

[Level: Ordinary Level 4]

[Potential: Ordinary Level 5]

[Skills: Fish Leaping (Mastery), Waterfall Climbing (Beginner)]

After seeing the information about Koi, he nodded slightly, "The potential is good. Hey, he has actually learned the skill of climbing waterfalls!"

Liu Changfeng chuckled, "I also saw the evolution that day. I expected that mastering the skill of climbing waterfalls must be one of the conditions for evolution, so I have been paying attention this week and saw almost hundreds of koi. One, he learned the skill of climbing waterfalls on his own.”

Li Qian wanted to say that waterfall climbing skills can be trained in specific environments.

But thinking about it, I can learn waterfall climbing skills on my own without special training. At least it proves that the potential of this koi is indeed higher than that of most of its kind.

At least higher than Ah Fu!

Just as the two were talking, suddenly, there was a violent explosion in the upstream reservoir, followed by a huge splash of water rising into the sky!

When Li Qian saw this, he was suddenly shocked.

The finches and finches are both in the reservoir!

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