The surroundings were very quiet, and several people present could hear the murmur clearly.

Zhao Xiduo said this sentence without end, and people couldn't understand what it meant for a while.

But her demeanor was too conspicuous, and she even leaned forward slightly to see Song Jianyin, and everyone noticed her unusual posture.

Especially Song Jianyin, who was being watched closely, she was more clearly aware that the people around her sister were casting their gazes on her, hot and straightforward.

She looked, it turned out to be a beautiful little girl, she looked about the same age as her sister.

Song Jianyin paused, for the sake of her sister's friend, she nodded slightly to greet her, and at the same time reminded the other party to restrain this impolite behavior.

Song Jianzhi was puzzled and hesitated: "In love? When did it happen?"

Is this a sudden announcement of love while there are so many people? Wouldn't it be that I met true love on the way to eat?

Zhao Xiduo stared at Song Jianyin, her eyes fixed: "Now."

Oh, now...


Song Jianzhi was halfway through, and suddenly understood, she looked at the scene in disbelief, and stuttered in shock: "Xiduo, you, you mean—"

Zhao Xiduo turned a deaf ear, or at this time she could no longer hear other people's voices, and she was full of the response from the beauty in front of her.

The simple geometric earrings on the beauty's earlobe are as delicate as the master, and Zhao Xiduo also likes them very much.

She stepped forward: "Hello, my name is Zhao Xiduo."

There is hope in her eyes, "Do you like girls? Can I?"

Song Jianzhi, who was beside her, was completely stunned. Is this the live version of love at first sight? The object is still her sister who exudes a stranger to you?

Xiao Xu tried his best to control his facial expressions and maintain the image of a serious subordinate. In fact, he screamed wildly in his heart:

President, is this a confession? Damn, someone dares to attack President Song directly! ! And it's actually Zhao Xiduo! ! The freshly ripe melon of the national girl Zhao Xiduo! The object is still the president of the Song Group!

If it weren't for Xiao Xu's professional ethics, she would like to go to the melon field and eat melons with everyone.

Ming Xu, who was standing up and walking over, paused, and Jiang Li, who was behind Zhao Xiduo, frowned.

Several people reacted differently, but they all looked at Song Jianyin.

Like a bunch of beams from different directions, hit Song Jianyin together.

One of the beams of light is particularly hot and dazzling, which can make people feel hot and dry.

Unfortunately, Song Jianyin is an ice that will not melt even after experiencing wind and waves.

She didn't move her brows and said, "I don't have any plans to date anyone for the time being, Miss Zhao."

Zhao Xiduo made persistent efforts: "There are surprises everywhere in life, we can start with friends."

Being in a high position, there are always countless "friends", Song Jianyin was noncommittal, did not say yes or no, just raised his eyes and gave Xiao Xu a look.

Xiao Xu lamented in his heart that before the melon was cut, the president ruthlessly prepared to run away, but he didn't dare to delay, he put down his food and took out his mobile phone, and said solemnly:

"President, Mr. Wang contacted you before, saying that there was a change in the seminar in half a month, and the situation was urgent. Please contact him as soon as possible."

"Well." Song Jianyin turned to Song Jianzhi and said, "I'll deal with things, you guys eat first."

"Okay..." Song Jianzhi glanced at Zhao Xiduo and agreed.

What else should Zhao Xiduo say, Song Jianyin nodded to her again, and then left with Xiao Xu.

Zhao Xiduo almost chased after her, and Jiang Li reminded at the back: "Miss, it's time to eat."

Zhao Xiduo reluctantly stopped, until Song Jianyin disappeared behind the door, she reluctantly retracted her gaze.

Immediately, she hugged Song Jianzhi's arm next to her, her eyes sparkling, and said, "Who is she?"

He turned to ask Mingxu with excitement, "Do you all know each other!"

Song Jianzhi&Ming Xu:…

Song Jianyue came to N City and still needed to handle company affairs remotely, as well as some contacts with the high-level partners of her partners.

However, this so-called matter of Mr. Wang was resolved yesterday. Song Jianyin returned to the upstairs suite, poured himself some wine, and gently pressed the scalp near the temple.

She took a look at the information accumulated for a long time, and Xiao Xu cooperated with her to record her decisions and orders.

Just after finishing the process, Ye Ziqing sent a message.


Governor Xiao Xu stepped back to prepare dinner, Song Jianyin simply sent a video call to Ye Ziqing.

Ye Ziqing was peeling apples, and the first sentence she opened her mouth was: "Mingxu is not bad, right?"

In front of his old friends, Song Jianyin relaxed a lot: "Just make it."

"You're so picky." Ye Ziqing tutted, "Didn't you all want to let Jianzhi come back before, and I came here for a surprise inspection, which probably surprised them both."

In any case, Ye Ziqing was taken aback, she accidentally learned from a friend that Song Jianyin was going to N city, and immediately sent a message to Mingxu.

Song Jianyin did not answer directly.

She didn't tell Ye Ziqing what she found out, Ye Ziqing inevitably felt that she was making a fuss.

"You didn't follow the example of the Queen Mother to break them up?"

Song Jianyin took a sip of the old rattan red, and the pale red wine touched her lips, and the nostalgia refused to leave, the water was sparkling.

She shook her head: "No."

Even if you don't consider Mingxu himself, when Song Jianzhi likes Mingxu, forcibly breaking up the two is not the best solution.

The "I disagree" from the beginning of the conversation is the most elementary, entry test.

This feeling of joining hands to help each other is like a stimulant for love. Maybe after the difficulties, you will be exhausted and you will be all over the place.

But in the middle, before they "victory", they are full of tricks and no one can stop them.

Song Jianyin is very clear that the destruction of the inner explosion is the most deadly and effective.

If Mingxu was by her side when she found out about this, she would probably be so angry that she grabbed Mingxu by the collar and punched him several times.

But over time, her cultivation and experience prompted her to act calmly and rationally.

Thinking of this person, Song Jianyin caused a storm in the cold pool in his heart.

In short, with her taking care of her, Mingxu didn't hurt Song Jianzhi well.

Right now, Mingxu is not bad, Song Jianyin had to admit it, so she felt more at ease.

Now we only see how Mingxu does in the future.

Ye Ziqing bit the apple and said vaguely: "That's good, I see people's hearts over time, I think Mingxu is a good child."

"I'm willing to do things and don't take shortcuts. Her reputation is very good in the circle. Don't worry, I'll take her well. She has good grades, and it's not a shame for you Song family."

Song Jianyin sneered lightly: "How is she, what does it have to do with the Song family."

"Also, see Zhi help her terminate the contract and get the script."

This is a response to Ye Ziqing's "no shortcuts".

Ye Ziqing hesitated to say anything, and then said euphemistically, "When Mingxu terminated the contract, I think Zhizhi was more anxious than Mingxu himself."

"You know, I also took over Mingxu because of Zhizhi. In fact, it was Zhizhi's initiative."

"Can't blame Mingxu?" The apple in Ye Ziqing's hand covered half of her face, for fear that Song Jianyin would stare at her.

"These are just a little effort for Zhizhi. It's a matter of your own accord with the young couple. Why do we interfere so much? Just wait and see."

Song Jianyin was dumbfounded. After a while, he glared at his old friend and corrected: "They are not a couple."

This is to acquiesce to other things, Ye Ziqing was relieved, and learned that Song Jianyin finally jumped out of the girl control attribute, and looked at the facts fairly.

She smiled and said, "Maybe it will be in the future."

In case Song Jian hung up the phone impatiently, Ye Ziqing immediately changed the subject, "When are you coming back? Let's get together with some old friends."

Song Jianyin glanced at the sky outside and said, "Tomorrow."

"See you and go back together."

Song Jianzhi looked at Zhao Xiduo, who was expecting an answer in front of her, and questioned her soul: "You don't even know her... Did you just confess?"

Zhao Xiduo asked confidently:

"I like her, not her name. Why do I have to know her name to like her?"

Song Jianzhi:…

It makes sense, I seem to be persuaded.

Song Jianyin left, Zhao Xiduo's brain seemed to have finally cooled down and returned to the normal channel. She thought about it and added:

"Whether it's her name or her status, it's an accessory of herself, and it doesn't matter."

She rolled her eyes, "And the two of you must know very well, and you can see your temperament - okay, tell me."

Ming Xu pursed her lips and said slowly: "She is Jianzhi's sister, the president of Song Group, Song Jianyin, because of the cause."

Zhao Xiduo was stunned and said to Song Jianzhi, "So it's your sister, both of you are so pretty!"

Zhao Xiduo's praise is too sincere and full of emotion, and Song Jianzhi is embarrassed: "It's not so exaggerated."

Zhao Xiduo was affectionate and affectionate: "I think I am so good-looking, so I should have something to do with the Song family."

Song Jianzhi: ?

Is that so? ?

Zhao Xiduo's eyes hinted that Song Jianzhi was looking forward to the cuteness of Song's sister to answer.

But since what she said was so rude, Song Jianzhi suddenly didn't know whether to say "yes, yes, yes" or "no no no".

Ming Xu said leisurely, "That's the way Mr. Song is, it's cold, don't mind."

"Of course not!" Zhao Xiduo blinked and said to herself, "Why is she so beautiful even ignoring others."

Ming Xu: "Well, Mr. Song is young and promising, very good."

The two of you talked about Song Jianyin one by one, Mingxu explained rationally, Zhao Xiduo was in high spirits, Song Jianzhi was in a complicated mood, and felt that she could ask questions on Zhihu .

She thought about the topic, so she called it "what if a friend fell in love with her sister at first sight".

How do you express your feelings?

Song Jianzhi fell into deep thought.

Several people were distracted, and finally this grand snack party was settled at the small bar. Mingxu also called Li Man to eat together, so that he could eat everything without wasting.

Zhao Xiduo is the most credited.

When Song Jianyin bought the hot and sour noodles by name, she was very active and finished both the noodles.

Zhao Xiduo, a southerner who can't eat spicy food, eats it with red nose, like crying, with tears, I feel pity.

Jiang Li, who couldn't control her, could only prepare warm water for her.

"As expected of the hot and sour noodles that Yin Yin wanted to eat, it was delicious."

Everyone was expressionless: "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Zhao Xiduo was very aggrieved. She looked at Mingxu, who had the coldest expression, and suddenly remembered:

"Huh? Wait."


Everyone looked at her, but Zhao Xiduo was still staring at Mingxu, her tone was a little uneasy:

"When Jianzhi and I came in, why were you and Yinyin chatting here?"

It stands to reason that Song Jianyin came to the crew to see Song Jianzhi, why are Ming Xu and Song Jianyin talking at the bar.

Zhao Xiduo remembered that Mingxu had been with her talking about Song Jianyin, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, she said alertly:

"You and Yin Yin—"

Ming Xu frowned slightly.

"It won't be anything, will it?"

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